` . .. .. ' .. . . . _ _.. _ .. ��" .���� ` � ..�..
<br />, ^ . Yf.TiaMt�!e d tlie w�a.1e�i�ieY I�MEraE��+ro�+�wr.It al!a qp�t of d�e Pt�cpatg or any�in it _. . -
<br /> `is�oW ar or�ader�rd Car i�r�i�a�t ie Bono�er it aoid or teaa,sffaied�udu�Borru�ra is not a a�Wnl peesoa�w�ithort,`
<br /> tmodas's prior w►rittea c�ent:Ireader mq►: st its cpi�ia:raN��P!Y�ie PoU o[aU wtds �ecue�ed iry t6�a .
<br /> . Sep�tity Iwtn�at.,How�era,this a�tioe�1!not bt exe�ised bY irader if exaqae tt ptd�bited b�ria�tat faw as of tLe d�te :
<br /> of tbis Sef�vrity�teument. • ' - - ` . � ' .
<br />` - If Ixnder ezencises Fb3s pption.i.er�det s6�U give Horm�rer aotioa of aooekntioe.'t7�e notioe sbdip�v�e a peaiad oE not�
<br /> - - tacs�than 3t1 d�ys ft+um"tht dite the notice is deliva�ed ur m�ikd witfiin which�Botroiver must pay ld!�secnt+cd by'this
<br /> • Security Irauumeat.If Bomow�er fWs to pay tt�ae sur��riOr to tbe eapirntIon ot Ihi�period.Leoder my ievdce any mo�edia
<br /> : permit�d�y tMs Secutity It�sttumaet withoat furtlier�notwt at damnd on 8orrower. .
<br /> �l..�nNer's � t� Rs�_If Horrowa meets a�tain ooedi�ions. Hotrovver ah�ti bave. the rigdt to lave
<br /> enfa�txmrnt of this Se�vdty I+ost�u�eot di�ted.at any tinte prior to the earlier of:(a)S drys(akt sud►dher.periocl as
<br /> < ��ppiiesbie Lw m�y specify�for�3 befone de�of the Pw'pe�tY P���Y P��of sale.oaKained in ihis '
<br /> � . Sa�rity[amumeat;oc(b)eaqY of s jttdBneat eaforciag tLis Security InsuummE.'i7wse oorditioos ate d�t 8ormwer:ta)prys
<br /> t��er alt sunx which d�w waWd be dae ander this Se�vzity Is�numeat and the Nate ar if no 9cakr�tion h�d nccucred;(b)
<br /> . cu�es aay defsolt uf my aher oovea�uus or agr�eanars; (e3 P,rys aIt expa�sas ina�med in enfo�ing d�is Secar�y Icc�wmdx,
<br /> incl�6ut not limi�ad to.crawuiblo aaaraeys'fas•aad.dd)takes sach action as LeMer�y raisombly requi�t to sssura
<br /> tbat the iien of this Saxirity ia�nweat,La�der's rights in tLe Prope�ty and Borrower's oblig�tion w pay tba s�socdred by
<br /> .this Sa�rtiity Jnshutnent sbaU ooarinne nnc6anged. 1Tpon nit�stattment b!► Borcm�►er, this Saauiry Tacaum�t �ud the
<br /> . ob�pa�,savred heieby sl�all remain fulty effe�xive as if,��eLeratior�6a�aoaura�.Hawe�er,this right to reinstate sdall
<br /> rx���t�tLecaseofacceterationand�erparagraph}?.•. ' ::::. : �• ;.., . � . . � .
<br /> ' �:�.';$�ot Niot� Cb�e of��n Sn�viQr."'ET�I�F�.�a:��i�i�cBe��,�og�':�vith ttiis S�uy
<br /> ��Y`De saI�Eva�C pr a�ore mues v�idx�,gtiai i►�ti+�Ga��ea'-A ste mag ces�nHq a�'a chsag�ffithe eotit�r{➢�vm�fi
<br /> ;�s� '•�.'+�5trvicr�"�:t�it wUects monthlY P�Y�dae un�es�e.Nnte�,�S�ecurity Iactivmern.'�hene also may be one .
<br /> �.r�:�x.,�,��'�i8e&.af��df:�!Serviar an�el�[ed t�a sale of tHe h`o3e:.IEtI�eie"i��;�c�anga of the I.oau 5ervioer,Bomnwer wiU be .
<br /> ,:s`:�,���:a�otice d��change in aocuc�anoe w.i�i'�s�I4-a'kane aud appl�csble Iaw.The�atiCe v�n"11 state the uame and
<br /> addrt�s����new L�o�a"n.Servieec add.�address"ea vrlsich ps�m�;s shautd be made. The notice wiU also oomain any ather :
<br /> info {�/��� {ryry�licable cJ:::.� .;.,.•.�:-;;�!':�:- -;. ;��.:;::-� �,. . - ... .:,;...
<br /> , ����1�—Y:a3'I' � �. . . .. `''I'f c.
