. , .. � 4. . . _
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<br /> ,. , .: .�`�'.r��t�rr..ea laeiu�r�Mw r.,;d�.i�tiow a�ae��a�a�A�r�.new s.� .
<br /> �. �y,yi��,b�i�t �o�s�D�r tihe,�ieci�rded�rir`ilbia�l�e�atii aneided av±�er�e�aed aay clher L�onia i�cidi�t � ,
<br /> ' :}loo�`or fiaodi�.to�wMch l.ender rppires�noe.Tl�i ii�rcance�hll�e.tn�ir�nieed id t6e�wno�de'aed tor tie��od�<. �.
<br /> .' t(�t l.eede��q�+e�..'if+e ineru�aee c�riier Prn'�'�die��he iewr�oe�It.be cho�n bY Horro�"a sbblat t°l.ende�'�appravat .
<br /> ahict�.drU not be ua�ra�a�b1Y�vithheld.If 8��f�il►ta m�iatain oove,,Fa�e`dacn'bed�bove.Laides miq►.�t t�ender's �
<br /> q�tino.ebtaio oo�reta�e to ptetpx I�ender'�ri�Ats ia tt�e Piope�t�ln a000r�nce with pes�aph 7• . . .
<br /> ' /�U inanm pdic�iea aod e�eoavais sArll be scaeptable to Let�da�!�11 inctude a st�ada�d mott�qe clau�. Laider .
<br /> . �1dE i�tve tlert=ht t4 boid tl�e poticie�aa�t t�me�rals.If Ltedet rt�lees+�o�mr�a al�l1 poompd�r aive:m l�et aR reca�b of '
<br /> P+�P��and renewid notip�.ia t6e eveet of kras.Bormwer sh�U pve,poa�pc noaoe m We i�uraaoe carrier�md L'ader.
<br /> � i.eader may m�f.e proot oi loss if not`u�de Rvm�t1Y M►Bo�n�.
<br /> � , Unkss Lader aM Botmwa dh�e ap'ee ia M'itinE,insuraooe procads s1�116e applied to ratotatioit ar repir of the
<br /> � �Y�6�.if t6t:t�uoc�tioa nr np�ir ir�eooaumitxIIy fasi6k aed tsude:'s security is mt kueoed.If t6e rdtoatinn oc
<br /> [epir is aot a�oaomic+lly fe�ibk or LRndec's savrity wraukt�De ksstoed,t6e iawdaoe prnoeeds slmU t�e�pplied ta tLe a�ms
<br /> sewwred 67► t6i�Secarit! Irrwm�at;w�l�hec oc mR 1Mt d�re.wid�aa!►oxcas Paid to Borio�ra. If Boimwa a�odons the� .
<br /> Pmpety.,or doea aot a�swer Mit6in 30 daya a mtkt f�um Leader tlut tLe inwrmce curier 6as offee�ed w sdtle s daim.d�n ,
<br /> I.dda may colbct tbe ias�tr�ooe prooeeds: Ltader miY.use ihe pE+ooeeds in repair or rrstore the Pmpt�ty or to�P�Y �
<br /> secv�ed Aq tbis saau;ty rn�uma�t,wtxtber or aoc d�o aoe.T5e 3o-uay perioa vP;u b�ia wben t1x nudce is giv�n.
<br /> Udess l.aderao�Bormwrer ott�etwls�9g�ae m w�inn&�Y �PP�icatiot�of proceeds to princip�! s�ali uot ea�tmd os
<br /> postpone ttie doe d�te of the monthiy payments nfemd w,in p�apbs 1 and 2 or cl�ange the�awunt of tbe payme�s.If
<br /> nnder pangr�ph 21 the Prpgecty is acquired 6Y t�d�,HoROwds rig6t to any iosur�noe polic{es aod p�roceods t+esulting fmm
<br /> ' d�nsge to the PraQercy prior w tbe acqui��idon sWll pas to Lender to tbe e�rnt of t6�e snn�s secared by this Se�uity L�tnupatit
<br /> umradi�tdy prior to thc a�tioo. •
<br /> . i.Ooe�e9.Ptrsawatio�,M�taa�oe a�d Ytutati�oa oEti�e Ptapaty;8oeruwds I�ou Applia�dos:La�old�s.
