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<br /> � ` ` s.g..:ri.r�ee� �.wra.oe.�e��p.�a id�.tf loeep me ia�n+►moears ao*►au�ms a baa�lM�r aeaea.aa me.
<br /> �l�1j LIi1�0��10��qt�1 hlE��i.�.1Mi�p!1bC/!�!�EIb�O�QCYC�C if��Q��r� � • .
<br /> �{OOdt O[�{OOdjllt.�0?1Yhid!L�CIIdEr tOq4t[t3 iapllfllCG.�IS i�illf�110E Slrll 6C Ofli�ii110d�iD t1k�rt10Y4fs 1�f0�tbE Qd'f014 .
<br /> tl�t LHIdCT lDQ4tlICf.�11G•�lfl�OQ C�[i1lT pfotlidil�1bE i0it1t100E'S�ill bE Cl10QRA b�►,nOflIDN(Ef 3t1bjOC[`t0�.ltldE4�S�plbYi�
<br /> ' which a�lt not be urra�r�atibly vriWheW.,if Boc�wer�s io m�inain�ovetqe Qescn'bed sbove,Laoder m�y.at Leeckr's, .
<br /> . ; optioe.ab�e.raver�e�o pi�oiact Ldider's rig6ts la We Pc�peity in aocotdmee wittt pu�raph T. , .
<br /> � AU inwwnoa poliold�od eenewals st�all be�ooeptabte to I.ender md slnll iaclude a stand�d tnottg�ge'ciause. I�endei
<br /> � sh�U ti�e u�e tijt,c a�ww cha policks ana naew�rs.If rrenaer erquircs.�Bormweti smu pcomptly give w l.a�aer ail ia�apts o�
<br /> - ��iAa[�I OO�IO�S.I!!tLC�YlII[Of IOS4,BOR'OM2t SIIiII�tYG p10111pt f10tlOG tA t�iG Id4l[�OOE�1Q�-I�1dtr.
<br /> t.eodet mry'm�ice�xootuf losa if not mde Pra�ptlY bY 8a�wer. . ' �. ` -
<br /> < Unless Leoder wd Bum�wer other�rise�gree ie.wridng,msu�noe pnceods sh�ll be appiicd to restoiatioa or�ir of the
<br /> P�o�atY d�eyged.if the�+atoration or nepaic js eeoaomically f�iWe and[fider's savrity is mt I�ssened.If tl�e reseor�ion or
<br /> ispair is mt eooiaaua�ty fe�'6k aF t�eade,r's seauiry woald be Iassened.tlse�inw�we p�0000cfs sh�ti be apptiod to tlu sa�s
<br /> ' aecuied by this SawitY lnsariunent,�vhaher or iiot tLen due,witb any rxoess paid to Borrower. If Bo�wer a6ondaas tbe
<br /> Ptupaty.oe does aot aasa�er wit6in 30 days a notice fraa 1.zMer th�t the inwr�nce prrier 6ts oPfa�ed to xuk i cl�im,d�e
<br /> La�des may odlxt t6e in�aanoe pcomeds. Leader may use the piooeals w npair or zrstae the Pnngerty or w pry swas
<br /> seconed by this Socurity I�tunknt,whether or not tlrn dae.71K 30-dsy paiod.will begin wheu Wc notice is giveo. .
<br /> Uelas Lsndet aod Barmqrer atheiwise agroe in writin8.�Y�PPiic�tion of�pcuooeds w privciptl shaU�ot tattad a�
<br /> . postpoue�tl�e due d�te of the monthly patyments nfemed to in p�cagraphc 1 wd 2 or c8ange the�mount of We�yarats. If
<br /> �p�rngnp6�2�tbt Propaty is�oquirod hy I.eader.Bortower s right to any insurance policies and piooeeds res�ltiag from �
<br /> d�m�gew the Proppty prior to d�e aoquisitloo shall pass w Lender to tbe exteoc af ihe sams sec�uad by tltis Security Insaumienc �
<br /> ' immedi�ely P�ior to t6e aoquisition. . �
<br />� � i.Qocr�cy,Pta�es+�ioo.�Mdet�a ml A+ntatias otif�e P�ope+ty:Baaowds I.o�n Appiicstioe;l.tase�OWs-
<br /> � •Bairawa a�l!oocupy.est�blish.and ase We Prupecty�Bamower's principal issideace within sixty days after t6e exavtion of. ,
<br /> � ttris Savtit3►Ir�st�umrnl acd slWl oonanue t�oa�pSr the pcopecty as Bormwer's principal iesideaee for at teact one yeu aftec .
