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_ S .._ `. . . . . .. <br /> - - "_+`� � i',.. . � �r._ - <br /> . "'i�•: . . � . <br /> j - .it: . 1 .. .. . . . ._ ___ _--._ _- <br /> J_-_ __ _, � • - . , ' , - - . . [ -- ! ' - - -.. <br /> .., . . ( , _ . . ' .. , . - . . , . . ::. �� � � =- �, .94� �.��+�l� , . .'. <br /> . . . , , . , . .: � � �. . .. 4 _. <br /> � yl��k dwld�!�i ii iaNV�`d 1M N�oO�Y er dhwwY��iil►M�P�Ni i�R a�rMd!!I Mi�Mo�►`���a 4,�drts i . <br /> . ,�ouiy rw...� aa�ow.r w.j►�.a�.ea nr�.s�a�a.d ti o•�von�a gr a!+�rw��i�a���a,w <br /> �NMd w�h a�iq Mr1.b l;�nd�'s{pod 1W��ni�on.P���iarNlun d tM Benow�a IrAwwt in 1M llap�y►ar a�'a�rl <br /> , ` 1�.ti d 1h.i�n a.�Ma Oy t!W�i�r in�u�+�nt or t;�nd1.t�t� 9a, a N�a�It� tAe <br /> lorn�faron P�oow, ���M�l11�or iroaw�M ita�ltan q��b w E�dr(a i�Md to prorid�LMWr wNh�ny n�Itl <br /> Inlalnrioe�h aanrtYOn wtli fi�lo�n MAd111o�d by IM 1io1��Y�d�d��.but n01 iiid b.��D�'��s oocvp�nCy 01 <br /> - 1M Piap�ety ss a pk�dl!�I�id�w�. M 11��Y�+�is an s M�I�oid�Qarrowrr airi oonpli►wIh U 11�s pra�rMio�K d ihs t� - _ <br /> R Baaowwr aotwr«tM 1Mt to dK P�ap�N�i�hotd�nd fh�tN 11re iht not m�ra a�lwidq aOws b 1h�nwr�►h r�W�.,_ . <br /> -- 7. P+�o�ClloM of(.N�d�e'�Ri�l►b M tlN Pe�splKly If SonoMr Y�to p�elonn Yh�oo�ww�ef�rd a�oonl�Y+�- <br />- -=- � in t6is 8rarky.InNUn�n�of th�n t�a Mpd P�+�O��Y��A►�t�r�d�r's�i�Ats b tIM Ptap�ry puch as a poo�3q. . <br /> --_- _ b b��Y.poEMR fa oorid�n�rwlon a iat�lur�or b�Morot I�wi a n�ouy.tlMn t��ds�!t do ind P�Y iar wl�Mrw N n�aitr�y <br /> - b poNet th�Ww d iM�Ptnp�ry and land�ts�phb trt th�Ptop�rty. t�s sdbns n�►t��M P�fINO i+lr��6!►a vn wNieh. <br /> --- ' hs pdorri�t owr 1N�S�naM�l MaM++�w�t��PP��!q ti oou�R O�f��D��s iMS and wMMln�an 1M P�y to n�iia��p�trs. <br />-�--��� A,ho„�p,Lwta.r nry tik..dticm una�r w.prapwn 7.uear aot.noc ao so. ' . . <br /> _���� IH+f►amow�b d�bu��d b!I�M�dr m�d�r-tl�is p�rq+iPh 7 sM/b�po?x'�d�Yonl d�bt d 9ortow�s�ed by thb 8�arlY Inq�n�w�f. <br /> '��'.i: UnM�s BanoNr'r�nd I.�dK��o Mher�d pMrMnF.thu��at�i bir inlr�t 1�an M�dtl�d�m1nd�t thr` <br /> - NoM e1e�tjd�thN W piy�bM.w(tlt i�pri�upan�alia tom L�ndr ta�S�etaiwrr nqu�ti�g P�Yn�►►. �_ <br /> , A. Mo�q�gs In�nas. If unar r.qutr.a mwt�ina�,r�•aa�alioe+a n�idrg u,.�o.i s.a�nw Dy u�ls s.asl�r Instan�nt. v =-- <br /> eorrowv sh�piy�n�d a ni�in ui.mat�.0e tnwrinc.b.R�ct. a tor�+riy t�aab m.nwr+�o�in�uano��oo� . �-—. <br /> - ��d7l���da Yp�a o►drs�s to 6�in dNC�BoieowR shi py th�pnrN�ma�qutr�d to o0f�in eawa�w�r�tlMfl�+��� . - --- <br /> _ ��z:�-_ <br /> morlg�e bau�s�c�P�wriou�l h� a wst eub���l}►�quM+�to th�oo�t S�Barow�r d th�maf�e lnw�P�+�Y�� -� <br /> � fean an a�ar�e mort9q�hs�►ap�xa►b b!►��nd�► H�b�n1�1lI�K��M h��001/���not�w�bl�.Bartoww ihr�p�y ��_ <br /> ;�r�y-, , b Lw�a�ch moMb a aun ptYd b one�tMnMlb of ths ystly nwrlPO��su�P��b�q P�hy►Borrorw►wh�th�fi�eovw� �i:- <br /> �:��;s.�, _., .;:?.i� a cersed to 6�in elle�Y. Lw�dR w��cwPR uaa and nWn 1Mas payrneeb as a toss nwv�tn Nu ol matqp�hs�ru�ee. W�s nswv� �,1��:- <br /> �•:.;. r •�:- .-.x,.?- T�Ps�d <br /> .:.r� . pryn�enls r�y no bnqer 6e ra��d,at tha opfloi►of Ls�dar,if mat�qe(naurane�coys�gs(fn tM anwix�t and for tM pwtod MY L�nd� <br /> {. . r <br /> Bortower sh� th�p[anfurt�a r�ii�ind t� �"''�- _ <br /> _ _ - ` � :� ,.