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<br /> �.►�ir�rroFr++wc���iio�r.T�wnr�n.n D►a++�`vu�►a�rwi,«►aw ti►r o�r�er�.�a�r�ar�t..�o��ne r`weMia���e.�o.it�►
<br /> . �h.t�..no�.R ae�.r cn�ras ana i..s as a.owwa�,�s.Nws.■na a�.vc�a aae�.n�c a�.r�►Fu+ur.+►pv.eie�.uc+uw q►Mas TnNe awe. �
<br /> ` 2.wM�►Ntt►oF m�.Truaor�s�.wrwy�sizea ane aos..a*a a�ooa.na teae�.uu�a�a s.cw a it»�r1ov«y w.ae�i oa�a`ana
<br /> �ru n�.�pFM w gant�w a�+r�flrea�rtr:e�s�.�tr;s tce.�a aar oe a�{r�t aea e�:nc.s.xo.pt 1�naw a r.00►a:.ne TroMor ww
<br /> - tMlttMrt ttri d�FKW tl��ia NM fYoprety spain�t atl cta6ras ard se�nan�. - � . . - - . _ � -_ _ .
<br /> �.rAMTdfAtiCEAlDCOI�LIA�CEVYITfi LA�d.Tru�oorahM WePthePro�stYin qoodn�paY andeaid�lan�nd�tyM nQtoaronitwrMapN+nit
<br /> i111p�irnnnf or d�o�tforation af ths Praperty aifA eta�w con!Wf►wHh 1M,�ovi�O^s d arry IeaM H 1Ais TtuK Lbrd i�On a IwMaid.Mo hOMi
<br /> a n.eNh..�a tipen dr Propeny shaR be alarea,ren,ovee a aemc�ed wia�aat u�s priorw►iu.n oon�nt U�eMM!�1�!►:�rnaor auupy v�w� .
<br /> �11 tww,artiw�c�.,r�i;bAions.eownants.e�tlons ana restrictio�s�pfketirg n�s Prov�rry�na nae ea�nle..Ahr a.p.rn�it anyi iet a a dbn�h a
<br /> . uoae rN�roo�K�++�!,etio�or ary�aw.a�anancs.�rar�a+.eareoan4 aardigon a re�trictiort.Trusloc�M ear�Mf+a aqors proM(My�nA in peod
<br /> wodu�w�Mkim.n�«anx��iproyaneirt anth�a Propxtrwhid�may oe�ns�ed orde�or�andwr,�,w�a,s.axeLknsror w�o►¢�rrom�wana�nd.tiNs
<br /> Iumi�Il�d IwlrNar�for anX_areta'8on;i1�er�eof.-.. : : : . ,. • ;
<br /> � =�;_;:-.� . >. . :. - ::,. . _. , ,.. . �
<br /> � I.NMIMAMCE.Trwtar,at�sezpeose.y6�ttfiainlaih�r'�.:qssurorsapprovadbYSESieT,r�'�.it�surancewNt►re�psCttotl�imptov�nMntsandPM�an�1
<br /> � p�ppNyl,ppiNYludrg 1h1 Ptaperty.agakW.Io��Y�&��+!�J.Yarned0.�d atl�er�Sastdt�ds Corered bY st�ndud�xMnd�d eaNrap�Y�aain�nt.
<br /> In�n IrnawN�aw eo a r..�t an.twndred veFeent etaoqe)of ms rnn reptscesi+ens vatue.t�ai�ta inwrana wMr►at weh oa,.r N.z.ras ana in sud+
<br /> an�owN�w M aualon�rilY�rried bU ownas ar�opx+bn d aimilr p�a�cAV�a�s�ene�c�ry,.?�+�'�ior fM P�elian.TruMOr wiM CO��Phf�.
<br /> WChONM�MnMKSa�B�neC�l�rYn!�YlromtimsmtRnsreqw�tfortheptaiectionby irsu�rai�aofthsinl�Nbatlhtfa�eliwOr�.AMirMuann
<br /> ooNC{N III�tM�MNd Owa�.i�ntto this Tn�E Qeys!iAall name Truator and BensBci�?3s i�ureQ.;as tFMi►rap�t'+�i�MM'�Ms nwY+�0��►•and p►OYid�thM .
