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<br /> �, , .... , . . ' .. . .�
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<br /> , s.7���1��•TtlfllCf f��i�f�Mf.��p1�1�'�K.�r M��1011f.��011.�IMf�M1` ',�
<br /> � p�ti�iens aeMr��aW ro Nr�t�rl��6ad bo��laM v�t:oryrwrirwKS.i�.p:6�t�n fM�or�t iMea���.Tn�h►�6e1 pre�p- �,
<br /> ttr t�.nish ro�netici�li aw no+ias of a�o�nts du.u�ti�i�OaroOr�,end in lt�.w�r U�cror shdt�nak.va�tnw�dine+hr,rnufe►sheN
<br /> �pnipti�t fu�sh to Mn�ficiary naipts wid�ncinQ wdi Pa�+�t=•Tnister shaN/ay all taoas and ac�s��wHd��of►6�Iw�•upa� -
<br /> � t�ficiory's intrstt hrnin or upoe tl,is DMd ot Trust without r�d to ary low tlat aaf►b�wia�ctd�po�i�f�f�of tM whol�er�aiey
<br /> p�t�h�riof upon ttw/�rMficiorll. : ' y"
<br /> � 6.Y�Ii�rl'W��1 h�NeliN�t�iwf�f�Mf.�ruttar shoN nidu d�ayin�nts oE int�nst and Rincipel ad Oo�wtits of m1►
<br /> — - a!!�e d+aq�s.�fea aad�ses��hd to bt Qatl to at�fxisiirg I'iNiioldl�s ot ptior M�rfiadrf�s wdR a!'!P'or dwd of fi�stor,nar- --
<br /> — tqo�betan th dan th�f►an d�n9u�n►a�d P�4►hl�f!�d�a^1�and aN oN�r f�s,cioin�s o►char�s�h mvft NaPQ���
<br /> - s�curih�mt�d Mnin. li Tnat�fafs to�noke ary wch Pofii�M or fails ro p�fann a�f►ef fh�oowna�b and a�i�nb cadairNd in this �
<br /> - ONd of Twst.ar io ary prio►mat�ope ar dNd ot mKt.of if c�Y atiia�a proad'eg is caa�nlnad whieli motKiOKY affats l�efitta'fl"s in- �-- - _._.
<br /> •- -
<br />_
<br />�= t�nst in tb�prapKty.inctud'n0,but not limiu�d to.Nninmt danoin pocN6eDs.ar prncMdin4s i�wolvirg a du�t.ar if Trustor fals to po�►
<br /> T►ustor's d�ts q�olty as tl�ryt 6uon�dut,tl�en ean�ficiarf►.at M�ef'ici�t's option ad without notic�to a dm�aid upon Trustar and
<br /> __ �rithout ral�asiig Trusto►han an�l o61'gation h�ni�,nw�l mdct stich app�oranc�s.�is6ursr suth sums,ad toti�suth attion as is r�cessa�!►
<br /> _- to protect lmtf'Kwry's iMK�st including.but not(imYted tv.d'isbursanbnt of raasona6b attarrNr"s fais.pa�nnent.Pu'cfas�•contest ar com-
<br /> '�' a�.��try�pq�th�Fropirty ta nqtcs npdrs.M 1Nt�vent thot Tntstor shatl fdl to procurs in-
<br />� promis�of any ei�cumbrmc�.char�e
<br />::; wrance er to par tmces,assess�ts:a ony o�Mr d�q�s or to malc�Qryr P�s to�isti�g prior iicn hddas or b�r�eficiQt�s.Mnef'Kiory --
<br />-- �1►P���h insuranca and make suth poyn�nt.Airy amou�ts d�s6u►s�d b�I 8anficiarf►P�������6 s1ialF5�caneedd'it+onal __
<br /> irdebtedness of Trosto�secured by�his ONd of Tcust.Such amounts sholl be payabie Won n�rtice frem BarKf'Kiary►taTrustar nqi�este9 Pef�- �._ --_
<br /> - ment thereof,and.sholt bear interat f�om the dnte;of disburse�nent at tUe rote pafta6b fran fime to tirt�on outsta�d�►g Pn^�pa1 udK the =�_
<br />-� Noh unkss pa�rnKrtt of iMercst ai wci�rate would bt tontr�l ro appl'KOWe taw,in whid��vent wd�amourMs sho116ear iMensst ait fhe liglkst ���
<br /> -_ rate p�rmissibk uder nPDlitoblt law.Nothirg conteined in this Paagraph 6 siiall nquire Beneficiorl►to ir�cur ary expense a take any action � �'�-`�-
<br /> herei�nder. �=--
<br />-�;., � 7.A��i�i��1lMn.Be��'K�1(shal!hove the riQht.Power md aiti�arin►durin9 the co�tiiwance of this Dnd df Tnnt to coNect the �;°---
<br />_ � �ents,issues and aofrts of ihe Properry and of anr personal propenr tocared thueon rrith or wi�lwur rokin�oos�ssion of rhe propeny offecred �-=�_..
