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<br /> '" 17.Trawiter�t tlre �r a l�e�did�i Iiie�eit ii�e�er.If al!ar �ut af tbe P.s�a�perty ar iay inkiest ie k .` .
<br /> :'is sold�or t�nstm�+ad(oc it`�incerest in Ho�toweris soW ar i�st'e�ed aod�is not s cspmt pepon?.w�raYt
<br />� �, , ?e�der's piur.,wri�at cnnsent, l��nder m�y.._�t its aption, requitr iminediate paYmd�t ie full of al! sums te�vred,by N� .
<br /> Iasqumeat.However.dus aption siaft not 6e sx�c�ised by L�der if eaiadse is p�ibited,6y feder�i Vw as of the d�te
<br /> `'of tiu�ty[nsttument. `. .• . '
<br /> �. If I,eQder�xercises ti�iis uption.I.ader slnil give Bormwer natia of aocekcatioe.Tlre notice eball pmvide a period of not`
<br /> ' �Sx ttm 30 daya fi+om the date the notice is delivded or maikA wit6in whIcA Horrawer n�t p�y all sums sewted bg this.
<br /> 5avrity Imtrumen�.If Borrowe�fails Lo pay these sums priQt to the eicplration of this periad. Lerider rt�y invc�ice�ny nemadies �
<br /> . � permitoed by ttis Sopnity Insuement without further noticc ot demand on Borcower. .
<br /> � Is., ao�mwe�s �it�to Re�ntste. :f�Bomower mats ixnain aonditiaas. Bort�ower sfnil hn►e 1fie rFgbt to Iwve
<br /> 'enforotment of�hi's`Securicy Tnsuument ditcontirn�ad at�any time_prior to the cutier af (a)5 days (or�eh other period a4 °
<br /> apptic�ble!aw•maY spocifY for c�eiastnemeot) 6efar sate af tha Praperty Pn�nt�ta�ny power of sale contained in this
<br /> Securitv Inswmern;or(63 entry of a judgment enforcing tius Security Instmment:_7Uosa nonditlous.sre that Botruwer:(:?P�Ys
<br /> L,eMer ail sv�which then would be due w�der this Savrity 1ra�vment and t6e Note as if nu ao�oa had oo�atmed:�(b) •
<br /> cvrcs any defauIt of any otl�covenants or agreement5:{c)paYs all expenses incumed in ayforcing Mis Sec�uity Imuvmrnt.
<br /> intuding,but not timit+ed to.reaconabte at�omeYs�fas:and(d)taices s�ch aMion as Lmder may ta�sawbty requin to assut�e .
<br /> th�C the lien of this Security Instrua�ea[.i.ender s rigUts in the.Propetty a�xl'Borrower's o6tigation to pry the stmu securod by
<br /> this Security Jnst�urt�eat shall co�inue -urchanged. Upon t€instateasent by Botrovrrer. this Soatiiry U�stcun�t aod the •
<br /> obligations sewnd heieby shall r�eemain fully effettiv�as if na acceteration had axutred.However.this right to rcinstate si�all .
<br /> notappIy in the rase of acceleratioa uMer paragiaph 1'I.
<br /> 19. Sde oE Not� Clunge oi Loan Servicer. The �iote or a p�artial iaterest in the Nate (togdher arlth this Soa�riry
<br /> Ins�rument)may be sold ore or more ames without prior mtice w Bomnwer.A sate may resWt in a change in the entiry(kaown
<br /> . as tl�e'Loan Servicer"{that collects monthlY PaYments due under the Nate and this Sea�rity Inshument.Thece also nrnay 6e one .
<br /> or mare changes of the Loan Servicer unc�etated to a sale af the Note.If thet!e is a drange of tt�e Laan Semar,Borrower will be
<br /> � give�wriucn mtice of the cliange in xcordance with parag:apb 14 above aad applicable taw.lLe mtice w�71 state the aame atrd
<br /> . addc�ss af the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should 6e made. The nabice will also contain any other
<br /> infeiiaaation required bY apPlieable law. : .
<br /> �0; H��rdous Snbstauas. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presena.use, disposal,stor.tge.or itlease of any ,
<br /> Ha�ae�bus Su6star�ces on or in t6e Property. Borrower shall nat do, not altoa�ais}ro6e else to do.anything,affeaing the
<br /> P�iy that is in violation of�sy Eavironmental Law. The pieceding two seaten��ail not apply to the pnsence.use.or
<br /> stord�e on the Prapercy of sma}i quantities of Hazardaus Substances that ane gec�erafIy recognized ro be apprapriate to nom�al
<br /> residential uses aad�m mainter�nce of the Property. �.
