. '��r-+4 .-i. �. . . . • ♦ Yi . - ��'�A��.-
<br /> .�`4-� . - � � . ' ' " `,:���Yr =
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<br /> � � � �oc�wrri�m�e i�o�e�e�c�n�►or,�e�ea oo�e�,�,,.�a ou�,�, e�,�
<br /> ` and Sxtuc�es now or�craita a pa�t of the pmperty. AU zeplacemepts aad addiddns shalt Wso be cov�red�y th�urity `
<br /> Iast�.._TM�*�� A!1 of t�foregoing is nfa�to ic this Secu�ity Iasttument as the"Pmpeny" �
<br /> BORROWER CUVENANfS tbat Boriawa is lawfully scised of the estate hareby canveyed and dav thc right to�rant
<br /> aad convey the Ropaity and d�at tl�e Ptoperty is uneocambeRd.exapt for eucum6rance�of[ecord. Borrnwer wnnwtta wW
<br /> w71 defe�d generally the 6de o�t�e Pc�peccy against aU ctaims and demands.sabject w any encumDtances oi tecord. . __-
<br /> -- - 7'#IIS SECtTRi'!'Y INS"�'RiJMENT com6ines onifa�m covesants t'c�r nation�l nse and rtort-nnifortu��venanis aFfth ' -_ __- ____.
<br /> �mited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a imiform savrity instcume�t coveriug mal pcuperty. . � -_
<br /> � [JNII'�ORM COVENANTS. Bonuwer aed Lender oovenaut and agt+�x as foltows: ' `
<br /> l. Paymeot otPr�dpd and L�teeesh P�ymeat snd Late C6ae�es. Boriower s1w11 prompdy pay wixm due tfie• `�'==
<br /> ,.,.�.pt��._,iAal of;aqd.�t on the debc evidenced by the No[e and anY P�PaJ(mect and tate charges dne under tAe Nute. �°��.— -
<br /> . �.::;:.�: :�7ia�and� Sy6ject to a�ppticable law or to a written w�iver by l.ender.Borrawcr Fhall pzy to ' � � - -
<br /> IRadar on the da�i nqon�lilY payments ace due under the Nute.tu�til the Nate is paid in full.a sum t"Fu�xis")[or.(al yearly ` �� - __
<br /> taxes aad assGSSinants which may attaia priority over this Security[nsrtumeat as a liep on tbe Property:tb)Yearly k�ehold ' �-����--- -
<br /> � . payments or groan8�ts;on;die Ps�openy, if any; (c)Yeatly hazard or property insutar�ce premtums: (d) Ycarly flard �`,.'�-�_
<br /> insurance Pnem�wns,if an�r�`C�):Ye�arly,n�ort e insurance if an •and(�any sums able b Bwrower tc► ��':�`j-m=--
<br /> Sa8 Pre��, Y• PaY Y �a-�. R
<br /> � Lende�in xcordan�x with tiie p�o�sions.of paragraph 8.in Geu of the payment of mongage insur.u�ce pnemium4. The4r -
<br /> -- • items ane called"Fscmw Items." I.ender ui$y,at any time.coitect and lxiM Funds in an amount not to ezcca!tlx t�xiplum . <''4�=..,�::�-
<br /> —_ . amount a l�ncier Fot a fedMally relate�martgage loan may requu�e for Borrower�s escrow account under the federal Rcal . � . �:�°�F
<br /> ,�..._-
<br /> —= ::•� � •_ ._..�siate SeWemen't�tac�dares Actof 1974 as amended fivm time w time,l2 U.3.C.§2601 et seq.(°RESPA"!.unlcss a�nther 4 . �w c`a��_-
<br /> taw!that aPPlies tii d�s Punds 5eu a te,cser amounc If so,I.ender may.at aay tane.coUect and hold t�nds in an umount rat ta . .;��, =
<br /> � eii6e:ed the Iess�a aznount I.eiidei may estimate the amouat of Funds due oa the basis of cumnt data and re:tson�bte - -
<br /> - --° � :�es of e�ipe�mres o€fatuie�szrow items aratheiwise m accardance with applicable law. ' .��.
<br /> = • "The Fut�ds sliall be held in an insatubi.4n whose its a�insured b a fedcral a e ty. ty �`��'
<br /> depos' y g acy.insirumentali or enti , :7t-
<br />- __- � f�clad�g Leadeti�L�nder is sus#an�stitag9n}or in aay fpdesal Home i.oart Bank. Lender shall apPly the Fwds ta pay ..._ . ---
<br /> _���...-�.� the Eccrow�tem's: Lender sn�y not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fvnds.annually analyzirtg the escrow • .
<br />=� aceount,or verifying the Escraw Items,anless l.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appiicable law permits �-_
<br />=�'-±�'�� . � - `,l.aiider to make such a c 6 a r g e. However,Lender ma y re quire Borrower to p a y a one-time char g e for an i n d e p endent oeal , , _ �_ _'=-
<br /> �----. . _ ,. .
