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. . � .- ry-st-� . - , . . . . . �m -""i.`. <br /> :S � �,�}�� . � . , _ . =— <br /> .. .�- _ _ " __—^� a � � . , ` . . . ` ` � � _ ' ' . <br /> _ . __ _ _ . � �� � ,�4 /oo��'-�� � � � <br /> - ' applk�bit la�v mry apeafy fcr�)befae a�le af t6e Ptoperty puc�nt tn�ny powtr af a�le r000�iuud in d� <br /> Secu�ity►In�umea�ar.tH)e�y of a jud�meat tqfo�io�tMs Security Ins�mmmt. 7�o�e oon�tibtn aee tb�t Baa+a�rer ta) . <br /> � Pays i,eader�tI aims whic6 tlrn;wa�id be duc under this Security Iast�ument uid.tfie Note as if m acodaatioo had , <br /> • oac.urned:(6)c�a any det'aait af any otLer cavea�nt�a�aents:te)PaYs sU expenses ma�in eafoccing this Secmity <br /> ' Ir�nunan�.iACiuudiang,bue na limieed ca r�easoa�wbk aaoreeys'fees:sod(�iai�es suc6 ac6aa as Leoder way Kacoo�bty <br /> rcquue w asw[e th�t t6e liw of tliis Soe�ity Iastnm�nK.Lender�s aghts ia tLe Pmpatq�d Boaowec's dsligstion t�pay tbe <br /> sums aecuerd by this Sawiry Iasuumeot sh�U caetinue a�chtinged. ilpaa reiastatement by Bamwa. this Ses�uity <br /> , in�me�and the vbBgstions sec�ed tiaeby s1w13�rtra�n fatty efFoctive zs�f no aaxkxativa had arcumed. Howeva.tlfis . <br /> ri�SP���wL�pp�IY iaihe c�ce of acceteration under p�a�ap617. _ <br /> 1�,.��IeJ�'1��%7��d Lo�a Sa�loeG 'Ibe Note a a p�rtial in�est in tLe Nae(wSeWe�wiW Ehis Secu�ity , . <br /> Ipsnu�t)may� more times witlsout prior aatice to Borrower. A sate may tesWt in a ch�nge in the eaaty • <br /> (Imows as�!"Liis�����dqt'colkcts monthlY PaY�ats due uoder`We Note and this Socurity Inst�ua�eat. '1lKre also <br /> ' may be ooe a maic ch�mg�oT�ihe Loao Saviar vn[elated to a sate of the Nota if tLae is achang�of the Loan Saviar. <br /> Bamwer w�be given written notice of the s�nge in acca�danoe with paragraph!4 above aod applicabk Ww. 7?je aoEice <br /> will sqite tbe n�me aod add�esc of the pew l.oan Seivicer and the add�tss to wlach paymeats sLoutd 6e made.'[be notic�e wU <br /> also�cnntsin�ny otfxx infoimadoo naN��Y aPPticabte law. _ ' <br /> 21� Haai+does S�bedoce�. Bamwer shall not cause or pennit the presenx,tue,disPosai•storage,or release of any <br /> Har�do�.s Sabstmoes an or in_ti�e P�upen.y. Barowa shail oot da,nor aUow anyaQe eise to do,anytaing a�'ecting the <br /> Property tLat is iu violatioa of any Favizomnntal Law '[7ye prixeding two sente�es si�all not appiy to ttie prestncr,�or <br /> sta9ge on tl�e Pmpesy of small qoantities of HaTardo�u SuAstances t�at are generaQy recogaiud co 6e appmPriate to namai <br /> residemi�l ases aad w mainttnance of the Ptvpe�ty. <br /> Soanwer sh�il PromptlY Sive Lendea wriuea naice of ai►y inves6gation,ctaim,demand.iaws�ut or oti�er aaioa bY�Y <br /> govamnes�tal or ct$ulatory agrncs+or private party involving the Property and any Ha�ardous Substance or Env'sonmental . <br /> Iaw of which Barower Las acNal hwwkdge. If Bomower learas,.or is.notified by any ga�e�nmeatal or reguiatory <br /> autLo�itq,that apy nmoval or otlxr rar�ediatioa of any Hazacdous Substance affocting the Ptoperty is aecessary,Borrower <br /> �P�P�Y t�lce all t�ecessary nemedial actions in accoNtitce with Fnvitonmental Law. <br /> As used in this P�B�Ph 2A."Hazardons Sutistances"are those substances defined as to�dc or hazardonc sahs�ces by <br /> Favi:onmental Law aad t1�e following substaiwes: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroieum�icts.toxiC <br /> pesticicks apd 6etbicides.volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldebyde.and radioactive ma�als. As — <br /> — � ased in this Paragraph ZU;"Emimnnxnta!Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where tl�e Property is tocated <br /> -=_ <br />