<br /> MiN�1�1�seMIC�IMfiOnOrnndiN�ationwilt�u�itati�lit�i5daysprialwritlennotiF+�ianlOFtus�saidBsneRctrf►mq►P��fucflNlMir�ln�000tduia �•
<br /> wiM�tl�Pr��d W��D�!B heceo?,��'rvsivs.shat{detirer w Bst�eficiary the omgin�tg�ti'cies of iawrancs and rsn�wals tlNCwf or n�em copi�s M
<br /> �Yeh pOMCiM�f10 rM'ww�b tl�eteof.F;IiWratgfui�iish such insurance bY Ttustoir ar rerwdraLs As�eqWred heraurMiu slNII.at 1As oplioe W B�Ifailry. .
<br /> o0111MNM!`�OMMdt.. , . ,, ' - •
<br /> 6.1A1fd�A�BIT�AIO piltRGiES:Tn�staratuY pay a1 taxe�.assesariteiiLS�:�ti2�er d�9����wi�hoiA Mn�llion.tna aed hpa�iYar
<br /> Mrfbullbl�loth�PropNt�land IsaselwldRaY�1ef�a 9�nd rente.itarry.beTaethesame�me delirpuen�Tnista N�aN OraM�Uy►firni�htob�n�IlcirY
<br /> �Ilnq{�NO1�npunlsduaunAerthispauagraPh,andintheerentTrustorsha(Imakspayme�Sdirectty.Trustaahallprompdyfumist►to8eewfidacy��cNpb ,
<br /> • N�neln�fueh p�ym�nb.Trwta shalt.paY aI1 taxes and acsecu�nu which may be Te�ded.upon Beneficiary's intersat herein a upon thls T�u�t ONd
<br /> wNlw�A rp�rd W�ny�aw that may Oe enacted Imposing payma�t of tha whde a any pa�i ttfereof upon the BeneNciary. ' �
<br /> d,ApqipNAL LIEIM ANO PNOTECTWN OF 9ENEFlCIARY'S SECURfTY.Trustor sha�i make all paymsnts ollnterest and princlpal and paynNnls
<br /> p��11y plhM efMryK.ha�nd expenses am�uacted ta 6e pald to any existing or subseQuent fce�4�oldx or beneNciary.under any exi�t(np or wbMpuM�t
<br /> ,tnorlp�p�a Irwt dNd b��ae the aate they ere dellnquent a in default,and prompUy pay anJ Qschar9e ar►Y anC.al�other�lens,daims a char�s wlNCh
<br /> in�y Nop�rEi�IM Ncnrltyqfanted herein.If Tastor fa�1s to make any such payment os ta�s tb parfarm any of tha covenants and agraemsnts confaiMd
<br /> If�t11if?tusl DNd.Ot tfN NCh�r�fNred to herein.or in eny prior ar subsequent trust tlee4.or if an3t actian or praceedinp is commenced whlch nal�►wMY .
<br /> �M�Cq�fNNCiary'�InpltMt in tM Property,including,bu1 not limited!o,eminent Qoina}i�praceedirtgs.ptacee�n9s�nvniviny a dsCad�nt,notie�of sW
<br /> �y T►ww�.�ane.a a.►.un oy T�,uas.�c�ra�o�e��+.a if Tntsta fails to pay�Tcustor's debts gerteralh►esthey beeonte dus,u,.�,e«,�+G.ry.
<br /> �t�wNklrry'�apMOnandwAlwulnolicetour demanA uponTNStaand wittwut�ng'Esusiocfrans:arryobfigatiot►heretmder.may makswch aPPw��. .
