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stI <br />:Art, <br />M <br />3k <br />Msstg FLOrAwleaw <br />Le I pill, W11111leffin <br />by mm. w W.Y dslaertda htssM by <br />a ?-"-Vwvmmcf 0111* parson Mb for Am payttNrt1 OWN <br />012ft DOWGI upw 11111 111 P, I fog I in 00111fto Owwr <br />'51011mollft <br />for ft *d &TAM* ------ <br />of f6do"My. or cosm 0 be raMased or maorwayed olanyStne d Lenders scatters OW pahros4, pordon Or w ell". <br />`(t4 Ube or r@I ON o1heroraddlilonall oscu* WOW 0111111111110 1 heretrt 1t% arWR I ortA matte IM on Manst o M <br />IM1Hereto I <br />(C) far esmeas by LoWw Nd s ' �vv AM to 1h m � n bytormler in dol __ any right or is wmb heisunOw. or <br />nlla A&s epm a bymppv=tftmw shalt not beik waiver afcwpieckiftt**urdwd wry each right Or- The <br />promimm alkourarv000rftpaynm*40*moc~NWWCWP6 0 <br />soosisreft the w&Au* of Ow in s — 41 - - - secured by Of Pad of TnnL <br />(to Nsoeesars arttf AnVas ftw* Jolat mad Illowd LWWW CMPftM TIO 00"W146 And apaerrwhts ttereirt con - <br />takted shaMbind, and tits rightss Mrewtder shah inure t0. one uperee.,a successors and anWftof Lender and Tnj$W.AN <br />,,n L- amts and eas artis d TruslDr chap be jotM and wvwal. TM capfioa and lwacNrhge offtl-an lipMollhisDoodoll <br />Tnoom tiorconverAwm only and No not 10be used 110 hAW IXet or d$&* its provisions to -, or. <br />(a) asq"list Meaces.The parges hereby requesilthate copyof arw notl000tdollaulthasuinder andacopyallany no** <br />'a <br />ofule homundlor be nailed 10 soft party b this Dud ol Trust at Mead& <br />applicable law. Except for arty other -noes qiat under applicable law bbo given in&WfW manner. any rhno , V mi <br />forin 0 s Dssd of Trwtstall bsptwrt bymsNirtgauch wtkebyoe #W nw adQmMdiogw otlw partias.attlw - - "wsad <br />brit above. Any rAfto provided ft[nVftDW4*TrM stall beoftc" upon malting in the wamweI Ognis! 14hersimllf <br />Tnow is more then one person. notice sent so the address so forth above dO be notice to ON such persons. <br />— (f) mop Pan LorWo► may mallus dr cause lo bo marls raosonftbW*is$ upon and inspoctions ofthe Property, provided <br />#jet Lender sW gin Trustor notice prior to any such InspectIMI spOC" rsasonabin cause #wow nkbd to I~# <br />interest in the Pwp&*- reconvey VW <br />(g) ftceevelgam of <br />upon paymoritolan sums secured by this Deed Trust Lender "I reQuemTh"O I* <br />ndobtxkwnsmrodbythlsU"dalTmd <br />-�proporjy OW shalt surrender this Deed of TmdwW all noses evidencing loThollm <br />Tnrstee "I reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the Person Or PW*On$ legally entitled .1110MI06 <br />Trustor don pay 41 costs of recordation. If any. <br />(h) pWWW pMWIj 8 C,, a", Apungnt. As additional security for the payment of ft M01% TMdDF hereby WO <br />Lender underliheNebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security Interest In all fixtures, equipment NO cow personal property <br />used in connocWn with the roe estate or improvements located t1woort, and not otherwise declared or deemed to be & PadOf <br />-the =1 soWeecured hereby. This Instrument "I be construed as a Security 1400MOnt under said Coder and the LWXW <br />'�.-,=4j have Zft "h'and='osj'Mfj& ad party under said Code In addition to the rights and remedies created under- <br />CM V�Lender p ntto s =0 Truck provided that Lender's rightsandremedles uIldOrthis paragraph shall <br />be cumulative with, and in noway a llmitftn on. Lender's rights and remedies under any other security $9006MOMOWW by <br />Borrower or Trustor. %- - <br />M Llano and E.ncanherartaes. Trus*q- ^ireby warrants and represents that More is no default under the provisions of any <br />mortgage. dead of trust ism or purchai;e=ntract describing all of any part of the Property, or other contract Instrument of <br />agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against all or any part of the Property (collectively. "Liens'), existing AS Of the <br />Liens remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender In TrusWO <br />date of this Deed of Trust U <br />and that any and all existing <br />written disclosure of Ilms and encumbrances provided to! herein. Trustor shall timely perform all of TrusWs obliptlofts. <br />covenente6toprosientstionsand warranties under any and all exisifingandfuture Liens, shall promptly forward to Lender toplOs <br />of all node4i of default sent In connection with any and all existing or future Lions, and shall not without I~$ prior written <br />consent in any manner modify the provisions of or allow any future advances under any existing or future Lions. <br />. U)AppkeftnolPayment. Unless otherwise required bylaw. sums paid to Lender hereunder, Including without limitation <br />payments of principal and interest, insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits, shall be applied-by <br />Lender to the amounts due arjowing from Trustor and R*7yower in such order as Lender In its sole discretion doernsdesirable. <br />(k) Sevetability. It any provision of this Deed of Trust conflicts with applicable law of Is declared invalid or otherwise <br />unenforceable. such conflict or invalidity shall not affect the other provi3ons-of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be <br />given effectwithout the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust andthe Note are doctored to be <br />severable. <br />,: (1) T*nr& The terms "Trustor"and "Borrower" shall Include both singular and plural, and when the Trustorand8orrower <br />are the same person(s). those terms as used In this Deed of Trust shall be Interchangeable. <br />(in) Governing Law. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust as of the date written above. <br />A b L for <br />Trustor <br />