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•a~ r;N?�-7. ' - � . . ���5 - <br /> �'' <br />.. . . -- . ,. .�a:. --_. <br /> . - . . . ` . .. . �. . - � • . - � . i . <br /> � ` � �� � �. -. . � ` `� . ; : �. . �.: � - _ . � � 9�-� .tu�` � � � <br /> . .;�,���. ���������.����� � � <br /> � �app�v,a we,ch�L.0 pa be u�raua�6ly w��a. If s«m�r fWs to m�i�li��b+��ae�n'bea,�.Leadet m.y,at � � <br /> � " Lead�'1�optiwq nbt�ibt oawaye b pcabc.t Ltnder�rishts ia the m accaid�ooe�pu�D'I. <br /> . ° All�potic�es�nd repew�ls sMll be aoapa6k to,l ec and s1W1 incWde i standard mottgaga claase. Ironder <br /> � s1�U re d�aght ta hold d�e policies md reaewalx. If Leader requi�es.Sarowa at�ll P�P�Y B�ve to Lender aA iaxiip� <br /> , of pa�prdi�iums md renewtl natii;es. tn tbe evait of iass,�orrower sLat1 giva pro�npt notice w dx umuma canier and . <br /> '. Lrnde�; �.eoder duy tnaY4 prootf of lass if oot made pnan�ptly by Bo�ower. ' <br /> . . Upkss I:eader aad Baiowec otl�n�rdse agtiee ia writing,insucance pc�a��eeds shall be applied w restoruion or repair of � <br /> ' � tb�Pbpe�ty dimased.i€ibe�a or:iepua is econo�cally feasibk and Lender�s security u•nnt lessemd. If thc ' <br /> . �staratiaa or iepair is mt a�namic�lly fasibk.or 1.eMer's security would be lessenod,the insivance p�ncxeds sh�ll be � <br /> applied w the sums securod by this Security lnsnumen�whether or not tI�en diie.vrid�any excess paid to Bomuwer. If <br /> . Bomawa ab�ndoas tbe P�vperty.or does nat answer withia 3�days a notke 6nm I.eader that the insurux�camer I�as . <br /> offaed W setde a claim.tllea I.eader may ceIIeCt d�e insarance procads. Lender may use d�e procads to repair or nesWre <br /> � ch�PYapecry d to py'sums secund by this SeCatity tnsuament,whtther a na ti�ea dne. 1Ue 30-day period+�vi'll begin when <br /> . the notice is giveu. . . . . . . ,.. - .. <br /> • • . Uniesc La�der nod Barcower mye�wise agree in writing,any appGcation of procceds to piincipal shali not eztepd�t'. ;.: :: . <br /> postpooe the due dsu of the maathlY WYments zefemed to in paragrdphs 1 and 2 or change the amow�[of the paymerirs �:: �."::.:�= : <br /> under pa�agr.ipi�21 the Ptuperty is acquirad by Lender,Boimwer�right to mry insurance policies arjd proceeds resulang ,. <br /> � ` fmm damage w the Pmperty prior to the acquisiaon shall pass�o L�nder to the exte�t of the swns secured by this,Securiry - <br /> Instcuma�t immediately prior to the acq�isitioa. `` '� . <br /> • . ,6. Occrpancy, P�vatiou, Matnteaance �nd Protectlon of the Property: BtN'rowu's�Lopn A�li�tia�3 <br /> I,ta�eLotds. Botrower s6a11 occupy,establish.and we the Property as Bormwer's principal residence,within sixty days;after <br /> thc eaecutioa,of this Securiry Instnunent aad shaU continue to occnPY fhc PtupenY as Borrower's pr�ncipal residencx��r at — <br /> k�t oae year after the date of accupancy. unless I.ender whenvise:agrees in writing, �vhich consent sh�ll not be _ <br /> _ nnteasanabiy wltbheld,ar unless extmn�ng ci;cmnst�es e�ust which are.�d Borrawer�s control. Bomower shall not _ . -- <br /> � desrtoy,damage or impair the Ptoperty,a11ow the P►npecty to deteriarate,ozcommit waste on the Ptoperty. Bormv�er shalI . <br /> , � be ia default if any forfeiture action�a pro�xtding,whether civ�1 or criminal,is begun.t� 1.�nderSs goad faiW judgmcnt <br /> , could result in forfeitu�e of the Property or othecwise materi�Uy impair the lien crtated by t6is Securiry Instrument os — __ <br /> L,enderk security inte�st Bomower may cure such a defautt and s+einstate,as provided in paragraph I8,by'caosing the"action �- <br /> or n to be dismissed with a culin tha�:m l.ender's aod faith determinatiq{�,precludcs forfeiture of the Borrower's • ��"""` <br /> . " � intems�t in t e Pr�aperty or other mataiat impaYr�rient bf i�'s tien created by this Security ln.�trument or Leader�s secnrity ��;� <br /> � interest. Bocmwei shall atsa be�in default if Barrower, during the loan application pracess, gave materially faIse or � `�`����-- <br /> ' inaceeurate infonnation or statements ta l.ender(os faited ro de Lender with an material information)in'connectios�w�iiB_ '��`+ <br /> in provi Y ��,;F'•'Y- <br /> the loan evidaiced by the Note, including, but aot limited to, represeatations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the -:��,•� <br /> ,,� <br /> Ropetry as a princip�l restdence. If this Securiry Inswment is on a leasehotd.Borrower shall wmply wiih all the provi�sions ��;;:•;�`-.:_. <br /> of the lease. If Bomdwer acquir�s fee Gtte to the�per[y,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees ���� <br /> to tAe merger in writing. . ' ' ��:_:_ <br /> 7. Prntectian of Lendev's Rights in the Property. If Bonawer fails to perform the covenants and agreements <br /> conta�ned in this $ecurity Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may signific�tly affect l.ender's righu in the �`::��'�=-�� <br /> �'?