.. . , . . ' . .. . �.y=-
<br /> . . ..... . .... . . .�.'i'c__.
<br /> ' i. '.. -.- _�' ___.. ._ .
<br /> � . . . , �� ., : . - . � ; _ � � �- �$4=�'� �� � ` � -� .
<br /> � � 7�1�ivrF�i au uk�ann,w�►cr b��t1�aa�a on H,e popat�r.aaa all a�e�ar�.�._ ` �
<br /> aM fuct�ei�orr a lrcralle�a pct ct t6e p�opeNy.�All cepi�oe�ats�nd�ddidaw s1�it at�o be cov�ned br W�Seasky .
<br /> , �N.. Iw tl�1�IC t0lOj01llj Is lN�W bl f�5$�Q1t�1��1Qft�ti�l.''�1'O p!l 1�.~ •
<br /> . �lORItOWFR C�Y8NA1�Ti'S t6�c Boc�war is 4wdWly ai�ed d die est�le beneby ccsvtyed aod!as tbe ri�E to p�rot
<br /> , anad em�ey�the PlnpetiY�nd d�t dtc Ptoparty i��na�a�d.suap�.�ar drcumDiaeoas d�e+ca�d. Bot+row�a w�rtlats�od
<br /> �wi11 defe�ad�aieiaUy dre tide la d�I3dpe�ty apiest a!!cT�uns aad dem�nd�,�ubjer.t tr��!7�cun�be�ow ofc�ccard.
<br /> � ` � THiS SFGI.TRiTY Q�iSTRlfMEid"f oomLiea unifa�ut oaveamts far a�tiaal Y�e�nd non�uoifarm o�ve�nts wit11 ,
<br /> 'limite�varia6ans bje jut�Ctiaata�oestioute s uaifatm s�a�jr�:ca�ver�rat�p�eitY. �. . �.
<br /> � [JNIPORM�OYENANf5. Bonowa and 1.ret�der covsant aod a�ee s fdbws:�
<br /> l. ls�ae,�t�f�rt Lf�e�e�t;Pt��rert�l.Me CM�r�e�. 8a�m�rer�il P'�P�Y P4Y rvbas due d�e .
<br /> princip�t of aod int�est an the de6t evidei�ce�dy the Na1e and mY P�Wy�aod late dut under th Nde. ,
<br /> Z. i�YrM tit"liuoes aM Iw�a�c� Su6jecK to appiicabk lsw oc to a�vrinen svd�l.a�der,Banuwes ilai!pay W � .
<br /> � 1�ender on tfre day n�oad�l��payiaa�ts aoe due under d�e Ncxe.uml dye Note is p�id in.full.a swn("Fi�'�far:(s)Y�Y
<br /> wus md�xsastneats xidc6 mry atmrt priairy over dds Seciuiry L�ocument ss a liea an�e A+apa�ty;([t)yariy 1a�fiotd
<br /> paymeats ar g�aod rems at the Pmpaty. �f aay; (c)Yea�iy�iuisd'a prupecty ias�usoce pe�ums;(d) �tY ftood
<br /> �oce paeminms.if my:(e�Jmi9 mort�ge imu�u�ca pee�iuun�s,i�ar►Y+and(Q auY �P�Y�bY ��� �
<br /> Lader,ia acoordance with the povisions of p�ragrspb 8.in li�of tlye p�Y�t of mort8�8������wns. Thes�
<br /> irems m cauea°Fscrow rtems." tenaer may,u any 6mc.couecr sna how F�S in an anwwu aa w cxcooa rbe,mx,mun► ,
<br /> anw�uat s leader fa a federally�elatcd mortgage,tom may rcquir�e for Boaower's esamw xcoam ynder the federal Real
<br /> Estate Sealemeat.Piroceduns Act of ig74 u ama�ded f�om 6me to wne,I2 IJS.G�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unkss aiwt6er
<br /> lrv th�t applies to the Auds aets a lesser amo�sK. U ao,l.ender may.u�ny time.cdlact aod 6dd Fiodt m�n amo�u�t not qa
<br /> � excad the lasa unount. Lender mry atim�te the amowu of li�nds du�m tb�basis of ca�rarc`dsts urd rrasaa�bie
<br /> est�mues of catpen�iim�es of tutme Escmw Itetns or athetwise L�acca�0ance wid�applicabk faw. . ' �
<br /> 7lie�iinds sMll be held 'm an i�siimtioa whose deposits ate iosu�ed by s fe�ieral a�eucy.ias�ua�tinlity.Qs arity
<br /> �(i�lud'ma I.eader,if I.eodet is soch ao instiw6an).ar in�uy F�oderal Hume I.om B�nk. I.enckr sfnl!apply the Fs�ds w WY -
<br />, the.Escrow Itans. l.eader may not c6�ge Batowa fac holding md�pplying the F�nds.anr►w11Y amlYzin6 d�e Gsciow
<br /> xoouat,ar verifyio8 t�ie Eumw Items.tmkss l.eoder pays Bormwa intercst on the Fvtds aod�pplicabk kw pamits
<br /> l�ender w maYe such a charga However.Ixnder may nyuire Bomnwdr to pay a one-tirne�huge for an mdependeot Ral
<br /> , . .estau,qx iepocting sarvice used by l.ender in connec6on witb this loan,uNess applica6le law provides oti�wise. UnIess an
<br /> . • agneemerR is made or applicable law nquires interat w be paid,Lender shall not be nequirod w pay Bomnwer�tny wt�a+at'or
