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- .-�-, �`.'.-" ��: < ' � <br /> c�� r. �`L. ��� .rs ..�,�c"�,•F`� � ' r ' • , ' � -( _ '. � �z..s_� _.. <br /> - ' - .�< � . __... �f- �wai:_'. '._, y_ _ _ _ _s , _ - ` •__t___—--. __ . <br /> y�.� - ___yii � . , � . � . . . _ ,. _ � _ , <br /> � � � 94 ���Z _ . <br /> � ����►�+. ���p�o�►�g���.0���►s«���b�w c�oa�� . <br /> � approvd whic6 siWl iat be unratsoa�bty withhetd. If H�xrowu fails tn m�innin covenpe descdbed aDove.I.ecder miy.u <br /> � Lender's optioo.obtain covera�e w protoct I.ender�s rights in the Roperty in aecoidance vnth parag�apA?. <br /> Ail itwuancY polic�es iod trtrewafs s6afl 6e acceptabk to Lender acd s1�a11 inctade a standacd mortga8e etause. i.ender <br /> s�U hava!he right tv hold dse palicies aad�e,otwaLs. If l.endcr Toquiies.Borrower shall promptiy give to Lender aU reaipts <br /> , of p�id ptemiums aod m�ewal notices. I�the event of ioss.Bormwer st�all give prompt e�otice to the insuru�ee carrier and <br /> I,ender. Lender may m�lcc proof of toss if not made p�omptlY by Bonuwu. � <br /> Untess Ixnder md Bomower atf�wise ag[oe in wri6ng.insnrance proceuls shall be�pplied to cesuxation ar�ep�of <br /> _ -- ---�-- -the Propeety damaged,if t6e iestaratian ar:epair iseconomicaUy feasiAie and Lender's sec�rity is not tessencd. If the - -- ---- <br /> _- tesWrativn or tepair is not aaonamically feasbk or Leaderk securiry would be lessened,tbe insmance pmceeds shaU be <br /> - applied to the soms socu�ed Isy tLis 5ecuriry Incuument,whett�r or aot then due,with�►y excess pud to Bormwer. If� - ---- <br />.� Borrower abandons tue Ropeitg.or daes not answer v�nthin 30 days a natice from Lender that the insurdnc:e carrier f�as �-__- _ <br /> __ off'ecrd to settte a claim.then Lender may collect tlye instnance proeeeds, i.eader may�se the proceeds ta repair or restore <br /> - _— tix P�vpe�ty or to pay sums sec�red by ih'ts Securitp Instr�men4 wiiether or noE dten dnc. 'Che 30-day period will begin wl�en _-_-- <br />_'_ the ootice is given. � ' — -=_ <br /> _-L Uniesc Lender and Barowa oWerwise ag�ee in wtiting.any application o[pco�xxds to principat sball not exteand or -- <br />��;: - �postpone the due date of tt�e momhlY payments refemed to in paragraptrs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payrt�ents. Jf -- <br /> under paragraph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by Lende�.Boirower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting ��:,-_____--_ <br />-_- fmm damage to the Property prior to the acqnisition sha11 pass to Lender to the exttnt of ihe sums se�uned by thisSecuriry --_- <br />