`��:�:r� <br /> Aoper�y(soch as a praceed'mg imm banlnaptcy.probate.for condemt�aGon or forfeiture or to enforce law$or regulations),then .. ,:�.,�;:__-_ <br /> Lender may da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of the Property and l.ender:s righu in the Pcoperty. >{�,�'� <br /> Leader�actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearIng <br /> im aaurt,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on che Propeny tn make repaus.Although l.cnder may take action � ..,�.- <br /> , under this paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. " <br /> ; An amounts disbursed b Lender under this ara h 7 shall become udditional debt of Borrower secured this •� `' <br /> � . Y Y P S� b3' .. • .• ;� ' <br /> Security InsuumenG Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment.these amountti shall bear interest from the � <br /> .e <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,wiib interest.upon notice fivm Lender to Borrower requesting f _�.,` '�'� <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortg�ge lasurance. If Lender required mortgage insur�nce as a conditian af making the loan secured by this . �`: �,-• <br /> Security Instcumen�Borrower shall pay the premiums requ�red to maintain ihe martga�e insurance in cffech. If.For uny � , � +���'�` <br /> reason. the mortgage irtsurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to 6e in effecK. Borrower sha11 pay the �" �� i::�..ix`:' .. <br /> • premiums r�equired to obtain coverage sulntaniially equivalent to the mortga�e insurance previously in effett, at a cost � � i;_<•,;;.� '-''�. <br /> substantially equivatent to the cost to Borrowec of tl�e moagage insurancc previously in effect.from an altemate mortgage �• <br /> insurer approved by Il.ender. If substantisilly equivalent mortgage insura�ice coverage is not available.Boaower shall pay to 1:. <br /> . l.ender each month a sum equal to one•twe�fth of the yearty mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the ? :_�,�::� f.:.; <br /> insurance coverage lap.sed or ceased to 6e in effec� l.ender will uccept.use and retain these paymentti ac a loss resene in tieu ..:�.�.;; ,,, <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be the option of l.ender.if mortgage�n.wrence c,�; <br /> , coversge(in the amount und for the periad that Lender requ'sres)provided by un insurer s�ppraved by Lertder again�tomes ' . <br /> available and is oblained.Borrower shaU pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a �• �� -�-� <br /> . loss reserve.until the rtyuirement for mortgage ansurance ends in accordar:r•e with Any written agreement between Borrower �,. .. �. - <br /> and Lender orapplicable law. � ,_ � <br />° . 9 Inspection. Lender or i*s agenZ ma}•make reasonable entries upon and inspections of ihe Propetty. l.ender shall ;�� <br /> . give Borrower notice at the time df�-�n�s aa��inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. l : <br /> .19. Coedemnation. 71ie proceeds of asey award or claim for or consr,quential,in ronnection a�r�any r. �''�'� °�� • - <br /> � Singk Funily••Faaeie'1�ae/Frcddk Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEN'1'-•Unitortn Coven�n 9N0 lpaR�.�oj6 pug[t) <br /> (tee�f�e�IpYtwlan�lee.� .� � , <br /> , Te OMn C�:t9G0G,96�1p D/AJt 8i679t•1f31 ��: � <br /> a�.. <br /> �� •'/,,,�;1:`.��. - <br /> � t�. <br /> �i <br /> . u-�wna , •�-: _���- '? :`�'R"'� ��� <br /> --_� 'Lp• � . • -, :c1?Y . -_t ... � - _ t. <br /> _, �3�aR ty,�,K� .:�. ' .•y•.'4,.'- '� a ! • y . � ' :,' <br /> '�gI �...�� �i•''i:f• :9�� �h+�_ �?y ... <br /> � +�.�,r."r'a��' f5� � t'• <br /> , , _ . <br /> -ar�.�i'"�`'�fi,�3��r.,� � r 4�-� �s� ..... , <br /> " - <br /> ,� _;�_. .. , - �.�.��, _ _.— _ _ . <br /> � _ .: .. , , ;,., <br /> m,.t,.� . •� , .-:?! <br /> --. -_- _ .. • - • . .-�. . �. � . - ..�..A — • . . , ' . - . <br /> .y;�' i� � <br /> __�Y, ...f: . __ .. � " _ _ _ _ . .�,�" .��..�.E� " ' � <br />