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. e� - �_ <br /> . r ` " . ' c , ` L t . ( `V '.r �' � � �����.. � .. .. <br /> ', �. � ��i�eMb tiMfe+l�t..�i Lw c7wsa`Hor�wa�.n py N�en a.s tie�r:ci�ii ql.a�a i�ae ca::��- . : • <br /> � _ tha detit b�r ttie Nole�ad L�e chr[/er d�rldert6e Naie. ' ' ., , <br /> � � Z �b�t7�ses.hwea�oe�i OIiR Aoero+urc tlwU inClede L a�i�!Y!►pa�'wr+. - <br /> _ ° ° t�gqber wiiA ti�t prin�E a�d i�tst ss ut fite!►in d�t Nae�asy���e��it�iiW�ai�e�t(a)ttrow.fwd . - <br /> •pec,ai�eatmae�lavied c�r ta ba kvied�the Aopet�r.(b)krelald Pl�ats a P'a�d ra�a�We 11rop�aty�a�d _ . <br /> Ec)p�for imu�oe eequinod by Ara�'+Pf�'��od c �al! aqo-twe�llh af d�e aeeuit�ors:a�*arorl+l�i - <br /> . F.�d►.mo�thlY.imtaUmeat fa iie�s�ia),��. _ t ) _ �. ..__ <br /> es�ed try t.ender.Pi� an�aaamt w�ciaot q n� �add�tiouft b�Lapc af trot inone iMe oua�ialt'at tl�t <br /> �eWed imaiets. 'Ii�e fuU�i amoaot for ach ieem s6�1!bc ao�M+bg l,eader wn�m a Prsiod e�.a� <br /> moolh 6efae an i6am�raold becaaoe delinqua� I�a�der s1pU b41d tbe asarats ooiiecled in nmt 10 psy�dns(ab(b)�d � . <br /> �c3�if���t�o�t�d�� P�ynr�fs 6dd bY I.eader far�ts?,@)�tc},�ogelher.v�th die fu�maaWty . <br /> � P�ym�ts far�uch ue�pryable to [.maer Pcior w tbe�dates of such ivaa.ex«als br moc�e�i ao�x�H tbe <br /> e�mated smoant of paYmena teqna�d�b Pry�ac��ems wben dae,��d ffc .'Ips��na►ts an�be Nde a�e c�eM.t�m Leadac:. <br /> a6�U eilbe��efnnd 16e wet 000-sixth of the� or d�excas aver ooeiis�a[d�e esta�.;;:;',::: - <br /> � ' ::. : �aymaxs t++s�eq�e�R,in�ments bY Barmv�'a*�t tbe°pu°a o�f�$oaovra. If d�e�atal af sl�p1►yil�ts m�de:l�e.�o�uv�"iei':::.�=:� <br /> + ic�i�e�.$);:N1,or f����c�e9�ta.pry the���.i6aa Sanower sinllpa�y m�.a�det aqy aman���eas�ir3!.t�►: . <br /> : :;.. �it��i�c�e6cieocy.c�a;sa�i�teYieda�et�se�rein:�om�tldt:�•:,� , .,' . :'r'•:. -�:�-- <br /> . .... � !!s ased�dds Soo�ru.y�sonaa�mt:"Se�'�eta#9"`irieans Sec�uY of Hoasmg and Utam Deve1o�dnt a lus er her�'� . <br /> �� d�sig�c In any year ia wt�icb the Lender m�pa�r a matg+ge i�aaaoe p� t6e Sec�etuy.ach maNh2Y P�I'�� <br /> sh�ll �Iso include either: (i)m ins�llmeot of dre�unW moc�ga8e insur�ace pet�iwn to bt p�id by L.ende�to tbe <br /> Secret�ry,or r)i momdlY��r�e i�d of:moitgage insunnce p�paium if 1His Security Ln�umeat is beld by d�e ' . <br /> se�e�i►. Fach mon�hiy inswlr�u aEthe m«cgage i�wr�noe pemiaa,�an be in�n.mamc w�Cianc w a�c�a►w�e die _ <br /> full ama�l Iniur�nce prcmiwn with t�ida ane mo�h pdot to d�e ds�e il�e fidt amua! mort�e j�� <br /> . pranium is�Sec�t�uYt a if this Socunty I»�atument is iidd the Socrctry.ach mamhty chr�e�hal <br /> .mount e�ua w ane-twelnh of anea�alr pe�ent oE ihe outweain�prb�c�ql b.wxe aue on the.rroro. . <br /> _ IE Bamwer�enders ta,l.ender thc fullp�ytr� ot+�ll wa�a securod by thi�Secwity I�M.Bo�rowerS��coaant <br /> e�Wl 6e ctedited wi�h Iht b�l�nce�Nng� for aIl tiWallmait�fot iten►s(�}.