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_ � . � . .. :'C _ <br />.. — IYI�+e" . . . __ -__ . —.-- . <br />. ` .._ .. � a. ' � • � , • . . .�' �� ���''s. . .. . .. , ` t �. <br /> . 'j�W��1�E III�ID�IIOM 8f�ftV1E[CYEC10d 0011fC p1i0�Etlx,�!�E�.�• <br /> ` ` '�nd T�a�Qw a Aae�tlet a p�tt of d�e popat9. .All np4ca�ts a�ad�tio�ahyi also 6e odvea0 hy q�is Saar�tY ` , <br /> Im�rnm�ar: All d tbe faretainj is,refa�ed to ia ttis Securiry L�auimsa�t as.ti�t"PmpertSt-" ' ' .. �� . <br /> . .. . BORROi1VFR OOVBN.+INTS t6�t Bairovres i:lawfully xised of the.cstale 1�e�eby cmveyed aod h�s the riEIM to giiat . <br /> � ` aad comrry t6eYtripety�nN tiut dK PropMY is meacanbend,exapt for encumbr�noes af n+cond. Barmwet w�crants and _ �- <br /> • w�il detend�Y�.titk to the Pioperty ag�i�t aIl ctaimi aod dem�ods.subject to any en�utabraaoes of record. <br /> ' THfSt SEGf}Ri'�'Y IN57RUME�iI'combit�es w�ifarm caven�ts�for nat'woat use and noa-unifam wvea�uks with <br /> �� `. 1ine�te�vuiatioi�by j�►to cautitu�c a aaifacro sacur+ty#ostnmseot tuvesing raa!�opertY- - , - <br /> • UNIPORM C�OVFd�IAi�1'S. Bacmwer aod I.ender cavrnant and sgtae as fdlowa: : - . . <br /> 1. P�i�t at Fridpd aMl LEerr�t;P�1�a�d l.a�t C�r�a. BoaoWver�haii P�F�Y PtiY wf�en due the <br /> ' �Zqf aod intaest oa the de6t evdeocal l�►the Note aM�nY P�'�PaY������es due�mder t�Note. <br /> l�ir tar'Ituces aMt Le�a�oG Su6ject to appliAbk taw acto a v�rittea waivaby La�der.Ba��awa a1WU p�y w . <br /> Lq�de'r.oa ibe dsy ntoothiY PsY�►ts us due�der the Note.wftil thc Notc is p�id in fu1E.s sum("F+uids")fcr.(s)yar1Y <br /> � taxes aM assasma�s which may attain priaritY over tl�is Sxuriry Lr►suwnent as a liea on tde Ptoperty:(b)ye�iY la�sd�old <br /> payme�r�s at�ouiod rents on d�e Ptvpaty, if at►y: (c) Y�Y�a P�P�RY insurance p�emiums: (d)ynr1Y flood <br /> � i�ranoe�r�iaa�.�f anY•(t)Y�7�8�8�.��P��•if any;and tfl anY�WY�bY B�wet to <br /> ,Leader,ia acoord�noe with tl�e pc+ovisioos of pu�graph 8,in lieu of tbe pnyment of mongage inwrana premiwas. 71�ese <br /> • iFems m cailed"Esttnvv Iteros." I.ender�p9t14 u any nmc,coUcet and hoid�nds in an aio�ount not w ezce.ed the maximum <br /> amoont a�knder fa a fedenlly relaud matgage Imn may zoquire fat Bamnwer's escruw accuunt under tLe fedent Rr,al . <br /> Espte Satlement Ptncodures Act of 1974 as amendod fran time to time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),uNess anothet <br /> )sai d�t spplies to t6e Plmds sets a lesser amount If sa L,ender msy,at aay t�.colloct and hold l�nds in an a�uo�wt nut to <br /> excad the ksser smo�t. Lmder msy estia�ate t6G u►wuAt of Plu�ds due on tBe basis of cumnt data aod ttasa�aikle '� <br /> eu�sof expRx�ii�es of PoNte Esemw Itetns or otberwise ia accocdanee with applicabk Iaw...•. . <br /> 'I]�e I`vnds siuill 6e hetd in an iasa�ion wLose deposits ace insated by a federal agec�c}�R�tisavmentatity,or eatity , <br /> . (includiag Lender.if l.endtr is sach an ic�etstion)or in any Fedetal Hane Lo�n Banic, Lsnder.��ly the Funds w pay <br /> � tLe Fsctnw Items. Lende�inay not chaz�'Bo�mwet far hoid'mg and applying the�,�uaily analyzing the escrovv� <br /> acxouat,or verifying the.l�sciaw.Items,.unkss l,ender pays SoROwer iatenst am tiP�ads and applicabpe Uaw �emuu <br /> I,eodet to make sach a c�, However,I.ender may requiie Boirowet to pay a tuia�iune ch�rge fa an ia�ent teal <br /> • estate tax iepc�se,�:a�ed by I.endet in cunt�ectiaai wiW tWs loan.ualess aPPaicai�Te Iaa provides otheFar.�. iTntess an . . _ <br /> agnoenxnt ig��or a�*3�1e law requires intcrest to be patd,Lender sfiali aot be iequued to pay Bamwer a:.��tecesCa�. ::�;- <br /> eamiags on i��uiYds. &.