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.S� `',hi1�{'ya�C � t J, `(` J __.—_ <br /> .c.._ - .....,.� . •t'`.r.�. .-:_ _-----_ .- <br /> ---_ _--- - -, -, - 94. . , � . _ � ` _ � ,, . <br /> - <br /> , . . . . . . �l0�'�'�'� , . . � ..� <br /> , '�O�t�'fi�1t w,TN au a,e imp�w�s nu�►or r�s�er e�ea au the�opat�►.ma�u�e�s,ap�t�o�.�na <br /> ' fixpira aow or he�aRer s qrt af the property. All �eplaom�ts �d�'addif�OS stull aLso be oovaed�by thfis SaaQity � - <br /> : i�umeM.1111 aithe farrYoirt�is�refere�ed to in this Security Insaumaa ss tl�e"Pmperty."' - : . ' . <br /> BaRROWER COVE�IANTS tiat HonoMra�s IawfWly�eised of'tb'e esntc he�eby convryed aad has the rIght to gmt�od <br /> `. . oOnvey the Prnpetry and UW ilte Property�is uaeneumbend,exoept fat enc�ambrmces of reoard. Bormwer vracr�nts md xil� <br /> deftnd aenetalfy tNe litk to the Propert�r aaainst al2 claims atd de�aand�.subjax to aziy eaniri�brat�ces of cecatd. � ' . , <br /> ` ` '�i�5 SFCURi'�Y INSTRt1MENT cambit�es aniform oovtnants for natiotr�l use azd non-naiform cove�ants wish l�mited . <br /> vati�tiu�s bS►juri!�dktion M mr�tituta t►utdform security instruaient ooverinS�P��Y= � � . <br />. �, UNIFARM(70YENANT5.8om�wu ard l.eMer covenant and agree as follows: � _ � , <br /> t. a�tlt�Mt�d I.eer� rre�ymwc w�a �c��. Bormwu sbau pmm�r f�ay wnen aue abe <br /> pdncipd of and interest on.tAe debtCVidenced by the Note and anY P�Payment atd Iate�c6argesdue under the Note. � _ ' <br /> 2.Fnn�ii�[or TMxes�t�u�ece. Subjxt to applirablc law or to a written waiver by Lealer,Soraower sbal!ppy to <br /> � . I.ender on the day monthlY PpYments are duevtnder the Note,u�the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:�ta)3!�cl�t�s <br /> �nd assessm�txs which m�y altAin priotity over this Savrity t���r as a tiea on the Property;(b).YeazIy.tea"sefip;iil�ayYneafs <br /> or graund rents an the�ny:(cf Y«�Y�ar.propeitq_ii�ura?ra.�rgmiums:(d)Yearly flood insnr�.�remi�s, <br /> If u►y:te?Yrariy moRg�e ingurAnce premiums. if any;and(f�aaY'sss�.c;:pa}'�?Iz�ay Horraaec to ixnder,in ac�o�a�e•wiW <br /> � the prnvlsion�af p�ragr�ph� litu of the p�yment of mortgage insura5�c�pi��a'u�s;:'i7iesc;ite�aresalled"Escmw it�s:": <br /> Lerder ttay. xt any time. �allax and hold Funds in�n amount not tP exceed t)ze raa-�eiin•am�iunt a le�der for a fact�alI,y`.:. , . <br /> reiNOd mo�tgage latin m�y rcqriire for Borrower's eserow accaunt under the fcderaT Reat Esrace Setdement��dure.c Act o#?•;:;; <br /> 1974 ac amended front time ta tfine.12 L1.5.C.Secqon 2b01 er seq.("RESPA"},unless another law that appiies,"tu tlie�unds;:;:-:.�: <br /> tets A lesser amou�t. If so. L�ender any time,cotlert and hold Funds in an ssnount aot to•exceed the tesseramounY;°r�' <br /> i.endcr may'estimate the amounc of Funds dne an the basis of cwrent data apd.ieasonab�e•estimates of expe�..of#t�ur`e. <br /> Escrow Items ar otherwise in accord�nce wlth applicable law. � ''� _= ._ <br /> � ' The�nnds sha8 6e lxld in �n institation whose deposits are insurec��li�,a fec�, instivmensality:��r�ntity <br /> (including Lender.if Lender is such an i�rstitutiun)or'in any Federa!Home Laa��Bank.�.eadec suall appty the Fuadsaog��re , — <br /> . Escrow Items.I.ender may nat fur Iwtding and appiying the kund.s,aa�na�y analyzing the escrow`ased�aat;ar <br /> verifyiog the Escmw Itoms.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fundsand apglicabie.taw permiu Lender to��suc�i =-- <br /> � a charge.Howevcr.L.ender may requirc Bc►rcower to pay a ane-time charge foe;an indeperrdent reaI estate tax reporting sei?rice �_�� <br /> t�sod by Lender in cnnnection with th�s t�wn. antes� uppticabte taw pravid���siherwise. Untess an agroement is nride or �`'�"- <br /> Applicable law requites interest to be paid.lander shall tat bc required to pay Bozsower any interest or earnings on the fiinds.. � ,��_- <br /> �.'`:::�_•_ <br /> Hocrnwer and i.ender may agree in writing,however,th�t intetest shaU be paid�oa tf�e Funds. Lerider shall give to Bornawer,:' .�:�:•�:= <br />. without charge. an�nnual accounting of thc�unds,showing credits and debits.