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<br /> -� m.w�e. no�► a Iw..rl�r a p.r� af d�e prcperey. �w �a�iror.�l. a�a .aaWO.r a.0 a4p be o�roe ey 1��.ar�iqr << .
<br /> '� iiMrw��.AH d We iae�oiK h nl�arod b ia tl�3ea�it�6�a�i��t IMe'!�o/aeq."� , : � . �.
<br /> � � �oRlto'N►�It�av�iMl'rS dMt llono�;a is Is�iay.eaed ot ebe+eM��►«�weyad.n�ty.i�e r�Mc 10 p�t rd' ` '.
<br /> carvey �ie hapeAY a�d ddt d�e Pe�apeety i��d.�eiwep for�nb�oa at roo�ii. Hni�+owei w�rrwt atl w�ll ; �
<br /> .del�eed�er�dly Nretitk W tl�Propdtq a�prt�all cWm aed+�eerrida.wbject W a�►Y�of�+aoord. .: . �
<br /> 17lIS SF�t,.'UR1'fY tA11'TBUMEN'�a�mbina unliona�venets�'or d�tia�otl we wid noh�wiiform rovemnt�wkh liaiile�!
<br /> � v�ti�tie�b3r juri�dictiaa to can�tiuut a unifonn se�uity itntrumax roverin�ra1 propetty. � , ,.
<br /> . iTN�R1bE COY�K/1I�1'!'S.8o�s�ver a�d l:snder covaumt aed aarx a�fdloxs:_ -
<br /> � �!. rl�j�a�e aR RI�diW a�i urtere�t; R�n�e�t�/LMe'CMesd. Eor�ower aN.tt ptanptty p�y.rhen aue rbe
<br /> principd otad intaest ne the debt evidenced by t6e Note�od any pnp�yment aod lite ci�ts due und�r the Note. �
<br /> ' 2.F�for Tue�ard lasraMOe.Snbject to appik�ble[aw or ta a wiitta�waiver by i.ender.$6rt�n�rar siyl!pay to
<br /> . ' (�EO�lI BO t6e.t�iY NO��Y�l�i1qKS iEb d1iC otIQE[dIG NatC.WY71 tlle NOt��S�lb f011s i S�1(�RWI�S�}r0[:(i)y'pf�s►t��i
<br /> . . �od asaaamaxs rrhich mry auain Qiiority ovtt this 5onuity IasNumeat as a lien on the Praperty;(b)Yady k�dwW P�Y�
<br /> a gnnund n�u att tbe Propeciy,if a�r:(c)Yearty 1�rar�f or p�ropecey inwraooe Frcmiums:(d)Y�Y���P��►
<br /> �any:{�j y�y mor��e�,r�aan��.�f a�y;u�a t�ansr snn�r�►�te by sornower co uoaer.in s000na�i�oa wi�
<br /> tbe prov�of pangnp6 8,ia!iw of tbe paymeat of moKgage insuranoe pnemiums.'I7use items an caliad"F�+.�uw Itea�s.'
<br />� I,adQ any, at any time,odiax w�hold Fands in an amouat not w�eaceod We maximum anwmnt a Ieoder for a feder�lly. -
<br /> retated morcgage lo�►may ceq�ire for Bormwer's�sciow arcamt aider tha federal Real F.stat�Settleu�aK ProoeduRS Act nf .
<br /> �974 as�nrendQd fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section Z601 et scq.(`RFSPA').unfess anotbtr Ixw tt�aE applies to tl�e Fuuds
<br /> sets a Itascr amount. If so.Leade�may,at any tim�, ooltect and hoM F�mds in w amount aot to eaccad the lessa amount.
<br /> itidp�m�y atim�tLe aaioant of Funds dae oa t6e bacis of a�nent data aad re�onabte atim�es of eacpeodiNres of futune
<br /> • ...:Escsmw Itans o[otbeca�"ssie.ir�aocondanoe with apQlicabl+e law. .:.,::. . - _-
<br /> �.