(b)�nd(c)�nd anr naRt+i/��r�ce <br /> pnmiwn iintaltment thsrt�ender h�s not bxade oblipted lo p�y ta the Suretary.�tA I.end�er�hdl ptampBy refwd an�r <br /> . exce»�io Bonower. inweedl�tety pcior w a faecWwre�ufe ot tha PtopertY or i�a�cquisitian by I.ender.�oe�owerl� <br /> �ccotwit eludl be rredi�ed wGh�ny bdance�em�irdn6 for dl inst�ltments tar item+(�).tb)�nd fc). <br /> �, A/�11e�qow a�!l�Y�eNs. All p�yrt�lnts w�der P�r�nph�l and 2 sha116e�pplied by l.endSr�fdlows: <br /> Sx��inste�d a�the monthly nw��tge inwt��,e pbemiL.ender ta the Scrreuiy ar w the monthlY char�e DY the . <br /> ; $� any taxes.spocjd agsessments.kasehold paynxnt4 or gruund�ents.�ad fire.flaod ud ott�r hazud <br /> in.wance�qnued; <br /> � intenst due w�der the Note; � <br /> �,to�rnordzation of the principa1 of the Note; <br /> $�.w l�te charges due under U�I�ote. <br /> 4. FL+�Fiood�ad pt6er Harard Inwnnca Borrower shall insure a11 improvements an dx Pt+a'patY.whetikr now <br /> ut existence or subsequeatty etectod.against any hazards.casualties.and contingeac�es,inctuding fm.for ahieh l.ender <br /> t�equines insurance. 16is insurdnce sh�ll be maintained in the amounts and for the periods t1�at Lender m4�ires. Bortow'e�' <br /> S�1��1so insure aIJ improveme�u on the Property,whether now in exisunce or subsequently erected.against loss by floods <br /> to the�xtent nquircd by the Secretary. AU insurance shall be carried with companies appmved by Lender. T1�e insuranx <br /> policies and any renewals shall 6e held by l.ender and shall include loss payable clauses in favot of.and in a form <br /> acceptable to.Lender. <br /> In the event of lass.Borrower shall give Lertder imme.diate notice by ma�7. lxnder may make ptoof of loss if aat <br /> made pminptly by Boirower. Each insurance company ca�cemed is hereby suthorized and dicected to make payment for' <br /> suc(s lvssdi�ccly to Lender,instead of to Bozrower and to Lender jointly. AII or any part of the insura�xe proatds may be <br />_ �sy 1.ender,at its optian,either(a)to thc seduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Saazrity Instrumea� <br />= to any delinquent amounts apphed in the o���in Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment of principa�,or(b}to the � <br />' restmrarian or npa�r of the damaged property. A�*►y?�plication of the proceeds to the principal shaU nut eresend or postpone • <br />- the dae date of the monthly paymenu wh�ch are�tferred to in Paregraph 2.or change the amaunt of such payrr�ents. Amy <br />- excess insurance proceeds over an amount required to ps�y all outstandmg mdebtedness under the Note and this Socarity <br />