`� ro�ui�s)D�+►lded hY an fnau��pD�+►�b!I��►�Eecames tvail�bts and h obtained. M!I �1` • - <br /> .:'�,'.;'•.. . m�i�Wn niode,�s Nsur�no�fn alfed.or to povid�a(oss rasanr��srti the rsqui'ems�t ior matD�9e insunnce�nds h accocd�nee w�any f , � <br /> ��:,;:� yKluen�eeme�E 6etwewt Bonower and Und�a ippYrabk(�w.: .•.::, . , _ _ <br />= , .. 8. IMp�CtiOf�. La�de�at Ra a�+t mry m�ke resaan�Wt,e�tMes upan and hapectlons ot ths Propwty.�lender ah�N pirs Barower ' -- <br /> � . .� ._,.. , eoues at tn.tirn.a«p�for io.n b�tlon a�C+h�4 se�«±Y�Fq:ause tar the in�ection. . . _- <br /> ' �',. .'.'� 10. Condrnuf�ioR:"The proceeds ot�y awarA'crd�fiii�iar`cfirt�9es.dfroct a cons�qwnti� conmclioa wkh aey candxm�Non - .. <br /> S ,,, � � , .: r <br /> � �:r;.a; _ ar odier fafdn�of W►y p�ut of the Propecty.or tor comey�nee h ieii ot oonde�mrtlan��re haebY+�ssig�ed and shd be p�)d to Lender. �- <br />" • :•;-�'` M ffie event of s taW tiWry ot ths R.operty,the proceeds ahat'ti�eppied to the aums seeured bY this 8ecu�7h tnstrument,wh�IhR or not _ � :;.,'= <br /> . � then due.withh m►a�coeas psid to Bortower. In the event o1�p�Al�l Lkhg of the Ptoperry h whkfi the Wr nwkel v�lus of th�Property �' ". f, <br /> - ---. _ _ ...—..._�_.__.,.._.. 6eforethet�fig. k .....__ <br /> . `immed�tdy befare the WMq b equ�l to or geeter tta�the artaunt W the awns secuKd by this Security Instannent h�tdY . �..:�- <br /> . unless gorrower and Lender otherwlse ayree(n wtiting,tfie sums seaired by this SecurHy Instrument shd 6e rcduced by the amaunt of the �.; ,_ � , ., <br /> �` ' proceeds e�➢ed by the fo�owin9 iracUon:(a)the tohl artwurrt ot aums secured immedwtety before the taWnQ�divtded b71(b)the t�tr mWket ?r ::, .. ..: ..:. . <br /> _ - -- . . value of L�he�eperty kixt�adntely be(ate!he t8king. My Wlance stu�be'pafd to Barowef (n the eveni of a piuNsl taldny of the Roperty in i . - <br /> ' whlch the f�ir m�rltet value of.ihe Property tmmedateN betae the tekhg is less than the amount o1 the sums securcd immedfatety bnforo the � ' � <br />�`�� �.". � . WJn9.unlesa Bortower anQ ten�othetwtae agee b wdttnq.or unles�9pp�+ble lew.othdwlae proNdes.the proceeda sIW be�ppied - <br /> . . �•,'� �• � . <br /> �f f.',: , . to tAe aums securod by fhb 3ecurily InsUUment whe�haf or not tha�4ro then due. ' , ' <br /> . -' .` � :�yr•�::`, • H the Property Is ahendoned by Borrower.or H.aRer nottce by�4.altler ta Sorra�diat the conddmor oi(as to m�ice�n awud or sattls ; <br /> ..,-�:"�''. . ' ,:.., .. <br /> .. � . _. .�;,�;>,,;:l,;� . a deim for dam��r. Borrower faifa to.responA to Lender w�lhtn 90 deys aRer the dete tha nottce is gtven.Lender Is authorized to eotect ; ,•.;;:r: <br /> •. '%.�:•`"��,, and�ppy the aocesds. at ks optbrt.�eithe!r t0 restof�tton or repai�Qt.theProperty or to the sums seaaed 6y thls Securfry Instrument, ; ,;-. <br /> � ;��;.r:.s <br /> .. .:S�i.