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Msc.�'� _ -• - _ <br /> :.s � - , - �'s,"- <br /> . � : : � . � .� �. . � � `�84-��� . <br /> IT. ot t�e ar s aadlcW T�t is atl or aay p�ct of the Propetty or�cy inre�eat in�t . <br />� � is�oW or�emd(or if a�beae�fici�l interest in Boimvwer is sold pr tr�nsFerred and•Bortower is mt a n�nUal pasan)witb�at- ,. <br /> � 1,e�cler•s prior �Titta�conse�c. Lender'may, at its.option, raryire,� peyment�i�►t'ull of�il sua�savrtd by this _ <br /> 5ecuritar I�tnuneM.Howaver.ihis option shall eot be eaerclsed by , N exa�ise is prdu'6itad by federd taw as uf t6e d�ite . � <br /> `, of this Savr�t},►instnv�eat. . ' ' <br /> . If l�ender exercises this option,I,eqder shall give Bormwu aotic+e of�lecrtecation.7lie aotice sf�lt pTOVide a period of not . <br /> . less than 30 days f�om she date ttse notice is delivered ar mailed�vithin which Borsower must pay all swns socurad by t6ts <br /> Sepurity InsuumGnt.If Bormwer fa�s to pay tt�ese sums prior,to the eapiration oF this period,l�etKier msy imoke�y ieme�ies <br />- pennitta!by tlris 5ecunty Instr�►ment witho�u fwtt�er twtice or demand on Borrower. <br /> ��. aaeeowa's � to�� If Boriower seets csrtaim m�ditions..Borrawer shatl have.ttu�,have <br /> enfomment of this Socurity Instmment discontinuod at any titne prior to the earlier of- (�)5 days(or snch aher per:od as � <br /> appGcabte taw may spocify for reinuatement) before saie of the Property puisaant to �y power of sate ooatained�in tMs ' <br /> Sceurity Irtstruct�nr.or(1�)entry of a judgm�nt enforcing this 5ecarity+L�stnunent.Those oonditions ame ti�at Bonower�ta)p�ps <br /> Leader�Il sums wluch t6en would be due under this Security iastiument aad the Note as if no accelecation had ocwrred:(b); <br /> cares any def�lt of any atfirer oovemunts ar agceements;(c)PaYs all e�cpenses incumed iii eaforcing this Secur�ty,inst�meeu,�, . . <br /> inetuding.but not limito�to,.te�onable auomeys'fees:a�(d)talces sucL action as Ir,nder may reasonably;t+oqqite�to�taswtt.. . � <br /> tl�t the tien of this Security�astiumeat. L.endcr's rigdts in the Property auid Borruwer's abiigation ta pa�r,th�.suma•secorod by <br /> this Security Insaument shall��continue unchanged. Upon rein�atement bp Barcower.,this�,SecutIty��ins�mneti��aad tl�e . <br /> obliguions secuced hereby shall remain fully effective as if no aoceleration Iwd occurred.�.Howevera.thfA n„aist te��einstate shalt _ <br /> nat appty�sase of aoceleration under paragrap617� , � :�� <br /> , 1�.`S�Ie�of Nd�Cltateae.of Loan Servloe�: The Nota or a partia} interest�tiit�,tt�cNcter(Co�ethec with this Se�rity� ::`"r.:: <br /> Insdumcat)may be sold ona qrmore times without pnioc:rxuire to Borrower.A sa�d,ma�r;r+esult+iri a change in the entity(kao�irn . -_ <br /> � as the"Loan Servicer")thaunolleds monthty paymen�s dno�ander the Note and tlti�sSecurity Insdument.Thene also may be one - <br /> or mnre cl�aages of the fuan�Setvicer uruelated ta a���f the Nute.If there is a ctdinge of the i.oan Servicer.Borrower wi116e -- <br /> givm written notice of the change'sn xcordanee rcq►?q{�;�iagraph I4 above aM appllcable law.The no[ice will state the name and � <br /> addre�ss at the new I.oan Servicer and the addmss td which payments should be made.The notiee will also contain any cYhec �_ <br /> infom�ation c�quired by apPlicable law_ '. ' ':�-�. _-_, <br /> � 20. Hazardoas Sabstat�ces. Barrower shal! not'rause ar pertnit the preseix�, nse, disposai, stordge. or relea�����ar�y �.__ <br /> Hazandous Sabstances on or in the Property. Borrawer.shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, a���as�,;�e�i,-�`the — <br /> Praperty that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The pmceding twa sentences shall not apply to t�-r-�.�.:;�+e, or . =° <br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Ha�ardous Substanoes thai are generally recognized to he ap�+�:r�`.