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' . ` : �.,- <br /> _.t-.�,, ` - ' -. <br /> _ � , :2.- .?�- _. <br />.- - --_-_ 5 . —_—_ __ __ -- _ -__' - __ _'-_ ' _...,_.!_,�.—_T—' . ..— <br /> .. . __ .. _ _ _.__,`_ .'_.;.. __ .. -_- ' - � �� � , ` . <br /> .� ���6�bC tOQ�O�.�d1C`7•""•Of I.�[s lf dlOtfp/C��NR'�QO OOM1IE[//Q�111 ihGi�C10��1i1�OR�IE pE�lOd, , <br /> ��Z.E'Odli 1ltrl[Ci�����������n 6EC0�!/tY�ll�T!��f C6f�O0d.�0[1O��t� • `.: <br /> � " . 1�E Q[C�m ieQll'1f0�b 1�IIIA�111111110�f j�C 3�1lt�Ct!A l�EC[s 6[10 Q[OY�dC a{Oii(L'�lNEr Llltil d1E i0Qltli+lf�CO[�mOl�j�. , . <br /> inwranoe ea�s in acaxdn�oe'rridi any writtm s,peanat betwem Boeo+i�er md[.erider or iipplicabie lnr: � � <br /> .l.,Ii�eetM�.Leader ar its a�eat may mY��afaaWe ea�ies�on�od.inpectiaa of the ProQe�ty.l,eader�Il pva <br /> �� � Hocrower notiae�t t6e time of or p�ior tQ an i�pCdioo specityi�re�soo�bk c�usn fort6e impectioa. . ,` � , <br /> � � i�.Ce�e�ir�daf. 7L�peoceeds of any awud or claim far dam�es.di�ect oc cameqna�ti�l� in caonaection witL any <br /> wademmtiae or dher WEing of aay p�ct of tlie pmpezty.or for ooavrymce_in lieu of oonde�noatioe,are hee�eby aui�apd aod <br /> � shdt iie piid L�inider. - � ; � � : � - : . <br /> 7n�c eve�of a tahl hiung of tbe.Prnpe�ty;the�xooeods ah�l!be�pplied w tLe s�ms aecunod by t6is Savrity Ins�umwt. <br /> Mhaher or not tl�en do�,w�th�nY eacoess paid m Borrower.In tLe evat of s puti�t t�lcing oF tha PropertY iu wdich the hir , <br /> � �a�et value of the Prapesty immediatdy 6efoie We t�ing is aNa{to or gcata tl�n ttba amount of the�sav�ad by tt�11s <br /> � Soquity instrumeot immedi�y befoie the taldng.�tnkss Bormwu aed f�ender otifaw�lse�ee in wndng,tUe su�secaied bY <br /> d�is.Sdcrmty Inwumea sLall be redaad by tbe amouat of tha p�viceeds muldpUed 6y tlie following ftaction: (a);6e tonl <br /> ��no�uot of tbe samc saarod immediately�befate d�e talcing,divided 6y(b)the fiir market value of tUe Ptupetty immedi�dy <br /> . 6efon ttie t�ltiasr M�t ba�Imoe shtll 6e paid w Borrower. In il�e eveat of a putW taking of the P�upaty in which tLe f�ur <br /> muket vatoc of the P�c+aperty immedia�ely befone the talvag u le�tban the amount of the sun�s�ecumd imnaiodi�tdY befo�e tGt <br /> t�ng,unless Borrower aM Itnder othen�ri.s�agcee in writing or uWess applicabte law othefvvise Pi'ovide9•tLe ptooeods sd�ll <br /> be�ied W the sums sxared by this Sauritp Ia�t wl�dber or not ttie s�uns ate thea dae. . • <br /> � : If tl�e P�ope�ty is abandonod by Borrower,or if,afteriatice by Lender w Hunuwer that the condemtwr offsrs to malca an <br /> ,`�:�aa��d or seuie a clzim for damag�s, BorroMer faits m cespond to I.eader withim 30 days after the date the iwtice is g�vve.n, <br /> �>�fi�a�er is�r�,r:�ed to oollxt and applY the Proaeds,at its option.eitlxr to restoration or rqaaii of the Pmpe►ty ar to th�sums . <br /> . %<< -.�::• . <br /> � • . �ed bY:�s.�bcurity Insuumeat,whether or not then due. • . <br /> ' d: Untess Lender aid Bormwer othenivise aa�nroe in writing,any.appli�tioa of pi+noeeds to principal shall nat extcad or . <br /> _ �.�ps�an�tTu dde date of tt�e montlilY PaYmrnts nefernd to in paragr�phs 1 and 2 or change t1u amom�of such paym�u. <br /> 11.Bore+n�r�Nut Itdea�ed;Forbauhuue By I.ender Not a W�iver.Eatension of tlne tiwne for payment or modifiqdon <br /> `:':�i�auwctization of the sums secured by this Secudry Instcument grantod by Ixnder to any successor in intenst of Borrower sf�all • <br /> ; ` oot operate to release the P�ability of the 6rR;�pa1 Borrower or Bortnwer's sucassors h�inteiest.Lender sha11 not be required to <br /> oommence procadings against any sucxs�r in interest or cefuse to eatend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizatioa <br /> of the snms sewred by this Security�*Ertyent 6y reason of apy demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> a�ccessors in imerest.