<br /> $orrowe�'��romptly'give Lender written notice of any investigaucir;ciaim.demand,tawsuit os other action by any , �
<br /> govecr�tess�.¢�:�gulatory ager.cy or private party 6nvoiving the Property and any Hazardotu Substance or Environmental Iaw
<br /> of cc�i�:'�a�-er t�as actuai(mowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notifed by any govemmental or regulatoty authority,that
<br /> � any�c�cc�•a},,�rotEcer remediadon of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is nocessary.Borrower shalt prdmptly take
<br /> ali i�sary ta�radial actions in accordance with Environnuntal Law.
<br /> As used io this par�graph 2Q, "Hazardous Substances'are those substances defined as toxic or Ba�rdous substances by
<br /> ' F,nr�;+os�u�ental Iaw and the following substances: gasaline, kemsene, other flamma6fe or tosic pemaleum products, toxic
<br /> p��;'_,�es and hezbicides,volatile sotvenu,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and radioactive maCeriats:.rls used in
<br /> this ga�agraph 20. 'Environmental Law° �u federal laws and laws of the jurisi�an where the Property i's L��ted that
<br /> miate to health,safety or environmental pratection. � . �,_ .�.-.'. _
<br /> PIUN-UATIfORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Ixnder further cor-er�.and agree as follows: • �' ��� ' _
<br /> 21.Aooe�iOn;�ltemedies.L�mder sha11 give notice to Borrorie�prior to acceleratton tollo�iug Borr���c.�s`� �__
<br /> ot any cnven�anE or agreement in thts Strurity Instrument (but no¢ prSor to accelerat€on uadee�gfaragr� �'l'� �?°=
<br /> appikaMe I�w�rovides otherwise).The notice sha!!specify: (a)the default; (b)the adIon required to cc�ee t�e Q3efa�; --=_=
<br /> (c)a dat�not less than 30 dayg from the date the notice is gtven to Borrower,by�rhich the default mtcsE 6e wsed;and -
<br /> (d)tbat faiture to cum the default an or beforn the date specit3ed in the notioe may resutt in acceteratioa ol�¢!�e sums
<br /> sedrred by this SecuNty in5trument and sate oi tfie Pcoperty.The no8cc shait f'urther tnform BorrB�er of�ie•tight to
<br /> reinstate aRer xaleration and tde dgh/ta bring a court actton to acse�t the non-existence of a+c�et'aidt or any other r•:�
<br /> � defer►se of Borrower to acceteration aad sate.If the default is not cured on or betore the date +'
<br /> ����
<br /> in« not . �
<br /> Lender, at its option, msy requlre immediate p�ymeQt in fu11 ot all !,vms se�a�red by this Secusity Ti�vude�withont �-
<br /> , fact�demand and�maq invoke the power ot sale and an}other semedies permitted by applicable law.[.�s�a116e _:�
<br /> entieII�'to rnllect all expenses insurred in pursuing t8e remedies provided ln this paragraph 21,Includtng,baE a��imited �;;:
<br /> to�reason�bRe altmmeys'fi�es aa�d cosis ot titie evidence. ' ' , .,'.
<br /> If the parrc�af sale is Involced,Trastee sh911 record a notice af default in each couaty in.which any part of the
<br /> Property is lac�¢�and shall m�il copies oE such notice in the martnEr• pe�scribed by applicable Zaw to Borrower and tm _ _ -
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable law.Afte�the time require�l�y applfcable Iaw,Trustc�stta!!give pab}ic notia�e "_-
<br /> oi sate to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed Ay applicable law.Trus�tee,wlthout demand ori BoemR�r,&lwll scll �
<br /> tLe Yiroperty at puMk aocNon to the hlgbsst 6iddcr at a�e time and piace and under Ihe terms d�signated irt tl�e notice ot -- .
<br /> saYe in one or more parceis and ln any order Trustee dercrmines:7'rusKee may p�stpone sate�3t1 or any parcel ot the r •��-
<br /> �perty by puMic announcement at the tt�e and place of any previously scheduled sate. I.�r�#r or its designee may �k�-;�
<br /> pur�c h a s e t h e P roper/y�t any s a fe. '
<br /> ' �
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