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y�:'� x_.;?7. .U`. . v ' . �. � - �� _ . <br /> �— y�"`I.e.� ` _ � S ' . . � y _ <br /> ' `J � � ` �' <. _ � . _ _ - _ .... . _ '__-_- <br /> �.i L _ ° _ _ ._ _'--_ _"_— _—_' _ ___ _-——___—"_--_ _— __ _— _ __ _� <br /> _�__" �JI� T___. ' + ' ' . ' � _ ' ( ` " f '4 <br /> -- . ___ , _�4�.._- - _ . . -. . - , _ --. .. - ' : .; ���►.r�.�tr�. , . � <br /> � s.lf�rr.��i�i�s�.ro.w�.T�,ho�ptal�hws.e�an�onNrda�,inehatn�. _ <br /> . �����.���Sar�nanlniMs.di�.6dir+�tlrt�IN���M.1rwtir�IrN'r�p-. � <br /> tl�,lYmish to Mwi'�d�otia:of an�oYnts diM,��0�'a0r�•sd b/M�wnt Te�fa►�Mdo�Mll�ii�t dr�cty.tri��eN <br /> � �: 1^o�ttf►fi.,rsh ro�i�iciary►r«.ip!s.vid�ig wd+�n�MS.rna+�or�haM�o�►aN te�s o�/a�+�s whia��or re lw�a uOa► . <br /> • , Mn�Fciory's iMrnst hu�in or.uoae tNs D�i�of Trust�fau�n�s�d ro�ir������P������"�► <br /> OartlhwrefMe^llr�c'�t• ' . .� <br /> _b.Aii�wl liw wi hN�eliw M�eiN`a f�wMr.Trustor sholf e�dc�all pe�wAS d iRa�st and Orin�ipol aed Oa�nts of a�1► <br /> . otlMr cliary�s,ha oid�sa canknct�d�o M P���!►�sti�g�i�etd�r:ar ptiar 6�itiori�s ad�anft 0��of trt�ar mor- - -- <br /> -- — — ,...�,.��::,�����t��tt�r pcq and�aqF ar�a�a�rl�os.cle���wtid►.+�aiil�a�`th� .. � <br /> •,,,•,,••�.�_..� or faAs to of th tov�ts md aprwnients caNdnrd in Mis ---- ----6 <br /> - s�c�riryl�ant�I��in-If Trustar fals to make any such po�ln�nt PRfann aMr <br /> "'-- ONd of Tn�st,bv in ahr Pria n�ort�o9e qr d»d of fiat,of if ary octian ar p�aMd'i+�is wmnN�nd Mhid�mat�idtlr aN�ets R�Raar!►�s in- <br /> - = t�nst ie ths Praprtr.incWding,but not Rnit�d to.�Mnt danaii ptoa�,a pro�wdiys i�wohiga d�oMdMK,or if lfrustar faas to pul►: <br /> -- Tnistor's�d�bls�oNy as t!�Mcan�due,ilkn Benef'Kiar]I,at ewwi'ic(ary's aption a�d wiMout notioe to or dmbrd Won Trustor ad <br /> - ,. ,:i�ithout nt�osig Trustar iram an1►ob��gn�p�I�xeurdet.e�oiy:�dce s�app�sonc�s,disburse wd�suns.t�rd tak�wd�acfion�s is tNtessary <br />.�r :.:.:.-.. • .caitest ar ram= <br /> ',;�ogu�+tect Yd�e�s..�iary's interat urckiding.6�::ciot:f�m.�te�fir;�rsement ot�'.,��1►'s fets.Dofi�.P� <br /> �Y . ar Gm �t��y uPn":'�e�pe�±�incice repaRS:'ti,tl!ie event�ac Trusta s'h�fa'ri ia prc�rrc m- <br /> ° ;�.;:"�::�ar;o�asse;a`.��cc►t�un6rmce,cfiar9e • - <br /> �:r `:iuronte�ta n��mca.assessmnrts,or a�e��el�+a�'es o`t toti�ce cm��s ta ez:�'ia�prior fi�?ia�ders or bene�'iciaies.Baxf"�c+W <br /> ati <br /> - ::':,unaryt procWrt s�h insuoue md makt wde pojmert►.�Anl/artv�c►is�sbutsad bf►Benefieial►W�'waM to�I�S P��ph 6 sfioN baan�addif�oeol —_ __- <br /> - � iadebtedness of Tnntar.secured b 1►t M s D e�d o f T r u s t.S u c h a m o u r rt s s h d l b�p a y d�l e u p o n n o t i c e f r a n B�f i c a r f►to Trustar r�q w s t i n 9 P o f►- — <br />°= mem the�eof,and shdl bc�interast fran tl�e date of disbursanNnt at the rate po�►abM fi om time to time ar ouf'sta�dirg P►incipd uM�r the . �,,l,--� <br /> Nota untsss payment of irnerest at sueh rate would be coMrary taopplicabte which tvent wch amounts shall6ear int�nst ot the lighest .��.�-.: <br /> - �rate perniiss�'ble under applice6k taw.Nothirg tontained in this Paro�roph 6 shaN nqnir�.�ntficia►l►to intur un►►�xpms!ot tok�anyl oe►ioe� "'�'c";. <br /> ��x7' _- <br /> .,hrr�urder. . � . -� .�: v�" <br /> t.r <br /> - 7.A���t d�M.&r�efic'ary stbll haw th��qM;Oo�wr and a�tlaritY duriiq th�ca�tinuona of this DNd of Trust to coMat tA� . �.�,Y-. <br /> � rRnts.issi�s ond profits of th�Propnty a�d af ony ptrsawtproputY lacat�d tMr�on wiTh a without takirp poss�ssiorlOt tM propMy aH�t/�d {�,��=:= - <br /> •� S4y-; _ <br /> hK�by.o�a Tn,sea n.►�er aesoti,r•ty ane un�o�d�t�t�o:s�+s an suct�r.nrs.issws ubprotits to t�efie'ary.