<br /> hereby,ond Trustor hereb�obsolutely and uncond'dionalty assgns all such rents,iswa and profits to 8en�ficiary►.BenefK�N.�v�.�y ��°
<br /> ,:� .. ��� " -
<br /> „"`.:,:.•- - . consents to the Trvsta's coAection and retention of such rarts,issues and profds os thelt occroe and become poyabb so lorg as Trusta is not. ��',°�:
<br /> �="'3! } ' f '`f at such time,in defwlt with respect to payment of cn�iridebtedness secure�hereby,a in the performcnce of onY agreertxrtt hera�der•Upon �'"
<br /> � t; �: ..
<br /> �r + `'�'a.� �1►sucb defautt,Bene�ciary may at any time,eitfie►irtp►.rson,b1►ogeut:or by roceirer to be appointed by o court,without notite and without . :,{ -
<br /> �..••�.` -
<br /> `.,J - regord to the adequocg of any security for the irxkbtedness hereby sccu►M,lu1 ei►tdr upae and take possession ot the Property or my part --- --
<br /> �;r�£.';``` - ". fits,intludi tlase post due and�paid,and apply the same. �,.°`:��.
<br /> .:_. r, ='. ._ � tluroof,andE i�its awn n�ne sue for or otherwise coltect such rents.issues and pro n9 .. ,:<,:..:: -.
<br /> � ,�;>;�:-.•:.�..;.. . ' :r=��;��:-
<br /> _.�i:,.;r-.::.,.<:.�,•_':L_ l�ss cas�s ond e�ipenses ofi operotion a�d wltection,inctuding reasaabk attomeys fess.Wan anY indebtedness see�red hereb�r,ad in such
<br /> �t`-';''„ --
<br /> . - -:"�r::. �-..:;;i'�- ,-� . ader os H�s�tficiary maq determine:f6}perform such acts of repair cr prot�tion as may!te rtecessant�P�D�'��serve the value of the �='_:__--�,.,----
<br /> ;�� ��.K t� � �; _ ' P�operty:(t)kase the sane or any par►thereof for such rental,tenn.and opon such conditions ns iss�.�nknt may d'Ktme or terminote or at- '�"�
<br /> �±�-��� ''.: . 'ust the terms und car�disions of any existing teose or leoses.Unless TruStnr and Benefitiory ogree ofierieisa in�ritirg,any appl'icotion of tents. �.�''s.:-
<br /> �,.�' ,
<br /> :_`r;;:. ,. '. issues or pronts to any iadebtedness secured hereby shatl rtat extend ar postpor�the due date of tha instollment poyrt�erns as provided in said . � . ; .::• .,'_
<br /> ' ' . promissory note or change the amount of such installments.The er►ter�ri9 upon and taking possession of the Piroperty,the collectian af such , � _�_
<br /> �' �rents,issues and pro�ts,and the appliwtian thereof as aferesai�, sha1�not waive or cure any default ot notice of defautt hereunder,or in- �..� -.��
<br /> - :� �;•,::` ' .
<br /> � validate arry at done pursuant to sucti notice.Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary,os further security for the performance of the obligotions f `.
<br /> - ' . �';�- • secured here�y,all prepoid rents and all monies whi�h may hove been or may hereafter be dtposited with said Trustor Dy any lessee of the Pro- ;•
<br />- ��` , . • � � : perty,to secure the payment of any rent or damages,ond upon de fau lt in t t�e pe r fomwnce a f o ny o f t h e p r o v i s i o n s h e r e o f,T r u s t a o g r e e s t o. ��•:- �•. ,r Y..
<br /> ' ; ' delive►sucb rertts and deposits to 6ene ficiory.D e livery o f wri tten no tice o f B e n e f i c i a ry's e x e�c i s e o f t h e r i g h t s g r a n t e d h a r e i n,t o m y t e n a r►t a-
<br /> � ,. cupying soict premises shall be suffitient to require said tenant to pay said rertt to the Beneficiory until fu►ther notice,. l I.
<br /> . , ' � �'� ' 8,C�1iM,tf title to ony part of the Property shail be token in candemnation praeedings,by right of emineM danoin a s+milar a c tion. F ' - : .
<br /> �- j '"' � • " ":'ji' `' � or shull be sold under threot of condemnetion,all owards;domages and praeeds are hereby assigned and sholl be poid to Beneficiary who sholl � _.
<br /> :;'::�y', .
