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� � ��"}: . , .. . . . ., v ` .-�4' �[Te-__ <br /> ,'1�. � .. �' _ <br /> _ !'. - . .. - U,��.'__ <br /> _ - . ' '�._-_ <br /> .. � `C .. -..-.-:-. <br /> . .. i __ ..._. <br /> -� �. <' ` . , ' ��r �� _.-.- -, , .__ <br /> • ' , ` �W�iU(�IC 1t1�(OYEQIGdf 11�lV Or�QOCiEd�If�11C p[GQitiy�i�il��7�b.��� . . <br /> � � , f11R� a0W Ct��lC,��tt,Or t�lt p[�O�EfI�►. /U� 1l�1�OC�G�tf �Od �It1011� ilii�{ illO 17E t70vp�Gd �1 !� .SOL4M�►< _ <br /> �utt�l.A!1 a�.tlK(bee�oia�!i tefertrd la in t6't,s Secvrity IruMetnent as tlje'Prape�ty.• .. • . <br /> • �RROWE�t COV�NANCS t�ft Hormwet 1s Isvvfutty�ceeisat of the at�te hemby canveyad�atd 6�s the right to gimt sod. : <br /> , catvcy me PYVperty a�d th�t the Propetty is uMncumbetod,eaca�t for enculnbrancrs oi r000rd. Bomower war�ants aod wrill <br /> defend�eneelly thatitte to tl�e Pm�artg� atl cl�ims and dem�nds.subjxt to�ny ena�mbnnces of rro�nd. . ' <br /> 1MS SECITIi!'fY 1NSTRUMSNT c�ombines uniform oovet�nts for national use sutd non-unifotm oQveoants with liaritod <br /> , v�riatiom by jurisdidion to rnnstitnu a_uaifom►secariry instromerrt mverin8�P��'�Y• � <br /> UDiIFORM CUY�IVANTS. Bortrower.and le.nder cnven�nt.and agrQe as follows: _. <br /> ` 1. Pf�yiea�t o[Ptiscipd asd 1dn� Ye+�JmenE apd Ltte 6'6a�es. Borrower st�ali PmmptiY PaY wha�dne t6e . <br /> princip�l of wd intenest on the debt�by tl�e Notc and any RrepaYmeot.aod late charges.due under the Nae. <br /> � 2.Fa�ds tor Tues�aad Iusur�nce.Subjxi to�ppGcable law or w a written waiver by Ixnder,Bornuwer shall pay to <br /> Lajder on the daY��Y PaS'�nts aie dae under tho Note.unci!the Nae is paid in full.a sum("Fmds")for:(a)yariy�aes . . <br /> aod assessmeuts w6ich may att�in priority over,this Soeurity.tnstrument as a fien ari the Propecty;(i�}Ytar1Y ieaselwld paymaus <br /> � or grourd nnis on the Property.if any:(c?Y�!'��or property insuranco premiwns:(�Yoar1Y flood insurance p�emiums, <br /> if n►y:t�)Yady mortgaga inwrance piainiums.if any:and(fl anY�i�Y�le by Borrower to I.e�der. iu a000i+dance with <br /> the provisiuns of paragraph liw of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are rall�d'Escrow Items.' <br /> • f�r�der may� at any mne,colkec and hold Fw�ds ia an awouai not to exce�We tnaximnm amount a tender for a feder�liy <br /> `� � nlated mortgage laaa may �equire for Barrower s escrow account under the feder8l Rea1 Estate Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> 19T4 ac amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").anless another law that applie§to the Furjds <br /> sets a lesser amoun� If so,.Lendet may,at any[ime.callect a�6otd Funds in an aAwunt not to exceed.tlie tesser amount. <br /> I ender may estimate tb�e amount of Funds due on the 6asis of curan[da[a and reasonable estimates:rif,ez�ieadiwros of fu#�re <br /> . Escrow Items or otherwise in aax�rdanoe with applicable law. ' - ".':� . <br /> 'ffie Fnnds shaU be held in an institution whose sits are incured a federal � " ;'•�f�. . . . tY <br /> � bY aSencY,':ms�iir�a�ity. ar coti <br /> (including I.ender,if I.eMer is such an institurion)or in any.Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall app13'tiieFunds to�ay the <br /> Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow accoimt,or _ _ <br /> verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds a�f applicabte law pemrits Lender to make sucb <br /> . � a rh�rge. Hov`e,wer.l.ender m�y require Somower to pay a one-time cl�arge for aa indepea�dent real estate taq¢repotting scrvice = <br />. ased by Lender in cnnnection with this loan, untess applicabte law provides otherwise. Unless an �nt is made or ° <br /> applicable lavv requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earQiags on the Funds. _ <br />. Borrower and Lender may ugree in wriring,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds.i.,ender shaEl give to Borrower. - <br /> without charge,an annual accounang of the Funds,showing crediu and debits to the Funds and.the purpose for which each = <br /> � •debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sams secured by.this Security Iastnuneqt.