�'���:" . �• .. � :�`�i�Pr';�' . <br /> . • whetha or not thcn due. � ; .. ,�, . <br /> . � . Unbss Lendar�nd Borrowe►otherwlse agee in wrftin9.any applkaUon o1 proceeds to prfictpal shall not extmd ca postpone the due ( � <br /> � d�te of the monthy paymtnts retetred to M pfragapha 1•and�2 or chan�e the amount of such payments. : .. <br /> � �. � � � 1 t. eorrow�r Not Rd��d; Foreb�a►anc�By Lendar Not s Wsiwr. Extenst�n ot the time tor payrt�c+►t�r mad�AcaUon ; <br /> °� of amaAizsflon of the suma eecured by this Security Instrumeat gtantecllry Lender to any snccessor im interest of 8orrawer sf�a�a��t . <br /> � • operats to r�ete�se tha Nebi�ly ot the orlglnal Borrower or Borcower's successors In interest. LenEer shaU not be requked to eortKnan� � � <br />,. ; • ' , proce�dNfpa ay�tnst any eucCessor in interes!or retuse to extend Ume for payment or otheiwise madiy amoRizaUon of the sams seaired • <br />'r; : � �i��5��,. �:, by thls 3acurtty Inatrumer►t by retson of any dertwnd maAe by{he orfginal 8orrower or BoRawels successore in interest. My torb�rance • • <br />� . :^'���%:;`'���+'�r. by Lender(n exerdsing any rlght a remedy shall nat be a wahra o1 or prectuQe the e�cerclse o1 aay►�g�t or remedy. <br />_ _ '..1�.ri.;;�:'�ii� • . . • <br /> . ��.,, � 12. Sur.eessors and Asdgns Bound,.lotnt and S�vsnl Uability; Co-signec�s. The covenants ana a�ee.mmts ot <br />_ . �,,� � thl�$ecurity InaWment sh�N bk�d and benefit ths auaCeasors and assl�s a1 Lender and Bortower.szf�ject to the provlslons ot paragraph <br /> ' 17. Barower's coven+inta end agrdetnents aAap be Jok�t and several. My 8orrower who eo-stgn�thls Se�curity Instrument but does not <br />=� mtecute the Note:(a)1� co-al9ning thts 38cur(ly Instrument only to moRgage,grant and tonvey that Borrower's tnterest in the P►operty � � <br />-'% ' � �under the t�+ms of thu Seairityr MstrumenN,(b) ts not persortaly obtlgated to pay the sums seeured by th�s Securlty�estrument:anA(o) <br /> - : . ' a�that 1.ender and any other Bctrower moy�gree to extend.mod;.y.lorbear or make any accommatlaUons with regad to the tetma ol_ _ " <br /> - i ' this 9eaidly inatntment or the Note without that BoROwer's consent ' <br /> ' • 13: 1.0�11 ChffgY:+ If the laan seeuted by thls Securfly Inswmeni ls subjeat to a taw whlch sets maxlmum toen charges.and . <br /> � ' � ': thet la�:ts ftnaly hterpretM so that the Interest or other taan charges co0sated or to C�coNected in conneeHan wlth the taa�mcceed <br /> � the perrtd►t�d Ymita,then:(a)�ny sucN toen eharpe shaN be reduced by the amaunl necessary to rcduce the charge to tfie perrtAtted <br />_- -- ��d'(bI�ny aunp alrMQy aoteCted irom Borrawa whlch aceeeded pemittted�nits wiY be refunded to Bortower. Lender may cfioose . <br /> • to m�ce thb reAmd by neucing tM princlp�l awed under the Nota or by mfWng a drect paYment to Bortower. If a relund reduees prirs- . �, <br /> � . � dpsl,the reduction wiY be treated as a partlal prepayment withou!any prepayment�harge under the Note. , <br /> ;._ �4� Np�iCq. My noUee to Barower provided for In thi�Sewrity tnsUument sh�Il 6a given by delivering it or by maifing it by first <br /> `"� � . dasy mail u�Iess�ppW�ab(e taw rcquke�use oi�nother methad. The notice shaH be directed to the PropMy Address or any other ad�ress � • <br /> �—._ - . .- —�'— 3�leynm c� � • w�scas � . .Form3Q289190 -- ._ . .__ ._.. <br /> ' � , . . . <br />� • . � . r , � - � � � � ' . <br />