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_�,.�,L�� ` `�t � ` ` � , � < 4• �. __. -_ <br /> �' -�.��- - . .'.�.__ . r-_ —.. _ ,—� _ _-___. -_ _ __—__- _ _.. —_—. t • . —_-� 1�.—._—.-- -�-�—`- . , . . <br /> . . . . � . , 5~ • c <br /> - ' � ' . - . .. �� �. . . . _ � . <br /> � <br /> , � �s:���C�t�N1� ��Cl.HOfI�i� �ElQ BIC I�t dOW C�'��Or`ItiC � , , <br /> �►llpOt��,ili{!t��I�.biT�ta€lOG�OdE���ftlfh�0/�lE(Ct�t�li1C0ltOf�CO'Y!l�t��,i�l Ot�l�!�s� <br /> ' �OQdS Of�OOQlilar fOr�Y�1IC'�1 j.t11�G�ICQUIICS�[!�{,Y.�I�.S I�i�OC Sbi�l�76 mf11�91110d 1!1 LhC�OYMS�fOI tbC�1f.Y�OdS ' <br /> �f[T.+p1�Gf i0f�1IlICS.�IG!1lSUTYi1CC.Cif!'IE[p[OVlalil�t�1C��5�1�lC CbO5q1 bjl$6tT�OWCf SRbJp`.[i0�.i�G?'b�l'qY� . . <br /> . ' wTiich s6�11 not be umeas�on�6tyr wltbheid. [€Sorrowet ta�ts to�m�i�Eaia mvenge dascribed•above�:Let�der�tu�y.�at La�da's �- --- � <br /> optioe.d�in aoversgt w p�ulect Landar's ri�hts iti tl�e P�operty in ac+conlan+oe with p�ragraplt 7. . , <br /> � All insa�anoe policies aad�eae�vats slnll be acapt�ble to Lrnder a�shatl iactude,a staodu�!mortpge claiue. l,eader <br /> , s6s!!.!�thc dsht ta 6oW the potiaea aad reaewals.if l�des r�qtri,rss.Bufcowa sfialt promptiy g�ve.w�a�teoe�pfs o� <br /> . ,�pid g�+emivats aad r,t�vval notias.In tl�e evmt of s6at1 givs pcumpt ootioe to t6e i�urmoF carrier aod Le�. � <br /> - Is�der may m�ce��sf!o�i€aot a�de pzoscsptty!�y 8omna�esF -- ��- . - -_-.�..:- _-_--. - -• - - <br /> ldnkss Irnder aa�Bo�m�rer otlxrwise�nee in wrriting.ut�procads st�ail6e applied to rawrxion or repit of tLe. � <br /> PtaQertyr d�,if tLe zrs�ora�iion or ts�r is economiplly�'bk aod I.eacler's sanuity is not I�senecl.If ibe�esWiation or. � <br /> �qir is rot ocouomicaUy f�'bk or Itoder's savrity wouid bp lecsened,the insurar�ce prqaecls shall be ap4lied ta t6e son�s <br /> seatned bY tbis SoauitY i�dumeat.�vh�iher or mt.t6en duc,with a�r excrss paid w Horrorrsr. If Bonovi�er abrndons the , <br /> pmpetty,or does not mi�a within 30 days:notice fmm t.eader th�t tLe iawrmoe c�rier 6�s offeie�w settk it claim,tlxa . <br /> I.eader mry oollect the nm�nmioe pm�oeds. Irader may use the pincads so rq�ir or restore tbe Propaty or w pay auas <br /> . this S�i�3►t�urtxnt,wbether a not then due.Tl�a 30�day periad w71 begin whm[he natice is given. <br /> Unkst LeadQ�nd Bonower ath�s�sgree in wridng, anY spplication of prooeeds ta princip�l ah�ll aot extend or , <br /> postpaoe[Le due d�te of tbe mu�rthly paymeots cefeaCd tn in puag�s�phc 1 and 2 or rbmge tbe amow�t of tbe paymea�s. If <br /> ondrr paragr�ph 21 tLe ProQecty is aoquiiod by}.ender�Bortuwds right to a�r ias�raaie policies and p�noeeds�fmm <br /> d�mage to the Pnopa�ty prior to t6e acquisition sl�ll pass ta I.erber W tha�t of tl�e sums soairod!a�this Security Inu�ume� <br /> immodi�tdY Prior to the�oquisit�on- ' - . . • <br /> f�Oonrpr�7,Ptwvatlo�,Mai�ten�e aud AnteeBio�of tle Aopaty;Baii+uwer's l.on Appiiait�to�;Lmeiioi�t. ' <br /> , Bormw�r�nU oocapy.r�ablish,and ase tl�ee.Pmpeny ac Bocmwds grincip:ttt crsidaxr withiq sixty days after tbe e�cautian of <br /> .this 5ecurity Imuunaent aod sl�all oontinue to occupy the Pmperty as Boriuwec's priacipal r+esidence for at le�sst oae yeu after <br /> the date of oo�vpaoc.y,nnless L�ender otbeiwise agrees in writing,which aoasent shall aot be arurason�bty with6eld,or unlesc _ <br /> extea�ing � exist whtch �e 6eyond Borcower's co�nbt. Boaower sEat! not destroy.damage or impair the � <br /> Preperty,allaw the Pmperty to deteriorate.or oommit waste on tLe Property. Bo�r shall be in default if�ny forfeiture - <br /> • acdon or pr000eding,wbether civil or criminal,is begun tt�at in Leader's good faith,�dgment aontd resWt iu fotfeitare of the � - <br /> ` Prq�erty ar otherwise muarially impair the lien created by this Security Lsstrument or L�eader's security interes�.Borrower may =_ <br />_ ---- • cune such a defaWrand providcd in paragraph c�sing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling =_ <br /> ----�---- that._ia l.atda's goad fazth determis�atiot�. pr.c2ades farfeiRrre of thc Bormvlcr's ia the Praperg;ur other�sfateiiai - = <br /> _ __ impairment of tlx lien c�ated by this Security inctcument or I.ender's savrity inte�.Borrower shall also be in default if �--� <br />--- - $or.