� . <br /> . If thc Funds held by f.ender excecd the a�r�ounu,permiued to be held by applicable taw,I.ender shatl ae�oount to I3onuwer _ <br /> • 'for the excess Funds in'aocordance with the require�°nts of applicabte law. If the amount of the Funds held by any _ <br /> time is no�_s�ficient tn pay the E.scrow Items wherr due,I,ender may so notify Borrower in writing, such case Bortn�rer <br /> � shall pap�.to_�nder t4e amount�necessary to make ap t6e'deficc�eacy. Borrawer shall make up the defciency in no more than - <br /> twelve monihly paytne�s,at I.ender's sole discretion. ' ' � �: <br /> • � Upon paymerit i�n full of all sums secured by tdtis Security Instrumen� Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any � .::.�_ <br /> Funds deld by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Le�ader shaU acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by i.ender at the time of arquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by ; <br /> this Sesurity Instrument. _ <br /> 3.Applicatlon o!Paymeats.Unless applirabde law provides otherwise.all payments receivad by Lender under paragraphs <br /> _ � 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,ta any prepayment cl�azges due under the Note; amourrts payabl�,under paragraph 2; _- <br /> '• '�third,ta interest due; prinripal due;and last.zo any late charges due under the Note. � � :, <br /> � 4.�fisrges; Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxes,sissessments.charges.fines and impositions attributable to the Praperty = <br /> which m�y attain prior�ty over this Security Instrument, and leasPhold paymenu or gruund rents.if any. Borrower st�aU pay <br /> ttiese obtigations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if nmi paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them an time directty � <br /> ;to the person owed payment.Bonower shalt promptfy fumish ta l.ender all notices af amaunts to be paid under this paragraph. � <br /> �f Bonower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall prompUy fumish ta l.ender rereipts,evidencing the payments. � • _ <br /> � . Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Secwity Instrument untess Bonower:(a)agrees in �. <br /> wtiting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)coMesu in goud faith the lien ` <br /> by, or defends against enforcement pf the lien�in, legal pmcecdings which in the Lender's apinian operate to preveut the � <br /> . :enfarcemerrt of the lien:or(c)socures from the holder of the lien an agmcment satixfactory ta Lender subordinaNng the lien to <br /> this Security Instrument.If Lcncler deiermines that any part of the Property ia subject to a lien which may attain priority nver � <br /> this Security Instrament.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take qne or � <br /> more of t1►e actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nolice. !' <br /> F«m 802� SJ90 = <br /> P�pe Y of 8 . . . -_- <br /> . N • _ <br /> ��_=}`—��i' �i¢.Zii.:t1"ta 3 j�l'',�. ���-w'�';y�Y?��� ' . � . <br /> —_:��-- _—_ _ ___ �Y"15R�O`�i���_ <br /> - ;-f•.-�c,��?�rc-;"��•�?^.,4"'r~•.,,. .��:v:�.r;- .---- - <br /> --_ _ - -. . . - ;,' .. . , <br /> - - - ^?3..... ...._... _ ... •. . : .....,:Mr - ,..�.....- . . .. � . <br />