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' . <br /> ` 1i���wriiri�wi�w��►��iii���/f►i��er i�iR;ac-1`s rwYi►i Ia�i ai�i�yiiA��t.�i�i�Il irii�lr�: t .. <br /> .: "i■wii�!oe�i�sooa�oe'widt a0►we�Mi�ew�t ielw�e�lb��nwr�i I�I�ilr a[�pii+e�Me Ns.:<� . � <br /> :!.,I�efi�.lbada or id�wF a�y ro�la tara��o's�srlae.s�c ae�t i�e_d"�s�aE�.�roP�!'-=��t��;� - _ . <br /> ` Son�ar`�ict�t!�e tiore otot ptior to p uipedio�t�eoilS►i��o�iie.+c�a fctlMe ir�e��,ies.; ,, - � � ` � <br /> ,. • ,,` i�.'C��ie�fM..'lbe'prc.oeeds_d aer a�ral�!�s tor d�wi�es,direct cr ao�e�eNi�l:i�oo�ciio�i�iii_ir!! � <br /> cvndanMpon�c o�ei cf�e cr.ioi_�ai�i�,iQ��ar of�:�ai���a+��,�„__- : <br /> ����� ��, . <br /> ,.drn*I��ep�ia 1a Isadv. . , .� ,� : � . -� �. � . �. . . <br /> ` '� ' !R'��rY���RIf���{��Ys�rpV��1la7P�iL��41��i������.� . .. <br /> rY�Id'C�OOL f�Rl�O.�Y�i�1 Q��f4 HOfi�!!.�1�1C GY�Of��!!!i�f�1�O�t�lE plC�ity�I!�IIC�LI�C�' . . <br /> . � 111��Yi�O�15C�1���1�i�0a li E�1�lr!Of,�lC.���Of 1ME�1lt�d�.�i .•.. . <br /> �Ed(1�Y�tf�1�1�y�Ol�t�101it1lfj•9p�BO[lOIYEr���C'FG�Ip'NIiE Kl�JE IR�Oa's ibC�f�OL7�Od� � <br /> !�p!SOL'Oi��U11I� J�Ifu bt IO�OCl��ibE 1m0Od OE 15C plOQOOdb 1��1hC�0�0�11��i�l�i: ����E 101i� .' ' . <br /> . �a�t or the�.saaaea im.nea�.�ay uefur�e t�abe�,a�waea E�►.ro�t6e�r.wixt x�e oE We��i►�l►_ <br /> ` befae'tbe taldoa.�tny bdaoce a6�II be poid to Baran�er. Ls the eveat of a pisti�l t�ddoj of t6a P�+u�aty in�t6e fa'v <br /> a�td vaTot�of the Propat.y i�ed�tdy bda�e tbe Wciog is 1as th�n U�e�oouot oF tbe�nc ucutad immedi�tdy befo�e the ...; <br /> � taiveg,udeas BoROw+cr�d Itnder ut�a�vise s�ne in wrtitiog or unkaa appliabia laM ct6p�vi�F P���P��'��. � . <br /> � � ' be�pplied to the aumt seeuied by this 5acuety Ia�uma�t w6ether or mt tde sw�s ane theQ dne. � � ' . � • . <br /> lf t6e PmQatg is uh��ndanad by Boaovirer.or if.atte[notice.hy Y.ender to 9o�tn+ver tp�c t6e 000damor ot'ffas te i�ira�n <br /> , a�nnd or xWe a claim for d�es.Barowa f�fis w n.ipond tn I.ea�er�vithm 30,d�ya�fter tbt�dMe tln notiat`�s�ivm, . <br /> L.eider is�aull�rinod to oollect and�pply tLee prooeeds,at its optioo,eithcr to restntatiau o�t�epair af tba Pmputy br ta tb�� � <br /> - sav�d by[his Savritq I�runxnt,whether a na dun doe. . � • � . , ' <br /> Unless Le�der srd Barowa athe�wise agnee in writing,any applic�tioq of piuc�eeds ta priocipol a1�U not extad�ar , <br /> pcutpone the due date of tl�ee monthly.paymenls zefeirbd w in p�r�griphs 1 and 2 or chmge the amoariE of socb paymaws. <br /> 11.Boe�+�wer No!Itda�ed:�orbe�earoe B�I.esder Not a Wslver.Extension of the Wne for paymeot oc modifica�oa , <br /> of�aoortiTation of the s�tts this Sa�tri.ty Lutrummt gr.mtod 6y I.eoder oo an}r s�tooeswr in iutetest of BonNwa al�ll <br /> not cipnata to ielease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's suocessors ia interest.i�eoder shWt not be�qaited ta , ' <br /> canmd�ve pcoca�dings against any snooe�or in interest or refuse w extend time for payment or ad�erwise nqodify amorti�tioa � <br /> of tbe sutns sxured by this Socurity Lutnunent by'reason of any demand made by tl�ee osigin�l Borrower or Bormwer'a <br /> . succeswrs in interest..4ny forbearanoe by Lender in exercising any right or nmedy si�all not be a aaivbr of or pceelude tLe <br /> eaercise of any right or ctmedy. . . :, <br /> 1Z. Suooe�taes aid A��s 8�� Jdnt and Several Liability,Co-�Oas. Tbc oovenants�nd agzeanents of this <br /> Sowsity L�strument shall