<br /> �� " • � � opply such awords,damnges and proceeds to the sum sscured by this Deed ot Trust,with the excess,if ony,paid.to Trostor.lf Trusta receives ��: . •,`;� '
<br /> - �'��'- ` ' � � �ony notice or otfier information regarding such acrior or proceedings, Trustor s�ro11 give prompt wrifleo notice thereof to f�enef�ciary• I •-
<br /> .;•�
<br /> ._:; ;.:': Beneficiory shall be entitleQ,ut its option,to commence,appeor in ond prosecvse i��cs awn aome any such action or praeedings and sfall be en-
<br /> � - •:;�. titted to rake any compromise a settlement in connection with any such a�tion ar proceedings. �'
<br /> � 9. Rwwihs NN�dwir�.Beoeficiary sholl be entitted to enforce,,ryment ond pertwmonce of any indebtedness a obliyations setured �.'{_..
<br /> ��''•' x� � � �, .�,- hereby and ta exercise a0 rigtm ond powers under this Oeed of Trust or tmderany other agreemtnt executed'+n connectian herewith a ony lawa ; �._ _ :
<br /> now or hereaher in face,nofwithstanding some or ell at the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby ma��w or hereofter 6e other- , , .'"�
<br /> - . • ' wix scaxed,whether by mortgage,deed ot trust,pledge,lien,assigrxnent or otherwise.Neithe�the aceptance z��fhis Oeed of Trust nor its ,� . ,
<br /> �'���" � - enfarcement whether by court action ac��rsuant to fhe power of sote or other powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in any m�rixr oftect . -
<br />� � • Beneficiary's right to realize upon ar e�`,rce any:'4er security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary. a bemg ogreed thot Beneficiary shall De -_- �� �
<br />� -�'� " entitkd to enforce this DeeC oi Trost and any ot`;��-s�:ority now or hereofter held by Ber�eficiary in srch order and nwnner os it may in its ab- ,_..i ,'..�.: ,
<br /> . ',.` ����i��' �' sotute discretion deterre�r,r.No remedy herein con`.e?�S e+Ron or reserved to Beneficiary is intendeQ ry be exclusive of any other rertkdy herein ' '" .
<br /> . ��a ., ..'_
<br /> _� , . �;,:"'.;''"�:' a by taw provided or perr.:lted,but eah sha��be c�r":,'acive and sholl be in addition to rvery other re*udy given hereunder o►eow or hereafter . � .
<br /> . ��< . , .
<br /> �.;=� ��" exist'xg et low or in equity a by stotuta.Every power or remedy provided hereunder t';is Deed c4 Tcvst to&neficiary ar to which it moy be ' .. : Y..,.:...
<br /> Yi:�' -.:..i�.�:;;''�.
<br /> � otlNrwise entitkd,nwr De exercised,concurrently or independently,from time to time and as aftese ss may be deemed expediertt Benef'Kiary �.
<br /> �. , ..,_--=� pid it may pursue inco�uistam remedies.Nothing herein s h a l l 6 e c a n s t r u e d o s pr o h i b i f irg B e e e f i c i a ry f ro m s e e l c i n g a d e�c i e r x y�u d g r n e r►t a g a i n s t = �
<br /> -- -.
<br /> -- -- the Tnnfar to the extent such ation is permitted�iarr• - ° ;--: °=-.--..
<br /> 10. Terahr d h�t/t Nsw/ti�.�f a��a'm°Y Dart of the property a any intertst therein is sold,tronsferred or corneyed by Trustor . _
<br /> wittaut Beneficiary's pio�written consent,excWding(o)the creotion of a lien or encumbrance subordiaate to this Oeed oi Trust, lb)the crea- ' ' .
<br /> — tron ef o purthase naney's�curity interest for ha�sehotd oppliances,(t)o transfer by devise,destent a by operation of.law upon the deoth of o , ,•-- ------ -
<br /> _ ' �OiM t�norM or (d)the qra�t of myhkosehold imerost of three years or kss not ca►taining on optlon to purthoss. Ber�fic'�ary ma!►. �t � . . .
<br /> Beneficwry's option,declas oll the sums secured by this deed af Trust to 6e immediatelY due and pcyabk,or cause the Trvstee to fik o notice .
<br /> - of O�fault.Beneficiary sholt hove waiveQ suth option to aceferote if,prior to the sole,transfer or conveyn�te,Beneficiary and the person to •
<br /> � ..MA�an the propirt�is to 6�sold a transt��d reoch o�reen�ent in writinp thot tfie tredit ot such p�rson is satisiaetory to Benefic'wry and that _: . . _ .
<br /> � thr iM�ast pa�rabl�on`th�wms saur�d byr tAis D�otTrust shdl b�M such rmt os 8�nef'�s+ary shdl nqwst. . � : � . . . •
<br /> .� • . � i .
<br /> . . , - - ;>.
<br />