�Any forbearance�s�Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shall nat be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of auy right or remody. •� ' � <br /> 12. S000tes5o�s and_�sFgn�B4�.laiat and Several Liability,Co-�gne�s. The covenants �crd agreemems of this <br /> Security ln�:tvur.v,'nt s�iall bind and tie��.it:�:�succ�e.ssors and assbg�s of I.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions af <br /> �. patagr�ph 1?:�orrower's covenarts ar�°,�ments s'salt be jonR�..�d several_ Any Borrower who co-signs this Sec�i'�r <br /> �i.iswrrtent 6ut does not execute the Noi�:'#;ak 4s co��+*�.�this 3ecnrity Ins�tru�m onty to�mortgage,grant aisd corrvey that F <br />- �B"orrower's.interest in the Froperty under x.�tetms c�£u:�Securiry-Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated w pay the sums <br /> secur�ed by this 5ecurity Inswment;and Qc>agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agme to extend,modify,forbear or =_ <br /> make any acoc��c+.-nodations with regard�to�;-u terms of this Secudty Instn�ment or the Note without that Borrower's consent. - <br /> 13.Losu Cl�arges. If the�loan sec�,:r�by this Security instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges. �.. <br /> and that law is finaUy inter�r,.aed so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collecte�t in connection with the R <br /> toan exceed the permitted�en:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge - <br /> ro the permitted limit;uid(b)any sums already c�llested from Borrower which excercfect permitted limits will be refunded to -- <br /> Borrower. l.ender may'choose to make this refund by reducing t��e��-�ncipal owed under the Note or by malcing a dir��� _ <br /> paymeat to Baaawer. lf a refund reduces principal, the reductian will be treated ac a partial piepayment without a�y � <br /> � prepayment charge under the Note. � <br /> •14.Notk�es.Any notice to Borrawer pravided for in this Security Instrument sbaU be given by dellvertng tt or by mailing ;; <br /> ' �by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The natice shall be dircctod to the Pnmperty Address = <br /> or any other address Bosrower designates,by notice ta I.ender. An}noticc to I.ender shall be};iven by fitst class mail to =_ <br /> Lender's address stated hcrein or any other address Lcnder designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided For in this �£ <br /> Security Inswment shall be deemed to have been given to Borcower or Lender when given as ptovided in tt�is paragraph. ' <br /> I5.Governing law; �everability. This Security Instrument shall be gc���emed by federal law and �he law of the • __ <br /> jarisdiction i» which the��nerty is located. ln the eMent that any prrnision ar c9ause of this Security lnstrument or the Note _. <br /> eonfliets wit�'a��plieable taw,such conflict shall not affect other pto�•i�ions of this Security lnstrument or the Nate which c�r:{re 6_: <br /> given eff��izi�nut the conflicting provision. To this end the provn,��.�s of'ihis Security Instrument and the Nate are d��,� _ <br /> . �. <br /> to be severahP�. , - <br /> ;,� ;.. lf.Borrorrer's CopY.Borrower shall be given QRe conformed copy of the Nate and of this Security lnstrument. <br />