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<br /> ' ` 'J�o(i�'!'F�It w1T�i�lt we imp�wenieocs now or haattet eiecoed ao tDe prope�cy.�,d a11 eaianeats.appurt�ooes, � .
<br /> � aod fiu�es now a�aeatla a P�st of 1he P�P�Y•`�,�aod additivas abap aiw be covard by t�is Security
<br /> �' Iaunm�rnt. A�I of ttle'fae�oing is nfeaod b ia this Secunc�r tastn�ment u the"F{opetty' � � .
<br /> � BORROWER COV@1ANfS_t6at�onower is lawfuIIy seised of the est�te Leceby conveyed and has t1�e rigjit w gtant�
<br /> aod uonvey the Ftopetty aad tiyt tHe Ptopat}i is tmeacambend.e�tcept far enwmbianoc.s of[ecord. Baruwer wurai►ts aa� �
<br /> will,defea�aanerdly�tBe title W t6e Ptope�ty ag�uast all claim4 a�demaods.aubject to aay eocamb�anoes of cocord. ' .
<br /> � T�iIS SF�UBTfiY�INSIRUMEI3T�ombines unifam oovenants fa.nuia�al use uxf nonaaniform covenaats with
<br /> � �limited v�riadoos by jiuisdctioa to o�tiwoc a uoifarm sa�uriry Iast�umeat cavec�ng aal piopecty: . ---
<br /> � - UNIPORM�dV@IANTS.Bormwec�od L.eader caveiunt�ad agree as fotlows: . . � �
<br /> L �Pa�aeat o[PriMCip�l a�d Iete+sri:Prepa�eat ad Late CY�ea. Borrowet sh�A P�P�YF�Y���
<br /> priocipal of aad ima�est m the de6t evidausd by d�e Nooe aad wY Q�P�Y�ot and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> L �luit tk'tiva�rrd L�ea 3nbject w agplic�ble Vx ar to a w:itieu w�iverby L�ender.Bamwer shaU pQy to
<br /> Leude�r aa dre t1aY�9 PaY�s�e dne unckr the Note,uaa7 tl�e Nae is p�id in fuU.a sum("�'aods')fa:(a)YeulY .
<br /> ho�es aid xs�d�u which msy altain p�iority ova this Se�w�ity lnsacameat as a liea on tl�e PmQeity:(b)YearIy kaseUold —
<br /> po�ymeots or gao�d nats aa!he Propaty.if any:tcy YeaclY lw�d a pnipe�ty iacuraace pemiams;(�Y�Y�� --
<br /> ins�u�oce pteautmis.if an}r, fe)Y�iY mortgag�c insuran�e pcemiums,J any.and(f�anY swns payable by Bosower to
<br /> • Leader,in aocordanoe vhtb tbe provlsions of pu9grrph 8,in liau of tl�e payment of mortgaga iastuan�:t premiums. T6ese _-
<br /> itans ane calkd"Escmw Items." I.ender may,at any time.colla,t aud bold fimds in an anwunt not w ex�oed.tbe maximum ��
<br /> amomt a leader far a federatiy telated mo�tgage loan may neqnie+e for Bormwer's�sc�ow accauat nnekr tbe�federal Real �;:
<br /> Esqoe Settlemeat Prooed�ues Act of 1974 as.amended f[orn time W time,12 U.S.C.$2601 et s�q.("RFSPA").unless�nother -;�
<br /> taw that�pplies W the Plinds sets a lasser amoaat-If so,Lender may.at any time.couaK and lald Fimds'in an amount not to �`'��
<br /> exeeeA the tesser amount Leoder may estimau We amouot of Fundc due on the basis of curtent data�and nasonable =`°
<br /> estimaas of expeadltuties of faaue Fscmw Items ar o�ise in acoa+dance with applicaWe law: �•<:
<br /> The F4mds shall 6e 6eld'm an instiwdoa whose depositc ace insu�ed by a federal ageacy,inst�umentaiiry,or eatity ;;�=
<br /> (including I.�ender,if i.ender is such an ms�t�aAn)or in a�ry Federal Hom�Loan Banlc. Lender s6aU appl�r d�e Funds to PaY , "°
<br /> the F�cma Ioems. I,ender iaay not charge$oi�c+uwer fa Iwlding aad applying the Rmdc,annn�lly analyzing the esemw �,`-
<br /> atxount,or verifying the Escmw Itemg,naless�Lender pays Bamwer iatecest on tbe Funds and applica6le law pemtits " + •°.
