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, _ �__ - . .- .. . �..._".__ "�_'L� __ _. ,__.. .._ <br /> F�. ' . _ <br />- --�.TT� +. .__-" ` ' , ` `. ` �_ . ' . . . . ; .`<�.' <br /> .,� � � . � � � � � � . �� , [ �. � , � � ,. . . , 94�r�i+o�4�� �. , . <br /> � ` °`Toci6t�mt.vm�.11�e�p�o�aaia ao�ra i�e�r wa�a oo t�`pco��at�,�a all«�e�c.�rP�•oe�. � - <br /> ` � � �d fi�chr�a ooa or Lardlet a prt d d�p�aty. A'll rt�l�oemede aod additiao��nti aLo be�overed bl►-ttik Seeority . � � . <br /> iertrumeot. AII af the fa�etoios�t rae�edle ia dusSeaunh►�eM ar the'ptopat�." .. . . <br /> . . � � �.= HORROWER COVFNA3�1'S�t Baiow�er is L�vFaliy�ed dtbe,e�E he�ebi►ooevtya!�od btt tLe risNtta�at < <br /> ,� w�i"����oaal�titie�Prrop�ert�ig,aiast�����a��xaed. � ' ` <br />_ �� TIiiS SBCt1RITY INS7RUlb1E[�P combiaes anifam caveaana €pc a�tionai usc aad 000-umfoda oc�s xidt . <br /> limited va�tioos by jmYSdictinn to co�tiw�e s uaifcna�c�udty inst�umeaECOVeriw��esl piopaty.� " . � <br />� �- iJNIP0ltl4i bD'V@TAMFS. Ba�mMer�ad L.endac:ave�nC�od�eeeas foUowx <br /> L Ilq�e�t�tpirirel�t a�d I�Ic*e�t;hep�l�eat a�i La�e Ci�s. Barow�er sMli R'�P�IY 4�Y�due ttr <br /> � p�im�ipl af aod in�aest oa Poc de6t erideeced by tbe Nae aad�Y p�epaYmenE sod la�e ch�a dne mdett�Nota � <br /> i �+Y�is 6K�a�d L�wta�oe. Sabject to�pplic�bk kw a ta a wii�a�vaiva bry I.cnder.Ha�rowa sball pay w <br /> l�a�der on tbe daY�Y P4Y�ae dae�mder the Nat�aatti d�e Nate is p�id ia full,a sma t"F+mds"3 fa:(s)S�arly : <br /> t�es aod�which m�y auain p�iocity over ihis Saarlty Imtrnmeat ss a lieu aa tLe Ptopetty;lb)YearlY�ase�ol�. . <br /> n.y,� ��oa���mo r�cy;��►y: cc>�ye�y n�a o��o�n.y��:t�r�r � <br /> �e�emiums,��y;�te�r�y�aase�x p��, s'aoy;�tfl�►�s nry�e�n►?a«mwa w . <br /> ' L�eod�er,in�000rda�w�vnth tb�p�aYisioos of p�sq�h 8,in Tia of thc ptymeat of mo�tgage insa�aoce pemma�s. These <br /> items�c�e qile�'F.scmw Item�." I.�adQ a�mne.collax ffid hold Fvnds in an amoaut not to exoeed ihe ma�dmum . <br /> �mount i karler fa a fedaaUy rel�ted mortgage ban msy reqai�foc Barowas escmw aornunt under tlre fedaal Ral <br /> Eatate Sedlamddt Pmcedores Act�19T4 as ameaded frum time to time; l2 U.S.C.�Z6ill atscq ("RESpA"?,unles�aaoUkr . <br /> ' law d�t applies to tbe Fiu�ds sets�ksser amount tf so,l.eader maY.�t anY tin�e,coUecE and bold IimdS in ao atnotmt not to <br /> exceed fEie lecser amounL I,ender may eat�ate the atuomt of li�ods dne on We 6�sis qf cuReet�data snd reasambie <br /> �of expendiaues of fodue EscmW Items or oN�wise in accad�nce witd�pglicabk taw: .° <br /> . 'The Wods shaII be Leld in an i�tiwtIon wLose deposits are insund by a fedecat aget�cy.iasrornmm� eattt}► <br /> (roclading l�dec,if I.ender is such an i�stiwdan)ar in any Fede�al Home Lo�u Banic. I.eadei sfd!apply tbe Fvnds to p�y - <br /> . the Fsc�nw Items. Lender may not cbacge Bonower for f�olding aad applying t6e Funds.aztt�tq.analYzinB tde esaow <br /> • acoount or verifyiag tLe Fscmw Items.�mkss Lendix pays•Barowa intea�st on the Amds a�ap�►lica�te taa permits <br /> : I,�ender to mal�sncb a charge. Howeva,I.ender may iequine Baac�ver to pay a one-time c�arge foc"�epeadent�a1_ <br /> estate ax nporting servire used 6y Ixnder in connectioa witb thic toan.�miess applicabk Iaw p�+Ides athe�nst. Unkss an <br /> agt�eemeat is macie ar applicabk law requins intemst to be paid.Lender s6a11 not be t�ind to pa}y Bamwa�y intensc or <br /> eamiogs oo the Fund.s. Barower aad Leader may ag�ee in writing,6owever.tbat inuiest s6�all be paid oa the�nd.c. I.ender . <br /> ahall give W Bomnwu.wittwut charge,an annnal accmmting of the Fuads,showing credits and debits to the fi�nds and t6e <br /> � pucpose fa which exh debit w the Plmds was.made.'The F�uds are ptedged as a�ddibtonal securiry for all sums secored by <br /> this Securit�Insaumep� , . , , <br /> ff the F�nds heW by L.ender exeeed the aaiom►ts permitted w be beld by applicable,ta�ir,l.ender shall accouat io�%: � <br /> . , Borrowa�for the excess Funds in a000i�tx�with the reguinments of applicable laa. If t�e abitiwat of tbe Funds betd�iy�:�, <br /> , Lender at any 6ime is not su�cieat tar'1�"the F,scmw Items wtKn due,i.