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�_F�`. . -k'` e � ' . ' __ <br />_ -� , i .. .. � _._ <br /> . . <br /> ��" ''' _.w..a-..r�"_.'__ _ •. .. <br />. .."}�" ' _ .. _.-. _ _—.. . <br /> ��[ . _ ..,. -�_ �r --� u - _'---c- • " ' — ' "• - -- — . , . _. � . f .�-_. -._�_ , ',.' <br /> � -. - �. �, � - � -. : � ��` � ` � - � .. � `� �. � �4-���'�'� � �;' � � . <br /> - . . +����►�r ra�>���`��+y���n►a�.or we.caa�.e�`s���s <br /> seaK;�y ba�ewnmt;a cb}a�cr at�j�dp�aeo�eAradn`�rMis secrrity,�t.:�rMo.e ooeeitiom ane na[ia�o.►er: t•? _ <br /> - - pays I.ender d1 3uan�fiid�tl�es wouid be due mida d�is 5awrity L�nntat an� the Nole i�it no�:� <br /> • � obc�ed:tb)cura aoy defauh dinY ad�a oovemats a yrept�en�s:tc)PaYs vl expeme's'inc�ned in aJa�einj d�Sacurityr. <br /> , . Inssnunmt�iecludu►�.but�not�tanitod t�a�e�son�Ek attarneYs�f aad(�takes wch actian as L,ender saY ieatoo�bC�` <br /> , tequite to issw�e tl�at the lien of 11�Security Insonm�a�t,L�esder��ts in die Propeety aed Bdnowa�s ob�iption to pa�r tbe _ <br /> � aan+ secu�dby dus Secwity Iastr�nent :lull�can�rwe ua�fi�o�ed- llpm �a�ana� bY Barmwe�.�s �Y <br /> - 1�auma�t md t�e obli�sxueM ba�eb�r sfiall�in fuliy eff'ac6ve as if ue aooekatien i�ad oc+cumed. Huwera,thit <br /> ci�t to ieinst.�e shw nec,�qy in ti�e case of ac«taation undes p�ryrap�t9. . - , . � <br /> .i!Safe a[Nol�CY�e sf!,�5ervicer. 7Ae Na�e a a patial wtaest in i6e Nae(eo�tber with Ws Socueitlr . . <br /> tes�nna�t)n�y ba�otd ane a mone tinks rrithont.pciar mtioe to.Borr�ow�er. A s�le n►sy rCwit�n s ch�n:e�in the aa�ty_ <br /> (icnown ss tbe"Laan Servicer"�ib�t eolkds month3Y P�Y�i due uncler We Nae aad tbis Seeiuiry Jnstrumeat• Then ilso <br /> q�ay be ane.or ma�chataes of dit l,o�t Ssrvicer mrel�ted 10 a s�l�of tht No�e. If tbete is a chm�e of the Ldo Sa'vke� <br /> � B�awet w�l be pva�wripeo trodce of the dange in atcaduice�rjth p�a¢rapli 14 above apd appGcabk laM_ '!'�e notica ; <br /> w�l state�tbe tame�nd add�cas�uf the new I.o�n Servkar�d th��ddress to wtuch{�y�neats shouid be m�de. Thc notice w�l <br /> vsa�onaiie aay etherinfotn�ior►nequired bY applicable law ' . <br /> 20. Harardoas Sa6sts�ca. Bamwer shaU uot canse a pe�mit the pKSenee.�,dispas�l.uas+EG or rtless�of�ay <br /> }Iazadous Subswices on a in the Pmperiy. Barawer s1uiU twt do,nor allow anyooe else to d�.anything affecting the <br /> Pimperty tb�t is in violuion of�uty Eavim��ental Law. The p�ina two seataiees st�ait not sppty to the p�e.seac�usG or <br /> � star�ge on th�Ptopaty of amall qausities of Hwirdoas Substances tt�st uz gmetally�iud w be app�opciate to nam� <br /> residata�l uses and w ma�nuaance of the Property. ` ' <br /> . Bosrowa shaA pmmptlY Sive l.ender written aotix of uiy invesdguion,cl�i�m,dNn�nd.Iswwit or odfa ac[ion bY�Y <br /> aoveminental ar tegol�[ory agenry or privua party involving the Pc�openy antt any Hwrdous Snbstance or Favim�ental , <br /> Law"of wtuch Bocrower hu a�.�twl Irnawledge. If Bormwer lwns.or is naified bY �Y 8ovemmerual a ragulatay <br /> authority.that a�ry rtmoval or o[lier remediation of airy HazuBous Subspmce affecting thr Propeny is necess�sy.Burrower <br /> ahail promptly takt all necessuy reraodial xtians in accordanee with Enviro�uaont�Law. <br /> � As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"ue thase substances defined as toaic or ha�dous subsqoces hy <br /> Fnvironmental and thc followiag substances: gasoline,kerosene.oth¢r ftammabk or touc petrokum pnoducts,toxic <br /> pesticides and herbiades.volatilc solveuts,materials containing asbestos or fonnaldehyde.and radio�ctive m�terials.� As <br /> � used m this puagraPh 24"Envimnmental Law"�fedenl laws and Taws of the jurisdictirns where the Pruperty is locatod _, <br /> - . that relate to t�alth.safecy or environmental protecdon. . : <br /> NON-UNIFORM COYE[�ANTS_ Boirower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: � <br /> 2L Acaleration:Remedies. Lender s1�U gi�ve notiae to Borrower prior to ac�N�atioa fdbw�Borroirer� <br /> .�.— bre�ch ot anc co�enant or agreemeet in this Securitc Iastrument(but not prior to accekntioo under psrap�apM 17 <br />-y--� unkss applicable la�Provides otlurwLse). T6e notke shall specNy: ls)the detswit;(b)the action reqnjred tu cure tbe <br /> ----- defiutt;Ic)a date.not kss than 30 dsys from tbe d�te the notice is given to w6ich tlie defs�it�nt be . <br /> ,;��� cured;aad Idl that fa7ure to curc the detaait on ae'�e[ore the datt specifxd i�t t�e notice maY r�an in�caleratio�d <br /> - <br />