<br /> �. .. . 2t�;Swfi�tanaear�"oaawer.sl�t'��cause or permit tbe p�.�se.disposal,stora8e•or ietease.of a�; `',;•,;�:=:T�
<br /> � Ha�udws Sabstanaes an or in the Proj�etty>;�cr shall not do. noc at,�i�c anyone else to do. arg##iing affc,�ing"tite ,;;,,;�':::
<br /> Ptoperty that i§in violation of any Environtt�eatai.Yaw.The preceding tWo�shall not aPPIY.�,t1��sence.us�;.or ' �.;,:i;;;;
<br /> sWrage on the Praperty of small quantities of Haiamdous Substanoes Wat are geanerally recognized to bt�appk�oP�iate to Qo?ma1 .;,:.;;;:
<br /> aside�npal uses and to maintenance of the Property. -- �, ,����=. ..;�. .,: ..:.::,, .�' .
<br /> Borrower sl�all pramptly give Lender writte�notice of any imrestigation,claim,�im�;'�awsptt��`at,�er aetiqi��r�"any
<br /> govemmental or regutatory ageney or private pacty involving the Proyerty and any H�cc�.�ibsranee��.�vironn�t��I.aw ;;,;,:
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Bormwer leam�.or is nodfied by any;gbver�q.,��tal br reg�tory authoriry,that • �:;�.::��
<br /> azry remoVal or other remediatinn of any Ha7ardous Substance affecting the PropeAy�is�po�.s�'y.Borrower shall pmrriptf'y take ,' `' _•
<br /> all neassary remedial actions in ac�otdance with Bnvironmental Law. _ -,�:cr'�� . • . ... . ::,,:.'::; '
<br /> , ,...,,
<br /> As usod in this pacngraph 20. "Hazardous Substances"are those substances d�ped.�s,toxic ar hazardous s,pbstatf�s�by,�;;,';;,,,,:;�
<br /> Envu+nnn�ental Law and the foUowing substances: gasoline, kerosene:other flamifi�bte o�toxic petroleum produc�,�.ECtaic;:�:'?`•::�-..
<br /> pesriddes and herbicides,volatite solvents,materials wmaining asbestos or fam�aldetiyde.and radioactive materials.As used�itl,•.,',•��';;' �:
<br /> this paragraph 20,"Environmental law" rt�eans federdl [aws and laws of the jurisdiction where the PropeRy is located that ..:�°'�::�,�
<br /> selate to heafth.safety or enviranmental protection. ;
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.AaYieration;Raaedks.l.c�der shall give notke to Borrower prtor to acceleratiou iollowlag Borrowa's be+each
<br /> of any ooveiwnt ar agreement in this Secarity Instt�trnent (but nat prior to zcceleration under p�ragrap6 17 unlcss �
<br /> applkabie law provtdes othenrtce).The nottce sha1L specify: (a)tde default;N)the action reguired to cure the detault; =_
<br /> (c)a date,nat lesc than 30 days irom the date the aotice is gi�en to Borrow�er,6y whicl�the delaalt most be cured;and —
<br /> (d)that failure to cure the detanit on or before the date speciRed in the notke may rewlt In aooderxtion of tbe sums =
<br /> secnt+ed by tfiis Security lnstrum�tt snd sale at thr P�vperty.The notice shal! furlher inform Borrox•er ot t4�dght to -
<br /> reiast�te afta aocekration and the right to 6rin�;p court�clion to a.ssert the non�existma of a default or any at6er -=
<br /> defrnse ot Barrow�er to s�celeration and sale.It the defaalt is not cured on or 6etort'the date spedfied in ibe eotice, -
<br /> l.eader.at its opbn,may requin immediate p�yment in faii ot all sums secured by this Securit� In�teueient without -_
<br /> lartl�er demana and may in�oke tLe power of safe aad any other remedics pcm�iried by applica6le faw.l,ender sl�sl!be "__�-
<br /> entiUed to cdkct all expemes lncurred in puisuing thc remedles provided in t61s par�grnph Zl,inclading,but not Iimited � =
<br /> •'to,reasona6te attorneys'lees and cosis oi title evidence. _
<br /> If ti�e power of sale is invoked,Tru.�tee siu�il record a notice ot defautt in each county in whkh any patt of tbe -
<br /> . Propertr is Iocated and sAall mail mpies af such notice in ihe manner prescdbed 6y appUcable law to Bon+ov�er�to . _
<br /> � t6e other persons prescrtbed by appikable law.ARer the time req�r7red by applkabie taw•.Trustee shaU give pu61k�vtk� _
<br /> ''� ot sale to t6e persons and in the msm�er pracri6ed 6y applicab[e law.Trustce, a itlaut demand on Borro�rer,sl�aR sell =
<br /> � the Ptoperty at poDfic auctlon to ti�e higi�est 6idder 9t the time and place and under the tenns desig,nated[n the uutke ot. �
<br /> ••'�sale in one or more panceis and in any order Tructee determines.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or ady ponel ot t6e -
<br /> blk announc�nen�at the time a�d ot an �wusty �scheduled sale. Lender or its ma `=
<br /> � .Propertv,bY P� [�lace S' Pre� � Y -
<br /> , purrl�a�`C8e PropertY p/any s�. -
<br /> . �
<br /> • ' Fam 3o2a s180 `,
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