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'f� � —.�__ .. Y, --- <br /> � > . ' - — <br />._ __ __ '___— _ _ ____�Z:����__---- - <br /> � ' � ' l <br /> .... ..... � < .�. .::.�_._:__.__' . <br /> '_" i < . . .. . . - ` "- _ ` . . .—� - <br /> : ; . � � . � �, : � ; . , � , � . ` ` � . �9�=�,�►e �- � . ,_� . � . . <br /> TooB'�ii wnx ail d�e i�po�emca�eo.r«ha�«aaea o4 i6e propat�►.�na.0 a�mtR�p�e�oaz , . <br /> au�fixair�►aow ar irciqlle�a p�ct of ebe ptoperty.'AI.!�piaoement:�od�tioas�IW!alao be covered tiy d�is Security . <br /> � in�umeat. AII'of t6e fa�oie�i�ndened to in tNs Security Itut�wnait as the'Fropetty." . . <br /> . � BORROWER•�OVBNAMS tiw Bo�mwar is bwfutyr�eiYad d tbe estaoe M�eby oonveyed aad has,thc ri�t w trmt <br /> �+�M�nnvey the Ptiopaty�od d�at the P�ope�ty is unenc�nnbec�ed.except tor encumbrances af r�eco�l. Bartvwer�r�ants aod , <br /> ' �vial dda�d>aqiasUl the tit�e w ibe P�ppaty qaimx atl cWms�ed dem�nds�sabjxt to�►Y encum6ir�oes of tecanf. . <br /> . THIS SECtJR1''t'Y lNS7RUMENT coa�biocs uoifcm� corea�w fQr t�tiopal use wd ma-rmifam oovenaots with . <br /> • limieed v�ri�lion�UY ju�isdiction to cantttule a ueifam seciQity instniment cor..-rieg t�a�propeRy. • - ,' <br /> � UN�ORM C`iOYHNAN7'S.'Bnmorver�ad I.enttei cove�mt�eA agtee as.fallows: <br /> � �J�����1�'s�1�7������$oaowet sbail P�Y P�Y wben due the� _ <br /> � Piecjpt oE�od imp�est od tbe debt tvideeCed by tbe Note�d my pepapment aod Iaie cl�s due wder t6e Note. <br /> . . L Flri�t�r'I�S a�i lawes�oa Subjeet to�pplica6te l�w or to a ariqeo w�ivaby 1.e��er;.Bac�o�va shall pay w � <br /> Lender on t6e dsy mo�Nhly ptyments a+e due upder the Nate.utCit tbe Noto is pad ia fuU,a swn t`Ruids°)fa:(a)YeartY � <br /> " t�xa aod�which may awia priority over this ty lastnmsent as a lieo oa tbe Ytopaty:@)Y�9� . <br /> P�Y�s ar gmuad n�nis on the Ptopaty. if any; (c) Y�hv�rd or pcope�ty insw�nce pcew�iwns:(d)yeariy flooa <br /> ins�amoe P�emiu�c.if a�►y;(e)Y�Y�5+8'�insurance p�r.miums,if,9ny;a�(fl wY soros paya6k by Bamwer w <br /> • i,pder,in sxadance with the pmvisioas of pa�agaph tieu of the paymeai,of moftgage ins�mace piemiums. Tl�esa � <br /> itert�s�e callod"Escrow Itemc." Lender mty,at any time.callaeGt aed lald�in an amotmt uot to exeted We ma�dmnni <br /> �a�for a fedetafly zetated matgage Iaao may requi�e fa Bo�owec's escmw acco�t�da the fede�al Ral <br /> F,state Sdtleme�t�Act of 1974 ac amended fmm time w 6m�12 U.S.C.�2601�e�stq.("RFSPA'�,miless a�otber <br /> ` law that�pplies to the I'wds sets a lesser atnounG If so.I.enckr may,at aay wne.cellat and hold Funds ia an amoant not w . <br /> � ticceed the ksser amoant.-�Lender�y �st�te fhe�t�Fands.dae oa ti�e basis of ea�nt data and nasooabk <br /> astimates of expeadit�es of fuhm Escrow Yte�ns or otherwise in acwrdance wit6 applicabk Jaw. ' <br /> �Le Fvnds s4a11 be held'm an instimtiaa whose depasiu are insacrd 6k a federal agency,inshumaualiry,or ea6ry <br /> � (incfiding LendeG if I.ender is such an instiartioa)a in arry Federal Home Loan Banlc. Lender s6a11 apply the Fueds to pzy - - <br /> t6e E.4srow IGems. Lender may not ciiarge Bolrower for holding and applying t'�e Fvnds.annually aaaIyzing the esc�nw —. <br /> account,or verifyiag tbe Fscmw Items, �lesc Lemcler pays Borrower interest on the Funds and aPplicable law pem�its �'`" <br /> Leader to ma1cE svch a cUarga However,Lender:an�y't�equiie Boaower to pay a oac-time ch�rge for an�deat real <br /> estate tax npoRing service used by Lender in con�e¢on with this 1oan,uNess applicable law gmvides whe�v�rzsa. Unless an <br /> agrcement is nsade ar applicable law reguins interest to be paid,l.euder si�all not be rcqaire�to pay Bomuwer any interest or <br /> eamings on the Ponds. Borrower and Lender may agree ia wridng,l�wever.that intecest slrall be paid on the Fw�Bs. Lender -..