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���' , . � . .. : :. <br /> �»-_�� � <br /> -� - �= <br /> �-_ - - - -- ---- ,-9 ,4�f40�t47 � - <br /> : 'roC�B1�wtt�I att t�e impt�ov�oent�aoa a ba+afkt eee�ed on�e pto�aty;ad att a�rta+eat�,app�etearaeE.ais�..; . <br /> fiu�t�es ea�v or beratier s pR oI tbe.prope�ty. 1W e�aa�ieeb,�ed�d�itioas �6rii ab�be coveeed 1� !� Setarit�►. .. t <br /> i�ttu�ot.All`of 16e�is rcktcfed b in this Sec�rity I�tt�meot as tl�e'�bpaty.' < � <br /> ` BORROifIBR COY�NANTS dwt Bor[o�net is lnrfiily xisoQ of dit e�bereby ooavryaf and hr t6e tyht�eo�t�1 . <br /> ` aoavry t�e Pm�aty�d dqt die Prope�t�t n aurMVm6ated.exoept for e�m�aOOq of iecad. Hono�rr wntats aod w�ill � <br /> defmd�a�ty the titk to the P�apaty�,wi4st dt claiu�s a�d�nY�of racond.. <br /> .THIS 5EC[JRiTY INS!'RUMEI�}T�ombi�s unifaia aov�foc mtiaW use aed non-unifam oovea�ots Rrith limitod <br /> vuiatians by jurisdictton ta ooastituoe a unifonn sewcity imtrmr�eat mverin�ceal pro�periy. . ��: ,� <br /> `UNIFORIK QOV�NA1�i1S_Bac�ra aM I.eyeder mvso�ot�nd s�cer t�fol�nvs:.. _ <br /> 1.�lM��at d M�eiri ar L� I�ry��ni 1.�te C1�es..Bam�rer§b�lE P�!�Y 1�Y��� <br /> principd of aad iateceu oa the de6t ericknoed by t6e Nooe aod snY PzWY�aod iate d�rga due ander tbe Nooe. <br /> 2.Fti��oe Taies s�d I�wea�c�Subject w applicable law or w a�river by I.endeF Bacowsr sbal!paY to . <br /> ttader an th�dry monttilg pymaYs ue dix aa�er tLe Naoe,mtil tbe Note Is p�id in fall.a snm f'Fo�de')for:ts2 Y+�y� <br /> ` aod�whic6 may�uainpnonty.over tbis Seatdty Ltsuuaxnt as.a liea oa t6e P�operty;lb�Y�Y�WY� <br /> a�Eroa�d teots on the Ptoperty.if'ury;(c}Yqdy 6aatid or piopa�tg i�aya°oe premiums;(�Y�Y���P�°��+ <br /> - if any;(e)Ye�►i?moctg�gc insur�ee p�emiun�s,if aay:�od(��ny sw�p�Yable bY Borrower to f.eodrrr,in a0000d�ce w�i� <br /> � the pmvisioav o€p�rrgraph 8.ia tieu af thr payment of matg�ge�±�pcemiwas.These itea�are allod'Es�x�ow Itan4.' <br /> ° l.endet tn� aaq tima.oollect ud hold Fwds in an a�aoant not w ea�aeed the m�ansnum amount�Iendei faC a federaTE� <br /> tielated m�xtpge laon may �equice for Borrower's escmw umunt uader the feder�t RqL Fs�ate S�ttlemau proaadares Act of <br /> 1974 as a�nnded from time to time. !2 II.S.C.Sectioa 7.601 a seq.('RESPA'),uatess anotha law ttnt applies'ta tLe Funds <br /> sxts a ksSa�nourN.If sa.La�der maY,ac any vme, wllect and hoW Funds in w wwont cal to acceod fl�e lrsser tinoant. <br /> � I.enda�mry atim�te the amwnt oF Funds dua otf tbe bisis of curtrm data ud rasa�bk estimaras�€eapenditares of foturc ` . <br /> Fscrow Itam or ahe�rise m a000rdanoe witb applicable law. . <br /> � Tbe Funds shall be held in an it�stitution whose cie�osits a�e imuted by a foder�l aga��a�raa�tality. or entiry <br /> ('mcluding l�ender.if l.tnder is sach an inctitation)or in a�r Fedaal Home l.oa�n Bank.Leader s6aEt apply the Funds W pa.y die <br /> Esctow Items.Lender may not cbarge Bomnwer for boldinS��Y�S the Fw�ds,annually anal�ting the escrow acc�ou�n,or <br /> verifying the Escrow Itemc,unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicabte law pemuu I.ender to rnake such <br /> — �charge.Howeveo,Leider may raluue Bo�mwer to pay a one-time cUarge for an indepeodeat nrl e.uate�tax reporting servia _. <br /> == ased by Lender in connection with this loan, untess applicabie faw provides otherwise. Unless an agnoement is m�ade or <br />— __—= applicable law nqaires intenst to be paid.Leoder sball aot be nquired to pay Borrower any interest or e�ia�.s on tl�e Fands. . <br /> __;� Bomnwer and Lender may agree in wridng,however, that intenst shall6e paid on the Ftusds. ��slia�� Borrawer. <br /> °-��-� . witlwut annual aocuun6ng af t6e Fnnds,shawiag credits and debiu to the Fands a�;�parpo�e for which cach <br /> ��"� debit to the Funds was made.'[7�e FuMs aae pledged as additional seturiry for all swns secured by �ti*i"s 5ecurity It�shumrn� . <br /> ��� If the Funds lxld by I.ader excoed the an�ounts pe�nilted[o be hetd by applicable 1aw.I.endes sUal!acac�rx to Barrower <br />-�''� foc tbe eacess Funds in accordance with rGe riequirements of applicable 1aw.if tfie amount of the Funcis held by Lender�t a�ry <br />-_F=�-� time is not su�iCient to pay the Escroa items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, such case Bomnwex <br />