<br /> . Tbc Fuods shall bc�Cpe�d`ia,a�mstintdon whose deposits� u�'�.a federal.a�ac.y, ��umentality,or.aHity , :
<br /> (mclddiag[etidec.�f fen��.s s��'�sadrtion)or m ury Fed�..mt�iixv�ei�m$anlc:I.er4die��a11'apply the Fw�ds ta��t�e �
<br /> :..... ,,. .
<br /> • .. �Escmw Items.I.endu.i�'ibt�dlai��P�,�esTOwer for do4dittg and a�`�g tlie��s.annoaUp'aQalyrdng tbe esetaw aceo�at;a�r`
<br /> `°;<`'�z�:�erifying tLe EsciuW�awm'...'w�tass Lri�Cr�►Y�BQnuwer interese mn tbe Fuct3s sa�sd applicable law pera�its Lendcc w�k+t�eh
<br /> "�:';`�ch�rge.Hu�er.��,�may reqaire�arrox'e�'a��ap a orrc�u�d�gtfor�ri independent�!esfater:tsii�i�epntEi��serviae
<br /> ' f'`asod 6y I�r,�'-ici onm�fAn with���.fiaan, n.�ss applicabte Iaw provides ot6envise. Unless an ag�ee�tnt is,maide dr
<br /> .; ' i�pplieabte i'�'�Nires.�rest to bc p�:��.e�der shal��not be requirtd to pay Borrower any�int�rest or runiugs on t6e�unds.
<br /> . . Uosrower and l.ender�zx a�ree i��,hoa�tr,that interest�shall be.paid on the Fhndss:I�ender shalrt give to Boritisvet,
<br /> ` without charge.an ai�n��.o����::�te Fuis�si�owing credits and:�ebits•to ihe Fw�ds aa�the puilrase_€or which tach
<br /> debit to the Funds was u�'#;�giu�.are Ptedge6 as additional seauity t'oc�!E�ris sa�ced by this Ses�aTs�[nswment. �• -
<br /> if the Funds held�tiy.lF:endereicooe�the amounts permitted to be held by appticable law;Leirder shafi�acaount to Bocrawer �
<br /> for the ezcess Funds in aecordaocs witd We requiremeats of applicable law.If the amount of tfie Funds held by Lead��t any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the F,scrow Itams when due.i.ender may so noafy Borrower in writing.and.in such case Borrower
<br /> ahall pay to I.ender the aAwurrt r�ecessary to make up the defcciency. Bonower shall maice up ihe deficiency in no more than
<br /> twelve monthly payments.at Lender s sole disctetion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tbis Security Inatrument. Lender shall promptty refund w Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lendcr.If,undcr paragraph 21.Lender tihall acquire o�sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale _
<br /> • of the Property.shatl appfy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> � 3.AppitcANon ot Fi�yments.Unlcss applicabte law provides othenvise.all payments received by Lender under paragraphs =
<br /> .1 attd 2 shall be applied: firs�to any prepayment charges duc under the Note:second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2: -
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and last.to any late charges dae under the Note. _
<br /> 4.Charges;Lier�.Bonower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges. fines and impasitians attributable to the PropeRy =
<br /> wflich may attain prIority over this Securiry lnstrument,and leasehold payments ur ground rents,if any. Bormwer shail pay =
<br /> ' these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.ar if nat paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> to the person owed payment.Bartower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr all notices of amounts to be paid urrder this paragraph. '
<br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumi�h ta l.ender receipts evidencing the payments. -
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge a4y lien which has priority uvcr thic Security Instrume�t unless Borrower.(a)agrees in -
<br /> writing to the paymer►t of the obligation secured by the lien in u manner ucceptable to Lender:(b)contests in gaoel faith the lien =
<br /> by, or defends against eu.forcPment of the lien.in. legal prucerdings which in tlie Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> enforcement of the lien:W�{c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement saticfartory to Lendcr subordinating the licn to -
<br /> this Security lnswment_ �f Lender determines that any pnrt of thc Property is subject to a licn which rrwy attain prioriry over ��
<br /> tbis Security I�trument, �ender may give Borrowcr a naticc identifying thc lien. &�rm«•er shaU satisfy the lien or talce one or G
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days nf thc giving nf notice.
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