�:��3�na1 ;�`•`�' <br /> resid�nti�l uses and to tnaintenance of the Prapetty. � ' . =n,::.._'.,. :�_ <br /> Borcower shatf promptly give Lender written notice bf any �resdgaUon,ctaim.demand.lawsuit or other artio::��:;�y �'`��``` <br /> gavenunental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Pniperty and any Hazardous Substance or Emironme��:aw ' '� �,'�,�-_: <br /> of which Barmwer das actual knawledge. If Borrower teams,or is nonfed by any governmental or regulatory authority.'ihat -��:�=' <br /> anx rernoval ar ather rernediation of any Hazardous�:�stance affecting the Praperty is�sary.Borrawer shall promptly take , ' .:.#�'�=� <br /> all necessary retr�edial uctivns in accordance with Em�utiiamental Law. � , s,:;i` <br /> As used in this par �.�0, "�E&:,�ardous Substafices"are those substances defined as toxic or har�rdaus su6stanoes by -- <br /> Bnviromnental Law and����`aa� ~�•�stances: gasoline. kerosene. other tiammable or toaic petroleum products. toxic � - <br /> pesticides and herbicides,valatr:e solc�°�i=�,materials wntaining asbestos or forn�aldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in =_ <br /> this parxgraph 20. "Emrir�mental Law" means fa'�i�l laws and laws oP the jarisdiction where the Pci�y�is located that --- <br /> retate to lth,safety or aarironmental protection. ' ��- <br /> NON-UIVIFORM e�3VENANTS.Borrower ar�f�et further covenant and agree as follows: �:r; <br /> 21.Aoce[eration;Remedles.I.ender sha11 gi�•e'trotice to Borrower prior to accelersttlan tollowiag Borrower's breach ;•'T� <br /> of any covea�nt or agreement in this 5ecur�ty Instrument (but not prior to aoceleration under pa�agrapb 17 unless ' __ <br /> applicable f��v provIdes ot6erwlse).The notice shall specify: (a)the default; (t�)the xtbn reqaired ta care t6e default; <br /> (e)a date,rrot less than 30 days teom the date the notice is given to Rarrower,by whkfi tlie detault must be cor+ed;and , <br /> (d)tbat tailqre to cure the detauU on or befoL�tHe date specifled in the notice may resvlt in xceteration ot the snms <br /> secured by ihis Securits�nstrument and sale oF t6e Property. The notice shalt further iniorm Bornower ot the rlg6t to <br /> reiastate after aoeele�tia�and the clgdt to bring a rourt action to acsert tlie non-existence ot a deGtuit or any ather <br /> . de[ense ot Borrower to acceleration 3nd sate. IP the default is not cnred on or 6efore the date specifxd lnt1�e notice, <br /> l,ender,�t its option,may require immedi�te payment in tull oi all svms secured by this Secudty it�strument�vlt6oat <br /> furtLer demar�d and r�v Invoke the power of saM and any other remedl�perm[ttM by applicabie isw. I.ender slwll be <br /> cntitted to caUect all e��se.c incun�ed in purcui�tF�e remedies pravided in this paragraph 21.including,but not limited <br /> to,reaso�wWe attore�eti�"�ces and costs of title e�i���ee. . <br /> U the�tr�gr e8 sp�}e is invoked,Trustee sha:!record a not[ce of detunit in qch county io which any pftrt ot the <br /> Property is 0opted amcl shall mail copies of such notice in the mannec prescribed 6y applicable law W Borrower tind to <br /> the other persons prescrlbed 6y applicable law.ARer the time c+i�vired by applicab�e law.Trustee shall give publk tatice = <br /> oi s�le to the personq.andt In the manner prescri6ed by applic�e law.Trustce.wft6out demand on Borrower,slwll sell `� '` <br /> the Property at pablic a�on to the hlghest bldder at the time and ptace a��der ti�e tern�sc designated in tlte tatia of <br /> sole in one or more paemc�and in any order Trustee detcrmines.Tnistee�� postpone sale of all or aoy parcel ot the :- <br /> Aropetly by public annouecement at the time and place ot an� previousty scheduled �te.Lender or its designee msy <br /> parci�ase tbe PropeRy at any sale. . <br /> � �� •��Form 302s 8190 n4`�' <br /> ,,.�. _ <br /> Pepe 5 0�B ' ' , � <br /> �;... <br /> . . ,�1� <br /> , . f..ti <br /> . . . . .•�� . 34'.s�' <br /> . '. i,� <br /> -- -- �,;>° - �;��;,«a---- -,,. -� <br /> --==,di5i!�:•�'�'::.x,�:i�►�� - :, ....:.�..r�.:;,�,:_. <br /> - ---�_�;_�'�'�sz.ra,:.- - - �_�-�-._t�.=-.�•}•a- - <br /> ,� ___'_ y: '-�' .'�4�'7= ' " <br /> -------`__-:_._ . ' �.cti�iF.-Li•SE.'.__. <br /> -_..Tdr.�r..J.e+� --�� --.,.��'.�.��C h` •-1,.� -rl._ . .. -__'- <br /> _- __ �u'�l" . _ � .1. ,,r a -.. �.' . <br /> ' .: . -• � ' - -.• .,=,e.<=-- �`fifc���, . _ ' . . . . . . <br />