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'h _.�_ _ <br /> - �- � - - <br />. .�—_4,.._'__�___ . - –^'—_ - —.__ <br />. ___` . . _--_,_– . i: . <br /> _ : _ . .. . : .. . . . . 94=iaa� � � � . <br /> � , p�e�.e�;r�o�o.�er w�neq�d�aa,�t t�e aptiaa of r,��de�.if�o�tp�t�aa�ooe aora�cin e6e.moir�c+�.a�for t�e paioa � . <br /> � �•��� �)i�����'�iPP�'�'r��'!►Leader�pie baoomei'avsiiwbie�ad�obp�ea.Ha�ro+�er itl piq►, ` . <br /> : tMe peestrma�eq�irod b s�id�ie mort�e�ewanoe in�at.a to p�ovide a�'�+aa'rs,w�tii tl�e�equi�eman fa mortjo�e <br /> in�q';a�oe eo�s in accond�na�nth any writte��eaia�eat bctweeii Bore+n�er.�nd Le(�der er�ppiica6te laa. � . <br /> !t�i�eetiw.t.�eoder�ar its+�ait atiY.triyEe�ai�o�wble aMtries upon aed ie�axio��ot�Le Fro�sty.�der shili pve -� . <br /> • 8ore�ower notict ae t6e time ot'or pria w ie impectiort spxifyini reawa�6k ause for We ins�ectioQ. <br /> . I�:G�i�. 'Ih�prooeeds of arty�wa�tt ur cvfim far dama�es.diiect ar aoa�equenti�l. in oom�eetion�th any' <br /> . ooadeoamitioa a dba qicinj of aayr p�tt oi the for oonvry�noe iu iiat of oondawatjar,�t�e herdsy�s,sisnad snd� � <br /> ad�ll be pid to I.eader. , � . � <br /> � � �e tbe evait of�w1a1 taicing of the Prope�ty,the qooads shslt be appi'ied to t6e s�ms�saweed by this Security tnst�ua�ent. <br /> �vha6a or not diw due. wiW aay sxass p�id w tlie eveat of a partial t�lcing of thc Pmp�ty In whkh the fiir <br /> , wrket value of ti�e Proprcty immodi�tely befar the Wring is eqnal to or grater t6an the amount of the swm secured by tbis <br /> Sea�ity I�namerit immedLtNy befone the qtci�.unless Norrower�d I.rnder attrcrvPise.�gree in writiag.tbe samts seeured by <br /> tlds Seauit� Im�tn�meot shall be nedi� thc amount of the pineeeds mWppliad by the fotbwiry�fraction: (a)the totat <br /> amouat of the sums scarod immediately before the t9lcing.divided by(b)th�fair mrrlca value of the 8tnpe�ty immedi�te[y , <br /> befae tbe tairing.My balanoe sUaU be paid to Borrowcr. In the event nf a putial taiong of the Propertq in which the fair <br /> .` muket vsh�e of tt�e Pmpelty imiaediudy before the talang is las than tl�e amoutnt of tbe sums savred immediately btfon the' <br /> . tating,unless Bo�mvPer and t.ender ottKrwise agree in writwg or anless applicable taw ai�rwise provides,the p�ocoeds shall <br /> be applied to the stms sec�rod by this Savrity Inshvmrnt wheflxr or rot the�ums u+e Iheo due. <br /> 1f tI�pcvperty is abando�od by Bormwer.or if.after mtice by Lrender to Bo�ruwer that tbe oo�r offs�s to make an <br /> award or settJe a claim for dam�ges, Borrow�r fai2s to respond to[.e�der within 30 days after t8e date the notia is given. � __ <br /> Lader is authorii.ed to mtted and apply,the praoeeds,at its option.either to restoration or nepair of the P[opetty or to the sums . <br /> seauod by this Senuity inmumnit.whether or rat tl�►due.. . �. —� <br /> Ualess I�ender and Borrower o@�erwise agree in writin8,anY application of proaeds to principal shall nat extend or --- <br /> ' po�tpone the dae date of ttie mornhly payments referred to in paragtaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sucfi payments. � <br /> � 11.Borrower Nat Itekased;Forbearanee By i.ender Not_a�airer.Factension of the ume for payment ar modification ��.. <br /> . o€amos�izatian of t6e sums sec�red 6y this Savrity Instrumeiu�raate�sy Lender to any suobessor in iaterest of Borrower shall , !