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�.'i , _- <br />.- - . . . . •. . . . ,�Y�.-_- <br /> � ' . . • }. _-_ <br /> _ � . . ` . ..__ _ __. <br /> �~ ,' - ♦ ._ ' _`. . _ " . . �__-...�.�,. ^� <br /> �'N_' . _. _ _ -. <br /> _� .L � � 'c' . ` � i � � ... , . ��.. v ` ° `' , . <br /> . � .- , . � . `�OO�i� . : <br /> . �OG�wrrH aU d��e�ts now a�a�eaita erocoea oo tbe pcopeay,.�a a!�e.�en�au�,•FVu�unces::. <br /> and fixwmc mvr or haeafisr�pact of tbe propaty. Atl repl�oenxats tad additfans slWl dso be this Socurity <br /> Instruo�eat. All of tbe faiegoiag is iefened to in this Secur�ty�tastcument av�he"Froperty." <br /> � BORROWER COYENAM'S tlnt Bonvwer is lawfulty s�ised of the tstate bereby ounveya!and has the rigttt ta g�ant <br /> aad oonvey the Piopaty and that tbe Pmperty is�merc�mlkced,except for ea�um6�ances of,tecotd. Barnwer wanants a►d <br /> w,�l defead generalty the tiUe to t6e Pmpeity ag,aiest all claims�nd demaods,subject w any encumbranves of recotd. <br /> � � THIS SECf3R1TY iNSTRUINFd�I'F caabines uaifosm eovtoa�3ts for national use and taa-uniform mvenants with -- - - <br /> �V80a110D��1 JUqS�W011[O CORSf1iII[C a UAifo[1m S�Itllty incr..envni COYCIID$ICA1 pODQC�Iy • <br /> UNIPDRM COVENANTS. Bouower azd Lender rnvenant and agtet as follovvs: <br /> i. PtR'sa�t d Prfneipd a�d lnterest's PrePa�and Lste Chs►Res. Botrower sl�all PrompdY PaY wLen due the _ <br /> principral of and inte�est on t�e ddxcvide�ced by the l�in�anc!any p�epayment and]ate cbarges due under the Notc. � -- <br /> ° Z. i�y�is[or'6us iod Inemie�oG Subjectto�!aw or to a wntten waivuby Lender,Harower sttaIl pay to .. � <br /> [.euder on the day monthly payments are due mxi�ftu Nate,unnl the Note is paid in fu11.a sum("Fuuds")for.(a)yeatlY . <br /> . taxes and ass�sments which may�taia p?�ity�er rlus Securitg tnsa�msent as a lien oa tbe Ptnpeny;(b)Yearty kasehold _ <br /> . Payments or gio�sd tents on the Rvpeicg;if an}:��D S�Y ba�aid or pmperty insurance pc�emiums; (d) Y�Y�� __.. - <br /> ins�ttance premiums.if aaY+(e)Y�Y�SaBe ms�ce premiumc.if any;and(�?aY sums payable by Borrower w <br /> � `Lender,in ac�rdance with the pmvisioos of pazageapb 8.ia lieu of the payment of mortgage iasurance premiums.. 'Il�ese �_ <br /> items a�e called"Escrow Items.' Le�er any time,collect and hold Funds�n an amount not to exceed the ipaaimum - =��,-_ <br /> amoont.a leqder for a federally ietated nlortgage toan may mquire far Bocmwer's escmw accamt under the fe�eral Reat :�� ,�'��-° <br /> c <br /> ' ��S�'�z�ent.Rocedunes Act of 1974 as amended fmm time tn time.l2 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA"),w�tess anotber ��, <br /> �, E��at��ies to the l�nds sets a tesset amoim� If so,Lender may,at at►Y tune,collect and hotd Fonds in an amaunt nut to�. - :,. . • '�;_.�;.- <br /> . :�r�t�`�esser amoµnt I.end�ma�estimate the amount of Fvnds due on the basis of cumeat data and reasonabie. :;:= _,:�:''`- .�_ �-t <br /> •:-esam�r�o��pendituns of fatare Es�.-t�iw Items or othervvise ia accordance with applicable law. "� '�__.. - � ��s��:� <br /> � � ` � ibe.�s shall be held in ars��nsr,itu6on wtwse deposits�:;�by a federal agency,instrumeatality.or enritY;`::;_:. � �`j� <br /> --- �aroe Loan Bank. I�shaU 1 Etfe Funds to.PaY;`; , <br /> , ('�g�er.if Lender is sucb an�stiwdon)a in aay Fedie{a!. ePP Y {�-- <br /> � ' tbe T�ni.c. l.ender ma not e Bomnwer for holding'and appiying the Funds,a�mnallY�Y�B the escrow. � ��.`-. <br /> ',;:�;�+��verifying the Escrow Itet�s;ualess Leno7ar PaYs Hormwer interest on the F�ds aad appGcable!aw pernuts �" -- <br /> . ,.��ade�.t�.�ake soch a charge. However,Lend�s may;zequire Borrower m pay a on�time charge for aq.ind�eddens real ti;��f`• <br /> �-�'esia�:���.�pordng s e r v i o e a s e d by L�d.°rin cam�e c T s a a�wi t h t h i&l o a n,u n l e s s a p p�c a b l e I a w.p i+o v i d e s o t h e n v i s e.