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<br /> � .pprov�i wi�h sh�l!oa be�uxe�sa�bir wi�Meld. If Barrower fu'ls w rmiWaie cov�eage aesCnbed abo,►a La,as�may.ac
<br /> i.eadetk aptioo.obuin ooYeraga w pcote�ti l.aider�a ri�hts in thc I�peitY.in accordsmce with par�gr�ph 7. �
<br /> ' All iasunr�ce po�icia ud t�enewds sdaU Se ic�ceptabk to Lender and shsU include a statidud mcatgage cla¢se. l,.eodor _
<br /> fi�ll h�rr�the�ight to hoid 8�e potic�i+es and tencw�ls. [t'1.ender�oqaires.Bortower shaU P�i�Y Ss+�to l.entier all raxipts
<br /> of p�a!pemiwaq md Kntwal notices: fn tbe event af loss.Boaowet shall give prompc notia m the Insurance curier and .
<br /> L,mder. Leader ctuy rtWce pmof of Iess if not tnade P�P�Y bY Bormwes..
<br /> � Unkas lrend�r and Aoauwer otdeneris�agnee in writieg,iaGUaTMs p�occedc s6�ll be.applied to re.stontion or iepair of -- y�__
<br /> the ptope�ty d�ged.�f the restaaaon or repur is ecunoinicaity feasibk and Lender�secunty is na tessened. If the =
<br /> rosw�tian or tepair�s not eoatomipUy feasibk a Lendcr�s savrity wattd 6�Iesseaed.the insurance praoods xbalt 6e - ---_
<br /> . �pplied to the sums savnd 6y this Securicy Insqvmtnt,whether or not then due,with azry excess paid to Borrowtt, If ---
<br /> BoROwer a6ando��s the Pioperry.or daes not answer within 30 days a naice fiom I.ender that the intura�ct r,.�rrler has �..,.-_---
<br /> offercd to settk�claan,then Lenckr may coltect ttie insuranae proceals. Lender may use t1�e piaceeds to repair or restaa+e --
<br /> the Ptopnty a m pay swns secured by this Security Inswmen�whethe�or not thm due. 7Ue 30-day penad wiU begin when �:�=--
<br /> tbe t�otice is given. � --===_ —
<br /> , Uniess 1.eMer and Bormwer otherwise ag�ee in writing.any application df.pcocaads tu principai ssfiaall�t extend or _=_-_--
<br /> postpone the due d�te of t4e moQtWY paymetus referted to in pazagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payment�. If �-_-_--
<br /> uidtr p�r�aph 21 the Pmperty is acquired 6y I.ender,Borrower's right to aay insurance poticies and p�oceeds resulting �`��'°=- �—
<br /> from dun� to the or w the wsition shall to Lende`to the extrnt of the swns secunA by this Serurity �� *-s'; ° :�°�
<br /> ni8e PropeaS'Pn acq � P� . �.���-
<br /> Tnswment immedi�tely prior to�he acquisition. ° . ':�';:�-}`-:�_-_-
<br /> f. Oe�wpaqe9. Preservatloo. Mainte�wnce aad Pratectbn uf the i'roparty: Boerowet�'s l.oan Applkation; .:, �.-„�._-==�'_
<br /> ' I.easeblda. Bonower shall accnpy,establish.and use the Property as Bortowu's priacipal iesidence within sixty days aher -:'• -•��'.�—_
<br /> the eaxudon of this Seturity t�rn�n*,�.+t and shall continue w occupy the Property as BaRaw�r's pcincipal residence for at ti.;;%'�° -
<br /> kast one year a#ter We date of aECCUpancy, unless Lender otl�erwise agc�es in writu►g. which consent shall nat be ,
<br /> � unteasoo�bly withhald,or unless eiu�q6ating cir�um.uanees exist which ate beyond Botrower�s cantml. Bormwer shatt nut . �` °��
<br /> destnuy�damage or impair the P�.};altow the Ptnperty to dekriarate,or commit waste on the Property. Bomawer shall _' :L;,:�=:�_
<br /> _ ,_ii�in defanTt if any foifeidue actia�or proceeding'whether ciril or criminai,is 6e�un�hat in l:endei�s good iailh jadgm�.mr — �:,_:
<br /> could result ia foifeiwre of dte Ptoperty ur odierwise materiaHy impair tke Iien creased by this Securiry Insmtment or `=�,�'•`� :-
<br /> i.ender's security intenest. Borrower may cure such a default and cgintitate,as,provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action '
<br /> or prooad.ing ta be di4missed with a ruling thgt,in I:ender�s gaodr faith detecminatian,precludes forfeiture of the 8ortower's , . .- -a
<br /> intesest in ihe Pbpertyr o�other material impaim�ent of the�tce5 created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's security _ ___
<br /> es�.
