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<br /> � � .'�5 pF�ot�lievSr is..ee a�at tleyMt alq art...r��1991�b�r•iei•�s u•neac 8 uoer�oe..•ai�ie ve�. � ,� _� -
<br /> , , �-rrtwsron-�..�.•�•t aea�rs�r���a sree�,c�e�►r�.�rr�a.a�.n� , .
<br /> .F
<br /> AtMarey at ii..l�v��'"�����je!O� ���OQe�es�tG�O Ba� Oead i�M�a.
<br /> , Ne�t tor�itf.Lc,s Ne�CapaMia�.('�F!'1��1. . , '
<br /> NleEwas�OL . . • • , .
<br /> ' t+OR VALUABI$aDI�S1QPRATION,Tii+wt i�noabl!�i�,oo�el�+ad aw�s a lhwee.iN 1RtJS�1'.Wi1H
<br /> rDwER oF sAtB,for d�e eoeLt a.e+ca�ih at BaeG�.��°�1°a a ue�a.s�.a�oo.�Bo.s a tYis a�ea ar7ert.
<br /> q,��{�ioa�ed i�Ve eorsey or H�.sak a t�ieend�s,•�q�T�••ro�o«c ttb"r�opeet�+'y -
<br /> � Lat Foar(4b Hbek 11eee C3).la�IxtYs Add'i1�to the Ctjr d ticab I�ird.Hali Caauq. • .
<br /> I3eSta�is. � .. � •
<br /> Z�[iE1HFR WiPf!sll teals.a�aeats,�PP����m aAjolaia�to�Oe.sho�s ard alklr+ .
<br /> �p�re�e�ad prl0i�o[aq to�d tuwed tseK�ow�a�peoarl piupaM1T tMt i�af be ar ina�per 6a+�sw aa iete�ai p�tt of
<br /> acrb��� , .
<br /> , . 1'e ptopetty and tLe esti�e atate aed ia�e�st aomg�to tre Tralae�IC ne[emd to cv6ative$a�'t1w'IYoK Fipte•. .
<br /> . � FOa'f�i�MIRP05B OF S�ClI4INl� . � ,. ' ' .
<br /> - a. r,Jmeas oi bideec�Ia u�e taal peodp�l amoaa�at S10.S�QA6i�b no inwoa t6ereon.af eci3eno�dY uie ar�o
<br /> Pew,isoq xna of�ven mte(tne'ivate7 p.y+bre an aemasA.acauoea by1�a�.5ic�-�s eeen aetivead ana is p.y+6ie to tne
<br /> onea a[B�riae�.a��bY��ren�+e is neRby,asae A rut eaea.aaa aay ana au maaifk�oac,wnerodoes aaa�sis .
<br /> t6eteo�aa0. . . •
<br /> b. &qmaat o[all sum�advmaA by 8enefici�e7►to Pentec�t�T��wit6 ao inarcst the�. ��� � '
<br /> T1�Dad o[T�t,Ne Na0.aad aay ather i�ma�t fiKn to evidena ar fiuther tavre the p�ydreat and pedaman�e at � .
<br /> aay oDtiptian recuRd lrecebY ue ie[ema to coitatively ae the 7asn Ia�rmena. ,
<br /> 1. PAYMEKI'OF iNDEH7L'DNf'sSS. Trustw t1�II pty whe0 due tti¢Q�indP��aad tLe interest oo.the inGebteQoea !
<br />— evideaoe0 by tbe Nate,charbes,fees and all olher wa�s as piordod in the Lwn Iau�meats.
<br /> 2. TAl�S Tnata shall pry ach InsqQa�eat of aID mees aeA spa�tai�aiaaeeeta d every idad.naw or t�eaRer kviat '
<br />= apiatt the Tra�t Fsau a aay part hercoL betorc Geliaquenc7r,�rithout no6c�e or dcafan0.aad sAall y�wi0e Beneficiary with evide�e
<br /> of the paymeet�wme. Trostor�all psy a1l tasxs and at�ents�hicb epaq be fevltd upon Heneficiary/s in;�rest detoie ar upon .
<br /> - _ 1Nt Deed a[Tnat a tbe debt ucuzrA 6erebp,�ishout ce�ud W aay taw tsat msy 6e enacted impaciaa piyment a�the�ote er anY
<br /> . QUt�AlRO/Yp00 thC BC�Ciiiy. � ' ..
