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<br /> , . .. ...:. -.. . �_. .- . .. - . „ _ ._ -. : -- - -- _.. --_ - — .�_ . -
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<br /> :- -. :°' `'!'�(�'!i��V�'H��i�'�w�4 aow bt lrendl�r a�a�id or tl�t.p�o�pe�ety.'a�a��iirs.�!l�tMw��w.wi` �_ - , =
<br /> ` .�d�es�o�r pr�se�lee;.a,g�et oF ite wapi�. Alt i¢oi�ei�s ad adi'�ia�.i�t +A1�Q La aa�ei�i 1r! iia sib'ieih►� ,
<br /> , � ` � i��e�c.Afl d�ie fo�a ja��S�efan�d to.i��is�earitY Y�ea�ei�t�the"Pea�e�ty.�� ' � ' � ,� ,
<br /> � �[IR�Q�IIBR�iAti7'S$�rt Aae�r�er ii f�wliiry�d d�e eap�l�e�e+b�t aoa��ed a�it lil��a ti�c 1�p�E�ti ` ; .
<br /> � ,cc�ey tre`.te�opaf,�rrd tE�tbe Pm�peety is,u�obared•�xoegt.fos ar�ati of reooed:Baio+�er�rare�Mf�aid� �.
<br /> aareaa�eier�t�wa t�C b t�e`Y'e+o�eity a�iait aln cl�imr�na aarioa.,��o ag►ee�mb�oo�of r�eoor�6: � :
<br /> THiS 3EC[JRifY 1NS'fRUINffi�l'P c+om�i�s miifam oovto�att�tar dtioaY�be aod non-ueifarm ooMbMnts witb� ,
<br /> ' a ao�ifocm �oovai��ai p�oP�Y• �
<br /> variitioa�tiy jnef�on a ooe�ti�bale. seeWit�r � �
<br />_ : ,• - ;_ Ul�tIPORM�V'ENAI�1�-HoQaver ncf Laider:ouve�al�oda�Cee as fdlo�rs: , .
<br /> . l.�lq,�sc.r rtt.eyw�w I�ee+aR;As�t.a�,�C�Bcrio.re��u P�i�a�t[y PtY �i�e� , .
<br /> piriocip�t.of�od inoete,�t on tae debt ev.idenoed 1�!►tbe Na�e�rtd my prepaSnaenc�od l�a cli�es due'uocler 8ie NTooe. s '
<br /> • 2.F■�i fir 1'a�ad Iirr�ra�oa Subjxt W applicabk IaM or to a�viittea waiva by Leader,HormMer abalt pay w
<br /> ` Leakr at die di0►mood�l�Aryaieats are dne uada�tb�Na�e,�mtii the Nde is p�id in fi�l,s wa�('Fand��)fa:(i)Y�T�
<br /> �od�a�ssme�s w6ic6 mty auain ptiodtY over this�Socarity�tnnnmt as a liea on the Propacty;db)y�Y'1�P�Y�
<br /> oE poand radis an 15e Pic�opaty,if�nyr:(c?Yady.hazud a p:opaty i�nce p�rsmums;(d)YattY ttc�d i�'r�ooe P�� .-
<br /> � �'�Y;tH�Y'�i�oe pir,miums,if aay;md(fl amY su�PRYabk by-HnrmiNer w I�,s�der,in a000�danoe w�h.
<br /> tbe powisioat of p�grap�S.in iieu uf the paytnent of naortg�iasara�ioe pranivar�.'I'txse itetns aYe ailod'Ficro�►Itams.'
<br /> �t,pder mayr,aE my time,�vlkct sod 1�1d Fuads in.an�mamt auE to euxed the mu�wuu��a lmder for a fedaally .
<br /> ��E�•���N�for Sonnwer's��wpef the faderal Rad Fstate Setdemeot Prooedures Ad of
<br /> i9'14 as awaidoa fiem time to time, 12 t1.S.C.SedGo�s`��GO�'ss seq f"RESPA"),nnkss anot6er Itw dac applies to ti�e Funds �
<br /> sets a ksser.amount.If so.I.�ender mry.ffi airy tnme;�co�'�.�oW Funds in an amouni mt to exoeed ide Iester amou�.
<br /> La�dec may:dtim�te tLe�mwnt of�nnds due on the i�sis af i�ii�nt daq�ud re�ionai�le estimttes of expenditures of fupu+e
<br /> . F.scta�v Iloas or o�awisc.in�c�ooid�noe lyith�pplic�ble la9v. ` � �
<br /> 1'he Fratds=:�tii�:•be lkld in an iastitutioa wvose deposits ace i�und tiy s fate�l yene.y, intuuma�tality, or eotity .
