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� . <br /> �`�'.1..'!` _ c _ • � . V. � � } _- <br /> "� „� -. � _ . . . - <br /> �T � ' � _ar�. - ;e� .. _. <br /> �=' ' _ ' ` _ '•t _ ' - _' —'_ __ -_' -_ _ — '.- . "�.. <br /> [�,��. <br /> .:� . ... ' _.. _ ' - . c. ' -.- -_ . . . . __ <br />-r���'.•'.. �_. ..��.,.��� � � . � ` 4 . ' .. ' � .� . � .. c .. . ••`'_ <br /> . ' .. . ` ` , ` I . . , �� . ��g� , �. . . .. <br /> � 000demn�tian ao adw.taging of�ny� tt�F� for wnveyaax iu lieu of con�nn�ian.arc E�enbj►assiga�d and � . <br /> � , shaII be paid w#�eedet . � ` . <br /> In tbe eveiR of a totil hicing of the Ptoperty.the pmceeds shall be applied ta the sum�.secured by Wis Secutiry . <br /> t��m.nw+._whetl�cr a aat t6ea due,with any e�cass pa�d to Bormwar. Ia the eveat of a p�tial takntg ot the , <br /> �vGich the fair market vah�of th�Pc+opetty emaxdiately 6efac the Wcb�g is'oqua!w or g[sater th�n tt�e�oitnt of the siuns <br /> secured Ay�thi,s Securiry lattrumait i�atety befarc tl�e talcing.rinkss BormwGr au�d Lendtr d1x�vYise ag�se in writittg, � <br /> tbe s�nns secured Iry this Securiry Iasuutnent shalt'be teduoed by tbe amount of tUe pmoeeds,mWtiplied by the foUuwinB . <br /> f�tion: (s)tLe tnnt amauat of tbe surtis sbau�d immodiately liefore tbe taking.dividod by @)the fair cqmtket vatue of ttie <br />-- _ --_.-- . ��mtmediatety beforc tAe talcing Any�alatia shall be paid m Borrower. Cn tha event af a parti�l Wwtg af the <br /> - _ P�apciiy in which the fair marYet vatue of thq Ptopeny�iately 6cfae tl�e tai�g is iess ttian the amaint of tltt sums <br /> - secu►zd immediatNy befa�c the takmg.anless Bormwer and Lender atl�en�rise agree u�writing or unkss apQtirable law <br /> -- ,: othtrwlse pmvides.thc proceeds shall be applied to ttx swns secured by this Saurity[asunmatt whether or nat the sums a�e <br /> dirn clue. � ` <br /> --_ . If tht.Ropert3+is aWndon�d bY Bomnwu,or i�aRer iiotia by Lender to&xmwer that the candenmor offcrs to ma(ce <br /> - u�aw�rd or settle a clwn for dunagr.s.Barower.fails to iespa�d to T.e�der within 30 days after tue dace the notice is given. <br /> - - � Lenda is autho�et!to colkct and appty tbe its nptian.enher to restaration or�eprair of tLe Pmpecty or to the , <br />--�-= s�ms secaiod by this Secarity Luuwnen4 whether or rat tben due. ` <br />�z� Unkss Lxnder and Boimwer otherwise agree in writing,any application of prooeeds to principal sNall not extend or <br /> postponc t6e due date of the manthiy payments refer�ed to in pangtaphs t and 2 ar cdange die unamt of sucb paymeMs. <br />;�� 11. Ba�r+a�rer Not Rdaiscd: Forbeasanoe By Laeder Not a Waivea Extension of the timr far payrt�ac or <br /> modification of unottir.ation of the sums secured by this Security Inswme�n granted by Lend�ec m any successar in iateiest <br />=, •• of Bamwer st�all not operate to celease tbe liabi'lity of tl�e aciginal Borr+nwer or�vater�s�ssors in interest.l.eades . <br /> sh�ll not be tequuM to oo�nce procadin&S�8ainst aaY s�essar in inteEest or refuse ur extend time for psy�hent ar <br /> ofhnwistmadify amoRirrtion of the soms this Security In.stnunent by teason of any demand made by the otiginal — <br /> ` .Barrawa or Bortower�s succGSSas in inte�est. Aay forbearanct by Le�der in eaencising any ri�t or remody shalT not be a <br /> waiver of or preclude the exercise of a�right or nmedy. • ` _ ' � _— <br /> � lL Sroce�ars aud A.�ns Bo�nd;Jdut a�d Sever�{Lia�ilitj;Co-si�aers. The cavenants and agRemeets af this <br /> Security/nsaument shall bind and 6enefit the sua�essors and acsigns of Lxnder and Bomnwer.subject to tl�e pmv�s�ons af. __- <br /> '� �, ;�--_ P�+Sr+W� 17. Botrower's covenanu and agceements shall be joint and several.My Borrower who co-signs this Security ' _–_ <br /> j� . lnsdnnknt bnt do4s not exceute ttie Note: (a)is co-signing this Secucity Inst�umeut oWy w mortSaBe•gant and convey that ��� <br /> d__ `-.;;3° Baruwer's interest in the Propnty under the tem�s af this Security Inst�umen� !b)is not persa�ally obligated to pay the sums —_- <br /> .:� �. sec�ued by this Secariry Insdvmen�and(c)agRes that Lender and any other Barower may agree w extend,modify.forbeear �-�"�_-�L <br /> �.. or make any accommada6ons with regatd to tite tertns of this Security Lisaument or the Nate without that Bomnwer's ==---- <br /> _ ..;,��,1��� cansem. � �—_---- <br /> �t°*�"'� l3 Loan Chuges. If the toan seciued tiy this Seeurity Inst�ument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan --=— _ <br /> ,�` chuges,aad that taw is finally interp�eted sa that the interes[or other loan chatges collected or w be collected in connecdon _ <br />- � with the taan exvoed the permitted limits.then: (a)any sach la�n cDarge sfia116e redi�ced by t6e a�naunt necessary to reduce <br /> "��� ���';� the charge to the pennitteA fimi�and(b)any sums already caIected from Bortower which eace��ad permined lim�ts will be ------ <br /> �,� �`.;;;:= rciurded to Bamwer. L.c�ncier may choose to mai�e this refund by reducing the principai ow��:izr the Note or by making a • �yry,� � <br /> �:�j=, dinct payment to Bartuw�er. If a c�efund reduoes principal.the eeducrion w�ll be meated as a Qartial prepayment wtthout any _ ---- <br /> .i"�`t`:�.