c c f. �� `�- .
<br /> -��-±.? � ��.`- - � ' - �s_x-. ;---
<br /> . � - �.r. , '{ ... � .. - _ ..-'., .._.
<br /> _.,�. o.�—_._.��.� . � � • :� ' ' , . . . . . � - : , ` . ,
<br /> , . , , 94- soo�r43 .
<br /> ,...j ' pttiods t6�t L,ender�oquires. T6e iasuruue ca�ricv ptaviding the insurance shapl be clio�en_by Hvnawer subject ta Lender�s
<br /> app�ival wLich shall.tbt 6e un�saaabiy v�n'WK1d Ii Sorrnwar faiLs ta maintain cover.+gc Qesc�iAcd a6ovr.La�dar msy.at
<br /> LMder�s optio�n.obtain coverage to"p�otect LendeR's rights in the Propeity in accadancc with puagaph 7. • . :
<br /> , RIl insu�nce policies apnd tenewals�haQ 6e�creptabte to Lender and sha�!inetude s►staadard mortg�ge clau�ie. l.endee
<br /> ' �11 bave the ri�ht�0 liwldld�e policks and irnew�l�. [f i.ender rtquires.Socrovv,:r shalt P�P�Y�ve to 4ender ail rcFcipt4
<br /> of paid premiums and renewal r�Nices. [n thg event of loss.Borrower shail give prompt notice to the instuance caRier ond
<br /> Lender. i.ender may matce prciof of loss if not made pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unk.tic Lepder aid Borrower otherwise agt�te in wnnng,insur�nce proceedc sha11 be applied to�sstoration ar.rcp�'u of
<br /> the PcapMy damaged.if the restbration a repair is eca�omicalty feasibte and Lender�s secarity is na tesse�xd. if the ----
<br /> � iestoratiun or c+epair is not eca�ornically feasible ot ixader's secunty would be tes.�sened.the inswance pruceeds shall be _
<br /> , applied to the sums secu�ed by this Sec�ary Instturtxnt;whed�er or not then due,with any e�uess paid ta Borrower. If .
<br />-- gq�rower abandons the pmpecty.or does not aaswer within 30 days a naicr fmm Lender that the insorance camer has ___
<br /> offe�ed to s�ttle a claira,ttKn Lemkr may coltect the iasuranee proceeds. Lender may ase the pmceedc to repair a ceswre
<br /> - the Propen.y or to pay sums secured by this Security tnmamen�whetf�er or not then due. 1�e 3Q-day periad wiil begin when
<br /> : � dx uotice is given. , -' • --
<br /> t,inls�s Lender and Borrower otherwise agr+ec in writing..any apptication of proceed4 to pmxipal sdap aot eztend or —
<br /> "' -- -- - postpune the due dare of the.monthlY Payments refer�ed w in P�B�Phs 1 and 2 or change the aznonnt af the paya�ents. If l,�--,_-.
<br />= under pa�agraph 2! the Pcopaty is acqwned by l.ender.Borrowes's right to any insurance policies and pr�oceeds res�ilting �- _::
<br /> e
<br /> from d�mage to the Amperty priur to the acquisition shalt pass�to L.endet to the extent of the sums secured b this Sec �`'�=�"`�-_
<br /> . Y �9 _X.,�-..�
<br /> Instcument immediately prior to the acquisition. -- -'�.°`'�=-
<br /> 6. Occupaacy, Preservatioe, Maintenance and Protection of the Propecty;,BorroRer's Laan Applicatioa: :: ",;�-
<br /> LeaseAolds. Borrower shall accupy.establish,and use the Property as Borrower's�incipal residence within sisty daXs after �` r� _-�
<br /> -- • the execation af this Seturicy lnstrume�►t and shall continne to occupy the Propecty as,Borrower's principal residence for at �' '`'� -
<br /> Se uri �`
<br />_ le�st oue year after the date of occnpancy. unless LenAer othenvise agrees m wridng, which consent sh�ll not be =�_ �..-_
<br /> unreasoaably withheld,ar unless extenuating ciraumstances exist which ar�e beyond Borrower's cantrol. Bomawer shaU not - •• ^� -
<br /> -- desuoy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste an the Property. Borrower shal! •!�
<br />- 6F in dtfault if anx forfeiture action or proceeding.whether civt'1 or crimmal,is begun that in Lender's gaad faith jadgment �- .,,;:J.�
<br />- ca�ld nsult in forfeituc�e of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Insuumene or` ` .,,,:i� °�:.,�
<br /> � � Lender's security interes� Borrower may ca�e such u defnult and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action <, :j�'- .
<br />-� t, os proceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling Wat,in Lender's good faith detetmination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's • �__ . ���::
<br /> interest in tt►e Propetty or other matertal impairment of the.lien created by this Security Instr�ment or I.ender's securiry • - - � '
<br /> interes�t. Boirower shaU also be in default if Borrower. during the loan application process. gave materially false or . - .x.