<br /> '. Bm'owtr si�ll occuPY.Gspblisb,and use tlie 1'toperty�s Barower's priacipal�esidmoe within sixty days after tlu e�terutioo'of s
<br /> this Sautity Inshu�trcnc ud.sh�ll a�e to oocapy the Ptuperty as Bormwer's principat restide�for at Inst oae ywr after
<br /> t6e date of oa�upancy.untess Lendec othelwise agn�s in writing,whic�consent shall not 6e untrasonabty withheld.or wilest
<br /> • eatoowtn►g cinawutances exist whicb ate Ueyond Borro�rer'a oonuo�. Born�weF shaU not destmy, dsc�na8e ur impair t6e. �
<br /> Property, allow tme Pmperty to deteriorate, or oommit waue an the Pioperty. Botmwer sha11`1x in default if any forfeiture,, �
<br /> �acdan or proaeding,wt�ether civil or�rimir�al,is began t6�t in 1-ender s good faith judgmnt could►�esWt in fodeitti:e of tTse . �
<br /> pmpe�ty or o�ise materially impair the lien created by this SocuritY I�uument or I.cader's se�urity interest.Bormwer may
<br /> cace such a defa�l,�and ieinstate,as pruvidod in paragraph 18,by causing d�e action or p�vcceding w 6e dismissod wit6 a.tuling .
<br /> • �. in Lender's goad f�:�tecminatiun, ptectudes fozfeihue of the Borrower's inte�rst in,the Pmperty or other maurial' '
<br /> ia�ent of the lien crr���y this Secusity In.ssiam�or Lender's securitY�°rest. Borrow'er sitall also be in default if
<br /> ' &�rnwer,during the loan a�:i�iion pcaQes.s.:gave m�ially fatse or inac�airate�ation or statements to Leuder(or failod
<br /> fd pr+ovide LeMet with any materia!informatian?���on with the loan eviden.,�t by the Note.including,but not limited -
<br /> to,npee.sentations conoern�ag 86trower S occu�aa�cy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instramem is on� ._
<br /> leaset�old, Borrower shall iva�pl}r aith aii the provisions of the tease. If Borra��acquires fee ritle to the Property.the ^
<br /> le�acelald and the fce title sh;,k!aot merge unless l.ender agrees to the merger in writi�g. _
<br /> �.�totatlon o!I.ender's RigHts in the PropeAy.If Boaower fails to perfo*m the novenanu and agreeinents containod in �
<br /> this Sa�urity Instrument,or there is a legat proceeding that may significantiy affect Lender's rights in ihe Property(such as a �
<br /> proaoafing in bankruptcy.probate,for wndemnation or forFeiture or to e�force laws or regulations),then Lender may do azd �
<br /> pay for wl�atever is necessary to pmtect the vatue of the PropeRy and L'ender s rights in the Property.1..ender's actions may �
<br /> indude paying any sums secured by a licn which has priority over this Sec�:.*ity Instzurnent, appearing in court. payir.g j�•,
<br /> rps�nabte attomeys'fees and�.:�ng on the Praperty to maice repaiis.Althongh I.ender may take action under¢.his paragraph i`.;
<br /> 7,Lender doe5 not have to do so. • '
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by•Ixnd.r under this paragraph 7 sha11 beoome additional debt of Borrower secured by tt� �
<br /> Socurity Instroment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to oiher terms of paymcna,these amounts shall bear interest from tE� .
<br /> date of disbursement at the hote tate and shap be payable. with interest, upocn notice from Lender to Boirrower reqnes[ing
<br /> PaYment.
<br /> 8.Mortg�e It�sur�aoe.If l.ender.reqvired mortgage insurance as a condition of maicing the loan secured by this Sea�rit�
<br /> Instiument,Borrower slralj pay the p:emia.'ns required to maintain the mortgagc insurar�c�e in effect. if. for any reason.tt�e
<br /> mortgage insuranoe co�'erag required by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required ev
<br />— o6tain ooverage substantiatiy equivalen[to the mortgage insuranoe previousty in effect.at a wst substantially equivalent to the � ;
<br /> oost to Borrower of the mo�ar�.�:ins�iranaz previous�y in effect. from an altema�mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If i:.:
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insaranoa coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> ono-twelfth of Ihe yearly mortgage insuran�e premium being paid b}r Bornower when the insurance coverage tapsed or ceasod to
<br /> be in effect.Lender will aocept.use and retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reseive
<br /> ' fam 30Z8 9r90 }
<br /> Pap�3 ot 8
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