`XJnless aa - - <br /> . agnee�n�:�s made or applicable law requue.s interest ta Ue paid,Lender sl�aall not be required to��y.BonovYPC;any interest or :,�; • <br /> �,v�a.the.Fund.s. Bozrower arrl i:en;ler may agree in wnhng.tiowever,that intemst shall'be�paid on the Funds. Lender `�;'. <br /> sbatl gi��ta�8orrower,v�+itltout c�a;.g�•an annual accounimg of the Funds.sdoWing credit4 and�ebitS to the Funds and the" ;:„,•,':; <br /> p�p�e�o�s�W;r�e�mt�srt to�#��nds�as a�d�::The Fvnds are pledged as addidonal sectuity fot all stim's secane8 by. • �J;�::,,�;.f <br /> �,t;s•; <br /> , �11S�II��'[lII1C_7u-...� ,r :.'r ". ' ���''."f:. <br /> If tbe��ds held by Ltnder ex�eed tfie amo'tmts permitted to be held by appifcable-law, Lender shaU accuuat to ,�.TM: <br /> Sotrower ff�r the excess Funds in accorc�auee with the ieguirements of applicable law. If the smaunt of the Funds held by <br /> �-�:. <br /> Lender at ariy time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow items when due,Lender may so notify Bormwer ia writing,and,in . �- <br /> such case Bomnwer stiaU pay to Leader We amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shatt malce up the -. =. <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payment�,at l.endeis sole discretion. _ <br /> ' Upon payment in fu11 of a11 sums secured by this Security Inswmen�Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrawer any . <br /> Funds held by Lender. If.unde�paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior tu ihe acquisiaon ar ; <br /> sak of the Property.shall apply any Fuads held by Lender�t the timc oi acquisition or salc as a credit against the sums <br /> securod by this Security lnswmem. •: <br /> 3. .AppUcsNon a�P�y�uents. Unless applicabie law Qrovides otherwisc. atl payments receivect 6y I.ender under <br /> par�gnphs i and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prcpayment charges due under the Nnte; amounts payabie under • ' <br /> par gn <br /> puagraph 2; interest due:fourth,ta pdncipal duc:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 1. Chartes;l.ims. Borrowcr shall pay all taxec, a�sc�.sments, charges. fiacs and impositions auributable to the <br /> Propeety whlch may attain priority over this Secufity lnsuument,and leasehold payment�ar graund rents.if any. Borrower <br /> shall pay ttr�se obli$�tin0�ln the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if nol paid in thAt manner.Bacrawcr shail pay them on <br /> Ume dinectly to the pei3on owed paymen4 Borrower shall pmmptty fumish to Lender all nadces of,amounts to be pa�d under __.. <br /> this paragraph. If Botrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender receipu evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Bo�rower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unlecs Borrower.(a)agrecs , <br /> in wri6ng to!!ie payment of the obligaiwn secur�d by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in goad faith the <br /> � lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement'satisfactory to Lettder subordinating the lien • . - <br /> to tltis Security Instrument lf Lender determines that any part of the Propecty is subject to 31ien which may attain priority <br /> over this Savrity Instrvmtnt,l.etider may give Bo�rower a notice idendfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the licn or take �_: , _ <br /> ane or more of the,acflons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S, yazsM pr pr�operty I�anca Bomower shall keep the improvements now cxisting or hereaiter erected on the � =-�• <br /> Propecty iesuted against loss by fire.hazards inctacded within the term"extended coverage"and any ather hazards,inctuding (. <br /> t]aoda or floading,for which Lender requires'r,�suc�nce. 7]�is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the � , <br /> • Fars3028 !f� fpo8e2oJ6pagesl � . <br /> � � . . <br /> , . �_ �: <br /> , E . <br /> , � <br /> ---T«=—=-- -- °° — _=�i:'!���,�,ti^ ,.:-- - -. • . <br /> -- _ - _ _-_ ----:3=,'._'._ihY.. . . <br /> —_– __--_-- —__ --– ___`,�1'[.T.'i�1��Y•if�. .. . . _ <br /> :r�r•i!3'±r'�!',4Tdi�?c�_� �a,�'P v"....-_ --- . - ___--_ -. ---- .-:--°-_ <br /> . .:....' . � . <br /> �awnv�.- .. . . <br /> _—_— ._ -_ a _ _. . . , . .. .. . ... .' 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