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- �t.;-:- , . .. <br /> c� . z-..-°��<`. , ti�.. .•.� . i r <br /> �;-i r � .. .___ _ _ _ <br /> , .'�� � . . I. :}j''~Cr` . . . <br /> TM� � - l t. y� � _�:� ... _ _ <br /> _ �v'layl�l�f-��.i .t'.:' . .. <br /> _ � •_l.,+.._a�r -� _ .4.• _ _ " _ _ . . ._ .. _._ _-— _. � __T_. <br /> �_. _.. _�.,� t � , � ,�` , ! , . g� � , . <br /> . - . - � . -�.�04Z8 . . <br /> .. � � � .� . <br /> . paytpenu.which rie teferred to in Pua 2.a cinpgr the amas�t af such psyments.,My eacess procteds aver ao � '. <br /> amom�t�equic+ed tt►Qsy all aut�anding iit�d�ess under the Note and this Securiry inswmau sb�t be prid to t6t entity <br /> � 'kga�IY sr►titkd tl�ereto. . . . <br /> — -- � Fe�. i�ender m�Y cotlxt fess and chuges authorized by the Secretary: ` <br /> _— --- ! Grwads for�►ccekratton o�IkM. ` ' ` <br /> � _ (a)DdaW� Laider may,eaapt as ttmiued by regWatiais isw=d by the Secretuy in the px af paymrnt defautts. . <br /> _. nquice immediatep�yment�n�uU of at!spms secu�ed by this Seciuiry Inswmcm i� <br /> - �if BottovHx dei�sits by fa�leog io pay in fWl any m�ttilY PaY�t�4uired 6y�his Sesurity Insttument priar -.- <br /> :} w a on the due date of We noxt monWY PaY��� , <br /> �� (u)Bamwa defiuI�s by failing.for a period of thuty perfom�nny other obliguions contained in this <br /> Seruriry Iiutnunent <br /> (b�'Sfle Witioot Credit Approval. Leadn'shall.if permitted by applicabte law and with the pior approva!of the ' - <br /> - Secretary,ceqai�e immMiue paymrnt in full of all the sums secuted by this Securiry insaument if _ , _ <br /> -- :� (i)All or put of tbe Pmperty.or a 6eneficial intetest ia a unst owning all or peut af the Pmperty,is sotd or � <br /> .::.�, ot6erwise tr�nsfetsed(other than by devise or desceny by tlie BoROwer.and ___ <br />;�;.` . (ii)'ibe Yraperty is rat occupiod,by tbe p�ncha�er or grantce as his a her principal thc punhases - <br /> r ot grantee does so occupx the Pmperty�but tus or her credit has not 6een appmved in accordance =-- <br />��'+I, - •- with the zequuementsof the Secc�etaiy. �` — <br /> � `. (c)No Waivu.If cinvmstances axur that woutd pemiit Lender to req�we immodiate payment in fulb 6at Lender :c=-�.�--- <br /> -e5-x,8_.-.-- <br /> .,�;:.- ,-;'-.��-:�'`�:.^ • does not require suchpayments.l.ender daes aot waiv��ts rights wiW tpspect to su6sequeni events. ::,s,n n___ <br /> -�,���.... •�.. (d)Re�ulatioua ot HUD Sccretary. In many circumstances:egulations�ssned by the Secretary wiU limit Lender's : .;�.e-�•=-- <br /> `".''v`"'�`� rig6ts,in die case of payment defaults,�w iequirc immediate payment in full and foreciose if not paid This :.�':��4: <br /> .::..a.�_ �� . <br /> :`�?-�:-:�=.`;�-�`�: Sacuriry Insuument does not authorize acceteration or foreciosure if not permitted by regulations of the Sccretary._ - �'� <br /> ;k�r�.� <br /> ;.�d_.,.::^,,���-:; (�)Mart�e Not Incared. Boirower agrees that should this Securiry Instrument and the nMe secwed themby rtot �. . <br /> �Y�G -t 1 ^ <br /> ;� ` be eligible for iasurance ander the National Hoasing Act withia 8 �atLs <br /> '•�� `��s date heieo�1-ender may,at iu option and notwithstanding anything in Paragraph 9.require immediate payment in ...� <br /> ���:�_�"---=`+'.'...' �- <br /> f:, n� �"?*.` ful.t of all swns secured by tLis Socurity Inswment A written statement of any autharized ageat of the Secretary ; �t:: _� <br /> - �`, ` �* { , dated subseqaeat to 8 �IIths from the datc hereof,declining to insut+e this Security ..y:; �� <br /> r..�_.;.