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<br /> �1�t�l�[ f�l������1 tl1�Cf�plrbd�T+l�CC�11�OOOO�'S iY��fb�E��f Obh111E�.�1YMlt���f .
<br /> : ��lpf�IlOd 10����011j,��l0 t�Ci.11[b�i j0�_1lJ�IlE.��16E I�ftI�IQK l0�'iG0lt� ..
<br /> _, e iMY�10C b71��R f�O�IOC'Nlf�l�M[%1fl���[MDOOIi�0[[Oprr�jtOd![Qi�I�SE��iN. ' ' . .
<br /> _ • ��.t.tfl�f Of I�f�lAty►IIIf�C�OOfMC C�l1�'S i1pOR iOd lII�OC�IOII!Ofr fbC�0�!l��t.�.CO��E a1YC ' .
<br /> Bormwsr.noti�e�t t6e timit of a prior to an Inspectlon specitj�iog rusoo�bk cause f�tl�e icspectian. . ;
<br /> H,�.'�Le pt±oceods"of my award or claim fa d�m�,es.�rxE a ooc�sequeatW,in comection w�b riy
<br /> ooadam�tio�or o8ier afq�of anY P�irt.of tse P�opeuty.ocfa conveyanoe L!tiw of coodnin�ioo.�ue derrebY�E�� .
<br /> ,�falf be p�id Lo L�eader. � �� � � •
<br /> In tbe eveat ofa taW Wdog af tht Pmykstq.tbe proaeds sball be applied to tfie s�mtt sa.vted by tbis Sau�ityL�smaent+ ,
<br /> . whdlk.r ar aot then due.�vitb anyr exass paid to Bo�mwer.In tLe event of a puti�i takiva of thc Ptupeny�.in wdid�tbe fa'u�
<br /> m�rket val�e of tbe?copaty immo8i�tety before the taking is eqasl to or ge�ata fh�t tl�e�a�ou�of tbe.snrtn saut+ed 6y.this
<br /> Savrity ImWnoent imu�ediuely befae the nicing,unless Bor�uwa ud I.eader athenvise sgree io wciting,tbe sams seau�d by
<br /> � tbis Soauiry Imuvment aha[1 be reduoed by tI�e�ntount of ti�c prooxds maltiplicd bq tb�folioMing ftactioa:(a)tbe total .
<br /> aaoaat of tLe a�s�aaued immied'�atety.6efon die taking,dividod BY(b)tt�fair muka v�iue of tHe PraQe�ey io�m�di�tdy
<br /> � bafore t6e t�idng. Any batance si�all be ptid to Barro�s�er. In tha eve�t of a partial mlcing of tbe Fropeity in whicb iLe fair
<br /> muYet value of ihe Pmpaty iq�medi�telY before tLe taking Is less than tbe�amunt of the,sums secuted in�nodiatdy befo�e d�e
<br /> talcing.udess Borrower and Leoder otherwise agroe in vm'ting or ariless a�plirabte law otherwise provides,tfie proc�eeds sh�t! ,
<br /> ' be applied to tbe sums secuied by dus 3ecurity t.,ar,�m�±±e wheEher or not the sams�e then dtie. . . _
<br /> If the Pmperty is abandoaed by Bornnwer,or if.after notioe by I,ender to Boimroer thu t6e oo�demnor offea to make�'�
<br /> awa�or setttie a claim for damages.Somowu faiis ta cespo�to imde�witbirE 3Q days after tlsb datc tLe.notic�c is�givee,•. .
<br /> . Lender is autherizad to coqact and spply the pmcads.at its option.eit6es to tzstaratias�or repair of the Propaty�rt�t}�t snn�s�. • ,
<br /> . savted by this 5a,�arity Ittstrument,wlkther.or twt tl�e�►dae. . �..-' . .. , :' `
<br /> Unless i.atder and Aarrowec dherwise agrec in writing,apY agptic�tion of pravoeds w principal sUal!`not extend ar
<br /> �postpone the due date of tbe tmnthty prymnts rcferrod to i�'paragraphs 1 and Z or d�age tUe amount of such payments.'
