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, F <br /> f- - ..,:�-=- <br /> ti � ' . _ , :.��.- <br /> <- �� --� . � ` � ' � . , <br /> � - � � . . � . .�4.�,�lp2,a9. . � . � . � r ._ � � � . . <br /> � �` �`'7±D0�1 wm[air�ti�e�ao�►or Le�eiec a+�led ae Iie�kv�eety...�t a'�wr�+i�e.ea.�p�i�en.oe..a�i� �., <br /> � �orr,os 11�fkc��t�of d� poopergr. AB.�lpi�oeme�il�.Nid �d�WiooR i�ll afau•se toradd bjr � �ea�ettx. , < <br /> � �� �iere�AU d die f�oi�'i�t�efe�rid a�i�d�Bedriey��tMe'teopacg." � ,� ` ,- � � . < <br /> � `�C1�I�LR C'�V�NXlV'13 tYt Hatawar�e lt�vl�ilyr ui�ed o't'dre e�V.'�►Y�a�avtya�ad Wt.f5t rijht 10 pa�t aitl ; . <br /> . �crn�ey dit Prapaty�ad dut tbe Prapaty is'�iomc�mba�ed.e�ccept[ar e.�cus�Eraooes of ta�ad. Dorrowet�rarr�aod�riU � . � <br />` �� deleod�aa�alEy the'tkta ta tbt Ficopectr�aimt,fll claimt aud demoda.wt�jar�t to any`eocumbr�aca of troot�d..' � <br /> � THIS SFCl1R1TY INSTRUMF.Ni'rambiees uoifam onredots far uNiood u�e aod ao�ruiufar�ooveonots�riW Us�ited , , <br /> , � vauriatiao�[y jurbdictioe to�e a uaiform security imtru�oeot ooreri�tea!pcop�ety: . � . <br /> UN�ORM C4YFNANTS.Ban�rra and I.e�der 4aremt aod ap�ee a�fdb�; : . •, _ ' <br /> , ` . 1. bXae�t i[I�Fet�l�i 6iae�i�ePy�e�t s�t La�s L'Y�e�er. Bon+nwri�Mlt P��Y�Y whm dre tre � <br /> priocip�l of and hite�est oa thc debt evidcooed by tl�e Nate and�ay p�r,payurait aud Lte cha�s due under the Nae. ' ' <br /> 2. Fai�Gr T�es ad La�earer.Subjac,�t to applicabb law or ta a.writ[a�waivar hy[.ader.Borro�ner ahdl pry 10 � <br /> " f.ender aa tbe day mooWy payments m due unde+r tl�e Nae,und7 the Nu�e u p�id ia fidl.a�uu t'Finds')tor.�a)Y��Y�� <br /> aad�nents�ifiid�mry awin priaaitq ava this.Sa�uity L�umait as s lian on tLe PiopaRy;(b)yeaij►1a�d�oid P4��� <br /> or acnund rients at tbe Propaty.if any;(c)Y�Y�b�P�y�P�;(�Y�Y fl��P�+ � <br /> if�q:te)Y�Y�S��ruioe poebiiun�. if u►y:aod t$inY�Pry�bY Bort�mver to Leoder,In s000cd�nct w�i16 <br /> tbc pmvisio�of p�t�p6 liru of the payment of mortgagc ias�ance p�e�mu�.Tlsest itm�s ate callod'Fsam�v l�t.' ,' <br /> I.ander may.�t sry ria�e.coUax�od 6oW Fands in an�aant nat w�xcad ttx masi�amount a leade�fos s feda�ally �, , <br /> trlated aang�ge loan hmy requine for Bomuwer's esomw aomuet under the fedrral Ral Fstate SaE�Pmoeduns Act of � <br /> • 19T4�s a�ended f�pm time ta time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et scq.('ItESPA�,uniess another law tt�t Applies to t6e Fundt ' <br /> sas a IGCSer amouat. If so.Leuder aay time.aollax ud held Fimds in an acnount mt W eacxd tLe les�amount. . <br /> I.eader msy atim�te the amount of Furds dne on the basis of current dxa and�te�of expaditaies of firta�e <br /> E�rro�v ium�a ot othenvjse in�e wit6 appiiable law. � <br /> 77ie Futds sfiall 6a Ndd irt an i�stituaon whose de}�osits are inwced 6y a;ederal ageacy, imtrumer�lity, a e�tity . <br /> (including I.ender.if I�ender is s�itcch an institution)a ia any Federal Home Laan Bank.L�ender stial�apply tde Fw�ds to piy tbe <br /> F.scrow Itans.La�der imy not c6arge Hormwer for holding and applying the F�is.annua[ly analyzing the escmw�+c�ouat,os <br /> . verifyi�ti�e Esccow Items,uNess I.¢nder pays Borrower Interest on tl�se Funds ard app(icable Iaw permits I ender w mal�such <br /> . �chnsg�e.However,Lender may mquira Borrnwer to pay a�one-time charge for an iMeperdent reai est�te tax iepoitiag seivioe • <br /> • osed by Lender in coanecaon with this loan, unless applicable !aw provides otherwise. LTnless aa agnamna u m�de or <br /> appl�cabte law requires interest to be paid,Leodes shall not be required to pay Borrower any intecesE or eamings on the Fw�ds. <br /> Borrow8r ard Lender may agree in writing.however,that interest sha116e paid on the Funds. Lei�der sl�all give to Borrower, , <br /> withaut charge, an annual ascounting of the Funds,showing credits a�de6its to tLe Fimds and the�rpose for whicb exh <br /> de6it to the Funds wa5 made.The Fwrds are pledged as additiaaal securiry for all s�ans secural by this Savrity Ias�umrn�� <br /> If the Funds held by Ixnder eac�eed the amounts petmitte�to 6e deld by applicable law,L�idea�shall account to Bor�awer � <br /> ' for the excess Funds ia aceordunce with.tE�.