<br /> inaccurate information or staiements to L�acter(or failed to provide•Lender with any material information)in connection wiW ,���:
<br /> ,'4�����. . the Itian evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to. representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the � ''. .'�;
<br />_ Ptoperty as a princip�t residence. If this Secnrity Instcument is on a teacehold.$arrower shall comply with all t6e provisions ,:?��,
<br /> of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee tide toihe Praperty,the leasehold and the fe�title shalt not merge untess Lender agrees -- -- ��
<br /> � ,�_;. [O tllC 1i1Cf$Ci.�t R'11t�1I$. . ,� --
<br /> ���a`-° '- ';• ' 7. Protection of Lender's Rights m the Property. IP Borrower fails to perform the covenants and�greements � �_�;
<br /> _ conFained ia Qris Security Insuument,or there is a.legal proceeding that may significantly affe+x Lxnder:s rights in the ��• _'• �+:
<br /> ;.;i;;; ' �_ Properry(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,far condemnation or forfeirure or to enforce laws or regulations):then � :;'??%�'i;:��
<br /> I:ender may do and pay for whatever i.s necessary to p:atect the valuc of the Prvperty and l.ender's rights in the Property. '� �x"' f
<br /> ,h ..;�b��.;�aEk;, �_��°..r,.. :. ,�.,
<br /> �''"`�� Lender§acuoms ma include a in an sums secured b a lien which ha� riarit over this Securi instrument,a pearing s`
<br /> . g, ,�:�-r,., . • .
<br /> s'�••.:�;.-y�4•.. Y P Y S Y Y P Y tY P � .�
<br /> :,,,�ti .. .„... in court.payi�teasonable pttomeys'fees and entering on.the Property to make repaits.Although Lender may talce action
<br /> '' '��t'`� under this paragraph 7.Lender dce�not have to da so. • � . `
<br /> . ';'�-�'����'�.�h�� , An amounts disbursed b l.ender under this �, h 7 shal!6ecome additional debt of Borrower Fecured by this
<br /> �`'1 s Y Y P��aP �.:;;.;;r,;:.. � .r
<br /> %!�''��"' Security lnstrument. Untess Born�wcr and Lender agree to ather tcrmti of paymen�these amountc shall bear interest from the � :� •:'t
<br />_.. 'a-!-.c, . . .. .
<br />-- • ��i?''�:=-�>�c4� date of disixtnement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with intereti�,upon noticc from l.ender to Bomower requesang �"''``� � ':`�
<br />'; �....,,.., � ..
<br />_ r�i�.:, payment . ,��,•
<br /> �j�5.., �� •`••':,.�'•',
<br /> #�,;;�:-?',; � & Mortgs�e lnsus9�nce. If Lender rcyuircd mo»gage invurance a�a condition of making the loan secured by this � t.
<br /> ' " Security Irumimen�Boaower shall pay ihe premiumti required to maint:�in the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any t , • ,
<br /> ��5�.�.'�.� '�` � ' reasun. th�mortgage insurance coverage required by I.ender lapties or ceases ta be in etfect, Borrower shall pay the � ..,;:``. .� ; �
<br /> .:�r�: �:; ,.,� premiums tequired to obtain coverage substantially equicalcnt to the mortguge imurance previously in effect. at a wst . ; _,,;.,.�-.'-.••.._� :
<br /> �-`� ��: �- svbstantial( urvalem to the ca.+t to Borrower of the moat a e insurance revinu.l in effect,from an aitemate mo e ► �•"'�`•
<br /> r.:":.:��_i.=. Y e9 . g S P Y. KS�S r .
<br /> ._:... ,,. insurer approvcA by Lender. lf substantially eyuivalent martgage insurance coverage�s not availabte,Horrawer shall pay ro F�
<br /> =�'`'u`�. Lender each anonth a sum eyual to one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgage insurance premium heing paid by Barrower wfien the f ��
<br />,"'' '�� '�;''� insurance covtsm e la : d or ceased to be in effect. Lender will aree r,use:uid ret:�in the.e a ments ati a toss reserve in lieu'
<br /> of mort e.insurance�Loc.c reserve a men�s ma no!on er be r� uimd.at the o tian af Lender,if mort a e insurance � '" '
<br /> �. _ • � 8a8 P'Y Y S �l P S 8 ' ;.-
<br />---- -.>;��.:,,,-, ;..��;.�,,;_.. .-�. -
<br /> �, coverage(in the amount and for t he peri o d that L en der reyuires)provi de d by an in�urer appravc d by L en de�again becomes .r.�..,,;.,, ;.�
<br /> avaitable and is obtaincd.Bm�mwer shall pay the pmmiums myuired tu maintain mortg:►ge insurunce in effect,or to provide a �'�'�+.:;,�,<= ;,:,
<br />.�'�;� � loss reserve,unti!the requirement fc►r moagage insurs+nee e�d+in accordanec w+th any wmten agreement between Borrower ��`�•, '•
<br />'_rn. '.��' and Lender or applicable law. 4. .. � _ _ '`'
<br />_,.. : ;;�.; , ,, ..,
<br /> -�.q,� 9. inspection. Lender or its ager�t m�y make masonabic cntrieti u�m und in�pcctions of the Property. Lender shall 6 :' , ����
<br /> r ��' give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspectian specifying reax�nable cause for the inspection. ; � , - .- _
<br /> 10 Cortdemnation. Thc proceeds of any.�ward or claim f�r damage.,Jirert nr rontiequential,in connection with any s , '
<br /> Single F.unity••Fannk Mae�l�5reddie�tac�V1F/)R111\til'Rt;�1f.!�iT•-Unifarm Covcoantc 9190 Ipage3�,j6�xtRc�) i ,
<br /> To Oc6u Wb tauD59693�O PNf 81LL7UP113! { • ' . -..
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