- <br /> sh�U give W Borrower,witiwut chazge,an aunual accounting of the�Funds,showing cndits and debIts to tt�e Funds aad the `-- <br /> . purpose fot which each debit w th�l�ads was made. The Fu�nds are pledged as addiqonal socnrity for all s�cros secured by <br /> tlris Secudty laswment –. <br /> If the Funds held by Leader exceed the amonnts pecmiued to be held by applicabte law, Lender sEna�acconnt to <br /> � Borrower for ihe excess Fw�ds in accoNance with the mquirements of applicable law. If the amoant of the Fimcfs i�6y, . <br /> Lendet at auy time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in vvriting,a�.� _ <br /> sucb case Bor�wer shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to malce up the deficieacy. Bomnwer shall mato�up ihz .. _ . <br /> deficiency In no more than twelve montlily Lender's sole discretion. � �' �" <br /> Upon payment in.full of alf sums secured by th'ss Security Instrumen�Lender shall promptty sefimd to Borrower any r,- <br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph Zl,Lender shall acquice or sell the Propetty.Lender,prior to the acquisi6on or ��;' <br /> sale of the Propeity.shal!apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums <br /> secund by this Secwity Insttument� <br /> 3. Applicatioo of Plnptaeafs. Unless app�ieab2e law provides otherwise. all payrt►ents received by Leader undes <br /> paragraphs l and 2 shaU be applied:fns�to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second to amouais payabte uader �: <br /> pa�agraph 2;tl�ird to intez�est due;founh,to principat due;and last,to any tate char�es due under the Note. � �' <br /> - 4. Cba�s; I3e�s. Boirower shall pay�aIl taxes.assesst►�enis,et�a:ges. �nes and impositions at¢ra"butab3e to.tlie <br /> Propetty wisich may auain priority ov�r t.tris Securiry Instivmenc,aa�1�a3�payrnents oe goand rents,if a�y. Borrou� ' <br /> shall pay t�ese obligacions ir}the mannes provided in paragaph 2.a:if not pa�d in that man��r.Boirower shalI pay theme�`. <br /> tvne dira��+N tbe persa�owed payme:at Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all noti•�es�f amounu to be paid u:� <br /> this paragraph. U Bortower makes these payiner��.��rectiy,Borrower shall promptly fumish io F:ender neceipts evidencing � <br /> tbe PaYments. � � <br /> . Bamwer shall ptomptly discharge aszy�icr,c�h:�ch has priarity over this Security lnswmem nnless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> in wrlting to the payment of the obligaiion sc�reA by thc lien m a ms►nner acceptable to Lenc�r:(d�)contests in good faith t1�e <br /> lien by,cn defends against enforcementof the tieit in,legal prceeedings which io the Lendei's q�ir.ion operate to prevent�he <br /> enforoeme:�t of the lien:or(c)setur�es fram the hoider of the lien an agreement satisfactory t�Q.eader subordinating the lien <br /> td this Secarity Instrvmen� If Lender detertnines tfiat any part of the Property is subJect to a]ien which rsay.attain priority = <br /> over this Security Insuu��ent,Lender may give Bo�ower a natice identifying the lien. Borrower shali sa��c�e lien or take - <br /> ooe or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. • , <br /> 5` Ha�rd o�I'roperly I�orsnoe. Bomnwer shall keep the improvements now exisdng ar herea�:r erected oae�he <br /> Ptoperty ins�ned aga�nst loss by f�re,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any othei hazards,incd�i�g <br /> floods a flooding,for which Lender irqnires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amousits and far the <br /> Form 30?a �M IpaBt 2 oJ6 pogrsl <br /> . �•� . 1• <br /> - i`: .. <br /> -— � _ -�i�l'�•r.•i19i,� _��=e�'���.��y''cr--- ��~ - <br /> �r � � .i "•. <br /> _ _ �s*.T..�.a�- `�S�r yf •1•.'�}'•.�µ'�t,_ <br /> �— ��f-'=_ll�1�iJY�.�w.�' ..-. <br /> -_ �}�1f]��7.- _ •ii'TY'�. . '��v'_�-!�`. ^�qy� - . <br /> � .�'." . . . . . '�� ']" . .. . . <br /> .. __ _..�"' _ _ ' . . . . • • . ._ «-1+�J4�ieH!}'.�._. _ . .. . . . . . .- . <br />