bind and benefit the snccessois atd assigns of•�nder and Borrower. subjoct w tbe prnvisioas of <br /> paragraph 17. Borrowcr's coven�nts and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Bomuwer who oo-stgos this Securiry <br /> irutniment but does rat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instm�ment'only to mortgage,grant and eom+ey th�t <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the termg of this Security Instrumeat:(b)is not personallY o6ligatod to pay the sutt�s <br /> saured by this Sxuriry Instrument;and(c)agrces that LRnder and any ather Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear or <br /> make any accumrtwdadons with regani to the terms of this Security Instrumers or the Note aithout that Borrower's oonsent. <br /> 13. Loan Chsug�.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a Iaa which sets maximarn loan eharge.c, , <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coUected or to be collected in cannecxion wit6 the <br /> Ioan exceed the permitted limits,thert: (a)any such loan charge shall be redaced by the amount necessar�+to reduce the chazge , <br /> to the perntitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected fram Borrower�f:ch exceeded pertnitted liar.its will be refundod to <br /> Borrower. l.ender m8y choose to make this refund by reducing the pri:��al owed under the Notp a�by malcing a direct <br /> payment to Bamower. �f a refund reduces principal, the reduction wiU be treated �s a partial prepayment a+itMnt an}r <br /> preQayment charge unQer the Note. <br /> I4.tioiices.An}�notice to Borrowcr provided for in th€s 5;..-^urity Instrumen[shall+�given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first ctass mail unless applicable law requires use of ana:het methad. The,notice shall be directed ta the Proporty Address <br /> � or acny ather address Borrower designates by notice to Lervler. Any notice to Lsnder shall 6e given by first elass mail to <br /> I.ender`s address stated hercin ar any othcr address Lender C��signates by notice to Borrcwer. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Se�u�ity Instrument shall be dcemed to havc been given ta Be�:�u•er or l.ender whcn givecr as provided in/his parngraph. <br /> l5.Governing Iaw; Severability. This Sccurity (mar•nient sh�ll be govemod by federal law and the la� of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that any pr�visio:e�or clause of this Securitv lnstrument or the Nnte <br /> confl icts with apptica6Je law,such ronflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the confticting provitiion.Ta this end tt�e�rovisions af tbis Sewrity Ia�t*umer.t and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> t6.$orro�ver's Copy.8orrower shatl be given ane confo;mu!copy of the I�ote and�f tL is 5ecurity Instrument. . <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> Pego 4 of 8 <br /> t <br /> - <br /> -- . . -- _-�_. _-�__ ,�.r-.-._-_ _..�..� - <br /> � _.�..�_.��_ _ . . r_..•m-� --.ixmir�axas�sa�4._« _ <br /> — .j�sL'r,.r. . � . .. , ., . - �.�,.�� _.. -- --- — — <br /> _ -'??s�J'"..M : .- .-. - -__ -.. :. -.... . . -:--- -°--_=---,_.. rR• •+�a.�r,�--..-r�•{„�.z.-F��,.S?� <br /> __ - . _ . . __ . .. . A,).'=°y Sa .. .. . ) � <br /> _._' ..,.tr,� - . . , . .... . . - _ ..rirs.�w:�iva::�..��_.: . .. � .�_.... , <br /> �- . r . . - . <br /> . . .. . ,.l'.� _.•. ; �.:,. . . ' . . ��. � .� si.a'Y,�' .. ._- "_ " ' --- <br />