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,. <br /> - . . ,��-- --- --_- = _--_-----; -, -- .-- _-_- -$4` - - ��= -- ..- --- <br /> �� " �OGEli�FR�Vm�au ipe�;�mp�ov�ao,eots�ow or he�rdla a�edea nn t6e ProP�Y;aea al!a.�.. ,.� .` , . <br /> �FR nn �pp�e1a�oas,a� _ <br /> 5am�a �iuw� or 6apfler a p�t of_the piope�ty. %111 �q�oe�aots a� addi`tioos �6d1 �0 6e�mveted�t thi� Sea�titjr ` ' <br /> t111[tYq!l�At.1+11 Of tbG t0[Cj0lDj IS I�C�Cf�t¢t1!thlb SOCU[�[jE�111�71t i'i tjle�piO�G[tSL" . . , , ; .. . <br /> ' BORROWFR C�qV@iANfS t6at Borm�re'r is lawtutly aeised of tLC sa�te 6er�y QonVCyed aod hi4 the ri6At b jt�rlt�od . z <br /> ooaveq t6e Yropat`y snd,ttut tbe PropenY is uad�v�band.exoept Eor a�cumbrancrs of ceooid. Ho�o�r�aot:aAd wiU. <br /> � dd+a,d�ata�ly the titk w the Pnoperty against all st�ims ud damRds,subjea to�ny a�mbr�oces of l�ecoM. � <br /> ' TI�S SEt,'tJR1TY INSTRiTMII1i'!'aombines u,nufoim coveowots fot e�tion�l'tise aod noo-�niform oovcawnts+iviW IuoiWd , . <br /> vuiatiot�s by jurisdictio�n to coastitate a uniform aGcw�iry insRwnent oova��tql pmpaty. . , <br /> U�FORM C�VENAI�TS.-Bcx�owa atd i.enderc�veannt a�ag�et ss foltows: ' - = <br />• � 1•'�y����1����'s �P�7�����*i�- Borrower sAal! P�Y i►�Y �hen dae tM <br /> prrocip��af md�at the debrevidenood 6y tbe Note a��ty pttpaymtnt aad ta[e chuges due under tDe N6[�. . <br /> Z.F�for Taus asd Ia�m�ace.Subjett w applis�bit law or to a wriuen waiver by I.ender,Borrower sL�tl pe►y w <br /> ' I�ndec on th�daY�Y P4Y�s are due otida t6e Nate,u�ttie NoEe is piid in fuH,a sum{'Fimds�for:(a)Y+�9 v� <br /> aad assessntrnta�rt�ich msy att�rt prioriEy ova this Secudry b�ttuaxnt ac a lien oa the Pcuperty;(b?Yar1y le�diold paymeats <br /> ar g:nund raus fla the Froperty,if any.(c)Y�Y�d�ProP�Y�P�'���:(d)yeuly flood in�u�mce prcmiums, ' <br /> if anY:<e)Y�Y�S���P��•if aay;and(fl anY su�FaYabte by Bormwer to L� aavurdu�e with <br /> t6e provisions of pangrapti lieu of d�e payment of mortgage iasuraaee premituns.These items an caQod"Fscrnw Ite�.' <br /> Lea�Cr arryr tia�e,coHect a�1 hold Bunds in ar►amouQt rat co excaoed the maaimam unouat a leoder for a fedarntly <br /> t�elated mortgag�loan may reqnire for Bor�ower's yscnnw acoo�nt uMer tlie federal Rrat Estate SetttenYnt Pc000da�es Ad of � <br /> 1974 ss ameadad frum time to 6me, 22 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA').nnless anottxr lav�r tl�at applies to tUe Fands , <br /> ' sels a lessFr amount.If so, [�eader may,at a�ry tnae,ooilect and hold Fuads in an amaaat not to e�cea�die tesser amount. <br /> Latder may est�mate the amount of Fm�ds due on tve ba.vs af cnrnnt data ard reasonable e�imates of expendituns of�fiiture <br /> • Fscmw Iten�s or otl�erwise in axardar�ce wi#h applica6le Iaw. � �� <br /> ,The Fnads s1�U be beid in � institution whose dcposfts,a�e ias�ired by a faderal agency. iasuttmentality, or entity , <br /> . (in:luding I.eixler,if Lender is sucB an insawtionl or in any Foderal Home Lo�n B�nk..Lceder sl�al!appfy t6e Fw�ds ta pay tbe <br /> � �•�scrow ltems.L.enQer may not charge-Borrower for hold'mg asd applying the F�nds.amn�allY anatyzing the escrow acco¢nt,or <br /> : verifying the Fsccaw Items.unless Leider pays Borrawer interest on tl�e Fruids and applicable law permits Irender W ma�e such <br /> a charge. Hawevcr.Lender may nquire Boirower to pa�a one-time charge for an udependent rrai estate tax i�eporting servioe ; <br /> used by Lender in connection with this toaa. unless applicable law pmvides otherwise. Uniess an �ment is rnade or <br /> . appl�ca6le law requires�interest to be paid.Lender shall�not be.requirat to pay Borrower any inn�:cest oi�s on tUe Fuads. <br /> Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on!he Funds.