�fkid�y,harwvK,hu�bY -i��. <br /> ;. ��.� �•` consmts b t!�T►usta's colt�ct+on and ret�nt+on at wch raifs,issurs ad protits�r accrw and ErcarM poYObt�so IanO as Tnator is not. <br /> � » :��_ . <br /> � � �`a��.��• � at sutb dsfuuh with nspat to paym�r►t of anY ird�bteQMSS suund h�nby,a in tM pwiorrtann of ony opnmNnt Mnund�.Upw� ` � <br /> _ �;'�'r:=:y.,�...'_ ' . <br /> 't�,-,�. '�=:�.- ,,f a+f►s+�eh dsfault.Ben�fitiary moY at anY timt.eitlwr in aq�nt.a b�r r�c�iwr to b�appaint�d b�r a court.without notia and wiN�oqt .. ..,:`i:i- <br /> � :�- -� ' ' '� re�ard io the ad�quocY of tor the indebt�dness hereb�saund.(ol�ntir upon and tok�poss�ssan bf t!N PraO�rtf►or a�y D� � <br />. ��;: .. :�.;._.� .... '- — <br />-- . -^-f-'��-: thirwf.a�in its own naax sue for or otherwise cottact'such fents,issuas and prafds,indudinp'thou Aost Que and unpaid.and apptr fM some, _ <br /> . ,�� -� Nss costs ond�xpms�s of bpaation ond coltection,ineludiny reasonohk attomaYs fas,upon aeY indebtedn�ss suur�d Mnby,ond in such �'' � <br /> ��`'"_ _ . to conserve tM vaWe of the x = <br /> ;,��..., ^'. ,�`' orde►as Berwficiary may detem�ine:(b)pKfam such octs of rtpcir or protection as may be necessay or prope► .�: <br /> �,�;.:-:.-. ,-. prppe�ty:(c)�se the same a en�paM thereof for wch rental.term,and upon such conditions at its lud�►t may dictate a terminote or ad- ' .,•.� <br /> � � • � just the terrtis an8 conditions of any existing leose or leases.Untess Trustor aM Beneficiary ogree otherwise in w'ritmg,ary application of re�ts, �- �� � = <br /> . --� • ,� � - issues a profits to any indeDtedness secu►ed fiereby shatl nat�xtend a postpone the 4ue date of the instaitaieat paymertts as provided in said 4�__.. .. _.; <br /> • • promissory note or chonge the amount of such instattmer�ts.The entering upon ond taking possession of the Property,the collection of suth � , <br /> ' rents,issues and profits,and the application thereof as aforesaid, shall not waive or cure ony defautt or notice of default hereunder,or in• � , , <br /> i. �� - va�tidate ang act done Dursuant to such notice.Trostor also ossigns to Beneficiary,as further securiry for the performance of ihe obti�otions , <br />- • sewred l�ere'by,a1l prepaiQ rents and all monies which moy have been or mey hereaFter be deposited with said Trustor by any kssee oi the Pro• � �,:; <br />_�. •��, � ; perty,to secure the pay+ner.r of any rem or 4amages,and upan defwlt in the pe►formonce of any of the provisions hereof,Trusta agrets to ; • . ;`•.:J�,.,; <br /> � . detiver such reats and deqasits to Beneficiary-tkl+very of w�itten notice of Beneficiory's exercise of the rights graMed herein,to any tenont a- :J:�. <br /> � .,..:.,. <br /> � ;,:; , cupying said premises shofS be s�cient to require said tenant to poy sa�d�ent to the&neficiay until further notice. . • <br /> __ :f�:.� . g.CMi�wti�s.lf title trsony part of the Property sha11 be taken in condemnatian proceedings,by right of eminent�xnain or srtnitar action, : <br /> � ��� � � ar shall be sold under threot of condemnation,oll owards,dII:nages and proceeds are he�eby assigned and shall be pa+d tb Beneficiary who shalt � <br /> apply such owards,damoges and praceeds to the sum secured by this Oeed of Trust,with the excess,if any, Trusror.�f Trustor receives . - <br /> • ' � ' � any notice or other information regerding such actions or prxeedings, Trustor sholl give prompt written notice thereof tp benefitiary. ; � <br /> �� - B�neficiory sholl be entit�ed,ot its option,to commence,appeor in andprosetute in its own name any suth artion or proteedings and shall be en• ; � <br /> �� �• . - , *.itled to make ony compromise or setttement in connection w;++r an�r such action or proceedings. . ; � �_.._...._ <br />- ''�Y " � 9. R�s!Mt E�ceb�iv�.