� , . . Instrument and the note secuted thereby,sha116e deemed wnclusive proof of such incligi6ility. Notwithstaz[dirtg . �V` <br /> -� • r ' the focegoing,this option may not be exercised by Lendet when the unavailability af insurance is solely due to; [r: x_ <br /> '�` ' ' i.ender's faili�re to remit a mortgage ir�surence pmmium to the Secretary. • _=_. <br /> "� r°. , 10 Reinstatement Borrower has a right to be ieiastated•if I.ender has iequired immediate payrnent in fuq because --- <br /> e <br /> � � � of Borrower's failure to pa y an amount due under the•Note or this Security Instrumem. This nght apalies even after �� _ <br /> _ . ,,;•,°�,;;�_.` : ` forectosure pmceedings are mstituted. To reinstate the Security Insm►men� Borrower shsill tender in a Iwnp sum a l l - . _ <br /> ;���,� , amounts reqwred to:bring Botrowei's account current including,to the extent they are obligations of Borrower undcr this _� • ,,. °; � <br /> .:, ,.. : . ., Security InSUUmen�faeclosure cosu,amd reasonable and cusmmary attomeys'fees and expenses propedy assaciated with ,�..,}x,•? <br />- ' the foreclosure proceeding. Upon minstatement by Borrower.this Security Inswment and the obUganons that it secures 'r'-'" "• - <br /> 'r'E, , � . - <br /> � ' "'�;'- e( ' shall remain in effect as if Lender had not reRuired unmediate payment in firll. However,Lender is nnt mquired to pem�it 4:::i::;�;F <br /> � '- � �ei�statement if: �i) Lender bas accepted reucstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proccedings within two -�=�- _ <br />_ .-- - - _ - = � . .� yea�s immediately preceding the commencement of a cuaent foreclosure proceeding. (ii) reinstatement v�nll preclude . - -_ <br /> , . � � � fomctosnre on different grounds in_the future.or(iii)reinstatement will adver.sely affect the priority of[he lien created by - <br /> . this Security Instruc�_�n� °' <br /> • ' 11. Borro�s Not Released; Forbea�ace by Lender No! a tiM1aiver. Extensian of the time of payment or : ° . 5„� <br /> � � � modification of amortization of the sums sec��by this 5ecunty Insuument granted by Lender to any successor tn intetest . <br /> ' �� • of Borrower shall not operate to release the li�5ility of the uriginal Bortower or Borrower's successor m interest. Lender - � �. <br /> - • . shall na be required to commence proceedings aga�nst any succes.wr in interest or refuce to extend time for payment or � .. :..'� ;•:.. 4• <br /> .� � otherwise modify amortization oP the sums secured by this Security Instrument by c�eas�n of any demand made by the ,�i <br /> � ' .' • original Botrower or Borrower's•successors i:�enterest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or rcmedy shal! �r <br />. : � . waiver of or rectude tfte exercise of:.x� right ar remedy. �� �' <br /> " _ � n� 12. Successars and Assigns Bound;4�bant and Several L?abiltty;Co-Signers. The covenan�s and a�ecments of . � . . ; <br /> � s. �, ��. • this Security Inswment shall bind and benefi:',��r succcssors and arsigns of l.endcr and Borrower.subject to the pravisions r :� : ; _ <br /> . ' - ��. �' of P.tragraph 9.6. Borrower s covenantx and aa eemenGs s h a l l be joint an d �evera l. Any Borrower w h o c ast g ns this �.., .. ,��y.,,;� ,. <br /> .' Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)iy e�-s.9�ing this Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant as�d r . . . <br /> • .� . convey that Borrower's interest in the Property tmder the terms of this Security Instrument:(b)is not personalty obligated to f ." .��?'�� � <br /> . � pay the sums secured by this 5ecurity lnstru�caer?:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend 4 . <br /> = .;a;,- ' � modify,forbear or make any accommodatiom��nith regard to the terms of adai+Sccurity Instniment or the�iote w�thout that <br /> '�;`,, . Borrower's cansem. � • _ _ <br /> ,, ,_� -'� �i.;,; . 