_ " _ _ _ ' -=�!'• �.
<br /> . . . " . . � ..t ` ��� '��� ' �. .
<br /> 7�R W1TE1�U dle mr�leoYemeaet no�1�1�+e�A�er 4[eC10d a0 IdQ plope+ty fd dl i�eela�.�ppdt10o�001�a�d .
<br /> ` '� oo�► c�I 6�eatter�prt ot d�e p�opeetY._All.repl�oa�ats �ed ad�Bo��b�U �n be qove�d bY drh SecsitY
<br /> b�trm�ait.Ai4 af t1K fa�ejoi�is e�ared b ia�Seauity tMrun�eat a�►the"A'op�tiY•` � �
<br /> _BnRitOr�rLR eovENANTS da�t eanowdr i�la�u�ly ieIsed ot the estatc naeay carveyea ana!rs ehe ri�hrto�r�t:id
<br /> . ooe�vry the Pnupaty atd t6�t tije�Pnoperty is nnaicu�nbered.exapt[or eecumbr�nca of�000�d.'Bact�r wartw��ad w�
<br /> iietend�eneral�Y the.titk to the Propaty a{�irot�ti ct�inn md dem�od�.subject ta�+�y�oE r�srd. ' '
<br /> THIS SLCUk1TY iNSTRUMEN'F combiea ur►ifam wve,n�rKs for n�uond uae and non-uniform aoven�nt�wiW ILoitai
<br /> v�riations by�aufidiction w cautitute a u0ifotln security i�ainent cavering naf propetty. . ' � �
<br /> IiMi�ORM COVO�iAI�i'j'S.Borm.�rer aid i.endtr ourea�nt 9nd�ngree�foitaw� - -
<br /> 1. liJ�redt d Pthdp�l aed I�ternt:rt+eP�f� � ��W�'i�•Borrowe,�s6#il 1�'�lY PvY �heu due t6e
<br /> priacip�t of�d intrrest�on the debt evidea�xd Iiy dx Nate�nd ae�►PnPrya�a�a�d i9te ch�ges dae und�r tbe Note. .
<br /> 2.FrMk[or Tues�ed Lw�aea.5ubjoct w applisabte Iaw or to+t wtittea waiver by i.ender,Borrower ai�il p�y W .
<br /> I�der on tde day monthly paymmts u�e dae nnkr the Note.wuii the Note is p�wid in fidl.a s�("F�ls')for:(a)yady tutat
<br /> aod u�neats whkh nny�in pdority over this Secariry Insaumeat as a Uen on the ProQatY:(b}YeuiY tesadald P�Y�
<br /> a gmund teots on d�e P�upesty,if any:(c>Yar1Y t�d ar pcopeRy insurance pnmiams:(d)Yeuty ttood iat�usiac�pnmiums.
<br /> if any:(e)YeulY mortgage inuuanoe premiu�,if any:aad(�anY�P�Yabk by Borrower w I.adec.in aceordma with
<br /> the provisions of patagraph S,in lien of the paymeat of mortgage insuranoe pnemi�.'f6rse items ar�ralted"Escm�Iums-"
<br /> I.ender tnay, at u►y time.oollect aad hold Funds in aa atuount mt w exaod the maa�amoant a Iender far a fodetaIIy
<br /> tdate�mortgage loan may�requue for Bonuwer's escrow aernaM nc�r tbe federdt Reat Estate SeNa�ent Promdmes Act of
<br /> 19T4 as amendod from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 260]et s�q. ("RESPA'),anle.�s aoother taw d�at�pplies to tbe Fands
<br /> �ets a 1ess�amang.If so.I,ender may.at aiay time,collcct aad 6otd Fmds ut an amomat t�ot to ex000d tlre lesser amoua�
<br /> I�endei t�y estimate d�e amamt of Fands due on the basis af cument dam and trasoaable�es of eapendituces of future
<br /> ,. .: •.,
<br /> Escvov�T�,�ts or otlKrvvise ut aoaoManoe�vith 9ppliwble l�w. -� --. ��'-%�
<br /> _ '���hds s6a11 be hetd in an imtitation wlwse deposits are insured bjr a federaL���cY. �it3',:���Y +`.,`
<br /> - (inc[u�n��ti�nder.if I.eader is sacD am.iastimdan)or in arry Foderal Home Loaa Sanlc.Lti�le�s'�all appiy t�Furids t��Y thie
<br /> Fsc�+ncv�is.Lender may not cha�e�orrower far holding and applying the Fu�s,azm�7:�natY�ng tIre esci(ivc+'a�gd�or . ;:,.:
<br /> verifying tue Escrow Items.unless I.en�ler pays Bo�naer interest on the'Funds and applicabie�taw perr�its`;LeAder tcj maYe'such ;=:�:'�".:=,.':.,
<br /> �.:-..
