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:Y • { • < <br /> �c �� _ ' . .' _`_ <br /> .?�.�•;t � �-', . . . � _ _��...s.._... <br /> _• _ ,.' ' �_— . _ . _ . . . <br /> _ __ - _ -�:�. � � - . � . f� � ` .. _ � � , . 94� _ <br /> . � 'I��wcrH.l1 the im�rn►�an�now a tre�d�a aeaea an d�e poor«iy.r�m�u mmr�t������.� � . <br /> j. � . ` fixtura aq+�e or bereaAa a pnt af t6e ptoperty. Ap re�t�oemaats aad add�hons ab�ll aist�he uoverod b�r`dti� Seca�ity . <br /> � I�a�.!Ui Of the fcxegoio�is isfur�!to in tt�is Secur�ty tmteummt as t�e"Pmpaty." � - = . <br /> ; ' ; � �ORROWER t'�YENANTS tWt Horrower is tawfWty aased.of she es�e berelry Qoaveyedux!iWn the riEht w g�aat'�od , <br /> ; ' bonvey the.Property atd ttut ti�e Prnprny is unenwmbecid,exoepe'for eocumbtan�es o��+eoord.Borrower warrants and iviU '. <br /> defsnd generalty tha titk to the Property agatast a11 dsiims aud den�nds.su6joct to any encumbranoes of nco�d. ` � � <br /> : S 'FHIS SECURITY INSI'RUMENT oombines uniEorm ooveoants for n9tiona!ase and:an-unifonn oove►wc►ts witb limitad <br /> vari�tioas by jurisdktion Ro cronstitute a unifo�sn sa�uriry inurument oovering n�t prupetty. <br /> [IMFORII!CUVENANTS.Borrower and L�ender covat�nt atd agree us fc�llows: . <br /> � ` f. �ysi�at of Principd a�d�nhres�Pk+epa7me�t sad L�te C�eges.Borrowet shali`P�'�Y PsY�when due tbe r � <br /> � priacipaf af�nd i�te�esE on tlie de5t evidenced by the Note and anY P�Y�t ud t�[e chugts clue urder the I�Iote. - , <br /> 2:Funds for Ta:es aed L�uranca Su6ject to applica6le faw or to a written waiver by I.ender.Borrower st�ll�y to <br /> Lender on the dsy monthlY p�yments are due under the Note.uaW t6e Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)Yqr1y tues <br /> �ud assess�nents v�rhich�y,auain pciotity over tl�is Savrity inswment as a liea on the Pmpe�ty;(b)Yarly leasehMd paymaus � <br /> or ground cents on the�mperty.if a�ry+:(o)YariY haiaca or property iasur�noe premiams:(d)ye;ariy�Iood insurana pcemiums, <br /> � if aayr:(e)Yearly anortgage insvnuxx preiniums, if any;and t�ar►9 sums PaYabl�.bY Borrower to l.ender. in acoordu�ce with <br /> � thc pr8visions of paragraph lieu of thc payment of mortgage insurance piemiums.These items are called"Fscr�w Items.' <br /> I.rnder may,at any time,capecc and hold Funds in an amount not to ex,ce�d the maitimum amount a lender for a federalty <br /> reiated mangags toan may require for Borrower s escrow account under the federat Real Estate Settlement Pra.�edu�es Act of <br /> � 19T4 as amerdod�fmm Nme to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectiun 26Q�er seq. f"RFSPA"),unless another law that applies to tbe.Funds - <br /> - - sets a lesser amounf. If so, Lender may,at any rime.wllect and hold Fw�ds in an amount not to exceod the Iesser u�ount. --— <br /> i.ender may estimate the ain�ount of Funds due on the basis of curnnt data and reasonable estimates of exprndiw�s of futtu�e <br />