�wet.during the�laan applic�tion ptocess.gave mater�:false or inaccurate infor�tion or statennaits to Lend�r��or failed <br />_ — _ to�vide l.ender wlth ai►y material infom�ation)in oon�pira wtth the laan evideace�by the Note,including,bat s�ot IimIted - <br />_ __-_= . to.repressrnrntatians canami�Borrower's occapaucy of the Pioperty as a p�ncipal�ti'eACe.If this Security I�trument is on a "- <br />�--���' ' le�se6old. BorraR�er shall oomply with all the provisions of the lease. [€Barroa¢ acquires fee title W the Praperty. the <br /> - -- �; leasehold and the fet title shall aot merge unless Lender agsees to the merger in wrii�r�. ' <br /> --�==3''�`�'� . 7.Yeotedbn oi I.eader's Rrgdts in the Property.!f 9orrower fails to perform d?�.a�venants and agreements c+ontained in • ^�: <br /> �`x�'�9t;�''� thss 5ecnrity Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding thai may slgnifiranUy affect Le:_cfrr's rights in the Property (such as a ��`-� <br /> L�:.:. <br /> _-_�.�'T.54'!��� <br /> �-���� procqoding in bankruptcy.probate,for cond�tion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulafic�css.1�,�E1�en I,ender may,do and , � <br /> _----=-��� pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the�;ili:�e of the Property and Lender's rights in the Fiv}�t��:Lender's actions inay <br /> —�'"� PaY S Y Y priority aver this Secarity Instrument. appearing in court. paY�B <br /> ,,,.�,� includc m an sums secured b a lien wf�ich has S . <br /> ,y�'.�`; �le attomrys'fees and eacering on the Property ta�,lce repairs.Although l.end�may take action under this paragraph <br />�;�=�' ' ?.[.ender does not have to do so. � � • � � <br /> �'�z;�.�� My amounts disbursod by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Soaower secured by this ,_ : <br />:��� SSOCCUrity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender a�me to other terms of payment. these amounts shall bear interest from the <br />��"�'?� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> -.�_r.� paytnent. . • , , <br /> - = a.Matp�e l�nca If Lcnder r uired mort �''�' <br /> �""- eq gage insurance as a condition of crrrr�king the loan socured by this 5ecuriry <br /> _ _�'� L�strument. Borrower shaU pay the premiums required ta maintain the martgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the <br />_�-�°� � mortgage insarance coverage tequircd by I.ender tapses or ceases to be in effeq.Barrower shall pa} the premiums requirod to <br /> -_- �•...',..._.� <br /> -��Tn== obain oovrraSe substantialty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in a cost substantially equivalent to the � <br />�� cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insumr approved by Lender. If <br /> _____,_...� substant�ally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Barrower shall pay to l.ender each month a sum equa1 to ' "' <br /> or�tweffth of the yarly mottgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsod as ceased to i�•� '� <br /> be in effect.Lerdet will accept.use and retain these payments as a Ims rese�ve in licu of mortgage insurance. Luss reseive '�" <br /> ' , � Farm 302A 9�90 • ,`;� <br /> Psps 3 of 6 <br /> ° -- _---..__-___� . <br /> �-- <br /> � � - — <br /> � '. <br /> . . —� --- --- �- ------ � ��'��. <br /> i�,-'• - --- � - � �.+. .ia: - - ---„---- -- •�, <br /> - . _._:. . . -.�... „'K�i. :� �a..-.� . <br /> � .. L� ,_ - �yt,r.-- .a- i - <br /> . ." ta��.t!�...�`�a,y� •__� ' 7'_ :{� - . .. <br /> _�.�.��'k�;l. z . . � .�, `� � n��� <br /> _ ___s y:-_ . . _ ... -.—. . . .. .l, .t ' . � . .. —__'_. <br /> _—---,_.'__.s _ _�...�._ . . _ . • � � . �. . . .. � 'Lc..�_'.. - �.����..Y�"_"' ' . . ... 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