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<br />.._..: �_ i :__ ..... '
<br /> ' . . � 2 " . , W-_�.._--_ _.; ". __- •
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<br /> - �`��11�C��v�►a 1101�1Of`�[�MCled�11111E�•i�d rl e�iemplb. O�MIOOts'1M • . .
<br /> � < '�5� ro�r oF aa�le�a pet at die pvpatiy. iU! npi�oeipR� aoi ad�itio�adli alra�;bt c+o�r+�et y'dii��aeY! .
<br /> Ie�•AU o�tGe fa�oi�iE idenad b is this 5bauiry�q�ntmeat r�tbe�`PeopaitY."` � �, `
<br /> , � LtDRROhNF�L�OII@tAt�17's drt Horetf+w�er�is aafidt��ei�ed of We e�nie liereb�r Qonvhted a�d�bis'i�e�iit b pat:a�d �
<br /> . raavey the Pnipe:t�i aci��d�t t6e'Ptbpeity�imeeiami6ered.exaept for akvnibt��es of teoord: Aono�ra w�rxiiMs��ad wiU ° , .
<br /> . . ..., d�ud�ly.aK citte�o th�Peopaty�mc.0 c�.i i n s�na a e a y m d�,.wl�ect to any�o f'r�s o c�. ��
<br /> ' THIS SEGURiT1r INSTEt�1MENC ooaibina uaifafa oovarnts f�mtion�l we and no�unifam aovea�oas wNh limiled �
<br /> � .. � �rari�tions 6g juti�diction to ooruotia�te a unifam Qeauity instrntba�t ooreries t�l pmperty. � • ' , �
<br /> '[JNIFORM�VENANTS�BoQnwer and ls�der•coven�nt a�l t�roe�s follorvr ` '
<br /> l.�yae�t K llrwcl�Y�wt � rk'eN7ast aM,L�Ie C�eps. 8oaewec�li P��Y P�Y ����
<br /> priaci�p�l of�ndL�ai on tlx de6t eviAe�ed�'►Y t1�e Notr aed au�t P_!r�iye�e�!n�tl�te d�es due unde=the Ncta. � _ . � _
<br /> ._ . Y_. ��_.
<br /> ,2.Fimi i�e Tases a�d iwrarec.Subject to applicabk lsw or to a writtat'wuver b�r l.eMer, BoROivec alylf pry 10 �
<br /> , l+aidei on tba iy-monddy p�ymd�s sce du�wder the Natr.w�til the Nda is p�id in frl�.a eum(".Fuods"?for:fs)7�Y� .
<br /> aad usessme�s Nhich ma3►�ttaiin prioriry ovar this Se�vrity t�huroait as a lirn on the FrcQaty:(b)yarty leasd�old p�YmaMs
<br /> cc�nuM tents on the PcopMy.if�ny:(c)7rcadY h�d or ptopaty imutmce p�ums;(d)Yarty tbud insunmoe premium��
<br /> � if aay►;(e)Y�Y�E�insurmot p�+ainiun�s.if any;a�l i�aaY�P�Y�6Y Borruwer to I.ender,ie ac�o�d�ooe�rith �
<br /> .d�e pcwisio�of paraErsph 8,m lieu of the payinent of mo�tg�e insur.uice�memiums.Ti�ese.itdm a�called'Fsr�ow Ita�:."
<br /> Irender rmY.at au�r time.cdlat 9nd ho1Q Funds ln�n�nount not w cx000d thc rtaaamua�aa�nurK a lender for.s fakrally V
<br /> . rel�ted mo�t�e to�n mry c�in for Rorrowa's Gsc�ow a000uiK w�der the federnt Rcat Estate Settlement Proaduns Act of
<br /> I974�ameaded from time w timc, 12 U.S.C.Sxtion 2601 et st;q.("RESPA"),untas uather law t6at�p�ties W tbe�unds
<br /> sets a lesser amoune. If so.Itnder m�y.,at any time.oollect and hoid Fuadc in an�maupt not to ex000d tbe lesser unouat.
<br /> , � I,e�der anty�the amount of FuMs due on the b�is�of an�nt d�ta�d�bk estirtnRa ot expendituns of fi�tuie '
<br /> . EsROw�Itam or.otberwise ia acCadanoe with applicabialaw. . . .
