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, - , - . . t ,i� <br /> ' ' -� . ,: . . _ �:._. <br /> .--_. ___. _.. .. ._ _ _____—._—_--� — .. _. <br />.. . .�. a . ..� 2 —� ` . � . . C • ' _ • . ` . , . , i� . <br /> ,. _ ( `. . � • �� .. '�"•' � .c . �< . . . <. -" :� _` .. .. '—_ <br /> c � p���O�0�'bE__7_"�.�ib0 Ojk�011 Cf�f!f m��OE/lIDM��Cl�OY���BF�C� 4 <br /> . it I�aier.e�q�1 P!��.���F�'bd b�r I�fdlE�li�6ecao�cf iY�iIfWO�od�is Ob�ioad.son�a�a�W[PID► , . , <br /> tl�p+esi�teqiwe�to m�t�is�eoet�e i�uisot ie d�ed,vc t�praride a{os•re�evs.�alnl Wt inq�est`ta�roe�e ,' ' <br /> '. �idecanee md�in�oc�ordaoce�ridt sny writ�m a�roaoaR between Hoeo�er aud L�eaae�ar applka6ie la�v:� � <br /> � !:Lr�refM■.i�ader or its a'aat msy oWce te�aonble eatties opon ad m�peaion�o�'t6e.Pmpeity.I eoder�init pve � < ., <br /> ' � Hoero�a notice at We tia�of or prior w ao�in�pectioo�e�.ifYin6 iearo�bk ca�e for the impection. � <br /> � . " � .1�.C.�■dea�tiOi.lbe pm�eeds of i�r axaod or�lai¢i-tar d�m�es.ditact ar 000�aqoanW, in ooaneaion whb aay <br /> _ •�.eondpno�tir�n a dha t�lcirr�of any put of the Piopaty,oi for coar�rysn�e ia tieu of iaoodam�iart,�hQebx a�i�nod iod _ <br /> iWll be pid b l.�eader . _. � � . . ' . . <br /> ta 1Le evmt of s[�+1 Wnq af tbe Prapetty.t6it pcooeads sbtlt 6e apptied to the sums se�vred by tltis SecuritY fastcumait. ' <br /> a�d�es or not t�ea due,with�ny exoeat ysid to Bormwa.In the�vent of a p�rti�l hl�of the.Pnopaty in which die,6ir <br /> �rEd v�1ue of.the PmQaty imme�i�tdY befae.the tatin�is ap�l to or�tl�t6e imom�t of t6c am�s�ea�t�ed by this <br /> � Seau3ty I�aumart fiamedi�ety befa�tl�e tatun8.untas&i�mwer and L�ender otlkrwise agree iu wdtvg.t6e samc�av�ed by <br /> this Seauity Imtma�eat a6�ll be s+ed�eed by the amonnt of tl�e p�oceods anlaPlied hY ����8�� ��)�� <br /> - anw�nt of tl�e wa�s saau�d imnoeai�tely bdore fhe t�lcin�,divided by(b)the fsir m�rlcet value of tbe Propetty immedi�tdy <br /> , bet'ott the tslri�. Any bot�a�e shafl'be paid to Bornnwer. In tLe aveot of a parti�l taldng of t6a Ptoperty in wLid�die fair <br /> m�uet v�iae of tha Pt�eperty inuned'idely befare the tatiug is less thau tbe amotmt of tt�c sums secund immedi�tdy befae tbe <br /> takinE,uNas Bormwa aeld Lmder wi��ee in writing or wiless applipble taw otherwise provides,the p�ooeods s�all <br /> be�pplied to the surn�saured by this Security LuutiunmE whdher or not the sums are thae du�. . ��%`°:-,. <br /> If the Prnpaty is abou�doned 6y Baaower*or if.after aotice by I,ender to Borrower tt�at We condemrwr a8�.i��� <br /> aw�nd or sdtle a elaim for daaage.a.Borcower fails to n.cpond to Lendet within 3U days after the date tLe����;`"�; . <br /> I.mdar is�tihor�zed W collect.ana apply tbe iu option,either to rtstoration ot t�ep�ir of tlie Pmpzriy'at�tv���u;tsis <br /> . securod by this Security Insavaxat.wbaher or not tNen dt�e. �- <br /> � Unkss I.eoder and Bomower olf�eswise Agree in.writing, aQY aPPlicaiia► of pmoeeds w�principal s6a11 not exteod ar <br /> postpone tbe due d�te of ttie rnontl�tY payments refer�d to in puagraphs 1 and Z or change tGe amount of such paym�nts. <br /> 1!.Bot�nawer Not Rdea�ed;Forl+ara�e By Lender Not a Waiva.F.xteruion of the time for payment or modifiption ' <br /> of�mortiration of the snms sowrod by ttis 5oa�nity Insirumeat g�ated by Lender m airy suc��+*ia auerest of Bairowet sh�ll <br /> not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Leader s6a11 not 6e requii�ed w <br /> canmienx proeeed'mgs against any snocessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othecwise modify amortit�tion <br /> of