- � .� ' - . ---_- _-
<br /> �-`- ' � . . � I �-` � � �9�- . . i006i5�- � �
<br /> � . � ` 1�i'i�R.�I'rrlH�iu d�a�ilrpnc+n�e�s�.o�►ari�ew�Ae�sedeaas treY�r..�t au a�ea�eii.:pppu+�wow,a.it .�
<br /> li�cawts �ow a l�eealler a pst d We p�opaty.,,•IN! rapi�ca�eat� atl �Mlt`aba,bc corer� by diis-Seo�itr � �
<br /> . I�rtt�at.All d 1iG Iot�e joie�i�t�efc�repd Oo ip d�s SeRwkr iart�ent as ti�`ihopaty." . . . � .
<br /> spR1tOWYER QOYENAAITS th�t�brro�a is 1�wfaUy�ei�ed of die ep�fe heroby conveyad and tin the ri�c w paat ppd� ` `
<br /> ooe►rr�y the pNprny aud tfat.We Pra�t�r is uneec�m�6aed.raccs'Pt for�of necoc�d. Hotm�r�ru�e�ats��l
<br /> . defsnd'�d�ersl[y t6e ptlt io d�e Pmperty f�siqst al!cWm�ind detnnds.�bjati to!nS►er�cum6rmaes of rxad. ' ' `
<br /> ` ' 'i'HIS 3EC[IRPi'Y Ii�F�fltUMFNT oombines wnfab aove�nts for a�tioe�i usc aed nartuufam mvanats�rith<limttad
<br /> �t�ci�tioi►t by juns�idioo�u uo�id�te s u�rifocro secnciey in�tnta�t cuver;ng t�l ptopetcy.�, ` .
<br /> ' � °'Ui�iIFORM C�O�ENANTS.Borrower aed l.endec oova�nt s�nd s�nee a+fotlows: .� .
<br /> . t. ti�.�t►��,� tr� ��a.��..�e cw��s�-e��n po�tr rry �m�w�
<br /> . prificip�i af aod inet�tst oo tl�e deb4 evidenoed by the Nate md ai►Y P�'�P�Y�and late chuges due w�der the Aiate.
<br /> 2.,F�i[ar.Ta�a�i iawra�ee.Subject w appliclMe Iaw or to s writua waiva by Laoder.Bom�wa alnll pry w
<br /> , � i,mtder a4 tiK day mo�Mlity paymeaES are due undar the Nute.unW the Nae is psid in fall.�sum f'�uids7 for:(a)ye�r1Y h�s
<br /> am as�ssnenes.�ch m�y a�a�n�rioriry over u�s sea�riry r�uun��a aaz on r�e�etey:�>yprty ra�noia p.y�
<br /> ot Sround trats oa the Peopt�ty.if aey:(c)Y�Y�a P�P�Y imur�nce pnenunms;(d)Yearly flood iasnraaoe premi�.
<br /> if anY:(e)YeulY mo�tgage insonnce pReanums.if�ry:aM(�anY s�P1Y�b[e hy Bomower w I,ender,in accotdane witb
<br /> the provisioas of paragwph 8.in lieu of the payment of tmAg,�ge iasurance p�emiwm.'llkse iuim ane called"Esctow Ita�." .
<br /> Lender may.at an}r time.cdlax and hoM Fwids in an aarouat aot to eaceed the mv�irnum amwnt a kader for a fedetailY
<br /> idated mortgsgo 1an mry mluire for Boirower's eserow acvount under the fedenl Rd Fst�te SetNema�t Pcnceduns Act oi
<br /> 1944 as�anenOM fma�time w tuoe. I2 U:S.C.5oction 2601 er seq.f"it�SPA').unl�ss anotlxr taw tLat applies to the Fuods •'
<br /> �sets a ks��noa�. If so. Leoder.may.at arty time. collect,atd hold Fuids in u►.rmount iwt w e�[aed tbe lesser amoont.
<br /> I.eoder may estim�e tbe unonat of Funds d�te on tbe buis of cument data and rrason�ble�tes.of expenditures bfi future �
<br /> Esc�uw Items or othenvise in accordanoe with applicable Iaw. � ' �
<br /> The Funds al�l! be hdd in an institatian vvhose depnsiu are iawt�iiy a fader�l agenry. �ity. or a�titY .