<br /> Tbe Furrts s6�11 be 6eld la an•in,ctitution whose deposits are insurtd.by s federal aEency. ir�stn�medaliry, a.auitY
<br /> :.(inefudiag l.�t�der.if La�da is such aa i�s6tutio�e)or in any Fodaal florae Lo�n Builc.Lsnder s�all apply t1�e Furds to paq the
<br /> Escr�w It�s:I.ender roay not chuge Barower for liolding aad�pptying the Funds:annually an�lyzing the esc�ow scooam;a
<br /> verifying We EstrovY Items.unless Lender pays�arrowa inCerest on the FuMs�nd applicable l�w pertnits Let�dec w uialce wcb
<br /> s cUacge.HoweYa,lmdcr.may raryire Bocmwec to pay a aoe-time chuge fac pn independent real est�te t�c eepaRing secvice .
<br /> used by L,etder in connection with this loan. unless applicable law provides ot}ierwise. Untess an agroement is made or
<br /> applicabl�taw nqui�es intercst to be paid.Lender shail.not ba required w pay Borrower any intertst or esmings on the Funds..
<br /> ' Borrower and Ixaler tnay agrre in writiag,however,that inte�est shafl be�id on the Fnods.Lender shatl give W Horrowtr.
<br /> without'ctiarge.an aamral accounaag of the Funds,showing cr�ts and deblts to the Fw�ds and the purpase for whicfi rach
<br /> , debit to the Fands was�iiade.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secutod bg this Security InstnunFnt. _ _
<br /> ' If the Fw�ds held by l,ender exooed thc amounts permiued to be held by applicable law.Lender shall acoount to Borrower •
<br /> fos the exass Funcls in xcordan�e with the requi�ements of applicable law. If the aaaunt of the Funds held 6y Lender at any
<br /> rime is noe sufficieoc w pay che Fscrow Itemc wben due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and.in such case Borrower
<br /> s1�a11 pay m I.ender tfie aawanc necessacy to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no rian ti�an
<br /> twelve monthty payinents,ai f.ender's sote discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in fuli of aU sums secured by this Sa:�ricy Instni.^ient, l.ender shall promptly r�efund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds tield by Lender.lf,under paragraph 21.I.ender stta�E au�uire or sell the Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Praperty,shalt apply any Funds held by I.ender at tta��me of acquisitian or sale as a credit against the sums stcured by
<br /> this Security Insuument.
<br /> 3.Application of P�ymrnts.Unless appE�cable law pmvides atfiersxTSe.ap payments received by I.ender under paragrapt�s ."
<br /> 1 �nd 2 shall be appliod: first. to any prepayment charges.c[::ce under the�Vate;second.to amonnts paya6le uader paragraph 2:
<br /> � thiciif,-3o intecest duei fourth,to principal due;and last,to.,�.y�late chargesdue under the Note.
<br /> 4.Clwrges;LieRS.Borrovicer shall pay all t�xes.ass��ents.cbarges.•fines arid impasitions attributable to d:e Property :
<br /> . which may aitain priority over•this Securiry Instrument.and leasehold pai•ments or ground rents. if any. 8arrawer shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in pa�ragraph 2,or if not paid in t;�at manner.Borrower shal!pay them oo time directly �:
<br />� to the persan owed payment.&a•rrower shat!gcumptty fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to bc paid under this paragraph. �
<br /> If Borrower makes these pay�s directly.Borrower shall promptly turnish to Lcndcr reccipts evidencing the pay�:n�c.
<br /> Borrowcr sha11 promptly cFrschatge any lien which has priority over this Security Iristmment unless Borrawer:(a1 agrees in
<br />� � writing tv the payment of the obligation secured by the fien in a manner acceptable[o Lender:(b)corrtests in g�f2ith�the lien '.
<br />� by. or defends against enY'orcemen� of the lien in, legal proceedings whirh in thc l.cnder's opinian aperate tu prevent the ;
<br />' enforcement of the lien:or(c)secur�s from the holder�f the ticn an agrcement satisfuctory to Lender subordir►at�ina the lien to
<br />� this Security Instrument. Ii l.en�fer determines that any paxt:of the Property is tiubjecx ca a lien which may attairr priority over '
<br />� ttiis Security Instrument.Lende�r may give Bonower s no�i�identifying thc licn.Sa�tv«er shaU satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within!0 days of the giving of nntice. �
<br /> • ' Form 3020 �l90 -
<br /> v.ys s oe s . . .
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