<br />�r: es�ate tax reporting service used by�enderin conaection with this toan,untess applicabte laiv pcovides othcrwise. Unlcss an
<br /> _..,.�:` •: ' agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required ta pay Bamnwer any intenest or =-
<br /> `.�:�_?., �'�. eamings on the I�nds. Bocrower apo l.eader may agree in writing,however,Wat interest sha116e paid on the Funds. Lender � . • • `•�� �-
<br />-=�:'.�;:� ' s h a l l give to B orrower,wi t h out c h a r ge,an ann u a l accounting o f t h e F un d s,s howing cre dits an d d e bits to t he Fun ds un d t he • `
<br /> �-;;•��`�'��" � � pmpose for which each debit ca the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security far All sums secured by � ° -
<br />==���* • this Securiry Instiument. f� . —
<br />.�:-��,i.��: ' If the Funds helcl by Lerider exceed the amounts pemritted to bc held by applicable law.L.endcr shaQ accaunt to �
<br />;r-• :•�; • Botrower for the excess Fun3s ia accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the�rnount of the Funds heid by . �
<br />---���" . . --
<br />_;3;.�,;;_ Lsnckr at any da�e is not su'ffrcient to pay che Escrow I[ems when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and.in
<br /> �. 5 such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deticiency. Barmwer shall makc up the � ` ••_
<br />-°�'��= defici u►no more than twelve monthl
<br />...�..�..,�;,' �Y� Y Pa�rrtents,at Lender's sole discretion. �.-- ..� � :�.
<br /> _;Y�.,s�... ~ Upon payment in full of alt sums secured by ihis Securiry Iristrument,Lcnder shall promptly rcfund to Bartower any
<br /> • •�� - Fnnds held by I.ender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquira or sell the Property,Lender.prior ta the�cquixitian ac � • �•
<br /> ��-��.,t:. sale af the Property,shali apply any Funds held by I.ender at the dme of acquisiuon or sate ati a credit against the tiums { =�-
<br /> . secured by this Secwity Insuument ' �, � � �,. �
<br /> _-::`�c:;:;� 3. Applicadon at Paymenta Untess applicable!aw prorides otherwise,ali paymen�s rcccived by l.endcr undcr i � ;�� •:
<br />"'u�^; - s 1 and 2 shall be a l�ed:first,to an re a ment char ec due under the Note:secanQ to amoun�� abtc under C . . ' , �•,;_-
<br /> • :�'�' P�S�Ph PP� Y P P 9 S • P�Y .
<br />:�'''�'` paeagraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and lac�to any late charges due undcr thc Note. ' i � '
<br /> :�x.: , T `
<br /> _!-�-- 4. Chargea;I.kns. Ba�mwer sha!! pay all taxes. assessments.charges.fines and imgositions nttributabte tu the. • :
<br />_�-;,�:;' � Fropertywhicd may attain priariry over ihis Security Insuumen�and leasehatd payments or graund rents.if any. Borrower E., . .
<br /> � shall pay these obligaaons in ths manner prov:�ed in pamgraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Barrawer shatl pay them on �� � �-�-�• . �.
<br /> ��`�' time directly to the per�on owed paymen� Borrawsr shall promptly fumish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to hc paid undcr - .� - ..
<br /> ^'•+�:'�3,-; this paragraph. If Borrower makes these paymentc directly,Borrower sha11 prompNy fumish ta Ltnder reeeip�s eviciencing . � .: � _
<br /> -� Y tfiepayments.
<br /> v-��•`��'=�� �orrower sfiatl om d dischar an Iten a•hicb fias riori over this Securit Instrument unfess Bo wer.t.a)a ree5 � � �F.
<br /> ;;.,{ � � . Pr P Y 8e Y � P tY Y � S :
<br /> -};,�.;,;J� in aridng to the payment of the obligation secured by the tien in a manncr acceptablc w l endcr.(b)cdncests in ga�d faitb thc i... .. .
<br /> - - lien by,or defends against enforcement of the li�n in,tegal proceedings which in thc Lendcr c�pinion operatc ta prcvent the i' .
<br />_"`_`-'=�i`,:� � enfor�ement of the lien;or(c)secures from ihe holder of the lien an agreement sati.r•factary to Lender subardinating the Ifen i � ' � - �
<br />-_����-w. tns�us Security Instnunen� If l.ender determines that any part of the ProQeny is subject to a lien which may auain prioaty � . �
<br /> -��=�Y�'; � o�czs�his Securiry Instrument,L,ender may give Borrower a notice identify�ng the Ilen. Boaower st�all sati�fy the licn c�r take � . ,�
<br /> _ - one or more of the ae6ons set fortb above within lU days of the giving of notice. i _
<br /> -_ � 5. Ha�rd or Property Insm�no� S�rrower shall keep the improvcments nuw existing or hereafter crected on the . � � - -�
<br />-�-^`�;,,,,�,: Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term°extended cuverage"and any other harardg,including • ... . .
<br /> ---__ = floods or tlooding.for which Lender requi�es ins�uance. This insu�ance shall 6e maintaincd in the amaunts and for thc
<br /> Fone 3028 9V90 rpu8e 1 n�6 puge.�) ! . .
<br /> � . . .
<br /> ,' . . .,
<br /> ' .<.�.._,
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<br /> � j 'i•.i-'��.� �i S�, . ' r . •���isi? r�3�'"� ' .. .. ._ .._..__ . . . .
<br /> ~ ''rC� 4 .. .,�' ,ssi.. ..�....M1.:r..».M.�.i' ���.MbrMwa�y��'+r-scswt�rfw.s. � ' ' . . .
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