<br /> : Irender.w make such a clratge. However,Lender may.t+opuire Barnwer w pay a on�time ct�arge fa an independent real
<br /> 'des ott�vvisc Unless an �,�r
<br /> . estate t�i nepo�ting se�vice used by lxnder!u cotinectiai'w1tt thts Ia�.�tss appltcable law provi
<br /> agameat is made or applicable law requihs int�erest to be paid,Lende�'.s�a11 not be�eguined w pay Bmrower any intemst or , .
<br /> � eazaiags on We£vnds. Borrower ana Lendec may a,g�e+ee'in wriring,hawere�that intenest shaU be paid on the Funds. Leader
<br /> shall give to Bomuwer,aithout etrarge,au ani�nat accountit�g aY the Thinds,showing cmdits and debits to the l�nds and the
<br /> pntpose'for which each debit to the Fands was;aade. 'fhe�mds are pledged as additional sec�uity for aU sums sccured by
<br /> this SecurIty Iasuumen� .- .�: _ . .
<br /> If tlx �nds held Dy I.tndec exceed;tlie:amounts permimed to be heM by app�icaMe Iaw. Leader shaU account to � `�
<br /> Bomuwer for the excess Funds in accordanoe:rvith the requi;emeats of app�icable laa. If the amount�f the Funds hetd by • ���`�'-
<br /> I.ender at any time is not sut�cient w pay We Escmw Items when du�L,ender may so norify Borfo�rer in writing,and�Q ..�';�
<br /> �such case Barower sfia11 pay to I.ender fhe amonnt necessary to matce ug�the de4iciency. Bor�pwer°shall make op the . t,..
<br /> defici in ao mose than twClve montlil ents,at Lender's sote discretion. , . • : ` '-<
<br /> Upon PaYment in,fuU of all sams u�r d by this Securiry Instrum�nt,Lender shal!'PromPdy refund to Bocrower any `�:'
<br /> ' Fvndc held by Lender. If,under patagraph 2l,Lender shall acquire or seq the Property,Lender.priot to the acqaisition or �
<br /> . . sale of the Property.shall apply any Fvads IieSd by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the swns f. '
<br /> . secured by this Security Insdumen� . (` .
<br /> 3. Applkatbn ot�yments. [JnIess�plicabte law provides otherwise,aU payments received by Lender under t
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 sf�ali be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note;seoond.to amuunts payable under !
<br /> �a�ph 2:thlyd,to interest due;fourtfi,to princ�pal de�e:and tast,to any Iate charges due�inder the Note. '
<br /> 4. C7�s�es; Liens. Borrower shal!pay all taaes, assessments,charges,tines and impositions amibutable to the
<br /> � Propyrty which may attain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground tents.if any. Horrower
<br /> shatl pay these obligations in the manner provided ia paragraph 2,or if oat paid in that manaer.Borrower shall pay them on �.
<br /> ' � time dinectl to the n owed a ent. Borrower shall rom tl funsish to Lender all notices of amounts to bc d under � ��•��<�
<br /> Y l� P Ym P P Y Paz f:.1��,,.
<br /> . this paragraph. If Bocrower makes these payments directly.Hotrower shall prompily fumish to Lender receipts evidencing ��,,.,,
<br /> tt�e payrt�enu. , ��"s=;
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pdority over this Security Instrument u�less Borrower.(a)agmes ,'
<br /> ia writing to the payment of the obligation sewred by the lien in a marmer acceplable to Lender.(b)co�:ests in good faith the
<br /> , lien by.or defends aga�nst enforcement of fhe lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinsm�n operate to p�event the
<br /> enfatoement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the'lien an agreement saGsfactory to Lendet subordinating the lien � = '
<br /> io this 5xvrity Instivmen� If Lender determines that aay part of the PropeRy is subject to a lien which may attain priority .
<br /> over this Security Instrumen�.Lender may give Borrower a notice.tdentifying the lien. Horrower shall satisfy the lien or taice
<br /> oce or more of the acdons set fonh above within 10 days of ihe giving of notice. ,�.
<br /> S. Hatard or Ptoperty Iagursnce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the �,;` �
<br /> Property insureA against loss by Gre,hazands included within the term"extended coverage"and any other haaards.including • �,,t;j;
<br /> floods or flooding,for whioh Lendcr requires insurance. 'If�is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the� >�,,�,
<br /> . �''1,',::�
<br /> ���
<br /> . ' Forn1302a !I'!0 (OoBe 2 oJb pages) .
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