[:ender�s.gaE�gi�e ta Borrower, <br /> without annual accouirting of the Funds, showing credits and de6its to the Funds and ihe purpose for..whieh each . <br /> d�it co th�Pm�ds was made.The Fands are ptedged as additionat seruriry far aU sums secure�by,�#his Security Instnimen�. :: ' � <br /> If the Funds hetd by Lender excee�a�e amounts permitted to be httd by applicable law.L�nd�i shall account to Borrower <br /> far ttie eacesc Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of td�e�unds held,by L,ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay tlte Escrow Items when dae.d.ender may so notify Bonower in writing,sitbd,In ssic�t,case Bortower <br /> shall pay ta Lender tke a;aount necessary to make op t1�;..deficiency. Borrower shali make up the defccieneje in no more than <br /> tweive mbnthty paymenu,at txnder's sole discretion. • <br /> Upon paymem in fn}l of all sums secured by this Secisrity Ins�trument, Lender shall promptly refund to Bonower any � <br /> FurWs held by Lender.If.�nder paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> ' of the Propetty,shall applc any Furtds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> �tfiis Security Inswment. <br /> 3.App1le�Non ot Pay�ments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all pa}ments received by Lender under paragraphs , . <br /> 1 aad 2 shall be any prepayment charges due under the amounu payable under para�aph 2; <br /> . third,to interest due; principal due:and any late charges due under the Note. _ <br /> 4.Charges;Liett4._Borrower shall pay all taxcs,assessments,charges, fines�.�d impnsitions attributabl�.to the PTa�erty <br /> which may attain priority over this Security instrume� and lea�ehold payments ar�roun�i rents, if any. �-r;.�•zr s*�.aEC pay <br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph Z,or if not paid in that ma°�.mc:.Borrower,hall pay them on time dica�ly <br /> to the persan oared payment.Borrower shall promptly fi�mish to Ler.��r all natices�f amaunts to be paid under this paragr„�t.t, = <br /> IfBorrower makes these payments directly.Borrawer shall prompdy;�:rnish ta Ler,�:r receipts e�idencing the payments. � <br /> BoROwer shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Secueety Instrument unlcss&�rrawer.fa)agrees in • <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender:(bf contests in good faith the lien <br /> by. ar defends against enfarctment of the lien in, tegal proceedings which in the l.ender'ti opinion uperate to prevent the <br /> enfonement of the lien;ar(c)secures ftom the holder uf the lien an agreement sati�factory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> this Security instrument:If Lendcr detem:ines that any part uf the Property is sui,ject to a licn which may attain priority over <br /> this Security Instrument.Lender may give Borrowcr a notice idcntifying the licn. Aorr��wcr�hall wtisfy the licn or takc one or <br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. . - <br /> ' , . iorm 3028 9190 -- <br /> , . � Page 1010 - <br /> -- �— _ - r�_"_.-.�� �� -.,.,,..�. - .,�-.�� - . <br /> -_ + � . � i ra`..r.- '=�. ' l. <br /> __+�c.!_.c� . i ... �' :r <br /> _ -�t fsi'^� s..�a.� �',i y��� _— --'�•�'�j0. <br /> - --_ �"`r�l..��+`_� - <br /> ___--.ti��?�±fsir� � -- -�.—�a.�,��. <br /> --- � -��r_- .. - � ..•i;.�sr;T'-'.�qm .. , . . - <br /> 'i"k a , . - � .,. , • - • . <br /> - ..": .� _ ,.. , . • . • • - ' � . . . _ -_ '.:. 'u�;a��: __ .'w ilciro► -, ' . . . . <br />