•ta�be Funds and the purpose'for which eac.�i,-.. `,._ � 2<?��F <br /> �,.� <br /> debit ta the Funcls wa.�inade.The Funds pre ptedged u.�udditlonal securiry for ali sums secured by tbis Securiiy tnswument�'�-.:;:` � . '� �,-.�= <br /> if the Funds held by Lender cxcocd thc anx�unl.a pertnitted to 6e held by applicable law.I.ender shall account to Bor�a�ei�;��: , �:e%'.�--- <br /> . for the excess Funds in accardv�ce with`the reyuirements of applicabfe law. If the amount of the Funds 8etd by I.easder:at any � '�` �4���; <br /> time is not suf6cirnt ta pAy the�scrow Item�when due.l.ei�dcr nwy sn�wtify Borrower in writing, such eas�.Rnzxower ., , •''��?�� <br /> ' shal!pay to Lettde�the amount necessary to makc up Ihc dcG��ietky. $��rmwer sfiall make up the deficiency in na more than � - <br /> tvYdve moMh1Y l.endcr's yule cliurcti�►M. : '.�- ��'r���- <br /> . Upon paymene in full ai'atl �,ums aecureJ by this Security Instrument. L.ender shall promptly refund to Borro�ver any �?:�,�.;;�:r..; <br /> Funds held b Lender.lf.undet ara r.� h 21. Lcnder�hall ac uirc or ccll the Pra Lender, rior to the a tsiaon ar sale ' '',}" <br /> Y P S P 4 PenY, . P �N <br /> of the Propetty.shall apply uny Funds hcld hy l.cixlcr at thc timc uf acyuisition or sale as a credit against the sums secared by ' -. <br /> this Securlty[nstrument. . :'. . <br /> . 3.AppNation ot Yltymmts.Unle��:�ppli��able law pto�i�t�.ntherwire.nll payments received by Lender under para�api�s •• <br /> 1 and 2 sha11 be any prcpaymcm chargeti duc w�lc�thc N��tc: second, to amounts payablc uader paragraph 2: <br /> interest principal duc;�rxf lu��.a�any lut.cliargcy duo under the Note. <br /> 'o to th Pro �' . - <br /> 4.ChArt�:[.len9.Borrower tihall pay c�ll ta�xc�.c►�Kti+nt�nt�, charge!..Cne�and �mpasfu ns attnbutable e perty . <br /> which moy atqin priority over this Security In+trunxnt, un�1 Ica�chold payments or ground rents, if any.Borrower shall pay � <br /> ttKSe obligations in the manner provided in par.�gr.�ph 2.ur ii nnL paid in that manner,Eorrawer shall pay them on time d'uectiy <br /> �! �V�•� <br /> to the rson owod ment. &�rrower.rhall rum tl iurni�b tu l.c:�x1cr all notices of amounts to be aid under this ra ts. �t�.-��'�'' <br /> PC PaY P P Y P F�S P y;..< ,,,���t,�;;�, <br /> If Barrower makes these paymenGc diceclly.&muwer�hal!pruu�plly furnitih te�Lender receipts evidencing the paymenu.�' ;; T ;; <br /> Borrower shall promptly di!�charge any lien which ha�priuri�y u�•er thia Sccurity lnstrument uz�ess Borrower:{x)agrees in ' ',, < ','. <br /> writ ing to t h e payment o f t h r o b lig:itinn sccur e A hy�Nc lien in j►m;mitcr c�cccptable to Lcnder:(b)contests in gond f a�th the tien • 4� ••��'•;�'';,' <br /> � �. ...,;:'� �. <br /> , 6y. or defends against enforcement of the lirn in, tegul pr�neediiigr which in �he I.ender s apiniaa�perate to prevent the , ��.:.,�.•:- <br /> enforament ot'the lien;�r(c)secures fru�n the holdcr ut'�he lico un cigrcenxnt�:atisfactory to l.ender.suiwrdinating the lien to ,..,�;: <br /> this Socurit Instrument.if Lendcr dctcrmincx that an arl uf thr i'rn wrt • i�tiub'.ct to a lien whieb ina astain riar'� �ver �. •. I".'`'.' <br /> Y 9 P" 1 3 1 Y P tY {`. ;•`;'� -;.�,`., <br /> thls Security lnstrument.Lender may givc Harrnwct a nutice ideatil'yln��hr lie�►. fiu�r�,Her shall satisiy ft�lien or talce onc ar ;, : �.--�;,.,'• <br /> more of the actions set forth above wi�hin 10 dayti.ui�hc gi�•ing uf'nuticc. ' .; �;��"�. ','� <br /> ' , . form 30�0 9190 � �i��:ii�'f, ,' <br /> v�7 0�6 �::;;,_ �f�� <br /> • , ��,;�.:- <br /> �' ;�..�',�,' <br /> ' ' �`� <br /> — — '. . ' , �4' . <br /> -s-.—�r-�'�o-ar= n- '_1`IC6Y�"�: �. � . <br /> ._ ,: • - ���� F . , �'� _ .4'+S'7 f,'1.'}�� <br /> —-= _�+�W'�,Srw�,'���'� _� Ci�^�*r��,t �,''�y, s <br /> -- ---_=---- —_=---- =�-°r,�a;;'::�_:i}�:�:S', <br /> -_���:3;�;fst��.1:'^'�IS' <br /> �:°.'7 r:alR�s'4,7r.r;:-cr-�'f�'vrP1;+-r+ �o;r;.- _ , .. . :�� _ <br /> �_s�f._="P: ' . . -t� ....o: - _ <br /> _ , 1:. ' • . :.,� <br /> ; �'. < < <br /> �4_ . . ... <br /> --_.�_ , o . �t� - a.....�•� 5,�c: � <br />