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_ �.: �� ,. �.. <br /> :�<< � - <br /> .� . . , , ._ . - ,. . <br /> . � <br /> � ' - . : � ._ - , , � - , <br /> . .: , . _ _ ._ � ' ' - ��-�0804: . . : <br /> ` ''j����!uE��0'�a�1l1E�E[dOCkld Ow 16E�y►����'• . <br /> �SI�li.O(1�QC.�IQC�!pYi C�1�IE��►. �1!�{tQl�IEIKf�d idfylOdt!�A!�O bE CO�YifEd�ll�$0�� � <br /> IOl1[l�Of.AlI Of ibE fR�Cj0ltlj if iE�ede�b is ids SOCl�lhf�1Y�EOt�t t6E'�Il1�,« , , <br /> . $(��Q��@1AI�t�80llMQCr!S�i'Nflluy 3E��Od Of tbC Cft�C�bji CORYC���ibE iljbt�D QM� <br /> �COIt1tEY t�E�l�jlGlj i�l�iit�C FlO�C[ty l�LpEdCO�.GI�Qt fQ[�Of[{:COl�. ��qf�iiOtS��''`� <br /> .�in aereoa ge`ai�uy t�e atl�eo me rrope,�aE au ci�ims,�aa demaods.subject w any enc�mbr�oes oF noaa. <br /> 7HiS SECURiTY INSTRi1MEM'Pombines w�ifacm cav�ots fa�nuioaal usts aod non-u�ifam oovm�ots�th <br /> limite�lvx�bg}�nsd�oatocx�s6Nteaaaif�se�rityinstmo�McoVeringiealpcnPe�tY• � - . - , <br /> - UNIE;ORM DOVENANTS. Bvanwer�ud Le�ader coveasnt aad sgroe zs fdlawa: v�l d�ie t6e: � ' <br /> �- - - =L A}�r�rE ot Pr�acipat s�d ZaterW:Pe�ps7�seat and L�e C�. Bam�r shall prompdY P�Y . --. -- -- <br /> �af and i�ae3t on d�e debt evideaood by t6e Note aad�nY P��Y�t and iste duurges due wKkr ihe NaOc. . <br /> I+1�is�ie 7I�a�d Liwra�oG Sub,jbct w ap�lic�bl�law ar w a wriusa waiver by L�eader.Baaower s6�ll pay w . <br /> I.ender an tbe dry a�onthly psyments ue due under t6e We N�e is pr�d in fiill.s swa("Fi�ods")f!�r (�)Y�9 . <br /> t�es and as�essmwts ailnch may atnin priaity over tbis Securicy Inst�umeot u s ikn on tbe Pmpecty:(b)Y�Y� � . <br /> - p,y,���a�oa�rYO�,ny,a a�y;t��r��►���Y���; ca�r�ri►;� <br /> . insarao�te piemi�ms,�aAy:c�)Y�Y�8��P��+�.any;ao�tfl�9�PsY�1�Y Bam�ra w <br /> Lmdr,�in accadaooe with tbe Pmvisioac oP p�ragcapL ikn of the paymeat of matgage ias�uaaoe p� 7t�ese <br /> itans u+e called"Fsciow Ite�as." I.eader may,at aup time.collect aod 6oid Rmds m an amoant uat to exceed the m�xiruum <br /> amnant a kuder fa s federallq zelated moitgage loan m�y ieqo.ine for Bamowds escmvr accoanc�mder the federal Real <br /> Esuite Seulement Pm�es Acc of 1974 as ameaded fram time to wne.12 US.C.9�1 a seq.t"RESPA"),aatess aaodier <br /> law tLat applies to the Funds sas a lesser amount If so.i.ender may,at arty time.collect wd hoki P1�oc�in aa yaamt mt�o <br /> exoee3 d�e tess�mtioun� Lender may e�imafe the amount�f�Uads dae on the 6asic of carr�t data and ieasoozble <br /> �pmp�of,expendidues of fi�tone E.gcrow Items or otbcnvise In acco�dance with applu�iaw • <br /> �!;'�c�S shaU be held in ah inuimflon w�ose deposits ace.i�ed by�federat agencY,inctcnn�en'tality.a eadty <br /> (inciit�dag Lendey if Laider is such an insatatioa?�in any Federal Hoaie I.ono Baok. Leader ahaU apply tbe Fimds to P�Y <br /> 41w`:�a'.Iht�. Leader may not c6arge Boaoaer for holding and applyin$the F�ds+pu°uatlY analyziag tbe Gscmw <br /> �;�.or verifying We Escrow Itemg, m�kss L.ender pays Bonuwer inte�est on We H»nds aod applicable 1aw petmits <br /> e�tio maloe�ach a_c�rga However,Lender may re�a?,�Borrower w pay a ono-6me ch�rg�for aa indtpendent real <br /> �aic repoiting savice u�od by�.ender in connection a�s ehis l�aa.miless applicable laar pav�des otheivvisc. Unless,an <br /> ag�eemcat is m�de or applicable Iaw requins interes�w be paid.Lender shall not be mqu¢�to paq BunmMer anY�t or , <br /> eamings oa tl�P�ids. Bonower aad Lender m�ay agroe ia writing,however,that intete'st shall be paid oo tl�e Famds. Lendec . <br /> ` sf�all give W$otivwer,without eharge;an anau�accounting of the Funds,.showfng crediu and debits#u the Fuadc a�the <br /> putpose for which eacb debit w the Fuads was;niade. 1�e Fuads are ple�ged as additi�R�ecurity for aU snms sceured hy . , <br /> • this Security Instrument. • . � <br /> ' ' If the Funds hetd by I.euder exexd the amounts per�tted to be��sy ap�drai6'Se law,Lender shall accouat to � <br /> Barnwer for t�e x�xcess Funds in accordanoe w�tt 1he reqainements of apg��ble Iaw. �ihe amount of the Fwfcis 3�e8d by <br /> . I.eoder at any t'►�e is not sufficient to pay the�sesow Items when due,lt.,�a3er may so notify Bormwer in writing;amd.