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.l'�' '•�'� . .� � ' - - _ ' +e.. ;��_-_ <br /> ..<` :`` L . � . - . . �.�I�tiy��^�:-- <br /> — a..i t , t. ., � - . —,�L�LSGS'r <br /> . . . . �.C._�---- _ <br /> YS�_,7! � _ ` . <br /> _ _ -G,._:-____.___ _ - _ _ _ _ ._ . . .._-.�.-..--- --..� . �._ . . <br /> � � ` .. . ' . . - ` .. c _ . c '_ . <br /> � . �. � . <br /> . . . ; . �- 94- iaOS93 � . <br /> . - � , < < .. . . <br /> � �t�oc�EfHEte wt7'fl.0 t6e�op�aremeo�s Ao+w a ee�lta a�ea an t�e..pmpe�y..oe ai!�.�pP�. � <br /> � . : a�d ti�no�r arhaattei't pct of d�e p�npe�ty. AII�pl�ceme�ts�od ad�daas sh�l!atso be oovaec!by tAss Sccueity •� . . <br /> .t�st«oleot All otthe farc�oiu�is ieffetted W io tlds Soc�uity Iast�u�neat as tl�'Ptopesty."�' '. � . <br /> � � � B()RROWF.R t�OVENANFS thu Bq�o�e,'r is IawfulIy seised of tbe est�te hnby canveyed aod 6u the�ig6t w�t <br /> • tmd canvey the Hroperry�nd tmt 1b�hmpaty�s aaa�cunnbend.exaept for ei�cambrmcts of mad. 8ot�t+�wer wamnts and . <br /> wU ddead�alty d�e titk b tbe P�paty agairut�il claims aad dem�nds.snbject W my eacumbraoces ottecad. <br /> THIS SE�UItIE'Y INSTRUMENT c�mbioes unifam cuvenaus for mtia�tl use aod naa-�mifam cavenaots wltb , <br /> limiiedv�tioaalsy}uris�tae�usuaifcrmseasdtyiesWmeatcovaiaS�ealp�vpahF- . <br /> 1JN�ORM C�OVFNAl�i7'S. Baro�rcr ao�l.erxier covea�nt aad sgroe�a follows: <br /> 1. M�eat�[rri�e�i�t�i L�Ie�+nf:h+eM7�ea�a�i LNe GY�r�s. Bo�mwer s1yll Prort�ptiy PaY wha�due tire .. <br /> princi�of aad i�ter�st aa t6edebt evidenced by tbe Note aod anY P�WY�nt aod late c6uges due under the Not�. , . <br /> �Yiit 6r 1�ts a�i I�r�ca�ea.Subject to apptic�bie law or w a writ�en waiver 6y lrnder.Bom�wa sdap p�y to <br /> L�tnder an the day morpbly payments arc due mder tt,e Nae.auil We No�e is paid in fulb a sum t'E'w�ds')fa:(a)Y�Y � <br /> ' taxes�td usessments which may aCSdn ptiaity over this Secu�ity Iasuwnem as a litn oa d�e P�vpetty:(b)Year1Y lasehold <br /> � �paymants or Eiamd tmts,m t�e ptopec�y. if any:(c)Yar1Y Aaza�d or propesty ins�uatxe pneminms: (dl Y�1Y Hood <br /> ins�uance ptemiwns.if au�}.(e)ynrtY imitg�ge insu�ance p�emiums.if any;aad(�anY�ms Pa9��3+Barrower to <br /> acco�du�oe witb tbe pmvisiaas of paragnpb S.ia tiw of the WYment of mo�tgage inwr.wce premiwtu. 1ljese <br /> � iteuu me calkd'E,a.tvw iteme.' l.eader any wne.collect and hotd Fands in�amount not ta excoed tbe max�oui <br /> atnaant a knder for a federally nlu+ed matgage laan may reqaine for Forrov►rePs escmw accoim,t under t6e fedrs�rl Real' . <br /> Estate Settkment Ptoaduies Act of 1974 as amendcd from time to 6me.12 iJS.C.$2601 a seq.("RESPA°).anless aeod�er. . <br /> !aw tb�t applies to dfe Fi�ods sets a ksser amount If so.Lerida airy wue.colkct aad latd Famds in ao au�a�mt not to� <br /> eueed tbe leaser amown. Lendec tnay�esti�tt the amount of.Ft�nds due un t6c basis of caReat dxa and nasaaa6lc � <br /> • estrn�aies of expenditu�es of fuam Escmw Ite�s er ahenvise in accordan�e with appticabk iaw. . • � = <br /> 'ILe timds sb�U 6e IjeW in an instituuon wLose deposits are in.aued by a feder�l agency.insuumentaliry.dc entity - <br /> (u�l�ag I.efxkr,if[.ealer is such an instimdon)or irt arty Federal Home I.u�n Buric. l.eoder s�ll apply tbe Fwds w pay -- <br /> t6e EuTOw Items: Lrnder may not ch�c$e Boaower for hold�g aod aPP1YmS the Fvnds.aonuaUy atnly�ing the escraw <br /> accuaud,or ve�ifying the Escmw,items. unkss Lender pays Boimxer tLe�'vnds and applicable law pemits � __ <br /> l.ender to makc sucL a cbarge. However.