<br /> eunings on We Funds. Bormwer ar�d I�ertder may agoe in writi�g,howeve�,that inteiest shall Fx paid on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> . shaU give m Barowa.witf�out charge.aqa�mual acxountmg of tln�unds.shoviring crcdits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for�wluch exh debit to tbe Funds was made. 'tl�e Funds are pledged as addiaonat securitS+for all swris socured by
<br /> , this Security Ins�neAG �
<br /> � If tUe Fmdt��etd by I.ender excad the amounts permiued to be Ixtd by appticabte law,Lender shall xcount to
<br /> Bormwer for the��cc+ess Fw�ds in accardance with tlte nequiretnents of applicabk taw. If tbe amouat of tLe Funds held by
<br /> Leaci�at any tit�is not sufficieM to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Bocrower in writing,and,in
<br /> suc1�case Boiro�er shatl pay to L�ender the amount na;es�r to make ap the deficieacy. Barower shall m�lce up the
<br /> deficieacy i�ao�than twerie monthiy payments,at Lender's sole discretion. � ' _
<br /> Upon paym�`�a full of all sums secured by this Security Iastrumeai.Lender shal!pmmp8y cefimd to Bamwer any --
<br /> Funds held by[.esx�,�: If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquue or sell the Pt�aperty,Lender,prior co the acquisition or �__
<br /> . sak of ihe Pmperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cr�dia against the sums ��_-
<br /> secuied by this Security Instrumen� � t.�-
<br /> 3. Appli¢ation ot Pt�yroeots. Untess applicable law provides otherwise.all payments rucived by Lcnder under
<br /> paragtaphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to aznoanu payable under
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to priacipal due:and last.to any tate charges dne under the Note. _
<br /> 4. C6arses; Lieos. Botrower shap pay all ta�ces.assessmenu.charges. fines and imposidons attributable to the
<br /> Property wluch m�y aEtain priority ove�this Security Insnument.and teasehold paymenu or ground rents.if any. Barrower �
<br /> s6a�l pay these obllgations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bortower shall p�y tt�em on
<br /> time directly to the petson owed pa��men� Boirower shall promptty fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be patd under
<br /> this p�cagraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.8orrower sha11 promptly fumish to Lender receipts ev�dencing
<br /> , ��Yments. � . . � .
<br /> . Bormwer sEn�l.�promptly discharge any Rca�which•has pdority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> iee weittng to the payment of the obligation secua�,f by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contesu in good faith Ihe
<br /> fii�x.��r,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender§opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ' �oroement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satistactory to Lender subordinating�.�tien �
<br /> to this Seeurity InstrumenL If Lender deter►nines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which�nay attai�priority
<br /> ovtr this Security Instrument,Lender may give Bomower a natice ideniifying ihe lien. Borrower shal!ss�isfy the lien or take , �
<br /> , one or more of the actions set fath above wit�n 10 days ot the giving of notice. ' • �
<br /> S. Haz�rd or Property lasnranoa Boirower shall keep thc improvements now existing o�heeeafter erecte�an the � {. •
<br /> Property insund against loss by fire,fiHZaMs included within tfie term"extendeA covera�,''and any other hazards,u:��:�.ding !
<br /> Roods or ftooding.for which Ler„Qer requires insurance. This insurance shail be maicua�ned in the amounts ar�gor the I.
<br /> E
<br /> For�3ni �i� Ipegr2of6poges) �
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