<br /> di�burM wch�unN r+0 t�k�wCB iction as is necessary to prot9ct Benaficfary's inte�esG includ�ing,bvE aoi�'�iRed to.disburaement oi reasonaDts atlarNj/s
<br /> NN,p�yrt1NN.OtMCh�N,tantHt or COmPramisa of a�y encurt�branca.charge ea liefl.entry eipaa the�'tcgeity to fiaka repalts.or deCtaration Of QrfaWt
<br /> Wfat MI�TtW10Nd•In IM�vMt that Trustor shall tail to procure fnsurance or ta pay fa�ces,aissessmsat5.or anyo{her chatges a to mak�any paymanfs
<br /> 1p any�KISINp a wbNqwnf limhotders or existing ar subsequent beneficiaries,6's�etcciaryr may praa�re such i�urance and make euch peym�nt,but
<br /> rhNi nq p�pbiip�Nd ro do a.My amourrts dislwrs��tsy Beneflciary pursuarR to tms Paragraph 8 shaU become additional indebtedness of Tnata sac�xed
<br /> by thN TIUN ONd.Buch�mounts sfiatl ba payabte ttpon nodce from Benefiaiary to Trustor requestirtg payment thereot,and shall bear Interest from th�
<br /> dat�ol di�urs�m�nt A11M rate Payabte from time to iime on outstanding principal unees the Note unfess payment of lnterest at sucb rate woutd be contrary •
<br /> Ip�pplk�bNlaw.fnwhich�ventsuchamountashallbearinteres�atihehighestratepercnissibieunasrappUcablelaw.NothingcontainedinthisParagraph ,
<br /> A NNII t�qW��BM���C�ary to mcur aoy expe�se or take any acli0n hereunder.
<br /> 7.ASSIOMM�MT O►�LNTi.8eneficiary shall havetheright,power and authority during theeontinuance otthis TrustOeed tocollect tha rents,IssuE9
<br /> afld prOht�01 th�Prop�rty end ot any persona�propeRy tocated there0n with or withaut takl�g possession of the property afteCted herebY.and TcustO�
<br /> h�ra�i�b�olutdy�nA uacund�tionally asstgns all such rents.issues and protts to Beneficiary.Beneticiary,however,hereby conseMS to me Tn�sta's
<br /> CaiNCUO�in0►1t�nt�on of euch re.�ts.�ssues and profrts as they accrue and become payabte sa long 8s Trustor is not,at such lime,in defauli with fespeCt
<br /> Ip p�ymwft pl any ipd�btsdnASS secured hereby,or�rt the pertormance o1 any ag�eement pereunder.Upast any such default,Beneticiary may at any time.
<br /> NthN M p�rlon.by�y1n1,q by a recenrer to be appointed by a court,without notice and without regara ta the aQequacy of any securiry}a the indebtednas9
<br /> INqby MCwW,p)int�r upon end take possession of the PropeAy or any pan ther$of,aa4 i:c iuown name sue tor ar othervvise coltectsuch rents,issue�
<br /> .�d aa���,mctuCmpthos�pasl due and unpa�d.and appty ths sa+ne,less costs an0 e$penses of operation and wlract�ohllnctuding reasonabte attorney's
<br /> f�,upOn�ny inMbt�dn�N setured hereby,and m such ordaa as Heneficiary mdy determme:(by peiform gUOh acts a{tepAir o►protection as may Oe
<br /> ��y�q prpp�r lo conserve the vatue ot tfie Propeny:(c)Fease tne same or arty part tt+ereo'tor such renta�.term,and upon sucfi conditions as iW
<br /> JuOpm�nt miy d�clau,o�Ium�nate or ad►ust the terms and wnditiorrs of existing ieases.tlntessTrustor and 8enefiaary thereof agree otherwise in writing,
<br /> �ny pplicatlon M rYnt�,iseuss w prdds to any indebtedness secufetl t+ereby shalt noE extend or postpone the due date,of the installmeM paymenW 89