<br /> C��S�.��r is sac�an imtiwtion)or ia�ny Federal Home I�►Bank.L�eeder sL�ll apply tbe Fwich to pry d�e ,:':
<br /> Eacnow Itatis.I,ender may 1�charge Homnwer for holdia$and aPMY�B the Fwids,annnally amlyzinE tbe esc�uw soc�ant.or .
<br /> vaifying ibe Fscrow Items,nntess Lender'paYs Bormwer inte�on the Fimds aad applicable taw permits Lencier to m�te sucb
<br /> a charge.However.i�ender may�requi�e Hormwer tn pay a a�t�chuge for an independent real estate tax nportir�:�:cvice.
<br /> used by Leader in connoction with tLis loan. ualess applicabla law providfs otherwise: Unless atl ag�oanent is s�da or
<br /> � applicable hw nequires inttr�est to be p�id,I.ender sl�all nW.be roqaired to�ay'Borrower any iMere.st or'ear�sgs o�t ti�e.�uods. .
<br /> Boaower aad I.ender may agroe in writiag,however.that intecest shail bc paid on tl�e Ftuxis:La�der shall Sive t�Ba�tower.
<br /> without ctiarge,an ann�al accaundng of the Funds;showing credits and debits w the FuMs and the purpose for��'exh
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.T!u Funds�re platged as additional security fer al!sums saund by tl�is Sxurity Inmarn�art:'.
<br /> If the Funds held by L�ender ezcxed the amounts pemritted to be hetd Q�y��licable law,Le�des shall aa�ount to Bormwer
<br /> for the exass Funds in accordan�ce with the requi�nenu of applicable taw.;ff€�e aawunt of the Fi�nds Ixld hy Leider at any .
<br /> 3ime is aot sniScient to pay the Escrow Items whea d�ae.I.ender may so notif}r`Borrower in ariting,and,in such c�se Bormwa ,
<br /> sball pay to i.ender the amouat necessary to make ap the defiaency.Bortower sball make up the deficierky in no more than '
<br /> twelve�th1Y payments.at Lender's sole discretiaa. ' :
<br /> Upon payment in full of all swns secured�}��s Securiry Instrument. I.ender shall pmmptly ref�nd to Boriower any
<br /> I FuncLs hetd by L.ender.If.under paragraph 21,l.c:��'��iall acquire or sell the Prapeity,Lender�pcior to a�ae acquisition or sale _
<br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lendec at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the s�ms seaared by
<br />. this Soae�sjr lnsuument.
<br />- 3.Ap�lication of Ynyments.lJnless applicable law provides atherwise,all payments receivod by Lender ander p.,.�rapf�s
<br />; ' 1 and 2 s�aU be applied:first. to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to atnoimts payable under paragraph 2:
<br />' thicd,to interest due:�'aunh,to principal due:and last,to any lafe charges dee ander the Nate.
<br />� 4.Ch�ges;Ueris.Borrower shall pay aU taxes. ass�sments,charges,�ines and impositions atiributable w the Property
<br />� w�1ch aray attain prioriry over this Securiry Instrument.and leacehotd payments or ground rents, if arry.•Banower shall pay
<br /> t�xse c���;ations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nor.paid in that manner.Borrower shal!pay them on dme directly
<br />! ¢otise�crson owed paymenl.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this peragraph. .
<br /> i 'tf Botcower makes these paymen��directly.Bonower shall promptly fumish ta l.ender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br />� gorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry instrument untess Bortower:(a)agroes in
<br /> i wti6irg�o the payment of tfie obligatinn Secured by the lien in a manner accep�able to Lender.(b)contests in gaad faith the lien
<br /> i by. o��t'ends against enforcement of the lien in. legal prcecedings which in the L.ender s opinion operate to prcrent the
<br />� enfor��t of the lien:or(c)�xures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactoryr to I.ender subordinapng t6e tien to
<br />; �is Se�.�rity Insttu:ne*�t. If I.ender determines that any part of the Propert}• ds subject t�i a 1lcn which may attain priority over
<br /> i � �s Se�rity Instn.�*n�nt.Lender may give Borrower a notice id.ntifying the�ien. &�rrawer shall satisfy the lien or take one or �
<br />' c�C�'��e actions set forth above within 10 days of the givir�ef noticc. '
<br /> , . Fann 302A �AO
<br /> Aaa+s o�e ' '
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