<br /> the dau of oxupatKy,nnless I,ender othe�wise agexs In writing.which oonsent sisall not 6e unr�asooably with6eld.or udess
<br /> extemating cic�c�ano�exist which are beyord Bomowa's control. Bomowec shall mc�r, d�ma8e or i�pair ttie
<br /> � Ropeity.allow the Pt�nperty to deteriorate.or ooramit wtste oa the Pe+nperty. Borrower sh�U be in def�utt if atry forfeimie
<br /> action or pnoceriling.whether civil or cciminal,is begun that In Lender's goad faith jodgment co�ld nsult in forfeiture of ttu
<br /> Pnopezty or dberwise materialty.impair the lien ctrated 6�r tbis Secnrity tnmument or I.ender's savrity inte�est.Borrowu m�►y � -
<br /> � cvre aub a defaWt and reinttat�,as pnovided in pangraph 18.by causing the action or proceeding ta be disnai�ssed with a ruliag
<br /> that. ia Lender's good.faitt►determination. precludes forfeitu�of the Borcower's imenst in the Propecty�or other a�aterial
<br /> impairmeat of the lien created by this Sauriry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bomnwer shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrovver.during ttie toan application p�c�s.gave materially false or inaccurate infonnation or statane�►ts to Lender(or fa�ed ,
<br /> to pmvide L.es�der with any material infomrrtion)in connection with•the loan evidencod by tlie Note.inciuding,but not limitod
<br /> to.nePresentatioas ooncer,ning Horrower's accupacx.q af the Property a�a principal rasideace.If this Sewrity tnshumau is on a , .;.,.., R
<br /> � . _ ltasehold. Borrower shall comp�yr wit� all the pmvisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fce titte to the Propesty,t�e � � _
<br /> le�sehold and the fa title shall not merge unless L.eader agrees to the merger in writing. _
<br /> 7.ProtecNon ot Lender's Rlg6ts la tUe Praperty.If Borrower fails to perform the w��enants and agreements oontainad� '-
<br /> this Security tnstrument. or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affeet Lender's rights in the Property.(such as a *
<br /> ,ptnceed'mg in banlcruptcy,pro6ate. for condemnation or fo�feiture or to enfome taws or regulations),then Lender may do and _
<br /> pay for whatever is neoessary to protect the value of the Praperty and l.ender s righu in the Prooperty. LeMer's actioas may =
<br /> include pa�e�g any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Sewrity Insaument, appearing in court, �i�r. s
<br /> rqsonable attom�eys'fces and entering on the Property to make c�pa;ss.Although l.ender may take action under this para� _
<br /> 7,Lender dces noc have w do so. . .,
<br /> Any amounts dis�a�.�sed by Lender under this pasagraph 7 shali fietvz�z a�ditional debt of Borrower seanred by�t.".TS � ' °
<br /> , Secunry Instrument. Unless Bo�wer and Lender ags�e to osher t�:ns of pay�rv.:t.these amounts shall 6ear interest fra�t��. ,�`
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note r�i�,nd shall be paya6le. a�'��interest, upon natice frarn Lender ta Borrower rec�nas6�g � _
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Mortgage lasarance.If Lender required martgage insurance ac a condition of making the loan wcured iry this,Sowrity _
<br /> Iastnunnt, Borrower shall pay the premiums roquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason,the -
<br /> mortgage inwrance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shaii pay the premiums required to =_
<br /> obtain ooverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurar�a�'previousiy in effect,at a mst substantially eguivalent to tl�e -
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insgsance prevtous{y in effec�.from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. if _
<br /> substantialfy equivalent mottgage insurance roverage is nat avaitable.Borrower shall pay to Lcnder eacb month a sum equal to =
<br /> one-tweifth of tlre yearly martgage insurance pre�in:.-n being paid by Borrower+xhen the insurance coverag�4�sed or cea�ed to
<br /> be in effxt.Lender will aooept,use and retain t:���:payments as a lass reserve in lieu of mortgage irtsa:r��,rhx. Loss ceserve . _
<br /> • � ` �w�n 3� �.'90 =
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