&neficiary sholl be entitted te enforce payment ond performance of any indebtedness or obligetions secured <br />- �� ,. ••'- L�� hereby ond to exercise all rigbts and powers urtder this Qeed of Trust or under pny other agreement executed in connection herewiih or any tows - � ��' � <br /> �'���� �� � • now or hereafter in force,notwithstonding some or aU of thesuch irtdebtedness and o6ligations secured hereby may raw or hereafter be other- . . , <br />' . • wix secured,whether by mortgage,�deed of tPust,ple6ge,fien,assi�ment or otherwi:e.Neither the aceptonce of this Deed of Ttust nor its , . �;.. <br /> - � e�acement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of saie or other powcrs herein cantained,shall prejudice ar in any monner offett . <br />:,: . '�t. . ' � ' Beneficiory's right to realize upon or enforce any other security now or hereofter held by being agree3"�at&neficiory stafl be _ <br /> �= � ertthted to enforce this Deed o�Trust and any other security now or hereafter held by Benefitiery in such order and mflnner as it may in its ab• • <br /> �••;,'�`��`"`�.n'•�.;� solute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or�eserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exctusive,of an�other remedy herein <br />_1' �-..;.•.;..-:��.• .... . . . . <br /> �. < or by law provided or permitted,but eacb shall be cumulotive and shull6e in addition to every other romedy given hereunder a nowor herenfter ` <br /> - r'.�`����'�rj'°''�- asistiny at law ar ia¢quity o:by statute,Every power or remedy prorided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Benefitiary or to which it may be �.. . . . . <br /> liEri�hr�f`i�..^ , ; <br /> - - - - otixrwise entitled,rtwy be exercised,corKwrently or independently,fvam time to timo ond as often as�may 6e dtemed eMpedieM Benefic'iary ;_.: ,�� _ <br /> and'A ewy pursue inconsistam rem�es.Nothirg herein shall be construed as prohiDiting Beneficiory from scekirp o deficiency ludgm�at ago�nst . <br /> �" the Trusta to the extent such action is permittEd by law. �' <br /> _� 10. Tn�hr d k�rt�t Ass�tiM•�f oll or any part•of tha properfy or nny inferost therein is sold,tronsferred or conveyed by Trustor <br /> ��� without Beneficiary's pria written consent,excluding(a)the creation of o lieri or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of trust,(b)the crea- � � <br /> � tan of o purchos�money s�curity iMKest id household appliorxes,t�)a transfer by Mviss,descent or bY operation of law upon tfie deuth of a - -- ;- ----- -- <br /> _ � �uint tenortt a (d)the 9►ant of a^y►kasehold intuest of thr�e y�ars or Mss not containinp an opfion to purchase..Benefkiory may, at : . � . <br /> �=� Ben�ficiary's option,declare oll the sums secured by this Oeed af Trust to be immedietely due and payeble,or cause the Trustee to�le o notice , <br /> of aefoult,t�nefkiay shall hove woiv�d such optton to acelerate it,prior to the sak,transfer or conveyanca,Beneficiary and the person to i �. <br /> . wlqm th�propertr is to b�sold or transferred reach agree�nertt in writirg thot the credit ot snch persan is satisfatory to Bensficiory and that !-- = � . � <br /> ttw irKKest poyabb on the suns secured by this Oeed of Yruss shclf b+e�nt such rote as Beneficiay shaU request. �� <br /> + <br /> i , <br /> .. ._.,._ .. .. ... _. . ... ....:... . . _ . ... ._, . _ . .... . . . . — —, --° <br /> . . .. . . . _. . _ . . . . .. . . . . .3,-- . <br /> . . � .. .. . . ' � . ' ... . . <br /> �' . . <br /> ' ' . . . St. .. . .. .. <br /> ' � . ` . . �L'.�, ..� '� <br />