�rider taay so npa�&xtuwer in writing,an�`.iu.;,: <br /> �. such case Borrower shall pay to I.en3z�the amc�aot necessary to�make up tLe deficiency. .$ormwer s�ll make up the� <br /> deffcieocy in no mnre ttiauatvaeive mom�ly pay�:a�Leader's sole discrecioa.. . � ;._, . <br /> . Upon payment in fc�'uf all sums seCUred by tfivs Securiry Instrument,Lender ahall ptompUy refimd Loj�oeiawer apy. . . <br /> Funds heW by I.ender. If,under pazagraph 21,Lender shall acqaire or sell the Ptoperty,Lender,prior to ti�e'aaguisituo4i�: <br /> , sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acguisition or sale as a emdit against the s;�lt-: <br /> secuted by this Securiry InSUUmen� ' _--_ <br /> • 3. Apptkatioo of Pl�ymen�. Unless applicabte law pcorides otherwise, all payments received by I.eader uader . � <br /> parag�aphs 1 and 2 sball be appiied:fus�to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under - _ <br /> paragraph 2; intemst due:fourth,co principal due:and tast,to any late charges due ander the Note. � � � __ <br /> �/. Cba�es; l,ien�. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and imposidons atuibutabte to the �- - <br /> Prope�ty ahich may attain priority over this Security lastrument,and leasehold payments or.ground rents,if any. Borrower • P�,� <br /> shall pay obligadonc in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sha11 pay them on � <br /> � time due�u the pe�so�n owed payment. $ortower shall promptly fumish to�der all notices of amounts to,be paid under �<'t.� <br /> .,u:�:f <br /> this paragaph. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Horrower shall ptiom$tiy furnish to Lender[eoe,�.rs evidencing- . 4�,; <br /> the PaYments• ;, ,..,: .t'.:.;�:. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischargeany lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrumen�or�tess Borrower.(a)agrees �}:.��; <br /> . in writing to the payment of the obliga�tian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;�(b)wntests in good faith the '.;�; <br /> llen by.or defends against enfarcement of the lien praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinadng the lien <br /> to ttus Suurity Instrurrse��t. If l.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien whicb may attain priority ;� <br /> ovet this Security Instrt►�nt.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyirtg the lien. Bomsmee shall satisfy ehe lien or take � <br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of thc givireg of notice. �' ,• . <br /> S. 8amrd or Property L�suranc� Bortower shall keep[f�improvements now eustea3�i hemafter erected on;the .. <br /> Propeny insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"entended coverage"ac�d any other haaards,including <br /> t�aods or flooding.for which Lender requims ins�irrs.ce. This insurance shal!be maintained in the amounts and for the �; <br /> � 13or�3i2d !I!� IpaReloJbpnge�l .. <br /> � � � .: <br /> r, , <br /> �-+�, .--•C--�-,...-.-.s .. <br /> ."_�'�1t�c::?,�",'':S, '!. .� r�......-..-.. :...� -'y ,-S-'�'n?i:;.N.�.-' <br /> . .`�ef. � •�� 't ♦l+hl.`1.4�. .�;::.s�' . <br /> ._ uz..:?�µ `�. _ ' .l' _ �+'.�t�g' u�!%h3..,��i . . '• . <br /> .._ ---'�...�..s_..o.. .i. --.�...i.�+YMei _ . .r...w.:':�.-.-.. <br /> ,_,-� . <br /> r- -.� . -.. ... . . . <br /> . <br /> .'���_ -. . . . . ._ . . .._ .. . <br /> ----- — .: . . . . , . <br /> -- �-=e"".:._....._ . . . .. . _ .. . . '. ._. _ . _ . . � . . . , ' � . <br /> _ �-._�. .. . . . . w1J.i.. . � ' . <br /> ___ '� ._v.?�.�;t:_ l.. . . � .._ ,_ _ . _ ..y� �'.K^,'tvr''�-' i;.'t... . .. � � '. <br /> �.__�..-..:�f' ..' . . � . .... . ..�' . ... . .�:�5' •1�.�':� . ' ... . _ <br />