<br /> tiad�ng L�Mer.if I,ender is such an i�timti6n)or in aay FNeral 1�ome Loan BuJc.L.ender s6a11 apply the Fun�s to pay the
<br /> . �sc�vv It�s.l.eoder u�ay not chuge Hotrowerfor holding aad appSying the Fm�ds,�ty amtyzing the escrow apoount.ot .
<br /> verifying the Escmw Items,unless I,eMer pays Borrower interest on,the Funds and applicable law permits L.ender to�ke sttc� .
<br /> a c�argt.Aowever.Lerider may roqui�e Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indepeodent rea!esiate tax seporting servia
<br /> used by L,ender io con�e►xion with this la�n, anless applicabla law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> a�plicable law roquires imerest to be p�id.l,ender shall not 6e required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> . Borrower azd Lender may agree in wriring.however.that iaterest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shal!give to Borrower.
<br /> without chuge. an annw�l accounting of the Fwds.sf�owing crediu and debits to the Funds and dtie purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was mad�.The Funds are pladgod as addiaonal security fur all sums secured by this Se►vrity Iasuument.
<br /> If the Funds hetd by Lender exeeed the aawunu permitted to be hetd by applicable law.I.endec�shall acxaunt to Borrower .
<br /> for tt►e excess Fw�ds in accordanx with the reqairements of apptirabte law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at aug�
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower --
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amonnt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sha]!make up the deficieney in no more than —
<br /> twelve monthly paymenu.at Lender's sole discreeion.
<br /> �='_--
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by[his Security instrument, l.ender shali promptfy refund ta Borrawer any ��_°•-_
<br /> Fnnds held by Lender.If.ander paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender.prior to the acquisition ar sale �`��-"�',�,".�'-�-'
<br /> of the Properiy,sha11 apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums secure�by •�i•=�?
<br /> �d�Yf�
<br /> this Security Instrument. ���"'�:
<br /> -� .r;.s�.
<br /> 3.Application ot Ppymafts.Unlesti applirable law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under paragraphs �. ;:;;
<br /> 1 ard 2 shall be a lied: first.to an re a nt ctiar es dae under thc Note: second,to amaunts a able under ra ra h 2; s�'��'=�°
<br /> PP !�P P Y� S P Y Pa S P ..'r;�.
<br /> tl�ird.to interest due:fonrth.to nnci al due:and last.ta an tate char es due under the Note. ' ;�;"�e.. � _
<br /> P� P Y B ��,�:,,�g�,-.,,.�
<br /> 4.Chaiges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments,chargey. fines and impasirion�attributable to t�Property ,�'��-� -;
<br /> �cfi5cd�may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and Irasehol.d paymen�+or ground ren�ti, if any. Borro�c�er shall pay �- . -
<br /> ' t�se oblig�tions in the manner pravided in para�r.tph'2.ar if not paid io that manner,Botrowcr shall pay them on timc directly . �..
<br /> � to.a.'�e person owr�d payment.Borrower�ha11 promptty furnisb to Lender all naticcs of amounts to 6e paid under this paragrapfi. � . , ����
<br /> ' fiE B�:rower makes these payments direcUy.Barrow�r sha0 promptly fumish to Lcnder receipts e�•idencing the payments. +=-` ..
<br /> ,Borrowershall promptt�u�ischuge any lien wfiich has priority over thiti Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a�agrecs in s...,'... �. ;
<br /> " wriGng to the payment of ihe�*p<i;ation secured hy the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:Ib�contests i�gond faith the lien ' • '
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the�ien in. Iegal proceedings w1►ich in the Lendei� npinion aperate to preccn4.the �. '�
<br /> enforcement of the lien: or(cl secures from the holder of thc lien an agroement�ati�factory to Lender subordinating the lien to i
<br /> this.Security lnstrument. If Len�cler determines�hat any part of the Property i,subject to,�licn �e•hirh may attain priority aver E �-� ��-�= -
<br /> this Socurity instrument,Lendc�may give Borrower�notic�identiEying the lien. Bonnwer rhall�atirf�thc licn�t takc vne or �..___. _,
<br /> mote of the actions set foRh aboce w6thi�IO days of the giving of notiue. ' _ •
<br /> Form 3028 9l40 ' . ,
<br /> � � ' Page 2 0/8 � r ., __. .. .
<br /> � '.
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