�equinentents of applicable taw. If the amount of tt�e Fi,inds held by Lender at aq►q � <br /> time is not sufficient�to pay the Fscrow�i�siv�'�►hen du��l.ender may so naify Hocrower in writisig::asid,in sueh case Hortower. <br /> �pay to I.ender the amougt�acessary to inake u�the deficiency. Bonower sT�[�;make up the deRcienry in no mo�dian <br /> tv�retve monthlY L;�der's sole discretion. • . <br /> , Upon payment in fu11 of afl sums secured by this�Securiry Instrument, 1.ender shall promptly refund�'Ca SormweC;ady; <br /> Funds held by Lender.lf.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sep the Property.LerWer,prior to the acquisition oi.�le • <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums sewre�`by <br /> this Securiry lnstrument. � � <br /> 3.Applta�tbn of Paymenfs.Untess applicable taw provides otherwise,all payments ra;eived by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 a�2 shall be a l�od:first. to an r a ment char es due under the Note: seebnd,to amounts l`�° <br /> . PP� Y P eP 9 S paYable under paragrapb 2: <br /> interest due; principal dae:and any tate chartres due ander the Note. _, <br /> 4.Clwrges;Liees.Borrower shall pay a11 taxes,assessments, c?:s,cges,�nes and impositions atuibutable to the Properiy <br /> ,.�w�'�:;ch may attain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument.and leaselx�ld daymerEts.ur ground rents. if any. Barrs�wer shall pay ' _ <br /> •;til��obligaYions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that rt�.Bomawer shall pay th�}�:,a�ime directly <br />: , �"t�the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptty fumi.rh to Lender a11 notices c�'amuunts to bc paid ut�det i�is paragraph. - <br /> If Borrawer makes these payments directly.Borrowcr shail promptly fkr;ash to[.ender receipts evidencing tlie payments. <br /> Borrower shall prompdy discharse any lien which has priority over•ahis Secvrity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> writing to the paymenl of the obligation secured by the licu in a manner accepta6le to Lendcr;(b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal praceedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforament of the leen:or(ct secures from the hnlder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien to <br /> tl�s Seeurit�r Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Prapeny is subject to a lien afuch may attain priority over:' - <br /> shis Security Iasxrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identiFyiRg the lien.Borrower shii�ift sclusfy the licn or talue one or — <br /> awne of the aCtions set forth above within 10 days of the gi�•ing nf natice. • ' <br /> �� � . Fan+30� �1l0 <br /> .. � • � v.o.I or s � — <br /> n;. - <br />' , j <br /> __ r� '� .� � ' �. •r.,` +r;y'�r+ , <br /> �7 iy� -` s�s <br /> � =y.���r.T-11YS.71•]['J:t4tir�� — '!� — <br /> _--_—_-- �::ueir',�uiw'��� ___ <br /> __ __ '_—_�-~.�i7fiY�%1:ii-i=�:�_' �_—_ . <br /> ��..,�=";.'-,�"'�,.TV.`F.'�.��.�' .:--T:-' . .. "._ _ . .�..�{,..-..,, •,�•�.•��r..v-.�-�_ ,��,.,. . <br /> _-`l�� . , . . . ' �e..�� ... .. <br /> "___ . �""i..... .... _ - . .. . . . .. . - .. .�... ?itil�iw�=.�' �.�.... � . �.. . . .a • . <br />