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;__� <br />. (�.�+fw�w;�[ _ _ _ r ' ' ...--4. __ - ... - _� <br /> � _ _'S '_-_- . _ _ .—_ <br />.—'_.-'sa�a:�� ---f-__-- —__ -_ _ '-_.___.-__.__ _.'-___.___-�_ _ ___-__ _ `.__ •_��� �.��_-_�_. .'___� --,f. <br /> � , �7���������.���•��ll����{7�'YF�y����Rt��L � <br /> : !;f,lOb C[�(4��1f�blIlChClv�l�CrCit��Ofl'OMis�i fC�Of d'�Ili�lREd��Off�ONIK 1�001�tlMlifr�EI'�Ofl}�It�OiK . <br /> ' 1.eoder'a prior wni��. Isiwler n�y, it iq agtioe, r�ia�abdLk paymme in fpi! of`all suu�c �itpd.b�►.diis _ <br /> �er.tbis optian sfial!not 6e.txencnd�La�da it ezariae is prohib'ited by federat�w a�ot die dKe� .� , . <br /> if I.ender exarises this option.Lender x1ulE give Eom�wer t�oti�ot'��o�elaatjon.The notke sball ptuvide a pe�iod of noR <br /> kss liw�3(1 dwy�favm.Ehe rdue the notioe is ddivrnd or roaikd withit�wbich�3or�uwet�a►ust pay'�1�siu�s secut+ed by th�s � <br /> Secqrity It�swmrnt.It�orrower fuls w pay thae sua�priaJ tu tbe expiration of this periad.I�endes majr imdce my r+emedia <br /> permiued by this Securi[y b�stnia�ent without furtl�er notioe or cktna�nd on Boem�er. • � <br /> IS �oreo�ert's 1ti�Yt W Aetmfatt. It Bortowet meets�aett�i� mndhions; Bormwet stnit have the right to hsve <br /> enfon�e�of ti�is Sewiity Instr�m�eat disaontinued at any time pdor ta d�earlier of:(a)S days tor such ather`period� � <br /> � � �pplicabk bw umy specify for rei.�nent)b�fae sole�of tbe Fmpe�tY pu�susmt to �ny powa of s�le oontaimd in ihis � � <br /> � - S�aric�Lsormne�n:a db)e�mY of a judgmrnc enf�ing t'tris�emriry InstmmaM:?irose��xiivan�a•are tfpt Hprr�wer:(a)pay� <br /> Lender al!samq which�tl�en wauld be doe tu�der tfis Sa�uriry I�mrnt and the Nota as if no aoceknrtion 1nd occnrnd:tb) <br /> ar�es u�y defAUtt of any dl�er oovenants or a�neeim�,s:(c)pays a�t ezpenscs t�urred ia rnforcing this Saurity lnstnuneat. <br /> including,but not limited to.raconable utorneys'fees:and(d)taices sach�cpon as L,ender may r�easanably nquitr to uwra <br /> thu the lien of this 5avnry Instrumrnt,Lender's rights in the Pro�erty and Borrower s obTigation to pay the sutr�s secared by <br /> this Secvrity L�sorume� shall aoninne uncl�nged. Upon �einstatemtnt by Sor�o�wer. this Security Insuuitknt 7iod tbe <br /> obliguioas senurd hereby st�all remain fully effective as if nb acceleration Aad�s right to�e sL�ll <br /> not�ppiy in the czse of accYler.uion under paragrapi►17_ <br /> 19.Srk ot Note; Chtnge ot I.a�n Servk�ar.The Note or a partial interest in the Nute(togett�er wiW dtis Security . <br /> Iastnunent)may be sold one or more tim�s without priar notice to Bonawer.A s�le may result in a ch�ngc in t!x entity(luwwn <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that coitects montiily payrr�ents due under the Note and this Sa:uriry tnstrument.There alsa may be one � <br /> or mote changes of tf�Loan Servicer umslated to a sale af the Note.If tl�e is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrowervirili be <br /> givea svritten natice of the change in acaoidance with paragraph 14 above aod applicable law.Tde notice wiU state the srame aad <br /> address of the nta Loan Servicer and the address to wrhich payments should 6e made.The�wtice will also contain any otber � <br /> infomiatiw�mquined by applicable law. � , � . <br /> 20.Aatardoos Sob�taaces. Bomnwer s1�aH nat cause or permit tt�pt�esence,use.dispossl. sto�agc. or releac�of any, <br /> Haaudotiis Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow �nyone eise to do. anyti�ing afiaxing the <br /> Pr�perty that is in viola4ion of arry Enviromnenta2 Law.The praaeding two seaterxes shaU not apply t�t�e p�ssence,use,or , <br /> sto�;e on the Property of small quanaties of Ha�ardo�s Substances tt�at are geaerally recugnized to 6t apprupciate to normai <br /> residential�ses and to roaintenance of the Froperiy._ , - . <br /> ' BoROwer shall promptly give Ixnder wntten notice of any investigation,claim,demai�d.lawsui3 or other a�xion 6y ady <br /> govema�entel or'regulato�y agency'or private party involving the Property and any Hazar�dous Substance br Environmental l:aw <br /> of which Borrower has actua}knowledge.If Borrower leams.or is notifiod by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that - <br /> any nmoval or otAer remediation of any Hazardous Substance affeding tbe Praperty is necessary,Borrower shall,promptly take <br /> . all nxes.sary remedial actin�s in accordancY with Envir,anmental Law. <br />�-�—_--3 As used in this paiagraph 20, °Hazaactous Substanixs"are those substances defined as to�c or harrrdn�s snbstanccs by �� . <br /> Environmental Law and the following su6stances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrolenm praduqs. toxic , <br /> — - - —_= pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvenu,materiats oontaining asbestos or fom�aldd�yde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> tLis paragaph 20. "Enviroameatal Law' means federal laws and laws of the ju�s�ction where the Property is located thac <br />__ _= rctate to or environmental protection. - � <br /> _— - <br />