�na�,�y�ywr�samwa�o�ay a one-n��t,ar�e ta an tnaepe�;ao�c� --�= <br /> . estate tas t�epottir�8 savia used 6y Lendcr in connection with this loan,unless appGcabie law pmvides ott�ciwise. Unless an �; <br /> , ag+eement is made or ap�ticable taw ceqoires iniasst to be paid.Lxndet shall not be req�iued to pay Borrowa any interest or �:_K i. <br /> amings on tt�Funds. BoRawer aad Leadcr may agnee in writing.however.that inte�+est shall be paid oo the Funds. Lender, ��-_ <br /> sh�ll give to Bomoweti withnut annaal xcoundng of ti�e Fands.showing c�ediu and debits w the Fimdc aad the �: <br /> piupose fa whicb each debit w�he Fvnds was made. The Funds are ptedged as additioual security for all sums satiied by � �- <br /> this Security Instrument � ��- <br /> If the Funds heW 6y I.ender exceed the auauau perinitted to be held by applicable law,I.ender sdaii account to _- <br /> Bormwer for the excess Funds in axordance with iLe requiremenu of applicabie law. If We amount af the Funds held by' -- <br /> l.eader at any time is not su�cient w pay the Escrow Items wben due.Lender may so aotify Borrower in =- <br /> � such case Boerawer shall pay to Lender �He amount necessary w malce up We defciency. Bomnwer shall make up the , :�� <br /> deficiency in no uare than twelve monthlY I.ender's sole discretion. � <br /> Upon payment io full of all su�:secured by tl�is Secittiry Inswmen�.Le�der shall ptompdy refund to Bormwer any �`'�'_ <br /> �Lnds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.�.ender shall acquir�e or sell the Ptoperty.Lender,prior to the arqnisitioo or <br /> sak of the Ptoperty.shall apply any Fvnds held by Lender at the t'sme of acquisition or sale as a credit against tUe sums <br /> savreA by this Security Insuument. <br /> 3. Application ot Pl�ymrnts. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under , . <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 sha116e applied:fust,to any prepayment charges due uader the Nae;secand,to amounis payable under <br /> par�graph 2; interest due:foucth,[o principal due;and lac�to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> ' 1. CbsRes; Lkas. Bor�ower shall pay all taxes,assessmenu,charges.fines and imposidons attributable to the <br /> Prope�ty which may auain priaity over this Security Iaswmen�a�xl leasehold paymen�s or g�ound rents,if any. Barower b'.:�,: <br /> shall pay these�abligations in the manner provided in ga�agraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on <br /> time directly to the person owe�paymen� Borrawer sha11 promptly fumish to Lender ail noticcs of aznounts to be paid under , <br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these paymenu directly.Borrower shall promptiy fumish to lxnder receipts evidencing <br /> � the PaYments. <br /> Barrower sba11 promptly discharge any lien which has Qriority o�er this Securiry Inswment unless Borrower.(a)agrees . . <br /> ' in writing to the payment of the obliga6on secured by tiu:lien in a martner acceptabte to l.ender,tb)coMests in good faith the <br /> . liea by,or defends ag,aiast enforcement of tt�e lien a�.�egal proceedings which in the Lertder's opinion operate to prevent the . <br /> ` enfo�ement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hoider of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender suDordina6ng the lien <br /> to this Security Inswment If Lender�errnlnes that any pan of the Property is subject to a lien whi¢h may attain ptiorlty F �•• <br /> over this Seciuity Insuument,Lender ma�give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shali satisfy the lien or talce <br /> ooe ot mae of the actions set fanh atiove within IO days of the giving of notice. . �� <br /> , 3. Hs�d or Pt+opeRy Insurance. Bomsw�eR^shall keep the improvemenu now eaisdng or hereafter erected on tl�e i <br /> � Property iasnred against toss by fire,hazards include�i within the term"eate�ed coveragc"and any other hazaids.incla,li�7;; M�= <br /> floods or tlooding,for which Lender requires insurance. 'ihis insurance shall be maintaincd in the amounts and fr,c r.,� <br /> , Fan�3�2/ �Vl� fDG�e2o160aSa1 . <br /> T ' �.ti � <br /> ' �.. <br /> _ - - --- _ -- -- - - - - - - --— ---- }. , <br /> - — __ -_-- ..-. _"-"_a�.i.�-`.r.-as-�..:-'_.s.-:- .�'.. � ... . _ ��•'-:i:- .1 i ... `: . . . ' <br /> �.�z.:+,.. .i..•�� '„ ._t. `•r;� ���: .-'yr�A,. .. . <br /> --uc'r..-i'.as�'��u�.:'s'.�+3.3t " •x., ��-. ' ... . . <br /> — - �---=- -- ��.:Y Lt+,:"`° <br /> �� ��� <br /> ---- <br /> _' l'.- �. .,._...i_..." '.5.'�".+-•:�'L�'•�rlc �•.7�•i . --_ '____ <br /> __-___i�.�ti..z� .. "�'�` -. . y�T . , . • . . <br /> ._.._.<_�'-._� -.--__s.-.. . � .. . a . -. . . 3 �-."���a�r�.�i�Yt�w� .ta�i'-a�aY�f..� . ._ . . - .. .� . . <br />