the siuns sa�ut+ed by this Socurity Incttument by reason of arry demand made by the original Borrower or Botmwer's , <br /> suooessots In interest. An}►forbearance by i.eader in eaercising any right or nmedy shal!not be a waiva of or procluda the <br /> ' exercise of any right or remody. ' <br /> 12.Saa�ors aud A� Bound:.loint aud Sevaal LiabilitY4 Co318oers. 7'!te covemants and agranxnts of ttiis <br /> Security Instrument shaQ bind and benefit the sncces.wrs and assigns of Lender and Barruwer, subject to the ptovision�e� <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenapu and agreert�ents sha11 be joint and several. My Borcoxrer who co-signs this Seccas'ti` , <br /> InStrument but dces not exetute the Note:(a) is co-s��this Security Instroment anly to mortg�e,grant and cam-e�t�as• <br /> Borrower's interest in tbc Property under the terms of zGics 5ecuriiy Instrumenr,(b)is nat personally obligated to pay the s�is. <br /> secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend.modify,farbear� <br /> make any accommodations with regard to the temis of this Security Instrument or the Note without tl�at Borrower's conseet_ ' <br /> 13.Loan Chatges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is su6jecl to a law wtuch sets maximum toan charges: <br /> aad that Iaw is finaliy interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in wnne�on with the <br /> toan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduceci by the amount necessary to reduee the charge <br /> to the pertnittea limit:and(b)any sums already caliected fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Bonower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing thc principal owed under the Note or by malcing a direci <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. thc reducti�n will bc trcated as a panial�prepayment without any - <br /> prepayment charge under the Notc. - <br /> 14.Notkes.Any noiice ta Bonower provided for in this Security Instrumcnt shall be given by detiverir.�c or by mailing - <br /> �by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of�another method.The rt�tice shall be directed to t;�e�c-�perty Address _ <br /> c�s any other address Borrower designates by notire to Lcnder. Any natice to Lender shall be_�i1�en�_ �irst cla�s mai{ ca .. <br /> � •�ender's address stated hemin or any other address Lender designates hy notice to Borrower. Arc �aiice ptnvided for in this _ <br /> �urity l�stntment shall be deemed to have becn given to Borruwer ur Lcnder when given ac provided in this paragraph. - <br /> 15.Governing Law; Severability. This Securit� lnstrument shall he govcrncd by fedcral law ar.� the law of the <br /> ,�srisdiction in which the Property is lorated. ln the e�e�t that any provisiun or clduse of thic Secarity lnstrusnent or the Note - <br /> ronflicts with applicabte taw,such conflict shalt nat af`ect ather provisinnti n1'thiti 5ecuriry Instrument or thc Note which can be � <br /> given effeca without the conflicting provision. To this'end the pravisionv of this Security Instrument and the Note are dectared <br /> :; <br />— to be severable. <br /> , 16.Borrower's Capy.Borrower shatl be giti e y o�:ronfnrmed cnpy of the Note and of this Security lnstrument. <br /> , � • '. Form 3028 9/90 ' <br /> •, ' <br /> . , Page 4 018 , , � <br /> �. . ; <br /> � <br /> . ._...... . .. _�.. .__— . . . . <br /> _.. ____—•—��v^.�r.,,-_ _ <br /> � . . �. .v.^ _ ' . -- V�i'.' ���.0 l;� - '���'I •' `' :� �.. 1. .. <br /> ♦x ,�A '[.'.- , '�n' "11f s �RT .c `-�r%' .... :: r / .. 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