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<br /> � ; ` " 'l�BR rYRfEt.all tis i�pnwMripi��orv o�1�w�lr u�e�d.as lir prop4t�r.�d d1 waw�i�,�plw!1wio�.�d -
<br /> �r �ow ot.Mendbr t prt ot IMs prop�etY. 1111 � � ddidoet�hd! �o b� �overed d!►t!� Je�wiy► .
<br /> 1��wN.All af die foro/aiins i�eefeerad b i�t1�N�aKk�►iaitewaeat�►t�e"trapatX.'. � �
<br /> " ° �Itltt'�VFJt COV'�iAI�TS d�it Borrowa�i�t�wvlMtiy uiwed o[d�e r�We 6ereby coave�ied�nd�s d�e t��ht tap�at aed �. ,
<br /> .aoavey t}�c PrapRty�th�t tde Proparty is w�qi�aed.exoept for a�cwnbranoa of r�ecad.8ac�a�ver xansnts and w�itl '
<br /> alerma�ly t�e titk tu ar�rmp�ey a���u d.ci�.m a�noas��wt�jxt to�►��obr�ao�of�w�d. � �. -
<br /> T1II5 SECURITY INSIRUMBNT oombiaes udfornt oava�nts fot n�tioml usc�od ooe-unifona oova�cus with Waited _
<br /> variat�ons by jad`sdidioa w ca�titute a uaiform eeauity i�uuma�t oovaing neal propercy. � _ ,
<br /> _ UN�M OOVENANTS.Borrgwa aad i.ender Eover�l and s�nee a�foUows: _ .
<br /> l.A�Tse�t a[1Mndp�I ard L�i+e�R�epe�peit s�d Ltte C'i�tes.Eotrower shW gromptlY FiY wha due the ` . ' .
<br /> princFpal of and inta+est oa tbe de6t evidencod by th�Note�d+mY P�Y�a�!late d�uges dae under the Note.
<br /> ' 2.Fud�foc Taicea aal Ju�ur�oa Subja:t to apQlic�abla!aw or oo a wcitoea waivu'1sy l�nd�er, Borrower sh�ll pry w ,
<br /> Irender on the day manthty pqrmetKS�dae under tbe Nate,u�til the ATote Ls pefdYU�fuU.a�m('Fwids')fix:(s)Y�Y�
<br /> mi�whkh mry attain prjortty over tl�s 5eanIty Instiummt Ss;a lien oa�the Pnape�ty;.N)Y�Y�td WY�
<br /> oc�aund�ents on the Pmpaty,if a�ryr:(e)Y�Y�a'ix'�P��Y�.P�s:_t�)Y�Y llood i�urance pcemiums,
<br /> if�ay:(t)Y�Y�8���p��•if any:�ad(#�anY�MY�IF��►Somower to i eocter, ia aamrdwce witb _
<br /> . the p�av�siaas of�$,in liea of tAe paymer►t of raottg�ge iii�iran�e pt�nit�.l7xce items a:t caited"Escmw Iu�.".
<br /> I�der m�sy, �aay t000e;ooqect u�d hold Funds in an amaunt mt to exceedi:'the ma�num arnaant a Iendes far a feckrrUy �
<br /> nelated mortgage foan inay�equin far Bomnwer's escrow aocouat imder.�lie;£dderal Re�l Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amendod fiqm ume w time, !2 U.S.C.Saxion 2601�l se'q.('R�SPA"),unless:uwthec taw th�t applies w the Funds
<br /> � sda a lessec amo�nt.�1"f so,I.et�dec may,At any time, ooUoct add hold�?4%n�c:.in an a�mo�mt mt to excmd the I�sser amount. '
<br /> � ::; : I�der umy��iTie aa�ournt of Fwds due on tl�e hacis af cament d�:�ind"�sonable estimate�of rapa�diwns of futune
<br />;�;�°`� Eac�nw�ems or ot�wise ia acxotdaace with appiicable I�a. , - '. . �. '
<br /> ��``����'' � . .�Fuads si�ll 6e held in�';iastiwtian arhose deposits a�e inwned bp a fed�rat aSencY. insuumentality. or eatity
<br /> ��,�- ,'' {incda���nder,if Icndet is s�;aQ iristitution)or in aoy�akr,Al Home Loan Bank.,Lepcier shall spply the Funds to.PaY�
<br /> `. Escr�w�l6��s.I.ender may not c3g�i�;;3Borrower for hotding and applyiqg tbe Ptt�1s,'��ily analyzing t6e escrow a���►t,or. .