<br /> prOVidW M lald pl0mi�gay noto or Chenge the emounfof suCti 1rts1a0ments The ent�;ing upon and taking pOSSe55�6ri Qt the Property,the Co1lecNon =
<br /> ol WCh��ntf.�ASUe�nnd ptofito,dnd tho�pphcat�on thereot es 8�o�g3aiC,shall not wa�ve o��ure any detault or npi�ce oF detault hereunder or invalidate
<br /> �ny�e�dpn�pursuant to sueh naUr.� Trustur also assigns to 8ene!ie�ary,as turtAer secunty far ihe peAormance atlhs obligations secured hereby,aU �
<br /> p�p�ld rrnt�and All mbnie9 wh�ch may hdvo Aoon o1 may hereaRer be deposited with Sa�O Trustor by any fess50 of 1}ie Prapetty,tosecura the payment
<br /> 0/M1y�tnlqdimY{Jis.qrupandolduit�nvhope�lormanCOOtanyo}the0�ovisionshereot,Trustoragreestodel�vecsuC?+renisanddepasitstoBeneficiary. _
<br /> OiNwryr at wntt�n not�ce o�f�en�d�c�a�y's e,.oras�uf the nghts granteo nerein,to any lenant occupying sai�premises Shalt be su�CieM to require 9aie
<br /> t�n�nt b p�y anl to lhe Uanoh�iary unhl fu�thFU not�ce
<br /> A.CO/Ip[MNATKiN.11 U1tu lu eny ptut i,t Iho Nroperty shall b8 t�k�n in condemnaf�on proceedings,by righ?olsmmAM domaio or simitar ection,a °
<br /> �hNl b��plp und�r thre�l ut r.onAornn��uon,na�awu►ds,damages ano proceads ar�be�ahy assigned and sha11 be pat0 to Benetie'�ary who shall appty
<br /> wch awHd1,damaqrs anJ puKeads iu Ih�bum secured Dy thls Trasf DeaO.vr(t�r sh2 excess.if any,paid to Trustor.1�Trusior reCeives eny notice or .
<br /> qhN In10�n1Al�an rN�rdmp tteu:h er.hun�nr protBerUnps.Trustor shall grve prompi wriftan Aotiee thereot to Benei,oiary.Sene.'laary shall be entitled,at
<br /> Iapptlpn,�p�pnnNnc�,Ippl�r m ond prusecute in d�orvn name any such 8�trort orprocaedmgsand shall be enGUeQtottteK�any cor!iprOmissa�ettlenMrH
<br /> In COnrMCtbn with�nY�uch ocl�on u►pit�ewlmg9 • ;
<br /> . , ..,.
<br /> � � �,��py��. �lppn taqnusi ol Tiustur,8enelic+ary at Be�tickYry's op:ior►,prlor to�econveyance qF t#e Properiy to Tnrstor,may maks
<br /> fiMw��dv�neM b'fr��tor Si�ch lulure NOv+nre�,witd intqrest therean,shall be secureQ by•thls TrUSS Dee�wfierr evider+oed by promassory notes ataung
<br /> thal NW�1ot��an facund heieUy.pruvided Ihaf nt no time shett thA seCUrad princlpal and fi,:u.9 afvanoes,nOt inCluding S�.i.ti15 8tivanced to proteCf
<br /> th�Ncurity,eac�ed two hu��NroA pure:i�nt 12U�:uj af Ihn ortynal principal amounts secured hereGy.
<br /> 10.I��AlONf NOT�XC1.UiiHl.T�uttee and Eieneficiary,and each otthem,aha��be entittedto enforce paymertt 8n��r'.�rMa.�cB of eny indebtednes�
<br /> pf pplipiNp�1�f�lyr�d hW�by�nA lu exNC�3i W�nyh(f L1nd(wwers un0er th19 Trus!b�9d or unGe►erly Other egteef.".�rf;e�c�,:e�i�r cbnnectiOn herewith
<br /> pr�y I�w/nCw'pr h�qpMir in lar.p,nWw�th�►anQ�np sume a eIl of the such Ind9b'eEness end obllgaUon9 secured fiereby r,.��npw or hereafte►be
<br /> Wh�rwlN NCUyO,whNhN by matyay�,Irur1�ewJ.pleQge.l�en.asslgnment or otherw7sb Neilher the acceptance ol this TrUSf Deed na its entorcemenf .
<br /> whNlNr by Cair1 ullon p punu�ril 101hY pmww ot aal�br ath�r powars herem contalned,sha�l prejuAice a In any manner Sflect trustee's or BeneNciary's
<br /> d�h1 qr1�Yt�uppn or�nlorc�any dhw Mc�uiry naw a h�aaNer hNd by Trustee a Heneficluy,it Oeing agreed that Trostee an0 Beneflciary,end eaeh
<br /> �. • •
<br />