�t <br /> � such case Bormwer shall pay to Lender the aa�oIInt nocessary to make up the de�iciency: Bomower shall make.�s the <br /> de�ic'seacy in no mone than twelve raonNilY pai-�:uts,at l.ea�r's sole discrptian. - . <br /> • 83pOn PaY►nent in fdl of all swnc secured by this Se�sy Instrument,Lender shaEi pmmptly nefimd w'Borm��r ady -- <br /> Fun�s held by l.ender. I�under paragraph 21,Lender sha'.�acquire or se11 the Property.Lender.prior to the acg�s�s�n or _ <br /> sale uf the Prn�ptcty,shall apply any Funds Cn�ld by Leader at the dme of acquisition or sale as a csedit against tl�ee sums . _ <br /> secured by�this Se�urity InstrumenG � <br /> 3. Applicat�nn ot Paymenis- Unless applicable!aw provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 aad 2 s6a11 be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; amounts payable under <br /> paragraph 2;Wird,to interest dae;Pourtb,to principal duc:and last,to su�y late charges due under the Note. . .:- <br /> su <br /> q. C6ar�cs; ldea9. Boirower shall pay all taaes, assessments,charges.fines and impositions attributable to the � <br /> Pmpetty which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrumen�and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower "_�� <br /> sbaU pay these o9�ligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bomawer shali pay them on . <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly famish to l.endec all norices of a��ts to be paid under , <br />- t(3:s paragtaph. If Borrower makes these payments directlg.Borrower shall prompUy femish to Ler.�ar receipts evidencing <br /> ¢he Qayments. <br /> Brnrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over tt�is Security[r�s�t:;rent untess Borrower.(a�agnees <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to t.eader:@)cor*.sts in goad faith the <br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of ttie lien in,legal proceedings�Tu�ch in the l.ender's opinion aperate to pcevent the <br /> enfoncement of the 1'sen;or(c)secur�es from the holder of the lien an age�eat satisfactory'to Lender subordinaang the lien <br /> ta this Socurity Iestrument. If Lender detemtines that any part of the Rc�rty is sub;°rE to a lien which may aitain piIority t'"� <br /> averthis Securiry instrumeat,i-ender may give Boaower a notice idenfifyir.g the tien. �srower shall satisfy the lien or take . , <br /> ' oae or more of the actions set forth above w�thin 10 days of the giving of aot�ce. . __ <br /> 5. A�zu�pr peoperty Ia�urance. Boaower shaU keep the impc�s;��ents now existing or hereafter etected on the <br />_ Property insured�ainst loss by fae.hazards included within the term"e�cvu��zd coverage"and any other hazards,includin� <br /> floods or floo�..�.for ahich Lender requires insurance. This insurartr�s:sall be maintained in the amounts aad for the , <br /> Fers 3�Za !J!� lOaBe t�5 yager/ r F � <br /> , j. <br /> _ . E . <br /> , . .:_ _. ---. _. _. __. ...__._.. t <br /> _...._. . _-- ----_._.... ....._._. E_..,.. <br /> - �,:._. . <br /> . . r-, <br /> -- -• -�T.. ,.�. <br /> - r._ <br /> � _ .•• � . . : , ., , .. <br /> -y.i�� rrs:: �� . ^ . . .;,..' %. _i- r.:� ' :. . • �-: . - <br /> = uC. . �-- � �; �. � : .. <br /> ' � . . � � . �l' "'�6 kpH's]•( t ^' � - r� <br /> ___ ti�S. 7 -b4 f ! •t�- �. . lr��- '�� Y x ���K i -4�J .''�.`�. <br /> -__� _ "�y.��d'��i •,l ."�v.=ilt� 4�f� ,�.x yv� 7 1 'R �1F � <br /> __ _ � <br /> . !-+ ..• a__. .•_rr_ar.� <br /> •i��:�'.11�'.._�- � . .-' --__-__ _—_._-_ -._ _. , �-.-r--_._-.��_��_�'..-_—__."__. . <br /> __ . ._.- .f ... . . _ . ..� ..�� ._ �. . � . __. . _ ..�� . . �_�. _ �.�a. . _ �aua�.��.� ...�.� . _ _ .. . � . . _�. <br />