<br /> '.����,�', verifyu►g t#�e E.scrov�.��,untess Llencter pays Bormwer intenst on,the Fu�s an�app,ticabl`e law permits I.ender w�such
<br /> :a cd�e..Howtverf�s m�y roquire Borrowec w pay a ono-time�l�rgc:f6raa��ad�icnt ceal esmte tax t�eporting ser++ioe.. �,-
<br /> °";'use�:,4ry.�l.eoder in a�on:witTs this loan, unless appUcable taw.peuvides`nthe�iy�ise:Unless an agreement is made or � ;�',; ';'
<br /> •,,:.;"�;;,,:;'s�rlic�lr law reqaines:�`���e�aid,Ixnder shall nat be raquired bo pay Borfo'v��er'�y laterest or eamhigs on the Funds. •
<br /> '•;����Bvmov�er and Lendea ia��in�iting,howgver,that interest shati be pa�d�rii(io Futids.I.ender sball give to S�nower, .
<br /> ��;.'•,`.;< :vrithovt ct�arge, an �am��;Jt��ng uf the Funds,showing eredits and�de6�;to:itie Funds and the�mpose for wbicb ex6
<br /> , :' debit to the Funds was ntade.��rinds are pladg6d as additional security for.:alE�'saais secar�od.by tlris Sw�ariry InStrument.
<br /> If the Fwds held by Lendeir ex�ted tht amounts pemtitt0d to be held liy s�ppplicable la�v.Lender shall account to Bomower
<br /> for the exass Funds in accordance with the requirements of appticable law.If the ariaunt of the Furds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is iat sufficient to pay tlie Fscrow Items when due.[.ender asay so natify Sormwer in writing,and,in snch case Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Ler�der the artaunt necessary to make ap the deficiency. Borrower shali make up the deficiency in no more than =
<br /> twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion. �
<br /> Qpon payment in full of all sums secwed by tbis Security Instrument. Lender shall pramptly refund to Borrower any °
<br /> Funds hetd by l.cnder.If,unde�paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or scll the PropeRy.Leoder:prior to the acquisition or s�le _
<br /> of Ihe Property.shall apply any Funda hcld by L.ender at thc timc of acquisition or sale as sf credit agaiact the sums secured by
<br /> this Sceudty lnstrum¢nt. _
<br /> 3.AppliaHon ot Pl�yments.Unless applica6lc taw provides otherwi�e.a!1 payments received by Lende�undcr parasraphs ,.
<br /> 1 and 2 shal!be applied:first.to any prepayment charge's due under the Nate; secand,to amaun�ti payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> thitd,to interest due:fouah,to principal due:arA la.ct.ca any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cl�arges;Lims.Borrower shall pay afl taxes, acccssments,chargcs,tines and impositions attributa6le w thc Property
<br /> which may auain priority over this Socurity lnstrument.and I�uehold payments or graund rents,if any. Borrower s�all pay _
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manrter.Borrower shall pay them on time directty -
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under ihis paragraph. � -.
<br /> lf Borrower makes these payments directly.Bonower sh:itl proroptly fumish to t�.ender receipts evidencing the payments. -
<br /> 8orrower sl�all promptly discharge any lien which ha�priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees in =
<br /> writing to the payment uf the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie eo Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien =
<br /> . by. or defends agoinst enfarcement of the lien in. tegal proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the `
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from thc holder of the lien an agrecmem satisfactory to Lender subordina�ting 1he lien to =
<br /> this Security Instrutttent.If I,endcr determines that any part of the Property is subjcct to a licn which may anain prioriry over
<br /> Wis Secudty instrument.l.ender may give Barrower a noticc identifying the lien.Barrower shall satisfy the licn or take one or ' _
<br /> mot�e of the actions set fotth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. � . -
<br /> ' � Fam 3o2d sl�¢ 2
<br /> � Vqs2orA � -
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