<br /> . a cfiarge.Nowever.I.eader may reqtiire Borrowei to pay a ane-time charge for an iadependent r�al e�t�.iaa t+e�arpng�sei�►iq�;t�_;�:'_;;'r;':�°:
<br /> �,,� ased by I.ender in connection with this laan, unleSs applicable law pmvides ottterwise::Unless an;a�eeinent..�!'�u"u"ade,a'r�:;.r:;'`:_:.;:::.
<br /> . appllcabte Iaw requir�s intetGSt to be paid,Ixnder sGall not be:t�+quired to pay B¢rrower any irctcrest o��amings og;tUe Fyuds;:;,.,,�`;��:,
<br /> Borrower and LeMer may agree in writing.however,that inieresc shall be paid on the Funds:Leader'shaU%giv�to:Bor�+4w�r:`:�.:;;.�::;:�.
<br /> . ;,.'withont chacge.an annual accounting of the Funds,showing cr�ts and debits;to th��s and the.pu�tse for w�icli eacU�:�;:,;:,',:
<br /> =` debit to!he Fwds was inade.The Funds are pledged aK additional'spcurity,fa�•all sumc secured hy this Secudty Instwnent. •
<br /> - " If�e Funds held by Lendei exceeA the amaunts petmihed to be held bq'applicabte law,Lender shail accour�t to Botrower
<br /> for the.ezcess Funds in accocdance witb the reqniicments of applicabte law.If thc artbunt of the Funds t�eld by Lender at any
<br /> time is not sufficient w pay the LscrQw Ieecns when due.I.ender tnay so notify Borroaer in writing.and.in sach case Borrower
<br />'. sirall pay to Ixader the amount necessary to mafce up t6e deficiency. Borrower shal!make up the deficiency in no more thaa
<br /> twelve moathly paymenu.at Lender s sole discs+etion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security instrument. Lender shall promptty refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or se11 the Property.Lendcr,prior to the�quisition or sale �
<br /> of the Property.shall appty any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisitian or satc as a credit against the sums securod by
<br /> this Securiry Tnstrument.
<br /> 3.ApplicaHon of Pnymeats.Unless applicable law pmvides othenvise.a11 payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shatl be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due urxier the Natc: scrond,to amaunts payable under patagraph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due:foueh.to principal due:and last.ta any late charges due under the Note.
<br />. 4.Ch��ge.s;Lier�.Bnrrawer shall pay aU taaes:assessments,charges, fines and impasitians amibutable to the Property
<br /> whic(s�ay attain pdority over this Security Instrumenl,and leaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shal)pay
<br /> ; these ds3igations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy
<br /> to t���es�on owed payment.Borrower sha14 promptly fumish to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> � Lff T�,Tc!^�-�zr makes these payments direstly.Borrower shait promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> �1�:.�tawet shall promptty discharge any lien which hati priority rner this SeCUrity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrces in
<br /> .' �.Vcsitec�ta the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie to I.Cnder,(b)contests in goad faitb the lien
<br /> � , by. or u"i:t'ends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proreedings which in thc l.ender's apinian opert�tte to preveN the
<br /> ; enfdr�:nt of the lien:ar(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreemem satisfactory to l.ender subordinating tAe tien to
<br /> j th9s'S�siy lnstrument.lf Lender detemtines thai any part of tre Property is snbject t�a lien which tnay attain pria�i�tg�.over
<br /> this�eaa��ty Instrument,�ender r,rw:+���ive Bormwer a notice E���..y�fying the fien.Borro�ver shall�atisfy thc lien or taitc cne or
<br /> • more a�t1�actions set forth aba����tiu?:in 10 day�oF the givi^c c�``,-:otice. .
<br /> � . ' , � Farm 302a �I90 . ,
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