�, P�PaY�tchargeundertheNote� '" .LJfA�4•�__ <br /> � 1�•;!!i <br /> ��n '-j-`-.�< ; • , 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be;.�.'ven by delivering it or by '` � `��J;� '�°�_ <br /> •:..v_,.:.a... . ' �-. <br /> _rr..,-.; . ;;...,. _ mailing it by�rst class mail unless applicabte law requires use of another method.'f'he notice s�tt be directed to the Property � �;•``��7,�= <br /> "'"-"' "'-� • Address ar any ottier address Borrower designates by rwtice to Lender. Aay notice to Lender shall be given by first ctass • :r}t'�.'•`,';�'s <br /> t�. ,: i,.•-.: <br /> '�`�`:`.=.� '�'•:,�s mai!to Lender's address stated herein or any ather addrese I.endcr designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for '.,;?'f';4.�'°: ..`• �`. <br />_ '��'�'-. � in thia Seourity Instrumene shal! be deemed to havc 6een given to Barrower or l.ender when given as pravided 'm.this �:,•�:� <br /> - — -��=�'r:��#�' P��P�- � �''��'��.�: <br />_ -". ;�,:�'.; 15. Govereios L�r; Severability. This Security lnstrument shall be go�emed by fedetal law and the law of the , Y,��_;�,;�,; <br />' � =-`� sdiction in which the is tocated. In the event that an visioa or clause o£this Secari Iastrument or the Note � .�- <br /> juri ��RY. . Y P� t}' =c,-r; <br /> '-"' , conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other prov�sions of this Security lastniment or the Nate which can � <br /> �' ,}:�•-�-. �� be given effect without the conflicting pravision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note at�e ;; .;.�,.,�_ <br /> '�.F::_:�x." . decland to be severable. wi:�•i�:,:.,-�' <br /> -;''�?��;°•"�; �' 16. BarroRer's Copy. Borrower xhall be given ane confartned copy of the hate and of this Seeurity lnstrumenG 4��"� ` •.==,•� <br /> �`'_�'-��': , 17. 7tanstee o�the Property or a Beneficial loterest in Borrower. If all ar any pan of the Propeny or any interest in �;��`. � <br /> ?�Y�� . it is sold or transferred (or ii a bencficiul interest in Borrawer is sald or transferred and Bo�resraer is not a natural person)� F�"•:���;i�u,� <br />- �''�'"�� without Lenderk prior written cansent.Lender its option,re�a:re immediate payment in fufl of all�ums secured by 4�;���r•��:=r"'� <br /> _ tr::..� :.;._.:v.r <br /> - �': this Security lnstrument. Hawever.this option shatl not be,exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by feder�l law ac of ' i;T,�3;; .-�-�-- <br /> _ .,;.-4. <br /> _ � F,.}:;a�, _ <br /> -- the date of this Security Instrument. ),::f',.. :'`- <br /> '�1�.- lf Lentlet exerci�es this aption,l.endcr shall givc Borrowet natice of acceleraoon. The notice shall provide n period of �t��`� :. � - <br /> j� '- �- not less than 30 days from the date the nolice is delivered or m3ited:within which Bonower must p�y all sums secured by this �•• - - <br /> �'�' Sectuiry lnsuument. If Borrawer fails to pay thesc sums prior to the eapiration of this period. L.ender may invoke any '. <br /> ti'.��4+' �. • � <br /> ;. �-.�.� • remedies pennitted by this Security Instnimem without further notice or demand on Bormwer. . <br /> "� �8. �rirrn�rer's�ht to Reinstata If Borrower mcets ceriain conditions,Borrowcr shaA have th� righi to have : , . <br /> - enfomm4cii��,�.4ca�,,.e��, �sity instrument discontinued at any time priar to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as <br /> _ SingkFamity-•F�ekMaelPreddkllfaclJ�16URS11rS7RUlNF.tiT•-UniformCorcnants 91f� Ipuge4ajbpages� <br /> . ` � � � , .. ' �� `• . _' . <br /> . <br /> �^ � ,__.,_.�..�.. , , . . , , ..ti . . , <br /> � ��` -'"' _t }t ' . . ' ' : „ Y.� . �•�n���' .p...:5 - � . . . ' ' .. . . . <br /> ri �f T�r � :i' .' ': � '..� y � —�.i_._•_'_'TIAL� ' . . . . . <br /> �. -iR:.� <br /> --- .-_7 ,�r- ,�j•�<y' S.l�C I'+.:.}�:r'� iY �i.i�� 4 � . - . <br /> —___-•'���'9f�.r:l�::�.`i i� •i�� ,�,'�::.�'.l�T s.l�i�rM�:`� . <br /> �,wy.- _ -_ - . , .. - -- . -.- . -!S"__T=T ------^- , . � �-. , ' _.' <br /> _ _ -�qe:1�'_�_ ..__ _ _ . � . . :.__.__��t..�.�'!..�'L.�:7�L._�_�_� . .. . _ . . . _. � . <br />