<br /> inteies� Bo�rower shaU also Ex in defautt if Borrower, during the loan application process; gave materially fatse or . `
<br /> inaocnrate infomiation or statements to l:ender(or fa�'led to pmYide l.ender with any matereal infarmation)in coru�ecuon with _ -
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note.including.but not limited to.repmsentadons wnceming Borrower's occupancy of the _�;":- .• _
<br /> Propetty as a principa/cesidence. tf this Security Insuument is on a leasehold.Borcower shatl comply with all the provisions '~'�--' ;� , �
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower acquires fe� '�-�e to the Property.ihe I��hold and the fee tide shaLY ra�t merge unless Lender agcaes �:R;:�..':�`.�._
<br /> to the me�ger in writin8• , , , ; -:. , .��..._..,�
<br /> T.. Prdteetlon d I.eader's lt�gs ia the�roperty. .Ii�rrower faits to�erfor���e covenants and agree� �-�.'. .->,
<br /> cantained in ti�is�ty Instrumecn.or theie.is.a te roeeedin that cxaa sr �fecant affect Lender's ri ts in the , �'�f�Y�-:
<br /> S� F S Y � iY Sh _�;. : ...:..
<br /> � pcup�ty(sucb as�i proceeding in bankruptcy,pro3ate..for condemnation or�pf�iture or co enforce laws or regutations),then =
<br /> ' Lsei�a may do and pay for whatever is necessar}to protect the value of the Frope�ty and l.ender's rightc in the Prapecr.y. . =
<br /> ' Lender's actions may include paying any sums secuted by a lien wfiich has priority over t his Security Ias w m e n t.appeari.y� .;��
<br /> in cauct;paying te�sonable attomeys'fees and entering on th�Properry to make mpairs.Although Lender may take acticxy • . y_
<br /> under this paragraph 7,l.ende�dces not have to do so. ' • ;'�'_
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionu!debt of Borrower�ecured by this .--- . _�'i...
<br /> Security Inshvmen� Unless Borrower and L.ender agee to other terms of payment.�hetie amounts shall 6eaz interest from the '� `
<br /> date of disbutsement at the Note rate and shaU be payable.with interest,upon natice from Lender to 8orrower requesting �;?�_
<br /> paymen� �,. �, .: `"'
<br /> S. Mortgage tesuranca If l.ender required mongage�-anrance at A condition of making the loan secured by us ( .
<br /> Securiry Insirumen�Borrower shal�pay the premiums requ3re�to maintain the martgage insurance in effec� If,for�ey � . ';.
<br /> reacan.'the mortgage imurance cm%eTage recluined by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effect. Barrower tihall pay the `�- .� , i ' � -
<br /> %:•...; ' _._. .�`."•
<br /> pn7niums required ao oiita i n coveraQe su b�t2,n�ia 9.�c equiva fent to t he m c�r¢gaae i ati u r a n c e p r e v i o u s l y i n e f f e c t, a t a cost , �;,.,,_a
<br /> , substantially equivalent'to the cost t�$orrowec��t�e mortga�e i�sa*arsz�Sreviousiy in effect,from aq».:zanate mo�a�eRe i �';:;; ;;{,•,°.
<br /> Insunr approved by Ixnder. If su�+�:.�tially equivalent mortgagt:n�:�rarce coverag�is not available.Bos�;�a:.°r s�a'.1���t�o i. ' �;� ;;.•,
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to o:ie•twelith of thc yeady craar��e Insurancc premium being paid by Borro�er a3x..x:��?�e r, ':-;
<br /> i�uranct coverage lap�ed or ceased to bc in effect. Lender v►i.�?aws;.-�pt,use and retain these payments ac a loas merve?a Tieu � • ':�;:,
<br /> of mortgage insunu�ce. Loss reserve payments may no longe�3e reyuired,at the option of Lender,if marc=age insurance ( '� " " `;'
<br /> ' coveiage(in the amount.and for the penod that t.ea*.der require'slprovided by an insurer approved by l.end�r aga�n becomes ' � -��� - -���' ; '
<br /> available and is obtained.Bonower shall pay the�ze�:iums req�:.�to maincain mortgage insurance m effect,or to prcc;38 a � - , , �4;.;
<br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mort�age i:.an►nce en d5�.ascor d a nce wi t h any written agreemem between��:r•s�.•�r E �. • .�
<br /> and l.ender or applicable law. ' r. . �`'`,, .
<br /> 9. InspeMbn. Lender or its agent may make reasonabr:entries upon and inspectians of the Property. l.er.e'.�ti'��11 k• `�-t�+�;%:•
<br /> , g,ive Ho�mwer twtics tu the time of or prior to an ec�ection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. . ,. j'_ ..._. . .: .
<br /> � � 10 Condem�aSion. The proceeds of any a�zrd or claim for damAges.direct or consequential,in a��r,us�:��N�c.'�:tny i . •. :
<br /> SfingkFamify•-FadnkM�e.�retdkH�eLNIFORMINSTRUMEh7••1JnifortnCovcnanr� 9,� .:jc:�;e-+�I'%7���F� � � " . �
<br /> Gcat t�tn�Bc�s(hs::ac.�` E . .'
<br /> . . . . , TO QdR Calk t�E00G(f4�?333�P�P:E1�r797-.°i31 . .. . .. ..
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