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.�;.:�;_- _ <br /> }�—.�'ry;ti' - . . - . . � -',. <br /> — ' `� a:�l - - . . . - . . -_ ,. <br /> � � .�r3iry,1�.. . . t. <br /> ' . ' . ` .ir� ,',�� � ' _. . . . . � _ . . . .. �-.�......, - . <br /> y�^' ` ' I � . _ _ __ —_ <br /> `----.� _ .. . ' _ ` . : <br /> "1T.Trrdera[t6ep�p�y o��l�eaeficial Iatenst io Bornu�rer.If all or any j�e�mp��rty�o��r�intcnst ia it <br /> . is sold or tt�sferred(or if a tiene�icia!interen in Borsnwtr is sold or transPerred aM Borrower�s�wt a natural persnn)without <br /> � _ � •txnder's prior wdtten consent. i.ender may. at'its option. nq uire immediate payment in fall of al! sums srturrd by this <br /> Security Instrumrn�However.this�optioa shnli not be exercise�by Lender if exemise�s prcrhibitod by foderal!aw as of the d�te <br /> . of this Securiry In�trument. ' ' . . <br /> If Lendec exemises this optian.l.ender stiall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice sh�ll pmvide u periud of not " . <br /> Irsa than 30 days fr�m the date the natice is delivered or maitcd withi�t uhici:tiorr�u•fr must pay al{sums r�ccured by this , <br /> — -���� Sacnrity It�tntmrnt.if 8nrrovvcc faits ta prry it�sr autns prior ta tfieexpiration o�iltis peat►d,t.endec may invoke any�ies -- _ --- <br /> permitted by this Socurity lnstrutnCnt withaut furEher aatice or demvwi on Borrower. � __-� <br /> 18. BonY►we�'s Rtght to ReiRCtata !f Borrawer ax�ts ccftain conditions. Borcower shall bave the right to bave =-___ <br /> enforcement.of this Secvrity Gutiument discontinued at any time'prior to the earlier of: (a)5 dayrs(or such ottier period as ==_�_-__ <br /> _ applicable law may spocify for reinstatement) befor� sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale cophained uz this �r==-= <br />