13. Notkes. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Seeurity tn+trument shall be given by dclivering it or by ; <br />;; � '� � ���•t�;;;�'�,;,'•.. , mailing it by first class mail unle�.c applicable law reyuires use of anather method. 'Ihe aotice sha11 be directed to the ; ' _ <br />,��..., +�;;�;,;.�_. . Property Ad�ress or any othcr address Rorrower designates by nnticc to Lendcr. Any notice ta Lcndcr shail be given by _ <br /> �� �. . firs!class mail to Lender's address�tated h�rein or any address Lender detiignste�by notice to Borrower. Any notice . <br /> ;:�. �•;•;° -.�� provided for in ehis Security lnstrument shall be deemed to havc bcen given to•Bonower or Lender wlpec�,g�ven as provided _ ...___ <br /> �'�, • '.. ' <br /> .. : in this paragraph. • _ . . - . <br /> "'�`"`"' '` �, 14. Governin I,aw;Severt�6ilit This Securit Instrument s6all be ovcmed b Federal 1aw and the law of thc _ <br /> =: ' �,.: - <br /> � :�7:I.;,.;°7�.:_ : g y Y S y • ...:�;.r::; . : <br /> �r un5diction in which tfie Pro �s located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrumens mr the �, ;�,�.�;.:. <br /> .tl�.;;,� :. :�.,•;t,, <br /> �. �uce conflicts with applicab e Vaw.such conflict shall�ot affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or at���1ote � � ,,;.,,,. <br /> -- ' � �f� wbich can be given effect without the conflicting provi�ion. To this end the provisipns of this Secyrity instrumeat sarid the � ' <br />`"": Note ara declas�A to be severa6te. •' ..:' <br /> _ 13. Borro�er's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed ec�v c��is,Security lnswment. . <br /> 16. As�ement d Reets. Sotrower unconditionally assigns and tca�sfers to Le1►der atl the rents aitd revenues o�'the �' <br /> �-.� -r�- ` <br /> �� Fnoperty. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rea.�s and reve�e�es and hereby d1rCCts eaeh tenant of •.;��.;:�`:�,,:' <br /> the Propeny to pay the rentS to Lender ot Lender's agents. Howcver,privr to Lende�'s r3�'ice to Borrower of Borrower's � :••'; "�'�' ��. <br /> _ --�-� bneaeh of any eovenant or agraement in the 5ecurity Instrument.BoROUer ssea:l collecc�i^�receive a11 Tents and revenues of ; � <br /> the Property as hustee for the bencfit of Lender and Honower. This assi�r�mm�ent of rents�onstitutes an absotute assignment ' <br /> and not an asslgnment for additimal secnrity onfy. <br /> � <br /> Tf l.ender grves notice of brcach to Borrower. (a)all nnts received�S}Sorrower sty�11 be held by Bormwer as uustee �� .�, �� <br /> - fot 6enefit of Lender be applied to the sums secured by the 5esu.7ty InstrumrnL•(6)l.ender sha11 be enHtled to <br /> -' collect and receive all of the rents of the Property:and(c)each tenant o�the Properry shali pay all renu due and uapaid to ` <br /> Lender or I.ender�s agent an L,end�r's written demand to the tenant. ' _ _ <br /> � Botrower ha9 na exauted any prioi ass�gnment of the rents and[�not and will not perfocm any act that would k-. -: ' , : <br /> _ . ptevent Lender fiom acemsing its rights under t h is Patugaph 16: �. <br /> Lender sLa1I no1 be nquired to enter upon,tafce control of or maintain the Praperty befare or after giring no6ce of <br /> bn�ch to Barower. However.L.eeder or a jud�cially ap�ointed receiver may,do so at any timt there is a 6reach. My � ' . <br /> app1iC�tioo of repts shili aat cure or waive any defwlt or mvatidate any ather nght or remedy af Lender. 'This acsignment � . <br /> - _. ..ot raus of th�Pknpeiiy shill te�iinato whm the debt secund bY tiie Securiry Inshument is paid in full. �_� ,�_-:__< �- _ <br /> . �� • � �: .. <br /> • � . �mae3�oc�aK► , . . <br /> • � �� � . . <br /> � � ' � �� �, . <br />