�_� <br /> not operate ta retease the tiability of tl�e original Borrower or Borrower's sucoessors in interest.I.euder shall not 6e required to '� <br /> ' cnm�e ptaooedings against any successor in interest or refuse tn extend time for payment or otherwise modify artwrtization - . <br /> af the sums se�rod by tlus Security Insuume�st by reason of an� d,e��d made by the origiaal Bomnwer or Borrower's <br /> suc�ssors ia i�� My forbearance by Lender in exercising anp a€�fct or cemedy shall mt be a waiver af or p[ecludt the �' <br /> s�etcise af aa�'�.;ght°c iemedY• �"` <br /> 12. Saca�sors and A�igns Bound;.loint and Seseral Li�bqity; Co-sipe�+s. The covenants and ag�+eements af this �-= <br /> Seauity I�ainein shafl bin�and beaefit the successo�and assipis of Lender and Borrower.subject to ihe provisions of - <br /> paragraph l�. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint a�..d several. Any Borrower wbo co-signs this Security — <br /> Insbument�t daes not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Sec�ity Instrument"only to mortgage,grant and convey that - _ <br /> Borrowor's irrterest in t�e Property under ihe terms of this Security'�strument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay tfie sams � = <br /> �ecuretl by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that[Qrzder and any other Borrower may agree to extend,mr�afy,forbear or <br /> ma�e any accommodationa with regacd to the terms of tbis Security Instrument or the Note without that Borroa�er s consent. ' <br /> .13.T.oa�s Charges.If the taan secured by this Security instr,r�ent is subject to a taw which sets maaimwn loan chatges. ` <br /> a:�"�t;:t law"as finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan�:�es collected or to be collected in cannection with the <br /> �a.�exceed tS�e{fertnitted limits.then: (a)any such toan charge shaii tx reduced by the amount necessary to ceduce the charge - <br />, �u�re pecmilted limit;and(b)any sums alrrady coitecte�from Barro rer wh:cIi eaaazded permitted limits wiU be refunded to -. <br /> B�-trower. �er may c�toase to make this refund�� :ti:ducin� tYe�principal c;��d undes the Note or by c�ing a direct '" <br /> paymtnt to &�:rawer. If a refund reduces principal,•tne re�uct«�s will be tteated as a panial prepayment wi�houc a�n� • <br /> , prepayment c�'�z under the Nate. � � <br /> 14.Notooes.My notice to Bonower pravidecl for in this Sc�.rn;.•lastrument shall be given by delivering it ur by rtiaEl'La : <br /> a��sy first class mail unless applicablc law mquircs use of another method.The notice shatl be directed to the Ft=,�etty Address ' <br /> or any aeher addtess Bortawer designates by natice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fit�.� class mail to �.:`�: <br /> Lender's address stated trw�n or any other address Lender desigrtates by notice to Borrowe�. Any notice provided for in this • <br /> Stcurity Inst�:t shali���med to har�been given to Borrawer�ac�.ender when given as pro�:f�,�:d in this paragraph. ' , <br /> ' l5.Coven�ng La�; 5everability. This Security In.�trument :�i�'1 be govemed by f4�a1 law and the law of,clTe ; <br /> jurisdiction in which the�ropeRy is located. In the event that any provi•sc;►nr c:��se of this Security in5tnsment or the hute <br /> contlicts wlth applicable I��.such conflict sh�ll nat affect other provisians ef dti:Ssx�rity In�trument or the A'are which can tre : <br /> given effect without the contticting provision.To this end the provisiec.s aS t?+:�x�:}arity Instrument smd the tiute are decisr�,i <br /> � , to be severable. � � � ' _ <br /> 16.Barmwer's Copy.Borrawer shall be given one confom�ed oa��of the IJote and of this Security lnstnur.,er,t. <br /> itr:�3028 9/90 - <br /> . • �age 4 of 8 � . . . <br /> - .----- _ - - ��;�i���in..T..J�. <br /> -_ ''*ri S''1,:�iw,�-�"�[�t. '^.rv:.n�r'-'-i�Fr"•^'?-�"c.' _ .�-�wc:,rci-- r��r.. . ._-_-.-°_ <br /> ---.--.�trz---;-.•'�'.. . . . . _ • . _ . • � _�.�'l.:T.•._ _ _ ._..:�.. . . . _ .. . . . <br />