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:�t� ^. . . -- - - ` <br /> s� . � � , � - - <br /> . .'r: � �� ..�. ' .- <br /> .. � � ---- _ <br /> — : . , -, -- . - -- _ - <br /> . � � � �9�-�t�1,�. . _ <br /> . �t�e w,�,n m��Y�now o�ne��a o���o�cy.�m'�t�e�e�s.�.�a_ _ <br /> . 6xt�es no�v or haafter a p�tt af the penpaty. All repl�oe,�ents �d addiaons sh�ll �1sd be ooveced'6y this Savrity , <br /> lesttumait.All of tbe focegaiag�i's cefemat to in this Saxirity���uurtimt as the'P�operty.' - � , <br /> HQRitOWER OOYENADiTS th�t Botm�ver is L1�vfWty seised oi�tl�c estate hercby convcyod ard!ns the right w grant�nd . <br /> `oonvey the Piap�ty ind that.the P�operty is anencumbaed.exapt for sncumbrances of reoord. Boirowe►wurants ard will <br /> defmd�eaeratly Uie titk to the Frbperty against all ctaims and demaads:subject w any encumbranee�of raodid. <br /> '1'HIS�EC[JRPfY INSCRUMENT combines w�ifofm covenmts tor natia�at use ard nort-uniform ccsvettants witl��imtted <br /> variriions 6y jyrisdiftion to c�uitute i uniform set�uity;inucumrnt ooverin8�P��h'• ' � � . _ <br /> . QNI�ORM COVENANTS.Bormwer and I:ender oovec�nt and agree as foliaws: <br /> , _ X.�y�ait c(Pti�dp�i a�d�e�t: �ep�y�aud Late C6tr�es. Borrowe�shap promP�fY P09 when dae dx _ <br /> - prii�cipl of aod iM�st on the Aebt evidesoed by the Note at�clanY P�Y�nt�ad iue charges due mtder tfie NoEe. , __ <br /> 2.Fi�ds tor Tax�s and(as��Y.Subject to appliqble!aw or to a written waiver by Lender.Borrower sha1F pay�to -_--_ <br /> Lender op t6e day nant�ly paymaots ue doe under the Nate.until the Nae is paid in full.a sum("Funds')far.(a)yearly taxes �:`:=- <br /> ud assessmrnts whid�may attain pciority ovu t6is Savrity tav7rL�++�-^-�as a Gsn on the P�npe�ty:(b)Yearly teasdtotd paymenu� �- <br /> or gmund trnts oo the Prapaty.if�ny:(c)Yeart�'hazand ar praperty i�premiusa5:(d)Ye�,u1Y floai insnrance premiums, :,+� <br /> if aey:(e)Yearly aartg,age insnrince pre�iumc.if any:�nd t�anY sums PaYabte by Bormwer to l� a000rdance witb -_ <br /> tbe provisioas of par�graph lieu of the payment of mortgage ipsuran�c prcmiums.These items are railed'Escmw Items." �;-�w <br /> i.endtr tr� uiy time.`oolloct and hatd Funds in an amount not to excad the mauimum anaunt a lender for a fedecalty <br /> nlatod mo�tgage lwn may req�ene for Bormwer's escrow acoount wjder tLe fedetal Rp1 Estate Settlemen't Prucedures Act of • �`= <br /> 1714 as ainended from tiMe to.time, I2 U.S.C.Section 2b01 u seq. ('RESPA").unless anather law that apQlies to the Funds <br /> sets a laser amoant.If so. Ltrdtr trny.u any time.oollect ard hold Fonds in an amount not ta exaeed the lesser amount. <br /> L�+nder a�ay estimate the amount of'Funds due on the basis oC current data aad zeasonabte estimates of.expeaditures of futune � . <br /> , Fsc�row Items or ott�erwise in xcordance with applic+bte law.• . • <br /> 'd1�e Fundt s6i11 be betd'irt an inuitation Rfiose deposits are insiu�ed by a faderal agency. instrument�ity. or entity <br /> (including I.endtr.if Lender is�sucli an institutionl or in any Feder�l Home Loan Bank.Lender shatl apply the Fands w pay the. `�": <br /> Fscmw Itett�s.Lender may not charge Borruwer for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow accoun�or _ <br /> verifying the Escrow Itrnu.unless Lende�pays Barrawer incerest op the Funds and appticable Iaw pemuu l,ender to make such <br /> a charge.However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge.for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> - usod by l.ender in con�octiot� with•this toan. unttss applicable law provides otherwise..Unless an agreemeot is made m , - <br /> applipble law roquices interest to be paid.Lender sha11 not 6e required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. . <br /> � Borrower and i�ender may agree in writing.howevu.that intetest shall be paid oa the Fw�ds. Leader shall give to Borrower. � � <br /> without uu�oal acxxwnting af the Fw�ds. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each ' <br /> dabit.w tl�e Funds was m3de.Tde Funds aTe�lodged as addiGoaal secwrity far all sums s�ecured by this Security Instrument. �_ <br /> If the FwWs held by I.ender exceed the amounu permitted to be held by applicable law.I.ender shall acrnunt to.Borrow�r ;;�� <br /> for the exebss Funds in acoondance with the requiremencs of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at azry <br /> time is not sofficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so ratify Borrawer in writing.and,in such case Horrower ''� ` <br /> shall pay w Leader the artaunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sf�all make up the deficiecKy in no r�iore than <br /> twelve mo�xltty Lender's sote discrec[an. • • <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstn�ment.Lender shaU promptly refund to Bact'c•�er any <br /> � Funds hdd by Ler�der.If.under paragraph 21.L.ender shall acquire or seU the Property.I.ender,priar to the acQ'.c�ti_�;;�or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds 6eld by Lender at the time of acquisiiion or sale as a credii against the s.�r,��v3:~�ied by ` <br /> this Security Inst�ument. . . <br /> � ' 3.Applicatbe.ot P�ymeats.Unless applicable taw provides othenvise.all paymen�s received by LQr,�u:��r�..r.r paragraphs . <br /> � 1 and 2 shall be anY Prepaymerrt charges dua under the amounu paya������.�rs?raph 2: <br /> ' , third,to intercst principal due;and last,to any late charg�due under the Note. . <br /> . 4.Charges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taaes,assessments,charges, fines and impositions attribatable r•�tt��.�soperty � <br /> � which may attain priority over this Socurity Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground renu, if any. Bonower'.s:Iall pay <br /> � tliese obijgations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly �� � � <br /> W the person owed payment.Borrtlwer shall pramptly furnish to Lender all notices oF amounts to 6e paid under this paragrapb. <br /> If Borrower makes ihese payments directly.Barrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. �. <br /> Borcower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Serurity Instrument untess Borrower. (a)agrees in . <br /> writing to the paynxnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manncr acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the lien ,,� <br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal procecdings which in �he l.ender'c apinian operate to prevent the <br /> . . enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures ftrsm the holder of the lien ao a�reement saticfactory to t.ender cubardinating the lien ta � <br /> this Security Instrument. If i.endf�r determines that any pan of e�e Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over � • <br /> this.Security Instrument.•Lender rr.:a, give Bomower a notic��j�i�tifying tfie lien. Bonower shall satisfy the lien or t�ke one or <br /> ' more of the acdons set forth ab�?•e��thin 10 days of the�i���g of notice. � . �.. <br />' ' iaon 3028 9/80 I�. <br /> ., � vpe2of8 . ' <br /> ` `.� <br /> . i. .' <br /> � . � . .,. j , i, . ( . <br /> 1 <br /> �_._. � , . . , . . ��f '. <br /> �•. <br /> - � . _�•�.r�. � . �.��� �r 4 • _ :��;:r T{ .r . - . �,. - <br /> "�_—. �__���urr.. .�Y'��J`�+. �6'iR`L A U. . . 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