<br /> . 11.Borrower Not Relased;Forbearance By I.eader 1Vot p Wairer.E�tension of tbe time for payment vr modificaaon � .
<br /> �_ of�nortiz,ation of the sums secured by this Securiry Instn►ment grdnted by Lender to arry suoce�sor in inteiest af Borr!nwer shall
<br /> not operate to teleast the liability of ti�e original Borrower or Bomower's succes$ors fn interest.Lender s6a11 noE t+e'��quired to
<br /> oommence procaedings against any successor in interest or refiose w extend ume for payment or otherwise modify�octi�tioa .
<br /> 'of the suias socured by this Security Instrument by.reason of any demand made by the origina! Borrower a Sorrower's
<br /> sucoes.gors in interest. Any foc6eararxe by i.ender in exercising any right or nemedy shall not be a waiver of orprrtlude the
<br /> , , exentise of an}r right or remedy. ' . � �
<br /> 12. 3ue�ssors and Ass�OS Boaiad;Joint and Sevaal I.�tabilify; Co-si�as• The cavenants and agroanerns of this� �
<br /> Socurity Instrument sha!!bind and benefii che successors and assigns,of I.ender aud Borrower, subject to the provisiurr,saf.
<br /> parlgraph !7. Bortawer's covenants and agreemenss shall.be Joint and several. Any $oaower who co-signs thi$.Secrtrity
<br /> Instmment but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument oNy to mortgage,grant aad convey that
<br /> Horrower's�nterest in the Property under the temu of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obtigatod Av�pay the snm.s
<br /> savred by this Security Insirument:and(c)asrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend,modify, forbear or
<br /> make any accomraudatio�s with regard to the termc of this Security tnstrument or the Note without that Borrower's ootumt. ,
<br /> 13.Losn C6nrges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject ta a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> and that law is Hnally interpreted so chat the interest or other loan charges colleeced ar to be colletted in oo�nestion with the
<br /> laan exceod the pemutted limits.then:(a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by tlie aroount neressary w r�d�oe the�harge �
<br /> to the pemtitteA limit:and(b)any sums already coltected from Borraw,e-which exceeded permitt�!limiu will be tefundod to
<br /> Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducin� the prSncipal owed under the Note os by making a diroct
<br /> payment to Borrower. If b refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepaymert without any .
<br /> prcp�yment charge under the Note. . ,
<br /> 14.NWic�.s.Any not}ce w Borrower pcovidod for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it�nr by mailing
<br /> it by first clacs mail unless applipbte law requires use of anather method.The notice shall be dirccted to the Property Address
<br /> ar any other oddress Borrawcr designates by notice to L.ender. Any natice to Lender ahall be given by first class mail to
<br /> Lcr�lcr's addr+esg stated hercin or any other addre�s Lerxler dcsignates by natice to 8orrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Security Inuntment shall be deemad to have been givcn to Borrower or l.eruler wher.�:ven as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> !S.Covemtng I.�w: Severability. This Sccurity instrument shall be gove-ne� �y federal law .and the law of the
<br /> jutlsdi�tiinn in whicb the Property is I�rated. In the event that any provisian or clause of this Security Instniment or the Note
<br /> con0icts with applic�blc law,such conflict shall nut afPect other provisions of this Security[nstrumes:t or the Note which can be
<br /> glven effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security lnstrnment and the Note are declazed =
<br /> tu bc�evcrahlr.
<br /> li.Borrow'er's(.'op}.&,rrowcr shall be giccn onc conformed copy of the Note and of thiti�Security/nstrui:r�ent.
<br /> .� Form 30Z8 8/80 .
<br /> Cof�o a o+6
<br /> '
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