+�t�wer and Lender zuay agree in wnung,hawever,that interest shall be paid on the Fic�.'Lead�:'. :: <br /> . shall g'ive to Boirower,wit�raat cflarge.arr annw�l accounung of the Iiu�ds,showing cr+edits and debits to the Fu�d�and t1`�,•;;�;� <br /> � �xupose for whic6 each de6�to thc Fimds was made. The Funds are pledged as addi6c�na1 security for sU swas;.��ued by ` , <br /> tltis Sccurity�nswrnen� � <br /> if du F�ds held by Lender esceed the amaunu penmtted to be held by applicable law. Lender shalt account to <br /> . Host�nwer for the excess�unds in accocdance with the requiremenu of applicable iaw. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> . 1„eader at any tune is aot sufficient to pay the Escmw Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in <br /> such rase Barower shall�y to I.ender the amount t�ecessary to maice up the defieiency. Borr�wer shall make up tl�e <br /> ' deficiency in no more thazur�e?ve monthlY Pal'�..ender's sote discretion. •�� <br /> Upon payment ip€���all sums secuied by thzs Securiry Imtrumen�Lecxk�:s'na11 prompdy refund to B�uwer�any <br /> FLnds hetd by Lender. t��i�der paragraph 21.Lender shali acquire ar sell the Prop"erty.Lender.prior to the s�uisitfion or, <br /> sale of the Pt�nperty.shall�appty any Funds heid by Lender at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums . <br /> secured by this 5ecurity InstrumenG <br /> 3. Application of Paymeots. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. aU payments receiveA by l.ender under <br /> paragraphs 1 aad 2 shall be a�ptied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note; amounu payable ander <br /> paragraph 2;third,to intecese dne;fourth.�to principal due:and last,to any late charges dua ander the Note. <br /> 4. Cbae�es; Lieas. Borrower shall pay all taaes.assessments,charges. fines and impositions ataibutable to the <br /> Propeny which may attain priority over ehis Secwity/nst�umen�and leasehold paymenu or ground rents.if any. Bortower <br /> shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragaph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them an <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pald under <br /> this paragraph. If Bortower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptty fnrnish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> the paymenu. <br /> Bvrrower shall promptly dischazge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borroe��a7 agrees <br /> in writing to the payment of the obliganon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contesu in gav��n r.�e <br /> lien by,or deEes�ds against enforcement of the lien proceedings which in the Lender�opinion opetate to pre��tt� <br /> enforcemece cr,°�r:�iea:oa(c}secures frorn thc holder of the lien an agreement sati�factory to bender subordinating tlie tie,� <br /> 'to this Secur.�L�a�r.J. If Lender determines that any part of the Property i.s s�sbject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> .over this 5ecc�itg tnstrt.�:n:n�,Lender may give Boirowcr a notice identitying the R{�p: Bartower shall satisiy th��ien or take <br /> ' one or mos�e��he actians set farth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ' <br /> S. Razard or Propeety Iacuraaca Borrowcr shall keep the improvemenu now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Ptoperty insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the tertn"extended coverage"and s+ny othet hazards.including <br /> ' floods ot flaoding,for w�ieh Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maint�ined in the amounts and for the <br /> � ' • ' Far�3� !!f� (paRt 2 nJb pagtal <br />