<br /> 3. iN51JRANCE A.�'D REPAIRS Triator shall mainWe rue uW extend�A mvenge iawraitec insnring the impcoremetits
<br /> '- aad buiiainp eotu�imtins put aSeheTR�s►Fstace fot an amonnt ao fa�than the�moual ot ihc-i...--,�aid ptittap�l balanoe d the Note
<br /> (ao-tnauanoe aot exoeedieg 8�c•permittcdD.Such insura�e potiey yWl oonain a ttaad�M mosapge etause in fawr ot Be+K�ici�ry
<br /> - au��ull»01 be canoetabic,ceraiuubk,ur modifabk without ten(10)d�ys pdor wrinee norlae ca Benefieiary. '[tustor sh�D ptomP��Y • -
<br />_ ap�U,mainuin and replxt the Tnut F�tc or ury pr1 tUereot so tbat,ezape,for ocdimry�sar anA eear.the Trust Fst�te thafl not
<br />:� . dcteriorat�. te eo aen[sha[t tlu Truita oommlt nue on or to the Tru�t Fs�aaa . .
<br />— 4. ernONS AFFF.Cfl1C(i'iRU5f FSTA'IE. Ttutta stuU appeas in uW cantest amr action or Proceedi�8 WtP'ori'?nst°
<br />_ stfect the ee�wity hereot a the ri�tu or po�c�of BeneCeduy or Trusta.actd�a11 pry dl ootts aad expenses�incluCini coq aS . .
<br /> evi0ence of ride aed attoraeyts kes.in a�ryr soch acNon or piooeeAln6 in�his�h C&eseflciary or Trustec may appear. Shoub Trvstor fail ;
<br /> to make aey pymurt or to do�ny act as and in t�e enanner pewl4eA ie anY of sbe Lo�n Instrumcnta.Beoeficiary and/a Tn+stee.exh , �
<br /> in its o�m diurecioo.Wifhout obGg,atbn.may m�ke or do t6e same in such martner and to such exteai as either may deem nececsary to �.
<br /> proteel the acurity hereoL Tru�tor shatl.immedi�tety upoo dem�nd t6ere[w by&aficfary.paY all costs and dcpcmes h�+mcd EN =
<br /> &eefici�ry ln ooenecHoe�ith tAe ezentise by Beneficiary ot tbe forc�oin6*i�hts.ineU+die&�um limiution.cats ot evldeeoc�f _
<br />_ tiek,ooart coas.apprais�b.�urveys artd aaorney's feea. Aey sucb ooas and e:pen�es na pa�aithin ten(10)days of�nitun dem�ad _.
<br /> th�ll draw Intet�at��the Qefaull nte ptwlAed in�6e Note•
<br /> 5. �M1N[?KC Op:NA1N. SIw�W�he Trost Ewte.a aoy qrt t4�ieaf ar iat�est theKln.be ukea a Q�magcd by r�awe =.
<br /> af aey public ie�paement or coedemnallon prooeedina.a in aay aher maeeer iecluAins deea in lieu ot Condemnation
<br /> (•CoeOemenioe"�oe shoula Tnuea aceiv�e u,y aoeioe a aAer intam�eton R�rale6 wch proceeam�,Tnu�or slntl gNe p�ompt
<br /> writlen eoli�tl�ereo(to Henefidary. Beneficbcy sbW bo eadtkd to sll compawlian nra[t4 aed other prymems a retiet thetefot.
<br /> ' aeA f6W 6e eetitkd to naY�e�ny caepromise or scttkment ie eoenee�ion wit6 such taiio�a Aamage. All sucb compoasation.a�id�,
<br /> dwe�,rldNs d aetioe aea pa�e�awardW to 7'nrtar(t6e'YroaeoQa')aea berebY+e�itMd to Heaeficlary,and Tnatar agas to
<br /> . eaarle wer trdlcr auipaxMs aR the PnoceeQs�c Heserrlary ar Tnreee mry Rquirc.
<br /> � , G.AYPUIKIM�Nf OF SUCCESSOR TEIUS7LF Beeefiduy efay.fsom time ro tiar,by a�eritten insttument eteeuted ;
<br /> rb admo�fed�eA�}r Beneficiay.m�ileA to'fnuta a�madW ie tse Couety in�hkh the Tret Fatatc is lacated and by ahenrLse
<br /> , oo�pl�sMY tre pvrLine�d tbe appticabk tw�d tAe Sfate ot Nrbr�a s�6aitrta a a�sor a succaiors to t�e Trtrlee a�meA�
<br /> � Unel�or aet1��eiereder.
<br /> y n irrF�cexlS ANPD ASSt(i�S. 11is DeaO d'IHrt appYes 10.�s to the bmefit of an0 bLW�aU qRia MeKCaa
<br /> • IId111eys.4Mree+.�'i�eea.7«���P������ 71e Iera'BaeGeLry'tbillleeae t6e a�IIer aea bolder
<br /> d rie Nwe,.�arer a�w w�a1 u aeeefiei�7�nd�.
<br />